• Published 2nd Sep 2023
  • 1,168 Views, 59 Comments

Spider Dragon: Origins - Dragonfan101

Spike gets bitten by a strange spider, after a while he gets strange powers and with them he secretly becomes a hero and uses his uses great power for great responsibility

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Interlude: Earth (Equestria) 10102010

Canterlot was in a really wild place right now. Countless ponies were terrified of the earthquake that had just recently happened, multiple ponies had put tapes across the glitched houses and trees warning others not to go there.
Twilight and her friends had just arrived and looked around with worry.

"Man that earthquake really did a number on this place..." Applejack said scarred as she looked around
"I wonder if the same thing happened in the other kingdoms" Rainbow dash thought which the others nodded in agreement.
" I don't think that was just an earthquake girls i think it was something much worse.." Twilight said with worry as she and the others continued for the castle.

They had reached the castle gates where Celestia and Luna were waiting.

"Twilight! I'm so happy you made it!" Celestia said with relief
"We came as soon as we got the letter" Twilight reported and the others bowed in respect.

Luna then looked at the group and realized that someone was missing.
"Where's spike? Shouldn't he be here too?" She asked worried
"I asked him to stay and help the other villagers back at ponyville, i just wanted him to keep everyone safe" She said a little sad that she couldn't bring him.
Celestia and Luna sadly nodded in understanding.
"He should have come either way, i still wondered how he looks now that he's grown from the letter you told me, but i can pass by that" Celestia told her still a little disappointed

"I'm sure he'll be fine, he can handle himself right?" Rarity asked nervously but rainbow dash, A J, and twilight looked at each other worried.
"I don't know, he seemed a little stressed out about the whole growth spurt thing maybe something else to, he was about to tell me something before the earthquake happened" Twilight said worried.
"We'll have to talk about that later, but i think it's best you all come with us" Celestia said as she gestures the group to follow them.

They all walk down the town and see multiple other things that have still glitched out and the others looked at them sadly
"What or who could've caused this?" Rainbow dash asks scared
"We may have found a solution to find out what it was" Luna told them and they're eyes widen.
"Who was it then?" Rarity asked concerned
"We need twilight's help with her magic to find that out" Celestia explained.

They then arrived in the center of a town where a large tree that had glitched out is seen.
"What do you need my help with?" Twilight asked
"We need you to help provide enough magic to track the source, we may just find out what caused it" Luna explained
"Twilight we need you to focus your magic with us on this tree, we may be able to use a spell strong enough to see what happened, it's important all of you should be present " Celestia told them and they all nodded in understanding.

Everypony in town had gathered around to see what had happened as they wanted to know as well, Twilight Celestia and Luna began to focus their magic as the tree began to glitch again, it then started to create a cloud around the village and they all tried to keep focus
"we've almost got it come on!" Celestia said as she almost had it done, they had enough magic and the spell worked they could see a clear image in front of them and they could see something.
"Alright lets see what's going on" Twilight said as everypony had came to watch, the image then focused and they all gasped as they saw someone familiar

"Spike?!" They all shouted shocked, they tried to call to him but he didn't hear them.
"Why can't he hear us?" Twilight asked
"It's a vision spell, we are only seeing what he can apparently, he might have the answer we need" Luna said and they continue to watch.
"Sidelined again" Spike said sadly as they saw him walk back to the tree
"He still must be sad about us having to leave him behind again" Twilight said sadly.
"so that's what he looks like now he's grown a little" Celestia said curiously, they then hear spike speak again.

"And that's how it started, left behind again to take care of another adventure while i stay at home, i thought i would be able to help now that i've grown, but she still treats me like a kid, i know its just to keep me safe, but i still wish i could've come, but i guess i deserve it after i didn't tell her about what happened the yesterday" The main 6 all raise their eyebrows wondering what that meant
"Does he have a secret he's not telling us?" Celestia asked, fortunately the image then changed to what happened as they see spike laying down a tree looking up at the sky.
"Is this how i'm gonna be, sidelined over and over while they all go on adventures, I was told to go to sleep while they all saved Equestria, What if more and more attacks happen and I won't be strong enough to help them? Will i just be on the sidelines forever?" The memory of spike said and they all looked down sadly as they knew he was right.

"He did only want to help, but we pushed him away, it was for his safety, but we never thought about what he felt" Twilight said sadly and they all tried to comfort her, but their eyes widen as they see something
"Is that... a spider?" Rainbow dash asked worried, Spike had his eyes closed as it crawled on his hand Spike and everyone gasped as they saw it had bitten him, Spike then proceeded to pass out and they all look in horror, but it soon turns to confusion as they see a portal appear where the spider was and it disappeared.

"Where'd it go?" Rarity asked, the others merely shook their heads not knowing.
"So it wasn't just a growth spurt after all." Twilight said shocked.

"I thought it was a regular spider, but i was wrong" They here spike's voice once again and we see him after he left the farm
"This must be where he went after the farm" Applejack suggested, they all look on with fascination and horror as they saw Spike having incredible strength then normal, and look even more shocked when he shot a spider web out of his hand, and that hand PHASED through a tree! we then cut to earlier as they saw him struggling to get his hand off the bathroom sink and he got stuck to the wall.
"Oh come on!" Spike shouts and they all feel a little bad for him.
"It must have given him powers" Luna said as they continue to watch.

"I had to clean up the house for almost the rest of the day as it was a mess after the earthquake" Spike says as they watch him clean up the place
"At least he knows how to handle the place on his own even when stressed" Twilight said with a little smile.
"After that i decided to test them out and make a list and see what else i have, i had a few extra things, night vision, infrared, and invisibility" Spike's voice says and they all watch in amazement as they see him test out each power.
"he's like a power pony!" Rainbow dash says with a smile.
"I got the hang of the basics it was amazing, it felt like i was a real power pony!" They hear him say and rainbow dash chuckles as she just said that.
"I was deciding on what kind of costume i should make if i was gonna be a hero i needed a suit, but before i went to bed that night, something weird happened" They hear him say and their eyes widen at that.

"And i know that means kind of stupid to say because EVERYTHINGS weird her in Equestria but this was REALLY weird" He finishes as they see Spike about to go to sleep but gasp in horror as a portal opens in the room.
" GET OUT OF THERE SPIKE!!" They all shout horrified, they all look confused as they see multiple people in masks but gasp as they see him get sucked in the portal
" OH CRAAAP!" Spike shouts as he grabs a large coat and gets sucked in leaving everything to become a mess... again...
"SPIKE!!!" Everyone shouts horrified

"What happened to him?!" Twilight asks horrified
"I have a feeling we're about to find out" Celestia said as they watched.
They see spike falling through a dimensional space and freak out when they see his body glitch out
"WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!" Spike shouts as they see him go into another portal, they all then see a large building explode in a huge city with multiple lights being seen flying away.
"What is that place?" Luna asked amazed
"I don't know i've never seen anything like it" Celestia looks on with worry, they all see spike hit a strange pole and goes around it fast enough for the sun and moon to spin backwards 7 times and he finally lands on a rooftop.

"I was blown an entire week into the past based on the amount of times the sun and moon went backwards, but i was somewhere else" They hear him say and they all watch in horror as they realize he's NOT in Equestria,
"I was not in Equestria anymore that's for sure, you wanna know what happens next?" They then what looks like a comic book land on the screen with the title" Spider Dragon" with a mystery figure on it, which confused them about that name
"Spider Dragon?" They all asked confused.
"Yeah me too!" They hear spike finish his narration and they see him looking around in shock.

"Is spike like a comic book hero or something?" Rainbow dash asked
"We're in for an interesting story that's for sure" Celestia said curiously as they all watched

They then see what happened the next few days, they gasped in horror when they saw his body glitch from time to time, they see spike steal what was called a " Music Player" That had 5000 songs on it apparently , even though they hated it when someone stole something, that was a reasonable reason as they had nothing like that here.
"It's amazing on what that world has" Twilight said amazed
"Lucky" Everyone said a little jealous
They see spike on a rooftop at night looking sad as he looks through the music player.

he then selects a song called "Creep" by Radiohead and they all listen to it,

Spike then cry's as he listens to the lyrics as they perfectly described his situation im how he felt, and they all felt really bad for him as they knew it perfectly fitted the situation.

They see him watch miles and his uncle talk about his dad and they all feel a little sad knowing he must be having trouble with him
"That's something we can all have" Fluttershy said sadly and they all agreed and watched, they see the scene where miles gets his hand stuck in Gwen's hair and cringe as they see the aftermath
"Nice to meet you?" Miles asks
"Sure... total pleasure" Gwen says obviously mad
"We'd all be that mad if that happened to our hair" Rarity said with a huff.

They see Spike follow miles through the school hallway and see someone go in front of miles.

"Hey! I know you snuck out last night morales" The man says mad
"Act natural dude!" They see spike say quietly and nod in agreement
"Play dumb" They see a comic panel with the words on it
"Who's morales?" He asks and spike slaps his face in embarrassment
"not that dumb!" They see more panels pop up and laugh heavily as they see that.
"That's actually funny" Rainbow dash says laughing.

They see miles run into a room and he looks around the office
"He'll never find you here" They all then notice the panel and groan in realization
"No..." He says disappointed making them laugh even more.
They see miles try to escape but his hand gets stuck everywhere, they then look confused as they hear the weirdest music they've ever heard.

"What kind of weird music does this world have?" They hear spike ask and they all laugh as they thought that as well

We cut to him meeting miles and they look at the spider and their eyes widen as they remember that spider was the one who bit him.
"So you were bitten by this same spider?" They see miles ask
"Apparently, but the real question was how it got here" Spike says as he looks at it as well

They all watch them trying to escape the battle with Green Goblin and they watch in horror and awe as they saw the comic book like affects in battle
"This looks like it would be an awesome movie" Rainbow dash says and they all nod in agreement,

we then get to the part where the collider activates and they all widen as they finally got they're answer about the earthquake.
"So it was this" Kingpin" Who caused this mess!" Luna said as she was furious.
"Let's hope he gets what's coming to him, if not we... will... give... him... it!!" Celestia said furious the others really mad as well.

They all see Spike and Miles try to get Spider Man out of the area but gasp in horror as the bad guys see them
"Kill those guys" Kingpin orders and they're eyes widen in horror, they then see the Prowler chase them, getting chills as they hear his chilling theme song play.
They watch as Spike and Miles barely escape but are still nervous as they see the Prowler chase after them with his theme song playing as he gets his motorcycle in a comic book panel like style.
They sigh in relief as they see that they were out of his sight.
"Yeah i think it's a Banksy" A person says and they laugh as a few pony's said the same thing back here.

They see Spike Miles and Peter talk for a bit and they all cut to see Spike and Peter at his aunt's place, and watch as they enter Peters lab and sees peters multiple suits
"He's a great designer" Rarity says with a smile.

"Take your pick" He tells Spike and they all gasp in excitement.
"Your letting me have one of these?" Spike asks amazed
"I said i would repay my debt, and that means giving you a suit and showing you the ropes" Peter says with a smile and they all know he's someone to trust.
They see spike pick a specific suit that is gold, red, and black.
"Ah the Nano Armor! that's one of my best works, great choice!" Peter says with a smile.
"Nano armor?" Twilight asks amazed
"You sure i can take this" Spike asks amazed and peter nods with a smile
"My very own Super Suit!" Spike says excitedly, and they all look amazed at this.

"He really is gonna become a super hero!" Rainbow dash says excitedly the others amazed as well.
"And he remembers my words with great power comes great responsibility, and we've seen him be responsible outside of stealing that music player..., aside from that i think he'll make a great one." Twilight says with a smile
"I think he'll be a great help for when he gets home to help stop future invasions" Celestia said with a smile
"You sure though, he still is very young" Luna asks concerned for his safety with twilight nodding as she realized and was worried as well.
"He may be young, but he will gain more experience with each passing day, i'm positive he'll be able to handle things with us" Celestia says assuring them.

They all see the vision and see miles in the park alone wearing a costume he bought at a store.
"How am i gonna live up to being Spider man, i don't want this, but i don't have a choice..." Miles says sadly and they all nod sadly agreeing as they know he may not be ready for this, they then see someone walk up behind him and their eyes widen in shock
"I wish someone could help me with this" Miles says with his eyes closed, the stranger then comes up behind him
"Hey kid..." They see the man say, but miles freaks out and shocks his entire nerve system making they all "Oooh" In pain as they saw that"
"That's gotta hurt" Luna says feeling bad for him and they all nod.
They're eyes realize as they realize he looks like that worlds peter parker as he has a spider suit on!
They see miles senses go off and they realizes he may be the same as him
"Who are you?" Miles asks with them wondering the same thing.

We see the screen zoom out to a comic book page and they realize they're about to get their answer.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hoped you like this little interlude! I know some people might be against everypony knowing the fact that Spike is a spider dragon, but i think i would have had him tell them at the end of the story either way so i'm sorry about that, you may notice the detail about the specific earth number i chose and i know you guys will figure it out! it will be a nice detail.
The ending may feel a bit like my last story, but i'll be sure to make it feel different instead of just rewriting the same thing.
I know it may be convenient as they just used a spell to find out the source of the problem but i think their magic is strong enough even with twilight still being a unicorn.
Let me know what you think of the story and i hope you stay tuned for more!