• Published 2nd Sep 2023
  • 1,168 Views, 59 Comments

Spider Dragon: Origins - Dragonfan101

Spike gets bitten by a strange spider, after a while he gets strange powers and with them he secretly becomes a hero and uses his uses great power for great responsibility

  • ...

6: Alchemex and BAGEL!!

We cut to Spike, Miles ,Peter and Peter B in a restaurant, Peter B is munching down on a burger like a wild animal, Spike has his hood on so no one sees his face.
"Mmm I love this burger it's so delicious" Peter B says with his mouth full, curious spike tries his burger and to his surprise its actually decent
"Not bad," Spike admits as he eats more of it.
"In my universe this place closed 6 years ago, i have no idea why" Peter B says as he continues to eat his burger
"Probably because this has a C review on most websites, so it may not last much longer" Peter says as he and miles look at him a little disgustedly as he eats it more, the waiter then brings the check on the table but he then looks at Spike and falls unconscious as soon as he sees he's a dragon making them shake their heads.

"You guys got money right? I'm a little short right now" Peter B says as he continues eating
"I had to pit pocket some people just to buy stuff to eat, not very keen on wanting to pay for stuff right now" Spike says a little annoyed.
"Can we focus" Miles asks as peter pays for the check.
"Peter said he was" miles is then interrupted
" You gonna eat that?" He tries to take Miles's burger but Spike slaps his hand hard making a whip sound.
"OW! okay! sorry! please continue." Peter B says as he rubs his hand as it was a little red.

"Peter said he was gonna be showing me the ropes" "Miles tells him
"Oh yeah then he took on a dragon to train." Peter B says rudely
"Just because i took Spike on to train doesn't mean you cant at least try with Miles" Peter says as he finishes paying.
"You got any Spider Man Tips" Miles asks
"Yeah got plenty, Disinfect the mask, be sure to use Baby Powder on the suit heavy on the joints, you don't want any chafing right?" Peter B says as he finishes his burger.
"Got any more" Miles asks a little weirded out.
"No got nothing else" He says munching away on fries
"I think your gonna be a bad teacher" Miles says and they all nod agreeing.
" Look up where Alchemex is" Peter B tells them and miles gets his phone.
"A private technological canvas in Hudson valley New York" He reads on the phone and gets an idea
"You guys can teach me and Spike to swing on the way there!" He imitates thwip sounds with his hands and mouth, they all look ready to do so, but Peter B merely laughs.

We cut to a bus going through a snowy forest as Spike Miles Peter and Peter B are all sitting near each other.
" I'm not swinging to the Hudson valley guys, not after a hearty meal breakfast, keep your legs fresh you'll thank me later " Peter B says
"Even after a meal in the morning i still take a swing around the city for exercise, good peace of advice for you guys" Peter tells them.
"I know a few spots in Equestria for a little exercise" Spike says with a smile.

We then cut to them in the woods, Peter and Peter B put on their suits but peter b just has sweat pants on how lower half, while Spike instantly puts on his Nano suit looking proud as he wears it, and miles puts on a Spider costume and he wears a cape which they notice.
"And that's a no on the cape" Peter B tells him
"I think it looks cool!" Miles says and Spike gives a thumbs up agreeing.
"Take that off it's disrespectful Spider Man doesn't wear a cape" he says as he takes off the cape.
"Actually i have a suit with a cape back at home so..." Peter then blows a raspberry making them chuckle
"Looking awesome in that armor dude" Miles tells Spike.
"Still have to work out on mastering the powers, but this armor is a great help!" Spike says proudly.

They all then look at the Alchemex building and begin to think how to get in.
"So how did you get in there the first time peter?" Spike asks
"Should let you guys and B figure that out, he is me after all " Peter says as he lets them get a chance to figure it out on they're own.
"He's right what would i do if i were me?" Peter B asks rubbing his chin and they all think it over.
"Got it!" Peter B gets an idea and we see a comic book like page going over the plan..

"Step 1 we infiltrate the lab" we see them going through an open vent outside.
"Step 2 find the head scientist computer" Peter and Peter B are seen looking at a man with a computer and a lady passes by
"That lady with the bike is the head scientist, saw her in the documentary" Miles tells him
"Cool! Step 3 I reexamine my personal biases" he says but Peter and Spike slap him hard Spike especially looks upset.
"OW! Step 4 hack into the computer" Peter b is seen typing the computer and Miles and Spike pop up in a bubble
"Not technically hacking" Miles says.
"You probably can't even remember your own password can you?" Spike taunts.
"Not now i just lost my train of thought" Peter B tells them getting rid of the bubble's
"Step 5 download the important stuff, i'll know it when i see it" Peter B is seen downloading information on a spider like key and takes it out.
"Step 6 we grab a few bagels from the cafeteria and run" They are seen swinging away with bagels in they're mouths.

"What about me?" Miles asks
"Step 7 you stay here, your look out very important" He says as he is stretching his legs out.
"How come Spike gets to go?" Miles asks pointing at spike
"He probably had some training with the other me right? So he should have enough experience to come with us" Peter B tells him and Spike sadly nods.
"Sorry dude" Spike apologizes.
"Look man you gotta teach me how to do Spider Man Stuff or i won't be able to help" Miles says as peter B is stretching still.
"Look i'll stay behind with Miles and help him out alright? You guys be careful in there" Spike says as he stands by Miles
"You sure Spike? It would be a great first step" Peter asks and spike nods
"We'll be fine trust me" Spike tells him and Peter and Peter B take off
"Watch and learn kids! We'll quiz you two later" Peter B says as they swing to the building.

"You alright Miles?" Spike asks worried
"Why did i get stuck with the janky, old, broke, hobo Spider Man?!" Miles asks frustrated as he elbows a rock and it breaks in half surprising them
"That's new" Miles says taking off his mask, he then looks down a little upset.
"What's wrong man? I'm here for you" spike puts his hand on his shoulder and miles sighs.

"I just don't know if i can live up to being a Spider Man, you have only been with Peter one night and you already look more then capable of being one, why did i get stuck with him?" Miles asks looking down and Spike sits next to him.
"I know it may seem tough being sidelined like this, trust me i know how that is" Spike says as he looks down as well
"Really, what happened with you at home?" Miles asks looking at him
"When someone called nightmare moon showed up after 1000 years of banishment on the moon, she was able to defeat celestia, she threatened to turn my world into an Eternal Night, I wanted to help, but my Mother figure twilight Sparkle, had told me it was to dangerous, she had me simply go to sleep while she and her friends went to stop her, I felt really upset after that, I still haven't gotten over it" Spike tells him and miles looks sad.
"Did it happen again recently?" Miles asks curious.

" I had been bitten by that spider just a day before the earthquake, after it did happen i hoped now that i had grown a little i would be able to help with them, but she simply told me to stay and help the village, i hoped that with my growth i would be able to come with them, but i got pushed aside again..." Spike says with a few tears.
"You often get sidelined like this?" Miles asks sadly.
"It's just... did they ever think about how i felt? How i thought about being sidelined when they go on epic magical adventures? all i did was simply stay home and take care of house chores. even though i liked helping her out with something, after the bite you'd think me being a little bigger meant i could help them..." Spike says sadly and miles puts a hand on him.
'Have you ever thought about talking to her about it?" miles asks.
"I was going to... until this all happened" Spike says upset
"I'm really sorry man, I'll be here for you when you need it" Miles says with a smile and Spike looks at him
"I know it may seem rough, but one day we can prove ourselves and become what we wanted to be... heroes" Spike says with a smile
"Yeah, it may take a while with Peter B, but i'll do it eventually" Miles says confident.
"Thank you miles" He puts his fist out for a fist pump
"Your welcome bro." Miles and him fist pump and high five while laughing.

They're conversation is soon interrupted when they see a large truck pull in the front, they're eyes widen as the see someone familiar
"Kingpin..." Miles and Spike say with fear, they are then seeing running down a slope with the words" What are we doing?" appearing above them, they then get on the roof and into a vent.
"Peter, Peter B" Spike and Miles both whisper calling for them and they soon bump into them
"Ah" they both quietly shout
"What are you two doing here?" Peter B asks
"Kingpin's here move over" Spike and Miles try to go ahead
"Go back outside" They tell them
"No, we're not just gonna sit around and let spider man almost die again, we're not doing that again." Miles and Spike tell them and Peter B looks surprised
"What?" Spike asks
"Most people who meet us in a workplace try to kill us so... your a nice change of pace" Peter answers and they all look down and see kingpin and the head scientist .

"Mr fisk! Look at this! she tells them, she types in the password and peter and Peter b and Spike all get it ,she then shows them the pictures of the events of the earthquake and tells them that multiple dimensions are crashing into each other but peter B moves his fingers mockingly
"this is standard spider man stakes you guys get used to it." Peter B tells them
" Yeah watch this, he's gonna say" you've got 24 hours" Peter says with a big man voice and kingpin says that exact thing, and they wink at them with a smile.
"what this means there could be a rupture in the space time continuum" She says worried
"ooh that's bad, actually everything she said was pretty bad never mind" Peter B takes back

they all enter the room and peter B starts typing in the password but miles gets stuck on a light
"What are you doing?" Spike whispers
"I'm stuck i can't let go!" Miles whispers
"Look you have to relax your fingers, what do you do to relax?" Peter asks Miles
Miles begins poorly singing" sunflower" by Post Malone and they look weirded out
"What the hell dude?" Spike asks, Miles then finally falls on the floor but the lady hears it.
"teenagers are the worst" Peter B looks down, but they're senses go off.
"Miles where did you go" Peter B asks as they look around
"I'm right in front of you guys" They then look confused, but spike gets an idea and uses his infrared vision and he sees them in front of him and realizes he's invisible!

"Can Spider Man turn invisible?" Miles asks looking at his hands
"Not in my or this universe." Peter says as they look at him
"I can, i knew we would get similar powers from that spider!" Spike snaps his fingers as he was right
Peter B accidently pokes miles
"You just poked me in the eye!" Miles says annoyed
"This is incredible some kind of fight or flight thing" Peter B says amazed while he and peter wave his body and it begins to appear again, but all of their senses go off as they see the lady from before coming to the door, Miles turns invisible once again.
"Remember these numbers" Peter B tells him the password way to fast and Miles can't understand any of it, Spike and Peter web up back to the vents and Peter B says he'll turn on the charm and miles goes to the computer.

The lady then enters the room and is surprised to see Spider Man
"Spider man?" She asks surprised
"oh hey didn't see you there" he lies
Wow! I can't what i'm seeing, your supposed to be dead from that explosion!" She tells him excitedly
"Surprise!" She then takes off his mask much to his dismay
"hey that's a big no no" He says trying to get her off him
"you look like the photographer peter parker! This is fascinating!" she then grabs his face and he tells her that same thing.
" an entirely different Peter Parker" she examines
"Okay a little bit of a gut, perhaps from dimensional warping" She then pokes his belly
" oh yeah, i was way flatter before i warped" he lies and Peter and Spike shake their heads in disapproval .

Miles then types in the password but can't remember the last two.
"What was the rest?" He asks turning the computer around
" You know how old are you i bet you don't look a day over 35!" Peter says with his hands making the numbers, miles enters the last two but finds the thing is a huge mess
"Organize your desktop lady jeez" Miles says frustrated
"This might pinch a little" she then pushes him onto a chair and it restrains him
"What is she doing?" Spike asks
"Something i don't think is good" Peter says as they watch from the vent.
She then takes a few samples of saliva and examines them, she sees the particles then glitch out, Miles is seen carrying the computer and monitor.

"What are you doing?!" He asks frustrated and Spike and Peter wonder the same thing.
"I'm just taking the whole thing" He says holding the device in front of him, she then turns to him and he looks at her
"You obviously have been glitching
"Glitching?: he and Spike both glitch out for a second but she doesn't notice spike yet.
"Why would i be glitching?" he asks.
"if you stay in this dimension to long your body's gonna disintegrate" she tells him
"Well that's great to know" Spike says sarcastically as they continue to watch
"do you know how painful that would be Peter Parker?" she asks and he says he doesn't know
"You can't imagine, and i for one can't wait to watch..." She says the last with a sinister smile, and they all look at her surprised at what she just said.
"what did you say your name was again" Peter B asks
"Doctor Olivia Octavius" she answers
"Oh no..." Peter says with fear as he knows that name.

She then takes off her coat revealing a jumpsuit with 4 robotic tentacles coming from her back, one of them pins peter B to the ground.
"Can i assume your friends call you Doc Ock?" he asks
"My friends actually call me Liv, My enemies call me doc ock" she tells him
"I got this run!" he tells miles and opens the door, Spike and Peter decide to take action and they burst open the vent much to her surprise, she sees another spider man land on the ground
"I assume your this earths Spider man or Peter Parker?" She asks
"Nice to see meet you after my fights with Otto Octavius" He mocks, Just then Spike lands next to him with his mask on and her eyes widen
"A... Spider Dragon?! The multiverse is full of infinite possibility's!" She says surprised and she tries to attack them.

"I got it!" Peter B tells miles as he's grabbed by the leg and slammed across the room
"Oh you've got it peter?" she mocks as she breaks a window with miles barely avoiding it.
Peter and Spike then rush her and Peter is able to hold her down
"You know i think you may have stolen his work just with different designs
"My family did have a lot of similar ideas" She tells him, she tries to grab spike, but spike is able to grab it and rips the arm off entirely much to her surprise
"A dragon is already strong in stories! so a dragon with Spider Man's powers made them almost unbeatable!" She says with excitement, spike is then knocked out of the window and lands next to miles and they both break for it
"Don't worry we got it, everything is fine" Peter B tells them as he and Peter are slammed against the window, they then bump into a blonde haired woman and spike remembers that she looks familiar they then run past her and she looks back as she knows somethings going on.

Peter and Peter b are slammed across another window and land right next to them
"Alright let us tells you the good news" Peter B says as he grabs the monitor
"we don't need the monitor" Peter tells them and Peter B throws the thing away just holding the device with the data.
Peter B is thrown across the room and she then notices miles, and one of her arms fixes itself and attaches back to her.
"You didn't tell me you had an invisible friend too! Can you give that back young man?" she asks and grabs miles
"Guys" Miles screams, Spike then runs to her and breathes fire at her to her surprise and she flies through the window.
Peter and Peter B web miles across the hall to them and they continue running
"Do you often face people this crazy?!" Spike asks both of them
"usually they can be villains of the week!" Peter and Peter B say at once and they run through another door.

They then find themselves in the cafeteria
"oh!" Peter B says surprised as a bunch of scientists are on they're computers
"Wow this would be a good time to turn invisible" Peter tells spike and Miles
"yep" they both say as they still can't fully do it
"Okay not gonna turn invisible, selecting a bagel" Peter B says as he and spike both take one and Spike takes a bite of his.
"Act super normal" Peter B says as they walk through
"Spider man.. s? a scientist asks
"Yeah that's funny! We get that a lot!" Spike tells them as they continue walking
"Spider man and a... Spider dragon?!" They all then take out guns that were disguised as suit cases much to their surprise
"Where were they keeping those?" Peter asks shocked.
"Hands up!" one of them shouts

"Okay now we do a switchy switchy!" Peter B tells him as he trades the bagel for the computer and he and peter run for it.
"Get back here!" A scientist shouts
"What?" Miles asks
"Run for it!" Spike tells as they run for the door
"Where do you think your going?! They took a bagel!!" a scientist shouts and they run after them
"Alright time to swing just like we taught you guys!" Peter B tells them

Spike and Miles throw their bagels at a scientist and the words" BAGEL!!" and " HALF EATEN BAGEL!!" appear above him as he screams dramatically.
( insert Spot joke here)

"When did you teach us that?!" Spike asks annoyed as they run while avoiding blasters.
"We didn't it's a little joke for team building" Peter and Peter B throw them both web shooters Spike catches his but miles almost drops his but catches it.
"Alright spike follow my lead!" Peter tells him and shows him a hand gesture and spike understands and he and Peter both are able to swing off.
"Alright you ready" Peter B asks as he grabs him
"Course i'm not ready!" Miles then is thrown off and the web hits a branch
"Everyone knows the best way to learn is under intense life threatening pressure!" Peter B says as he and Spike and Peter all swing off. Miles then hits a tree and he falls to the ground, and he tries to run from scientists but Spike and Peter fight them off.

"What are you doing down there?!" Peter B asks as he takes down some scientists as well
"I run better then i swing!" He tells them
"You gotta swing or they'll catch you!" Peter says worried.
Things get worse when they see a Octavia coming after them with a crazed look.
"Oh come on!!" Spike shouts annoyed
"Aim with your hips! Look where you want it to go! Square your shoulders, don't forget to follow through, don't shoot off your back foot" Peter B tells him swinging to him as Spike tries to fight Olivia off and is able to keep her distracted.
"That's too many things!" Miles says
"then stop listening to me!" Peter B shouts
"That's the best idea you've had all day" Spike and Miles both shout and miles is trying to climb a tree and barely avoids a saw as he jumps backwards. He then finally activates the shooter and is able to hit a tree and swings off
"Nice miles!" Peter B shouts
"Great job kid!" Peter shouts
"Great job bro!" Spike shouts as he and Peter B and Peter knock her away and swing after him.

"Double tap to release tap once to swing" Prter B tells them, Spike and Miles follow the instructions and are finally able to get it right.
"This is awesome!" Spike shouts amazed
"Great job Spike" Peter says and they high five each other
"Good miles!" Peter B says amazed
"Told you you would be a great teacher!" Peter tells B
"Gotta say, your amazing man!" Miles says
"Great job helping miles out dude!" Spike says as he continues swinging
"we're a little team, me is the teacher who could do it, he is the student that can do it just not as good" And they all look confused.

"I'm proud of us! Is there something you guys wanna..." Before he is interrupted he and Spike both glitch out in pain again and fall to the ground
"Worst timing ever!" Spike shouts.
"Peter B! Spike!" Peter and Miles shout worried and they try to grab the computer but Octavia grabs it.
"No!!" Spike shouts upset.

Just then they are all webbed up by someone else
"What the?" Peter B asks
"who did that?" Spike asks as he looks around
Octavia then sees another Spider person and tries to fight her off, but she is skilled enough and is able to take her down and get the computer back, she then looks down on them and takes off her mask
"Hey guys" She tells them
"Gwanda?" Spike and Miles both ask surprised
""It's Gwen actually, how do you know about that?" Gwen asks Spike
"I was there during that time at the school" Spike explains
"I knew i felt something else, your a Spider Dragon!" She says amazed
"Oh you two know her, very cool" Peter B says impressed
"Nice job with Octavia" Peter tells her.

Gwen tells them her backstory and how she lost her friend, and she then says that she doesn't do friends anymore just to avoid distractions, she then tells them about her getting sucked into this world
"You were blown a week into the past too?" Spike asks surprised
"You had the same thing happen?" She asks and Spike nods
she then finishes her story and looks at miles
"I like your haircut" He compliments
"You don't get to like my haircut" She says annoyed a little

"Let's go!" She and Peter then swing off.
"How many Spider people are there? Miles asks and spike shrugs
"I dunno." Spike answers
"Save it for Comic Con" He then swings off.
"What's Comic Con?" They both ask, they are then grabbed by both Peters as they avoid more gun fire and swing off.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! extra long chapter, hoped you like the moment i had between miles and Spike in this, thank you all so much for the support and i can't be more grateful, i might do both stories i suggested in the last chapter at once, i just may do one chapter a day with each of them, i'll be re watching both of them as i make them, hope you guys enjoy this and stay tuned!