• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 908 Views, 58 Comments

Ratchet, Clank, And Spike: Journey Through The Galaxy - Dragonfan101

Spike is transported to another galaxy alone, he is found and taken in by a Lombax called Ratchet, and after they meet a small robot called Clank, they go through adventures that save the universe

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10: Planet Batalia

Qwark was currently in Drek's flagship and talking with him.

"Back so soon?" He asked and Qwark jumped a little.
"Oh! Your talking to me!" Qwark said nervously, Drek then turned around to him.
"I'm not on the habit of talking to myself you buffoon, did you get rid of them?" He asked mad, Qwark was still hesitant.

"Yes no... well i.. i had this plan and i thought" He tried to explain but was interrupted.
"You thought?! you thought?! I do the thinking around here you slug brained idiot!" He insulted.
"I simply needed you to eliminate those three nuisances before they could cause any real trouble!" He said mad.

"But i wanted to.." Qwark was interrupted again
"Do you still want to be the highly paid spokesman for my new planet?" He asked and Qwark nodded
"Then the next time i send you to do a job i want RESULTS!" Drek said furious before turning around and going on the computer

"And now, that dragon has extremely high tech weaponry that even surpasses the best of what we have!" Drek said as he looked at multiple pictures of him using the weaponry.

"Where did this stuff even come from?" Qwark asked curious.
"Even i don't know that, the tech and metal is different then any kind in the galaxy." Drek said interested himself.
"Well one thing i do know is, that that tech seems to be only activating whenever he uses them, anyone else and poof its not working" Qwark explained and Drek looked intrigued by that.

"Seems you do have some brain cells, find out more about this dragon and his weaponry! Now get out of my sight!" Drek ordered, Qwark immediately left the room in a hurry and Drek turned back around.
"The more important question is.. where did you come from you little punk." Drek asked looking at him.

We cut to the three flying through space in they're new ship to help that commando at planet Batalia, they came upon the planet and entered it, they landed on the ground and got out, and they were greeted with a war torn planet that looks like it's seen better days.

"This is awful.. i can't believe that Qwark would allow his own ego to be more important to himself then to save planets like this" Spike said upset looking around.
"Oh don't worry Spike, when we find Qwark we're gonna make him wish he never had an ego" Ratchet said mad.

They then walked up to the commando from earlier and he then noticed them.
"At attention you deserted maggots!" He demanded, the three of them then saluted.

"Next time you soldiers try to go AWOL i'll shoot you myself!" He said mad.
"Geez.. someone's got anger issues." Spike said.
"I just wanna.." Ratchet tried to talk but was interrupted.
"Zip it worm!" He ordered.

"You see those bombers?! if you don't get to the turrets to knock those ships out of the sky, this whole planets gonna be rubble!!" He explained shocking them.
"Meet me at the city entrance!" He ordered before walking away.

"Wow.. that just happened.." Spike said still shocked.
"He needs our help." Clank told them and Spike sighed.

"Come on Ratchet, the sooner we get this done the sooner we find Qwark, this may actually help us to finding him." Spike asked.
"Alright fine, let's just get going." Ratchet said before they started to head off.

There was currently a rain storm happening they made they're way through a few enemy's that were easily dealt with thanks to Spike's weaponry, they then noticed a grind rail to they're right and walked up to it, they saw what looks like an entire section leading somewhere.

"Well, guess it couldn't hurt to take a little detour." Spike said looking at the thing.
"Well, there might be something interesting at the end, you wanna find out?" Ratchet asked.
"Yeah, let's just hurry things up here." Spike replied and Ratchet nodded in agreement, they both jumped on the rails and started to grind around the place.

It was a little tough to try to get around for them, the rails split up into multiple paths leading to different areas across the place, they had to jump through rings to avoid falling off, they even had to shoot down bombs that were placed there for some reason, the two continued to grind around the place until they reached the end and found a soldier.

"Halt! Who are you? What are you doing?!" He asked pointing his gun at them, Clank had his hands in the air.
"We are on a mission to save the galaxy." Clank explained.

"Speak for yourself, and put your hands down please." Ratchet said as Clank did so.
"Yeah, it's unnecessary dude" Spike said shaking his head.

"Actually i don't care who you are. i've gotta get the heck outta here! I joined the army to get money to go to college, i never knew i'd end up in a war!" He told them.
"Sorry to hear about that dude." Spike said sadly.
"This is a noble cause sir!" Clank told him.

"Noble my hinny! i just wanna get home to my family! here, i pulled this out of a busted robot, give me some bolts for bus fair and it's yours!" He explained while holding an info bot.

Spike gave him the proper amount and he handed them the bot.
"Thanks a bunch, good luck saving the galaxy or whatever" He said before jumping out into the water much to Ratchet and Spike's confusion.
"Hope that guys swims well" Spike said as they looked at the Info bot.

They proceeded to watch a video explaining that a scientist has made a thing called the Pilots helmet, which will allow them to pilot most ships by themselves, the person testing it out crashed sadly, the scientist looked embarrassed for a moment while saying that they're working out the kinks before the video ended.

"Well, that helmet works for those who have concentrated thoughts, so that guy who tried to fly clearly wasn't focused enough." Spike said looking at the thing confused, Clank nodded in agreement as he was thinking the same thing.
"Whoa, if they ever get the kinks worked outta that thing, i have got to get us a couple of those!" Ratchet said amazed.

"If they are working for chairmen Drek, they may know where he and Qwark are" Clank suggested.
"Yeah, we get information from them, we could get closer to getting back at Qwark, let's just finish up things here and head to this planet's coordinates." Spike said agreeing.
"Your right on that, let's just catch up with that commando and get this over with." Ratchet said before looking at the teleporter next to them.

They proceeded to use it and ended up next to they're ship again, they both agreed to head to the Commando first to help him out with these bombers and headed through the field.

Spike had thought the last place was like a warzone, but this is actually a warzone. they had to fight they're way's through tons of tough enemy's and even destroyed a few tanks in the process, Spike was not even a teenager and he was already fighting in a warzone.

"Hey Spike, you okay?" Ratchet asked as they made they're way through.
"Yeah, it's just.. i never thought i would be fighting in a literal warzone in this adventure." Spike said as he slashed down a robot hiding in the bushes.
"Yeah, me neither, guess faith has different things for us then huh?" Ratchet asked as he smashed another robot with his wrench, they both came upon another Tank, Spike pulled out the rocket launcher and fired it at it and it destroyed the tank and any robot that came in it's path.

"I just hope this get's done with soon, i just hope nothing bad's happened back home while i've been gone." Spike said hopefully.
"Don't worry buddy, when this is over, i'll bring you back home safe and sound, and hopefully we'll be able to go on adventures under better circumstances." Ratchet said as they continued forward.
"Thanks Ratchet, i'm glad to have you by my side. i see the Commando just up ahead, let's see what what he needs." Spike said as they saw him ahead.

They came upon the city's entrance and the commando was right next to the bridge.
"Blasted thing won't budge! I've tried everything i know short of nuclear weaponry." He said looking at a.. simple bolt needing to be screwed in.
"Well, you tried, see ya." Ratchet said trying to leave.

"Not so fast soldiers, you two are going into that compound even if i have to throw you!" He told them and they shook they're heads, he then noticed a metal shaft next to them.

"That ventilation shaft leads to the turret platform! Soldiers, find a way to use that shaft to infiltrate into the compound undetected!" He ordered and Spike saluted.

"Yes sir, we'll get right on it!" Spike replied, he then looked at them.
"You two have shown bravery by making it this far soldiers, and for that i reward you. i intercepted this device that you may find useful! Take it, i'm off to find my battalion" He explained before giving them a info bot and walking away.

"Two info bots in one planet, what are the odds?" Spike asked as he walked away.

They watched an ad for Drek explaining they're polluted planet, saying that they've abandoned everything there as the everything had become extremely toxic, he then said all the planets they're harvesting will be what they need to create a new planet as he showed it was almost done. they showed a scientist being held at gunpoint as he tried to find out a perfect orbit in order to live a proper life, he explained that homes are filling up and that they should hurry up if they want a stay there.

"Who would want to stay at a planet that was literally built from the remains of others?! Especially by a mad man forcing others to do work properly?!" Spike asked mad at what he saw.
"Now do you understand Ratchet, he won't rest until he has destroyed every planet in the galaxy!" Clank told him.

"He's right Ratchet, that could include my own home too, we have to find out where he is and stop him before its to late." Spike said worried. Ratchet sighed as he knew he was right, he made a promise and tended to keep it.
"Your right guys, but we'll need to get into this compound to get further, didn't that commando say that ventilation shaft could lead into the compound?" Ratchet asked looking at the thing next to them.

"Yes, but we will need a special piece of equipment to cross that." Clank explained.
"There may be something back on Drek's old planet that could help us, let's head to that other planet first and get those helmets first though." Spike suggested.
"Sure thing Spike, let's get going, we'll come back later." Ratchet told them and they all agreed to do so.

They hit a small ship that took them all the way back to the place they landed and got off.
"Wouldn't it be nice if those were there at the start all the time?" Spike asked.
"Oh i wish, let's just get to this other planet and find these items we need." Ratchet told them as they got into the ship and headed off again, Spike had just hoped things would turn around for Ratchet and Clank right now as they flew off again.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this new chapter! I wanted to make Ratchet feel more likeable during this part of the story, sure he's mad at Clank, but he's still good with Spike, so he shouldn't treat him like a jerk and i hope your fine with that. Thank you all for reading this next chapter and i hope you all look forward to the next one!