• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 908 Views, 58 Comments

Ratchet, Clank, And Spike: Journey Through The Galaxy - Dragonfan101

Spike is transported to another galaxy alone, he is found and taken in by a Lombax called Ratchet, and after they meet a small robot called Clank, they go through adventures that save the universe

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2: Novalis

We cut to the planet and the ship is seen falling through the sky, all three of our friends are screaming as the ship crashes into a wall and explodes and they all fall on the floor

"Ow... when i learn to fly a ship I'll be driving next time" Spike said a little annoyed.
"Ugh fair point" Ratchet responded a little weakly they then noticed someone was missing
"Clank where are you?" Spike asked
"I'm right here" Clanks voice is muffled and they see he's right under ratchet
"Oh sorry!"" Ratchet said getting off him.
"Well were not leaving the way we came in" Ratchet said a little embarrassed
"Yeah, the thing looked like it could barely hold together after we entered anyway" Spike said shaking his head
"Perhaps we can procure a ship from one of the inhabitants" Clank suggested, and we see there is fire and ships shooting at multiple buildings
"If there are any left" Ratchet said as clank hoped on his back like a backpack,
"Let's just see if we can find someone who could help us" Spike suggested

Spike and Ratchet had made they're way down a floating platform only to be greeted with more robots and dangerous wildlife
"I take it every planet we go to is gonna have some of these guys?" Spike asked
"Yeah, we'll probably get used to it" Ratchet said pulling out his wrench
"Sigh's"," lets get this going then" Spike said a little upset that he had to fight as he pulled out his bomb glove.

it wasn't to much of a hustle to do, Ratchet took care of the robots and Spike took care of what looked like, Robot Bees? Spike didn't really know, he was able to blow them away and they all were defeated
"That felt like it took a shorter time then normally" Spike said a little tired
"Yeah lets try to get to the other side of that river" Ratchet pointed as he pointed to the other side
"I see a bridge just over there, lets go" Clank pointed out and the others agreed to it.

They had to fight their way through some more robots and spike saw ratchet smash some crates.
"Why are you doing that?" Spike asked confused
"These crates contain bolts, which is what we need to buy weapons and ammo" Ratchet explained
"They use bolts as money here, this galaxy is really weird" Spike thought as they continued, they arrived at the bridge but some ships fly by and destroy a few parts of it destroying a few robots as well
"Geez! do these guys even care about their own soldiers" Spike asked shocked
"They are merely disposable pieces of metal, so they couldn't care less" Clank answered
"That's harsh" Spike said and Ratchet just shrugged.

They fought their way through more robots across the other side of the river, they then saw a ship surrounded by robots coming down.
"There must be something or someone on that ship that could help us" Spike suggested
"Yeah, lets check it out" Ratchet agreed and they moved forward, the robots attempted to blast them but Spike and Ratchet were able to avoid them, Spike used his fire breath and took out most of them at once
"Wow, thats quite the range for someone so young" Ratchet said surprised as he finished off the last robot.
"I must agree, you are an interesting creature Spike" Clank said a little surprised as well.

Before spike could say anything however, the door of the ship opened and they saw what looks like an old man with another Info bot looking really terrified.

"Don't hurt me, don't hurt me! What are you mercenaries? torturers? I'll tell you anything, here take this Info Bot it's all i got left" he said really scarred and the robot came up to them.
"Sir we're not assassins " Clank was trying to tell but ratchet interrupted
"Hold on! let's see what he's got" Ratchet said wanting to know what the bot had
"I guess we should at least see what that bot has" spike sighed as he wanted to tell the man they didn't want to hurt him.

It then proceed to show them an ad of Captain Qwark promoting an add for a place called " Al's Robo Schack" He explains it all to them but barely lets Al himself be in the video as he was both nervous and they didn't care probably.
"So if your fighting crime or just fighting grime, come to Al's Robo Shack in Metropolis for all your robotic repairs" Qwark said on the video
"Al's robo shack, it's Qwarktastic!" He said as the name appeared on the screen and it faded to black.
"That was both weird and surprisingly a good ad" Spike said as he was still confused on the commercial.

"Did know what this means?" Clank asked as the robot went into a container Clank had
"Yeah Qwark is really sold out" Ratchet said making Spike chuckle a little.
"No it means Captain Qwark is on Metropolis, we could tell him about this invasion" Clank told them
"If we had a ship" Ratchet told him.
"Do we even know how long it's been since that video was shot? it could have been weeks since it was taken" Spike told them.
"Spike's right, he might not even be there, but Al might have an idea on where he went" Ratchet suggested.

"What? a ship? Your not torture me? " He asked surprised
"No we won't we just need a ship to get out of here" Spike assured him much to his relief.
"Thank you young man, Well as planetary Chairman I could arrange for you to borrow our Courier ship" He said as a green ship came down where the platform was next to a large building.
"Cool!" Ratchet said exited
"You can count on us sir" Clank told him
"Right thank you your Chairman Shipliness" Ratchet said and Spike looked at him
"Dude really" Spike asked with a raised eye
"What? I couldn't think of anything else to say." Ratchet defended
"Before we go why don't we check what that large building is over there, it might have something we could use" Spike suggested
"He's right, there might be" Clank agreed. They then proceeded to make their way back to the platform next to the ship

They went into a building and had to go through and obstacle course of machines that helped the building work and jump over ledges and eventually they made their way to someone who was working

"Dag blast it" He said as he was bent down and working on something
"Look Plumbers crack" ratchet joked and Spike slightly chuckle a bit.
"What did you just say?!" He asked upset
"I said, look the Plumbers back" Ratchet backpaddled and said something else.
"Alright wise guy, shouldn't you be on an escape transport?" He asked
"Escape transports?" Ratchet asked
"Newsflash! Giant robots attacking! they're taking all the rich folks off this planet: He told them
"We have a ship already, how come you can't leave?" Spike explained.
" Socio economic asperity" He told them
"What?" Spike and Ratchet both asked confused
"He hasn't got enough Bolts" Clank explained.
"Working people have to wait for Captain Qwark to save us" He told them
"Well you got anything worth a lot of Bolts?" Ratchet asked

" I got this thing, it shows to weirdos ditching their ship, got coordinates to a desert planet to" He said pulling out an Info Bot
"We could use something like that" Spike suggested and Ratchet agreed, Ratchet payed enough bolts and he gave them it, he then proceeded and jumped down a pipe
"Geronimo" He shouted sliding down it
"Did he just slide down a sewer pipe? Ratchet asked a little disgusted.
"Looks like that's are way back to" Spike said grossed out as well.

The video then showed them two guys being attacked by rockets that were coming from the planet, the guy on the right dismissed it as fire work display but one of the rockets hit them and they proceeded to escape right before the rocket hit them.

"Did you see that guy on the left? That was Skid mc Marx
"Does he know Qwark" Clank asked
"Doubt it, but he's a pro hoverboarder, always going of about how "Cool" he is" Ratchet exaggerated at that last part
"Geez looks like they both need help!" spike said worried
"I agree, they both look like they're in trouble" Clank said as he was a little worried
"I'll say, i've never seen him so freaked out" Ratchet told them
"Let's get back to the ship and head to Metropolis first, we could use something from Al's that could help us: spike suggested and they all agreed
They jumped down to the pipe like the plumber did but it was actually fun.
"That was surprisingly really cool" Spike said a little exited, he then sniffed himself" Ugh gonna need a shower later" Spike said a little grossed out
"Yeah, i will to, lets head out" Ratchet told them and they got on the ship and they proceeded to head to Metropolis.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this next chapter, i've had some comments on what Spike's weapon should be and i think i can have it be introduced in the next chapter, hope you look forward to it! Stay tuned and i'll see you next time!