• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 908 Views, 58 Comments

Ratchet, Clank, And Spike: Journey Through The Galaxy - Dragonfan101

Spike is transported to another galaxy alone, he is found and taken in by a Lombax called Ratchet, and after they meet a small robot called Clank, they go through adventures that save the universe

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12: The Talk And Apology

The trio proceeded to fly to they're next destination yet again, it was a shorter ride then usual as they flew, Spike just kept on thinking about what Ratchet and him have said to Clank, it wasn't his fault he was tricked, they all were, and Spike thinks he should talk with Ratchet and have things clear up with him, friendship is important after all, and they need to work together to save the galaxy.

They came upon the planet and entered it, they landed on the platform and Spike looked around, the place was a toxic mess, there was no signs of life anywhere, even the dragon lands had more life then this place.

"This planet is too toxic for you two, please wait here, i can go explore and hopefully find something." Clank said as he walked to the door.
"Be careful Clank, it looks really dangerous out there." Spike said a little worried
"Eh whatever, just be back as soon as you can." Ratchet said uninterested, Clank simply sighed and walked out and went to explore.

They sat there and waited for quite a bit, there was an awkward silence between them both, Spike then decided to speak up.
"Hey.. are you doing okay?" Spike asked.

"No i'm not.. im ticked off right now." Ratchet said upset
"I know your mad about Qwark, i am too" Spike said trying to calm him down, Ratchet sighed at that.

"I just don't get why we should have went to find him anyway, we could have done much better if we didn't waste time searching for him, but Clank insisted that we should, and now look what happened." Ratchet said mad.

'Look Ratchet, i'm mad at Qwark to for betraying us, he only wanted to be a hero for the fame and recognition, not for helping people, i hate people like that." Spike explained, Ratchet looked down sadly.

"Its just.. i looked up to him for so many years, people across the galaxy id, and now he's out there most likely stroking his ego even more" Ratchet said mad." And it made me think thats what a hero is, just selfish jerks who look out for themselves and not for others, it's why i'm done with this stuff." Ratchet explained. Spike decided to talk to him.

"Look Ratchet, i know what it's like, i saved my home from a evil person named Sombra once before, sure it was a close call, but i managed to save everyone and become a hero there." Spike explained, Ratchet looked confused at that.
"Really?" Ratchet asked.

"Yes, whenever i go back to the crystal empire, i'm admired for my heroism and what i did, i myself let me ego get the better of me, and i regret it for that, i learned an important lesson that day. Being a hero isn't for the fame, or the money, it's about looking out for others who could not, i kept that lesson, and i'm using it to help save these people across the galaxy." Spike explained.

" Sounds like you made a better hero then Qwark did, even if it was just that one time." Ratchet chuckled and Spike did as well.
"I did, but i think it's best we should focus on what's important, drek, if he gets away with this, so will Qwark and we can't let that happen." Spike told him.
"Why should i focus on that right now?" Ratchet asked and Spike sighed.

"Because drek most likely caused Qwark to do those actions, i bet you he would have at least tried to stop him if it wasn't for that stupid offer, i couldn't blame Clank, from what you told me about Qwark when i first asked, he sounded like a real hero." Spike explained and Ratchet scoffed.

"Yeah well look where smart guy that got us, betrayed and left to die by that monster." Ratchet said upset.
"Ratchet, can you really blame him? From the looks of him, he didn't even look to be a day old by the time we found him, he's literally a week old by now, do you think people can see through stuff like that?" Spike asked, Ratchet thought it over and realized Spike is right, Clank only was made a few days ago, so it makes sense.

"Your right, he could have had no choice, if he knew more stuff, he could have found a better solution to stop drek." Ratchet said regretfully
"Exactly, he may have delayed our time to find my home, but my home could be in danger if drek isn't stopped, if we follow clues about drek, it could lead us to Qwark as well." Spike told him.

"Your right, i've been a huge jerk, he's only a week old by this point, i think it's best we apologize when he gets back." Ratchet suggested.
"Me too, Twilight was in charge of helping friends make up with they're problems, so this may make her proud." Spike told him
"Heh, can't wait to meet her, let's both apologize when he returns." Ratchet suggested.
"Agreed, thank you Ratchet." Spike said grateful.
"No, thank you Spike" Ratchet said as they fist bumped eachother.

They waited a bit longer for a while until Clank came back inside, they both walked up to him.
"Hey Clank, there's something we want to talk about" Ratchet told him.
"And what would that be?" Clank asked, they both looked eachother and looked back sadly.

"look clank, i'm sorry i've been a jerk, i'm just upset about what Qwark did, i shouldn't be taking it out on you, i'm just upset of the fact that during our time searching for Qwark, we could have spent time trying to find Spike's home, i made a promise to him and i want to keep it, but the only way we can do that is by stopping drek." Ratchet said sadly, Clank had a look of surprise on his sudden attitude change, Spike looked sad as well.

"We just wanted to find my home, but we didn't consider focusing on what was really important, we shouldn't have lashed out at you, you were less then an hour old by the time we met you, we're really sorry Clank." Spike apologized, Clank thought about what they said, he felt bad seeing them like this too, he then looked at him.

"I am sorry too Spike and Ratchet, i was to focused on Qwark, i didn't think of what was important to you." Clank apologized as well.
"So, are we good?" Ratchet asked.
"Yes, we are." Clank said as they high fived eachother and laughed.
"Glad to know it, thanks." Ratchet said gratefully.

"So, you find anything while you were out there?" Spike asked.
"I did find these." Clank said as he brought out two pairs of metal boots, they picked them up but Clank latched to them.
"You okay?" Ratchet asked.
"These are magnetized, i appear to be stuck to them" Clank explained.
"oh." Ratchet and Spike both said as they let go and he fell on the floor and Spike helped him up.

"Anything else?" Spike asked and Clank nodded
"I found an info bot, it's best we all see." Clank said as he pulled out one, they watched what looks like an ad for a tropical resort at a planet called Pokitaru, it looked like a great place to relax at, but it appears dreks ships have been dumping toxic waste into the waters and if someone stops them they'll get 2 02 masks so they can handle toxic areas, the video then ended as Spike looked even angrier.

"He's destroying a tropical resort now?!" Spike asked mad.
"That's it, we're heading to this place right now, we can't let a place like that be destroyed!" Ratchet said mad as well.
"I agree, let's head there now!" Clank said serious, they all got back in they're seats and activated the ship, they flew off to Pokitaru to save the planet from a toxic waste dump.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this one! I wanted to have Ratchet make up with Clank much sooner then usual, i think we all agree that this half of the game where Ratchet was a jerk was the most unpleasant thing about it, so i hope you don't mind i changed things up a bit. Hope you all liked it again and see you next time!