• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 720 Views, 26 Comments

Ori And The Dragon In The Will Of The Wisps - Dragonfan101

Months after Spike met Ori and helped her save the forest and Kuro, they are separated from they're little sister Ku in a strange land

  • ...

9: Restoring the waters

Spike and Ori proceeded to use they're new grapple ability's to latch onto hooks to launch themselves upwards, this was helpful to them in a big way, they could use this to jump up to higher areas and they used it to find a lever that opened a door below.

"That should help us get higher." Spike said as they jumped down.
"Let's hope this helps us get closer to the top." Ori prays as they went through it.

When they went out they saw they were a few feet higher in the air, not high enough to reach the top, but they were getting there. Spike and Ori went to they're left's and jumped down and latched onto some more moss attached to the wheels, they used they're acrobatic skills to cross over the large gap to the other side, they then launched upwards another pole and shot another large blob and let lose another hook that they could use for later.

"That should help us get back up here faster when we need to." Spike said as they landed near another door.
"Hope we can get this done soon, the sun's almost ready to set." Ori said as they saw the sun was almost nearing the edge of the sea.
"We may get this done before then, come on, lets hurry." Spike told her before the two went in another room.

This room was different, they had to start things off by jumping down another ledge and avoiding more energy blasts that could kill them, they then latched onto a wheel with moss on it and had to crawl through an open hole and use that same hole to come out of the bottom. After they went down that wheel they had to fight through another group of enemy's together, they didn't have much trouble as they're skills and ability's are able to help them push through and they eventually took them all down.

"Man, we've really gotten good with these weapons." Spike said as he dismissed his blade.
"There's a lot of variety with them too, could lead to interesting combo attacks when done right." Ori told him agreeing with Spike.
"We'll work on something later alright?" Spike asks.
"Sounds good to me, let's see what's on the other side." Ori tells him as they walk through.

When they go through they find their friend from before looking at another large blob and he notices them and walks up to them.
"What a maze this old mill is, no time to tarry though, still a ways to go." Opher tells them and they sigh.
"I know, it's gonna be a long climb." Spike replied to him.
"Let's start moving again shall we?" Ori asks as she shoots a light arrow to the blob and the gears start to turn, the place starts to shake as they see the room they were in previously starts to rotate and it opens another door in the sides.

"That will help, let's keep going, Ku needs us!" Spike says determined.
"Good luck you two! I'll try and find anything ahead!" They're friend says as he uses his staff and leaps onto a wall and climbs his way upward.
"I wish i could climb like that." Ori says a little jealous.
"We'll where's the fun in a little challenge, right?" Spike asks her and she chuckles.
"Yeah, that's a fair point, let's go." Ori says as she and Spike move through the large room again.

They went back through the large room before going through the new door and taking on a new challenge.
Here they had to use this large gear within the room and go back and forth from it each time they had to pull a lever, this lever rotated the room entirely and they had to do this a few times to be able to reach and each time they did that, they heard a strange roar.

"That might be what's causing the waters to be dirty.." Spike said with fear as they heard it.
"Hey, it can't be worse then what Kuro was like right?" Ori asks.
"Screech already seems to be like her when she was blinded by fury, but i feel like Screech is even worse then what Kuro was.." Spike replied with concern.
"Your right on that.. i just wonder.. what will happen if we have to face her?" Ori asks afraid of that future.
"I don't know, let's just hope we can save Ku before something happens to her." Spike replies and she agrees to that and they proceed to climb up further.

After they make they're way through that large wheel they had to use the moss on more rotating gears to reach even higher areas, it was like the Ginso tree again, but this time they needed to be way more careful as there were even more dangerous hazards. After they jump through a few more hooks with they're grapple ability's they come across one more blob and shoot it down.

This triggers the gears outside of the door they entered to finally start rotating again, and it also opened the door at the very top of the place, Spike and Ori look at the gear as it turns.
"That may have opened a higher door." Spike suggests.
"We're getting even closer, come on!" Ori tells him as she and Spike jump through an open hole that led back to the entrance and went back outside.

Like they predicted the gears from before were working previously and this was able to help them finally reach the top of the place after a lot of climbing they reached the last door.

"Hope this is the last one, that took a lot of work to get here." Spike says a little tired.
"Me too, lets see the what's causing this problem." Ori tells him as the two proceed to walk into the place.

When they enter the place they looked around and saw a small waterfall pouring down near them and they looked around and found a ton of books, the Voice came out to explain things to them.
"The wellspring was once home to a great library Ori and Spike. Knowledge flowed like water through its walls" The voice explained.
"Wow, Twilight would definitely want to look at this place, this would really interest her." Spike said as he looked at the books.
"From what you told me she really would, what do we need to do to restore the waters?" Ori asks The Voice.

"The source of the problem is nearby, be careful, i sense something dark nearby.." It warns them.
"Never stopped us before, come on Ori, let's finish this task." Spike tells her with determination.
"Your right on that, let's go." Ori agrees as the two continue on once again.

The room was small as there wasn't much to it, they found Opher again who suggested that the source was directly above them, they used the objects around them to climb into another large area just above the entrance.

"Okay where is this.. what the?!" Spike shouts in fear as a strange tentacle grabs them both, it pulls them closer to a huge monster that seems to be blocking the water source.
"This must be what's causing the water problem!" Ori says looking at it. The monster roars at them and is about to attack but Opher comes up from behind and whacks it with his staff freeing the two.

"Thanks Opher!" Spike says gratefully as they get up.
"A foul presence indeed!" Opher says as they look at it, the monster throws an object at them which they dodge and it starts to come after them.
"We need to get out of here!" Ori shouts as they start backing up.
"On we go! Hurry!" Opher shouts as he runs ahead and the two follow after him being chased by the monster.

This felt familiar to what happened to the places they visited previously in Nibel, now they had to make a mistake after finding the source of a huge problem. The water continues to chase after them as Ori and Spike run as fast as they could trying to escape, they had to jump over multiple large ledges and grapple over large gaps again. They had to jump into another wheel that started to roll down the whole water mill.

"This is way different from before!" Ori shouts as they try to hang on.
"It's nothing to different, we can make it Ori!" Spike shouts as they see the monster moving around, after an escape exit opens they make they're way through again jumping over more dangerous water and grappling onto some moss and launching off the gear. Water starts to explode from multiple areas as they continue running, they keep running more and more as they try to escape. They move through another gear and bash off some more lanterns again to reach the other side, the grapple onto one more hook and see the way out.

"There it is! Come on!!" Spike shouts as they run as fast as they can, the monster makes one last attempt to grab them but the water explodes from behind them and Spike and Ori begin to fall out of the sky as a loud noise is heard through the forest.

Garble and Smolder have just made they're way to the new land as they look around in worry at this state.
"It's like when Spike first arrived in Nibel, it's a real mess here.." Smolder says sadly as they look around.
"Well, where do we start with finding him? He's gotta be here somewhere.." Garble asks looking all over the place, they hear a really loud sound that shakes the area, they look in shock as they see a large amount of water coming from the Water Mill
"I think that's where we start." Smolder told him and he nods.
"Glad to know he's trying to help out around here, let's do what we can too." Garble replies and she agrees to that as the two continue to fly off again.

Spike and Ori groan as they opened they're eyes.
"Ori? You okay?" Spike asks as he helps her up.
"Yeah, i'm good, did we do it?" Ori asks him, they look around and sees the waters have finally cleared up again.
"I think we did.." Spike says with a smile as they look at the water. They see a few more Moki come up to them looking happy.

"The water flows once more!" The moki says really happy at this." You both are very brave!" He tells them and they chuckle.
"Hey, we've done this before, wasn't to different right Ori?" Spike asks her.
"Agreed." Ori replies with a smile.

"We must tell Kwolok! This is a happy day for the marsh!" The moki says excited as they all start to run off.
"This means we can get to the Silent Woods and find Ku right?" Spike asks Ori.
"Yes, let's tell Kwolok and head to these woods." Ori suggests, Spike agrees to that and they start to run ahead again.
"Don't worry Ku, we're coming.." Spike says determined as they hope they can save they're sister..

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this new chapter! Sorry for the wait in updates for both my stories i got sick this weekend and couldn't focus, but i'm better now and am back to updating, hope you liked what this story has shown so far and you look forward to more! Thank you all for the positive support and hope you look forward to more!