• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 720 Views, 26 Comments

Ori And The Dragon In The Will Of The Wisps - Dragonfan101

Months after Spike met Ori and helped her save the forest and Kuro, they are separated from they're little sister Ku in a strange land

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6: Continuing Forward

Spike and Ori continue on using they're new dash ability to make it through tight spots, they dashed through some falling rocks then jumped over a large ledge and dashed in the air and landed on the other side. They went upward crawling up walls and ledges to avoid spikes on the walls and floor, they grabbed a pole and launched themselves into the air and landed back on the ground.

"Man, it feels great to use this move again." Spike said with a smile.
"Yeah, it's nice to have something that makes things faster for us to move." Ori agreed as they continued on. While they continued on Spike continued to think about Ku, he's really worried for her, and Spike's afraid of what happens to her in the Silent woods, Ori then noticed Spike and looked concerned.

"Spike? You okay?" Ori asked and he regained focus.
"Yeah i'm fine, sorry i'm just thinking.." Spike said as they continued on." About what?" She asked and Spike sighed.
"I'm worried for her, she's out there all alone without us, i promised Kuro i'd keep her safe, and now we're separated from her.." Spike said with worry and she looked worried as well." I know, she's so young, she can't even fly properly on her own without that feather, and we can't fly they're because your wings are messed up." Ori said as they look at Spikes crumpled up wings.

"This would go by much faster if i could fly us there. " Spike said sadly.' I know, i wonder if there's anyone here who could fix them." Ori suggested.
"Unlikely, i think the only one who would know how to help with my wings, is Gumo, or another dragon." Spike told her.
"Do you think they'll come searching for us?" Ori asked him and Spike thought it over.
" Most likely, we're all a family, so they probably will." Spike told her and Ori looked worried.

"What if something happens to them while they search for us? What if your friends show up in a way?" Ori asked and Spike raised his eyes in realization." That could work in a way, Celestia's magic is powerful, but she'd need more to teleport them to Nibel given how far it is from Equestria." Spike suggested.

"What if that does happen though? What happens if they see you.. like this?" Ori asked as she looked at Spike's hybrid body and Spike sighed sadly." I don't know, at first i thought i would be able to tell them the best i could without much fear.. but then i remembered something..." Spike told her and she looked worried." What is it?" She asked.

'Remember when we first met? Before i absorbed the light of the Spirit tree, i couldn't understand you, i don't think i'd understand Naru or Gumo either, and now since i'm a hybrid fully taken by the light..." Spike said in fear and she realized what he was saying.

"You don't think they'd be able to fully talk with you anymore?" Ori asked with worry and Spike sighed sadly.
"It's possible, since i'm becoming more or a spirit then a dragon... and with what's going on now in Niwen.. it's something i'm afraid of if i do see them again.." Spike said scarred. " I know it may be tough, but think of the other side, what if you can still talk fully with them?" Ori asked.

"Well i'd do my best to to explain what happened to me... and if i can't?" Spike asked and Ori looked concerned." Try not to think of that outcome Spike, let's focus on getting through here and finding Ku and getting home." Ori suggested and Spike nodded." Sounds good to me." Spike said as they kept moving on again.

Spike and Ori shot a purple orb from above them and a door nearby opened up for them, Spike and Ori made they're way up to the place and went through the door, they rested in another spirit well again before continuing forward. They jumped of a ledge and found themselves in an open area where there were spikes on walls.

"Man, how do we get up there?" Spike asked as they looked around the place." I don't know, but there must be.. something.." Spike said as they felt the ground shake and they looked a little worried." Spike what is that?" Ori asked, just then a large monster came from a wall above them and landed on the ground.

"Holy Celestia!" Spike said scarred as they saw it." It's like those things from before but much MUCH larger!" Ori said as they dodged an attack from the monster, they saw the back spot on it and got the same idea." You know what to do, let's do it!" Spike said as they pushed past they're fears and went to face it head on.

The monster slammed on the ground creating a trail of fire which Spike and Ori had to jump over, the monster charged at them and jumped in the air, they went under the thing and they saw it was the time to attack.
"Now!" Spike shouted as they summoned they're hammers, They used them and attacked its weak spot a few times, the hammer was slow but did heavy damage then the swords.

The monster recovered and repeated the same attack strategy, Spike and Ori were able to figure it out and use it when the time comes, Spike switched to his sword to slash at faster while Ori used her ninja star.
" This thing is tough!" Spike said as they kept fighting it. " It's gotta go down at some point!" Ori shouted as they dodged another fire attack.

The monster jumped over them once again and they both jumped at it and delivered a final strike with they're hammers and the monster roared in pain as it fell down defeated and they took heavy breaths.
"That was something.." Spike said as they looked at it's body.
" That was different from anything in Nibel." Ori said as they caught they're breaths.
"Which means there will be more like that wolf of this thing." Spike said with worry.

They looked up and saw a couple Moki again, they grabbed a vine and let it lose and it hung in the air letting them be able to leave the place. "Thank you!" Ori and Spike said at once as they moved forward and climbed up the vine.

"Those Moki, they're really nice aren't they?" Spike asked." They really are, and cute too." Ori said chuckling a little.
" Fluttershy loves animals, so she would definitely love them." Spike told her as they continued on.

They jumped off another ledge and started to move downwards, they used enemy's projectiles on the ground below them to open the way forward, they jumped over purple blasts and saw more lanterns, they both remembered what they were for back in Nibel, they went all the way down to the bottom, and found another Spirit tree.

"Guess some spirits had similar ability's." Spike suggested.
"Yeah, let's hope it's not to different from Nibel's." Ori said as they walked up to it and absorbed the light again, they gained the bash ability once again and they used this to continue on. They used the bash to get through the lanterns and move upwards again, they used the projectiles to propel upwards and found another lever, it opened the door below and they used that to go forward again.

"This must be the way to the Silent Woods." Spike said as he looked around, even from just the entrance, a lot of trees started to look dead and lifeless..
"Poor Ku.. hang on sister, we're coming." Ori said with hope as they went through. They continued to go upwards again, dodging enemy projectiles and jumping over more platforms together, Spike and Ori had become incredibly good with parkour so this wasn't much trouble for them. After bashing off a few more lanterns over thorns, they moved past a rock that pointed them to the woods.

They started to slow down a little as they kept moving, they looked around and saw there was more poisonous water, they looked down at it until huge bubbles started to rise, they looked up in awe as a huge frog creature rose from the water much to they're amazement.

"That must be Kwolok." Spike said as he and Ori looked at him, he opened his eyes and noticed them.
" Harrunk! Two spirits in my marsh? So the Moki were right, i wanted to believe, but it has been so long.. I am Kwolok and you are welcome to my marsh little ones" Kwolok told them.
"Thank you. My name is Spike, this is Ori, we came here looking for our sister Ku." Spike explained.

"Yes, the Moki told me your looking for your friend, an owlet, she fell far to the east." Kwolok told them.

We cut to Ku looking around scarred as the storm continues on, she hides herself in a stone egg looking down sadly as she was scarred and alone.
"The Silent Woods hold her now... Where the owls are no more.." Kwolok said sadly as the scream of Shriek is heard in the distance and a view of stone corpses of owls once laid...

"She's in a land of dead owls?" Spike asked horrified.
"The waterway behind me led me there once. but the waters have grown foul and impassible." Kwolok told them
" There is one way however, the Wellspring to the west, a great watermill sits silent." Kwolok explained.
"So we get the thing working again, we can get into the Silent Woods?" Ori asked.

"Yes, if you were to set it's flows in motion, the water would clear once more." Kwolok told them.
"I would accompany you two, but the Moki need me, however there is something i can give you." Kwolok explained.
"What is it?" Spike asked.

" It is a fragment of the ancient light that once brightened these woods." Kwolok said as they looked in the air and saw a orb of light come down to them.
" May it's voice, be your guide through this perilous land/" Kwolok said with hope.

"I am the voice of the forest, it has been a long time since i last saw your kind." The orb told them." And a long time since i left the marsh, but i will do my best, the Wellspring needs us." The Voice told them.
"Well nice to know we'll have a companion with us." Ori said with a smile.
"Agreed, so we need to get to the watermill right?" Spike asked.

"Yes, go to the Wellspring and teach it's waters to flow once again." Kwolok told them, the image of Niwen appeared in they're heads and they saw the icon glow marking where they need to go.
"Well we freed Nibel's waters once, this shouldn't be to different." Spike said to them.
"The sooner we clear them the better, let's go!" Ori said ready to go, they both headed west to help the waters flow clear once again.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this one! Thank you all for supporting this story so far and i hope you like it and look forward to more, i just saw the FNAF movie earlier today it was good in my opinion, let me know what you guys thought of it, thank you all for coming this far and hope you like what's to come!