• Published 7th Oct 2023
  • 720 Views, 26 Comments

Ori And The Dragon In The Will Of The Wisps - Dragonfan101

Months after Spike met Ori and helped her save the forest and Kuro, they are separated from they're little sister Ku in a strange land

  • ...

10: The Silent Woods

Spike and Ori proceeded to make they're way back to the entrance to the Silent Woods, with the water clean and flowing properly again, they should be able to head to the Silent woods to find Ku, they were heading back to Kwolok to see anything else he has to say before they head into a dark place. Spike was still glad they were able to save the waters of another land again, it felt both new and familiar at the same time. But he was still afraid on what's gonna happen there, and if they're gonna be able to save Ku..

"Hey Spike, you okay? You've look lost in your thoughts again." Ori asked which regained his focus again, all of his thinking wasn't letting him focus that well as he used to back in Nibel.
"Sorry Ori, all of this is just a lot for me right now.. It's a lot for both of us i'm sure.." Spike said worried as they flipped over some more poles with acrobatics and made they're way over more spikes. They made they're way through the land again while they kept talking, time just flew by a bit faster from doing it.

"Yeah.. Ku must be really scarred.. and alone.." Ori said with worry thinking about her.
"She's so young.. I promised Kuru i'd keep her safe.. and she's out there in a dangerous place.. without me or you with her.." Spike said in fear as he could just feel her cry's for them.
"And not to mention gone to Equestria, do you think she went to warn your friends on what happened here, maybe even bring them here?" Ori suggested curious on that idea.
"Could be, Equestria is thousands of miles from here from what we know, and Kuru is the only one who can fly such distances, she may be sending a message to Celestia and Twilight about something, maybe about what happened in Nibel?" Spike suggested as well as that could be the case.
"Maybe, i just wonder what they'll think of seeing you like.. this.." Ori said sadly looking at his body, Spike's ears went down a little being asked that.

"I don't know.. I used to think they'll accept me no matter what i'm like right now, but with what we're going through.. i'm afraid that i may never see them again after this.." Spike said sadly as this was something they all didn't expect.
"Yeah.. it happened so unexpectedly.. And i'm afraid that when this is over.. we may not come out of this alive.." Ori said in fear as she was getting a bad feeling too..
"If that's the case.. then let's just try and save Ku, our friends, family, and anyone else that could be in danger here, if we're not making it out of this.. let's at least make sure our friends are safe.." Spike said sadly as this was a fate he felt couldn't be avoided, even if he saw Twilight again.
"We're doing it for our friends and family.. maybe we could see them one more time before then right?" Ori asked hopefully as they hugged eachother again.
"I hope so.. let's go.. Kwolok's place is just up ahead.." Spike said as they were nearing the entrance again.
"Yeah, let's go.." Ori said in agreement as they quickly went to finally make they're way into the Silent Woods..

Garble and Smolder were flying to the water mill in order to try and find Spike and Ori, they thought they would be there since how recent the water's came out of it, they looked below them and saw the waters were flowing and didn't look poisonous anymore.
"Looks like they managed to get the water flowing again." Smolder said proudly as they landed down to try and find them, they looked above and saw the enormous water mill, just admiring how amazing and ancient it was.
"Yeah.. to think Spike was able to restore them with Ori, it must've been a long climb.." Garble said impressed that he did this without the mane 6.
"He's really come a long way, i may not have met him, but i can tell he's really grown, i don't think we would've done this by ourselves.." Smolder said as they saw the water's flowing through the forest seamlessly now.
"Yeah.. and to think he's a hybrid now.." Garble said sadly as they remember what he looked like before his quest ended.

"I really feel bad for him you know? Just imagine what that's like, being stuck between both a dragon, and a Spirit Guardian, and wondering if the ladder will take him over completely.." Smolder said worried on that..
"Yeah, you have to wonder what it feels like? That light did make him stronger, but it consumed him.." Garble said with worry looking at his reflection.
"Hey, it was to protect us and his family, you can't deny that the fact he did something like this at such a young age, is something truly special." Smolder said sitting down next to him.
"It is, and he's not even a teen, he did it all to protect his loved ones, and he's most likely doing it again.." Garble said looking at the huge mill again.
"Hey, i'd do the same for you, just like you'd do for me, we're family, and that's what we do." Smolder said shrugging his shoulder a little.

"Yeah.. your the only one of the family that cared about me after i molted, i'd do anything to protect you, even if it means costing my life..." Garble said turning to her who looked sad on that.
"Losing you would be like losing a part of my heart Garble, we can't live without eachother, and i don't know what i'd do without you.." Smolder said putting her claw on his shoulder.
"Smolder, no matter how long we live, eventually, one of us is going to die. And the one that survives has to live on and make things better for their life, if there's one person i'd make sure lives, it'll be you." Garble said looking at her who was sad on this, but didn't really want this to get more depressing.

"That won't happen for decades Garble, centuries even, your thinking to much into this, let's just stick by eachother's side, okay?" Smolder asked as he started to stand up
"I couldn't want anything more, let's get back to searching for those two." Garble declared which Smolder agreed too.
"You think we can find them?" Smolder asked trying to find any traces of them, Garble looked around and saw some white footprints, two pairs of them that lead a good distance into the forest.
"I think we can, come on, we may not be far behind!" Garble said as they quickly started heading after them and following the trail, hoping it wasn't too late..

Spike and Ori made they're way to the entrance to the Silent Woods, it was gonna be dangerous for sure, and they had to go down the same obstacles they went through before, but with they're grapple ability, traversing was much was much easier, it made it better for high ledges to be reached too and will definitely help in the future. They could see the very old frog creature just up ahead and got ready for what's next.

"Kwolok.." Spike said in awe as they both made they're way back to him. He did look tired, but that's because he was very old and must sleep in a lot.
"Welcome back little ones. I have heard from the Moki that you have restored the waters." Kwolok said looking at the clean waters below them.
"Yeah, a strange monster was blocking it from flowing, we had to climb all the way to the top of the water mill to stop it. The monster's still out there, but the water's are back to normal at least." Ori explained looking up at him.
"Hmm.. that is troubling to hear, i advise you keep your guard up in case it attacks. But none the less, you have achieved an important task, with the waters clean and flowing, you'll be able to traverse not just to the Silent woods, but any previous place you've seen with the poisonous waters, it's best you do so when you can, you may find something useful by doing do." Kwolok encouraged.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure to keep an eye out, so we can go to the Silent Woods now?" Spike asked peaking behind him.
"Yes, you can enter now, but beware. A being called Shriek lives there, her cry's are ones of pain, and her heart is stone. She will not show you mercy if she sees you, you must be careful when traveling through there." Kwolok warned which scarred them a little.
"That must be the monster that looks like Kuro we saw earlier." Ori said looking at him.
"Yeah, if she's out there, we have to be careful.." Spike said a little worried about doing this.
"Let's just hurry before she finds Ku, we may not have much time left." Ori said as they hopped over the pond and headed to the entrance.
"Be careful small ones.." Kwolok prayed as they were about to enter the place. They looked below them and saw the entrance was through a water cavern.

"You still remember how to swim Ori?" Spike asked looking at her.
"Well that depends, do you?" Ori countered which made him chuckle a little.
"Of course, i can still hold my breath for 10 minutes, let's hope it's a short swim." Spike said as they got ready to jump.
"Let's hope.." Ori prayed as they jumped into the water and began swimming to the entrance.

Garble and Smolder followed the trail as fast as they could, the trail was getting brighter which must show how recent they went by the place.
"We must be close, i can feel them.." Garble said as they looked around for them, but they did start to notice the woods were starting to look more.. decayed, and dead.. almost lifeless..
"Why are they going to a place like this? Let alone going deeper in here?" Smolder asked worried as the sun was starting to be blocked by the clouds.
"They must be searching for someone, it's the only reason one would go to a place like this." Garble said as they were going past the place Kwolok was, but he went underwater to rest a bit.

"How would you know that?" Smolder asked turning to him.
"Because if you were missing, diving into the most dangerous places to get to you would be the first thing i'd do.." Garble said smiling at her.
"Your so sweet at times brother." Smolder said shaking her head at that. They both stood on a ledge and saw the way forward was through a water cavern.
"Looks like we're going for a swim." Smolder said stretching her legs and arms a little.
"Race you to the way out." Garble said looking at her who chuckled at that.
"Your on, let's find those two." Smolder said as they did a high jump into the water and dove head first into the water just behind them..

Spike and Ori swam through the underwater caverns, they could see the glowing moss and plants of this forest, it reminded them so much of Nibel, it was dark but beautiful. They had to redirect some monster's projectiles into some weak logs which made the way reveal itself more. Spike kept on practicing holding his breath, he never forgot to go without needing air for 10 minutes, it's a record that he's sure Twilight and the others would be proud and amazed, since they only can do it for half as long, at least since the last time he saw them try it. Spike and Ori gasped as they emerged on the surface, they saw a grapple hook again and both got the same idea.
They used they're grapples to latch onto the top of the ceiling and jumped off to land just on the entrance.

They could already feel how lifeless this place was, the air was thick and tough to breath, there wasn't any wind flowing. And the sun was blocked by the clouds, leaving this place in a field of darkness, it was a depressing sight to see for sure.
"Wow.. i've seen sad sights.. but this is taking the cake.." Spike said in shock of how dead this place looked.
"It's worse then the stuff we've seen in Nibel.." Ori said sadly as they didn't feel a single gust of wind, just the cold lifeless air that was the Silent Woods.
"So.. Ku has to be here right?" Spike asked hopefully looking around the place.
"Yeah, the Moki, Kwolok, and anyone else who we've met all lead us here, she has to be.." Ori said looking a little worried.
"Well.. we shouldn't let her be alone any longer, let's find her, and get out before Shriek see's us." Spike said trying to stay confident.
"Yeah.. let's go.." Ori said as they were about to begin.

But a splash of water behind them caught they're attention, and they turned around and saw two large figures climb to the ledge, Spike's eyes widened in what they saw, they were dragons. One was a slender orange dragoness with pink hair and horns on her side, but besides her was someone he was never expecting to see here..
"Garble?!" Spike asked in shock as they shook off the water.
"You know him Spike?" Ori asked worried as they stood close together.
"Stay close Ori." Spike said as he looked ready to defend them both.

Garble and Smolder opened they're eyes finally and saw them a good distance away.
"We actually found them.." Smolder said in shock as they slowly went to them.
"Spike.. you really have become a hybrid.." Garble said in shock as they saw his glowing white body, with no traces of green or purple on him at all. Spike summoned a light sword and raised it at them which surprised them.
"Stay back Garble! I do not want to deal with this right now!" Spike warned which made them back up, but while he spoke normally to him, to them.. he wasn't speaking right.

"Um.. what did he say?" Smolder asked confused turning to Garble which surprised both of them.
"I.. don't know.." Garble replied which concerned them all.
"Wait.. you can't.. understand me?" Spike asked shocked, while he spoke normally to Ori's ears, to them, they can't understand a thing.
"What's he saying?" Smolder asked concerned which solidified this even more.
"They.. they can't understand me.." Spike said in horror as he put his weapon away and fell to his knees.

"Spike.." Ori said with sadness as he had tears in his eyes.
"If even Garble can't understand me.. then that means Twilight won't.. or any of my other friends.." Spike said as he began to cry.
"It's okay Spike.. i still understand you.." Ori assured hugging him close, Garble and Smolder were also worried on this.
"How.. how can we not understand him? He's a dragon like us, we should understand him clearly." Smolder asked looking at him.
"Don't forget Smolder.. he's not entirely a dragon anymore.." Garble said sadly as Spike's fears were coming true even more..

The Voice came out of them which did surprise Garble and Smolder.
"It appears your connection to the light has only taken away more of your dragon state Spike, your are becoming less of a dragon, and far more of a Spirit Guardian." The Voice spoke which horrified them, even if they can't understand Spike, they can understand the Voice since she's.. the voice of the land.
"Spike's losing more of himself? How? I thought him becoming a hybrid was the end of it?" Smolder asked worried at this.
"And.. how can we understand you?" Garble asked pointing at the orb.

"Why? Why is this happening to me? Losing part of myself and becoming a hybrid was bad enough, but not even speaking directly to them is.. is.." Spike said in horror trying to process this.
"Spike, your still you, that's all that matters, i'm sure we can fix this.." Ori said trying to help them.
"How can we fix this?! I can't even speak to the people that are my own kind! If i can't speak to them, how will i explain all of this to my friends?!" Spike shouted suddenly which surprised her, but then Spike turned to Garble looking mad at him.

"And you! Why are you here?! Are you here to pick on me again?! Did you come all this way to further hammer in the point that i'm not a dragon?! Well congrats! You made things worse for me by making me realize i can't talk to you, or my friends! Why was refusing to smash that Phoenix Egg so much for you?!" Spike shouted with anger which made Garble back up, even though he can't understand him, he could tell Spike is mad about him being here.
"Calm yourself Spike, there's another reason for why they're here, i can sense it. Accusing them like this isn't making things better, you need to think logically Spike." Voice advised as Spike was breathing heavily, while Spike was still upset at this, she was right, him being mad like this isn't something he'd be like, he can tell Garble isn't here for picking on him.

"Sorry, this is just.. a lot for me right now.." Spike apologized trying to calm down.
"It's okay, it'll be okay.." Ori assured holding him close, they looked at the two ready for questions.
"Now, i must ask, why did you two come here? This is a dangerous place." Voice asked floating up to them. Garble and Smolder looked at eachother and began to explain everything.

To say Spike was shocked was to put it lightly, they came here looking for him, they were able to find him thanks to their Dragon Lord, he helped Celestia and Luna make a spell that would teleport them to Nibel. And they were on they're way.. trying to find him..
"They're.. trying to find me? And they know about what happened?" Spike asked shocked at this, they could tell what he was asking and nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, we all saw what happened, every dragon in our lands, you did something none of us could do. And when we saw you became a hybrid.. your friends knew you needed them, they worked for months trying to find a spell to bring us here." Smolder explained to them which did relief them a little.
"At least we'll have some help soon.." Ori said a little relieved on that, but they all knew this was something they couldn't do on they're own.
"Well, we know why they're here, but why are YOU two here?" Spike asked again, he understood his friends coming to find him, but Garble and this sister he has is something he didn't know, the Voice translated this for them so they could understand again.

Garble looked down with regret and slowly walked up to him.
"I came.. to make up for what happened.. seeing the things you did in Nibel really made me see things differently. Your will to protect your friends and family, even putting your life on the line.. it's something i would do. I wanted to make up for what happened between us.. and hoped we could start over.." Garble explained which surprised him.
"He.. wants to move past what happened?" Spike asked himself surprised on this.

"Even if we haven't met little guy, even if i can't understand you.. my brother really wanted to come here, i know about what happened, and while what he did was VERY wrong.." Smolder said looking at him disapprovingly and he looked ashamed as well before she turned back to him.
"He's still a good person deep down, he cares for me as much as you care for your friends. He just wants to help you Spike." Smolder finished looking at him.
"Well.. at least he knows what he did was wrong.." Ori said as she saw he was being honest, Spike was really surprised to see him admit this, and if this was true, they're here to help them.

"I'll.. think of it.. but we need to regain focus, we still need to find Ku and get out of here." Spike said looking at them.
"Yes, it is important we find your little sister before Shriek does, this place continues to die each minute we stand here." Voice said in agreement which surprised the two.
"Wait.. you have a little sister?!" Smolder asked worried hearing this.
"And.. who is this Shriek?" Gable asked confused.

They got they're answer when they heard a loud noise nearby which scarred them. Spike put his finger on his lips and they understood what he's saying. They all quietly tip toed through the place and saw a huge monsterous bird, eating away the corpse of a dead creature while walking off.
"That is Shriek, we all must proceed with caution. she will kill us if she sees or hears us." Voice warned looking at them all, Garble and Smolder looked really scarred seeing Shriek move away as she was huge.
"Ku's in danger, we need to find her before she does." Spike whispered to Ori who was thinking the same thing.

Spike looked at the two dragons and showed them a small feather that could give them a clue of who they were looking for.
"That.. that little owl.. she's lost in this place?" Garble asked worried looking at it.
"A little owlet in danger? That's something i can't ignore.." Smolder said giving it back to him.
"Okay, we're gonna help you find her, but once we do we get the heck out of here okay?" Garble whispered looking at them. The two nodded in agreement and the 4 of them all went to save Ku..

To say the place looked worse then a graveyard would be an understatement, there were barely any signs of life at all, the water was gross and boiling hot, they'd all die if they sunk in it, so they let Smolder and Garble fly them over the water to avoid it. It was all just a dead barren place with no life to see. It was one of the most depressing sights any of them had ever seen..
"Man, and i thought the Dragon Lands look bad.." Smolder said sadly as they continued to move.
"It feels like were moving through a living nightmare.. a depressing one.." Garble added as they went to a higher ledge. Spike saw another grapple ledge and they used they're whips to latch onto the higher area.

"Wow, that is really cool!" Smolder said amazed as they flew upwards to catch up with them.
"I'll admit, having light powers like that is really cool." Garble said in agreement as they landed on the top, Smolder looked at Spike's back and saw that he had wings! But.. they were crumbled up, they looked like they couldn't move right.
"Spike.. what happened to your wings?" Smolder asked shocked seeing it.
"You have wings?! Then that means.. you went through your molt.." Garble said in shock as they saw they weren't in the best condition. Spike looked at the Voice and told her how to tell them this.
"Spike's wings were messed up during the storm a few nights back, he had just started flying too. It's sad indeed." Voice explained which surprised them.

"Why would you fly out during a storm?" Garble asked upset at this.
"The storm showed up unexpectedly when they arrived here, the wind was strong enough to separate them from they're sister, and the fall messed his wings up. And he became grounded once again." Voice explained some more which they understood.
"I see... if that's the case, let me see those for a second." Smolder said turning him around.
"Hey? What are you?" Spike asked confused as she spread them out, Garble and Smolder knew how to handle this, so a few minutes later, they managed to crease out Spike's wings so they weren't crumbled up anymore. They didn't look perfect for long periods of flying, but they could at least flap and catch updrafts now.

"There, that should be better for now." Smolder said brushing her claws off.
"Just take it easy with those things and they'll be back to normal in no time." Garble explained creasing out the last bits of them. Spike could feel them again and tried flapping them a little, he was able to get a good jump in the air with them, so he can move them normally again.
"My wings are fixed, this will definitely help! Thank you so much for this!" Spike said gratefully looking at them.
"Your welcome.. i just hope you said thank you.." Smolder said still not understanding him.
"Remember, you still can't fully fly yet, you can at least glide and catch updrafts for now, just give it time and they'll be back to normal soon." Garble explained making sure they understood it.
"Well, at least they got your wings fixed, that should help a lot right?" Ori asked with a smile looking at him.
"Definitely, let's hope Ku's nearby." Spike said as they started to move again.

They all saw a house that was hanging on the edge of a higher place, and they all went over to see it. They all entered it to be greeted with a even more depressing sight. They saw a dozen Moki within the place, but they weren't alive.. they were turned to stone.. lifeless.. and not moving at all..
"Oh no.. these Moki stayed here for too long in the Decay.. and they were turned to stone.." Voice said with sadness as they looked at the lifeless corpses..
"Decay?" Garble asked sadly rubbing a statues head.

"If one stays here for too long, they will turn to stone, as long as Shriek lives, her presence will keep all of them frozen.." Voice explained which made them more sad.
"So many innocent Moki's.. gone.." Ori said sadly as they saw no life in the room at all.
"They were just trying to hide from her.. they couldn't escape either way.." Spike added looking at the old place..
"They must've felt so scarred.. and alone.." Garble said as he found an old looking doll, it was pale and hard, but it felt handmade, and looked like it was one for a child.
"It must've been for a smaller child.." Spike suggested as they saw a smaller Moki then the others that was lifeless too which made them start to cry seeing a family go like this...
"Guys.. let's.. go.. this is too much.." Smolder said with tears in her eyes as they quickly went out of the house, this only made them more determined to find Ku before it happens to her as well..

They continued moving through the depressing place for a bit more, there were barely any monsters to fight as they were turned to stone too, it was getting more sad by the minute, with only a small piano medley being heard to accompany the somber place..
"To think I've seen so much in Nibel, and i thought Kuro losing her kids was awful.." Ori said sadly as they continued moving.
"We can't let her lose her last one, she's our sister.. we need to find her.." Spike prayed as they hopped of another ledge.
"I can't believe you went through places like this Spike, i don't think i would've made it out of them alive." Garble said as they tried making small talk.
"Yeah, for a little guy like you, you really did something amazing. Something that could inspire dozens of ones in the future." Smolder added looking at him, Spike looked at the voice again and told her what to say in response.
"He says thank you, it's a fate he was willing to accept and go through if it meant saving his family." Voice explained which made Garble smile a little.

"You know.. that's something i'd do too Spike, Smolder's my sister, and i'd do anything to keep her safe." Garble said looking at her, Spike was a little surprised hearing this from him, but he couldn't blame him. Family is something everyone needs to find joy in life.
"Yeah, and i hope we find yours soon, it makes me worried the more we go through this place." Smolder said looking over the area. Spike had the orb translate something back in response once more.
"He says thank you, and he's sure they're near her by now." Voice explained which gave them hope.

At that moment, they suddenly heard something in the distance which caught they're attention.
"Ku?" Spike and Ori asked at once as they quickly ran ahead with Garble and Smolder following behind. They emerged into a large open area, and in the distance, they could see huge statues of Owl's, frozen in stone like everything else here..
"The woods lay still.. all ash and bone.. " The Spirit tree spoke as the place started to rain, at least there was some form of water they could have here.
"Ku? Are you there?!" Ori asked looking over the area, they heard a sound nearby and saw a small owlet come out of a hiding spot.
"Ku?" Spike asked shocked as they saw it was her.
"Ku!!" Spike and Ori said at once as they quickly ran over to her, she ran over to them as well and they all hugged eachother in sadness and joy.

"Your okay! Your still here!" Spike said in relief as they were so relived.
"We thought you were in terrible danger.." Ori said having tears as Ku looked at them with sadness, just glad to see them too.
"This is your sister?" Garble asked shocked as they came up to them, Ku was a little scarred seeing them, but they calmed her down.
"It's okay, we're here to help.." Smolder assured as she bent down on one knee. But the reunion was interrupted when a loud stomp shook them, they heard a loud screech which scarred them.
"It's Shriek! Hide!" Smolder whispered as they all hid beneath the large place Ku was hiding in.

They could hear the steps growing closer, and saw a huge shadow loom over the place, they couldn't see her, but they knew Shriek was here, and was looking for them. They all held they're breathes as Shriek walked over the place they were hiding, and saw how huge she was, and knew they needed to get out of here now. Spike motioned all of them to move as they needed to go now. Ori and hopped on Ku and they all quickly started to leave trying not to be spotted by her.
" It was time to find a way home.. " The Sprit tree said as they all were making they're way through the night sky...

The more they went through the place, the more owl corpses they saw in the place, not a single creature was alive here. It only gave them more reasons to escape before they Decayed as well. They used the updrafts that were nearby to get to higher ledges, with Spike's wings fixed mostly, he could rise up to the higher ledges with them and made sure they weren't separated. As they got to a higher ledge, they saw the corpse of a familiar monsterous wolf..
"Ori.. is that?" Spike asked in horror as it was the same wolf that attacked them before, now frozen and lifeless..
"It couldn't escape here either.." Ori said sadly as this was just sad.
"Come on, i see the way out, we're almost free guys." Garble whispered as they were almost free.

"The way home.. just out of reach.." The Spirit tree said as something flew by them.
And as they were almost out, they saw a feather on the ledge in the distance.
"That's Ku's feather!" Spike said pointing at it.
"Come on, we have to get it.." Ori said as they quickly went to get it.
"Guys, be careful." Smolder whispered trying to make sure they aren't seen. But just as they almost grabbed it, they heard a loud screech again and saw Shriek tower over them all.
"Shriek.." Garble said in horror as she was huge, and definitely not friendly.

Dramatic music plays as Shriek roars at them all and they all looked really scarred, she marched to them with rage and almost crushed them all.
"Spike!!" Ori shouted with horror as he was almost crushed.
"Look out!" Garble shouted as he tacked him out of the way, Shriek roared at them all as Smolder and Ori backed up in fear. The monster tried stomping them to death as Spike and Ori were the light in this dark place.
"Ku!" Spike shouted with horror as she was near a ledge.
"Garble!" Smolder shouted in fear as she fell near the cave section she was nearby.

Garble looked at all that was happening, they were all overwhelmed by now, this monster was too strong for them to fight now, Spike was in danger, his sister was in danger. And wanting to finish his deed, he made his choice.
"Spike, i'm sorry for what happened. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me, i didn't want to do anything like that to you, i hope this sets things right.." Garble prayed as he held Spike up.
"Garble! What are you?!" Spike shouted in shock before he threw him to Ori.

"Spike!" Ori shouted as she caught him and they screamed as they fell down the ledge with Smolder. Garble saw the Owl was in danger and knew what he had to do, he breathed a stream of fire at it's leg which made it roar in pain for a moment. Garble landed in front of Shriek and put Ku behind him.
"Leave her alone you beast!" Garble shouted with rage as Shriek recovered from the attack. Shriek roared at them both and marched over to them as they were on a ledge, Garble saw the monster raise up his legs and braced himself.
"Take care of Smolder for me Spike.." Garble prayed as he closed his eyes and braced himself as a loud stomp was heard with the screen cutting to black followed by a loud roar of rage..

Spike groaned in pain as his eyes began to open his eyes finally.
"Ori? Smolder?" Spike asked weakly as he began to stand up, Ori groaned in pain as well as she woke up too.
"Spike? What happened?" Ori asked worried as he helped her up. Smolder groaned as well as she woke up too.
"Garble?.. Garble?!" Smolder asked worried as she got up instantly not seeing him here, they looked around and couldn't find the two anywhere in this cave.
"Ku! Garble!" Spike shouted trying to get a response, but they couldn't hear anything..
"No.. he has to be alive.." Smolder prayed as they quickly started to move.
"Ku.. Garble.. he.. tried protecting her.." Spike said with worry as this just kept getting worse.

They quickly made they're way through the cave searching for them, they're hearts were beating in they're chests as they prayed the worst hasn't happened to those two. They went over a few more ledges and saw the way out, but as they made it out.. they saw two corpses.. lying on the ground..
"Garble?!" Smolder asked worried as they ran up to them.
"Ku?!" Spike asked moving her body over, she wasn't moving.. her eyes weren't opening.. and she wasn't breathing either..
"No.. it can't be.." Ori said in horror in sadness as this couldn't be real. Garble was breathing weakly as he could barely keep his eyes open.

"Garble! It's gonna be okay! We're gonna get you help!" Smolder said trying to help him up.
"No.. don't.. i'm only holding you back.." Garble said weakly stopping her.
"Garble, please! I can't lose you! I don't want you to go!" Smolder begged as she began to cry, Garble weakly put his claw on her head and rubbed it.
"Like i said.. i'd do anything to protect you.. you have so much to live for.. as long as i know you'll live a happy life.. that's enough for me.." Garble said weakly putting his hand down.

"Garble, no.. no! Please don't! I can't do this without you!" Smolder begged more as she couldn't believe this was happening. Garble breathed weakly and turned to Ori and Smolder.
"Take care of her Spike.. i'm sorry about all that's happened.. you are more of a dragon then any of us.. even when you don't see yourself as one... your the best dragon of all of us... i'm sorry for everything.. and hope you forgive me one day.. stay strong little guy.. please.. take care of.. Smolder.." Garble said as he began to close his eyes..

"Garble.. no.." Spike said in horror and sadness as he breathed a final breath.. and his body stopped moving..
"Garble.. no.. no! Please!!" Smolder begged as she was crying heavily not wanting to believe her brother.. was gone...
"Garble.. Ku.." Spike said with tears as rain began to pour from the sky.
"Spike.. Smolder.. i'm so sorry.." Ori said with regret as they all hugged eachother looking over they're fallen family's while crying deeply. Multiple Moki began to arrive on the scene, and saw them crying over they're fallen loved ones and started looking sad as well. They held them close as the rain poured down on them, and they cried heavily over losing them as somber music plays through the night sky..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! Sorry it took so long to update this chapter, but with my other stories i've been working on, i've had trouble coming back on this. But i think it was for the best taking a little break, i wanted to gain more writing experience to make this feel grander. I love these games a lot and wanted to make sure i have the same sad feelings when getting to segments like this, you all can't tell me that this scene in the games didn't make you cry, i wanted to make sure it's just as strong here along with future sad moments in the game.

While i do admit that having Garble die alongside Ku is sad, i think it's a good way for him to have closure and making up to Spike, and while i could've had more interactions, i could only have so little with the time in this part of the game. I don't think my next chapters will be as long as this one, but i'll at least try and do half the length for the smaller parts, and ones just as big for big events at this. I'll make sure Spike's character is strong here, and same with Smolder, she may not be traveling with them through the game all the time, but i'll make sure she can help when she can, and make she's strong too. I hope you all liked this and look forward to more!