• Published 15th Feb 2024
  • 184 Views, 24 Comments

The Brothers Journey Through Space - Big Imagination E

Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!

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A Wish Come True

One Friday afternoon after school we see two brothers walking out. One was a orange skinned boy with red spiky hair with black streaks, blue jeans, a black leather jacket, A shirt with a flaming skull on it and was 15 years old. The other was a purple skinned boy wearing a green shirt and has green hair, and has black pants. They're names are Spike and Inferno. As they were walking home they were talking about the usual stuff.

"Hey Inferno?" Spike said.

"Yeah Spike? Something you wanna ask me?" Inferno asked.

"Well you remember during science class Ms Fleetfoot had all the students watch that presentation based on the planets and stars? I wonder what it would be like to actually see the cosmos in person?" Spike wondered.

"Beats me bro. But if I had to guess it would be pretty sweet to actually head into outer space. And you know what be even more exciting?" Inferno replied.

"What would be more exciting?" Spike asked.

"Seeing different galaxies and discover new planets that no human has ever seen before." Inferno answered.

"Now that would actually be really cool. But it's a real shame that we can't. I mean we don't even have a spacecraft. And even if we did we can't afford it." Spike said in defeat.

"True. True. But you know something? We can use our imaginations to make it seem like were in outer space. Remember when we use our imaginations to pretend that we were in Caveland?" Inferno asked.

"Oh yeah that was fun. Well we can pretend that we were in outer space. Let's head home bro." Spike said.

"Right you are man." Inferno agreed.

So the brothers kept on walking home and knew that they will have fun pretending to be in outer space and see the planets and stars.

After a hour they came across a nice two story house and went inside. Upon arriving home they were greeted by their parents who were glad they made it home.

"Hey boys? How was school?" Velvet asked.

"It was good. Busy like usual." Inferno answered.

"I'm glad to hear that. Well boys since you're home I got you two a little something. It's waiting in your room." Velvet said.

"Your mom got you two a build your own rocket kit!" Night Light smiled.

"Really? Thank you!" Spike said as he hugged them. "But how did you know that we wanted that?"

"Easy. We noticed that you two were always imagining that you were in outer space and wanting to see the planets and stars. Well you two astronauts better get building cause there's a huge adventure waiting for you." Velvet said.

"Thanks mom! Come on Spike! Let's build that rocket!!" Inferno beamed.

They went straight to their room and saw the kit. They beamed in excitement and opened it and got started on building their rocket ship. They followed the instructions on the book and placed the right pieces in the right places and once they finished that they hook out some paint and began giving it a cool paint job.

After 20 minutes they completed the paint job and smiled at their masterpiece. The rocket is flame painted and has green flames on the boosters. It even has a name on the side.

"Well Spike. Teamwork definitely pays off. For we have created The Flaming Phoenix Spacecraft!" Inferno said.

"It's beautiful. This is really a masterpiece. Now can we play outer space now?" Spike asked.

"You bet we can! Time to journey into the stars!!" Inferno answered.

So for the next 30 minutes they played outer space and they used their imaginations to make it look like they were travelling around the cosmos and seeing all the planets and stars and seeing what there is to see. After that time they fell on the floor and laughed enjoying that experience.

"Boys! Dinner's ready!" Velvet called out.

"Coming!" The boys said in unison.

"Race you down there!" Inferno said.

"Oh you're on!!" Spike challenged.

And then the two got up and raced each other to the dining room.

Soon enough they arrived in the dining room and Spike won the race. Then they sat down and Velvet got some chicken fried steaks and cheese fries all ready. Soon enough the door opened and entering was their seventeen year old daughter Twilight Sparkle. She was a little tired and sat down with the family and her mom got her some dinner as well.

"Hey sweetie. You doing okay? You look a little tired." Velvet asked.

"I'm fine mom. I was at the astronomy club and I was very busy preparing my speech for Monday. But for the weekend I'm planning to join with Timber as we spend some time at the planetarium." Twilight answered.

"Twilight. No disrespect but don't you think that maybe Timber would appreciate it if you tried something that HE likes doing?" Inferno asked.

"Yeah Twilight. I mean we know that you want to have a good time with him but maybe you should stop thinking about only school stuff and maybe try other things that's not school related." Spike offered.

"I can't. With my presentation due on Monday after school I can't focus on anything else. And plus I hope you boys will be there to hear the presentation. So excuse me." Twilight said.

She got off her chair and headed straight to her room and started working on her presentation on the planets and stars. The brothers however were annoyed by hearing that Twilight wants them there to hear the speech.

"Boys? Are you ok?" Night Light asked.

"Dad. We really don't wanna go and hear that speech. Everytime Twilight writes a speech it goes on and on and on and on til it rots our brains out." Inferno said.

"I know boys. Ive been trying to tell Twilight that she can't push herself when it comes to school. But I tell you boys this. If you don't wanna go hear the presentation then you don't have to." Night Light replied.

"Thank you dad. That would really spare us the trouble." Spike smiled.

"But boys? Just remember that when we tell Twilight that you didn't want to come you cannot do anything that might hurt her feelings. You know how sensitive she is." Velvet reminded them.

"We know mom. We promise not to do anything that might hurt Twilight's feelings. We swear." Spike vowed.

"That's our boys. Ok you two head off to bed it's late." Velvet said.

The brothers left the table and went to their room and changed into their pajamas. But before they went to sleep they saw a star shining bright in the night sky.

"Oh look at that. A lone star. Wanna make a wish Spike?" Inferno asked.

"I sure do." Spike smiled.

He closed his eyes and in his mind he pictured him and Inferno in a rocket traveling through the cosmos and seeing all the planets and stars and exploring them. He finished the wish and opened his eyes seeing the star twinkle. Spike smiled knowing that it was a cool wish to make even if it wasn’t coming true.

"What you wish for little brother?" Inferno asked.

"I wished that we would go on a space adventure. Seeing all the planets and stars in the cosmos. And maybe even making new friends." Spike answered.

"Now that is a cool wish. I definitely would like that to come true. Ok Spike let's get some sleep." Inferno said.

So the two crawled into their beds and soon enough they fell fast asleep smiling and dreaming about what would happen if they do get to see what outer space has to offer. But while they were sleeping some Equestrian magic came swirling around the city and went in the boys room. It then landed on the rocket and it began to glow but didn't wake up the boys. It suddenly begin to move and quietly flew out of the room.

The next morning the brothers woke up and when they were about to head down they realized that the rocket wasn't there anymore.

"Hey. Where did the rocket go?" Inferno asked.

"It was here last night. Did Twilight take it?" Spike said.

"I don't think so. She went to her room last night. So were gonna have to look around for the rocket." Inferno suggested.

"Yeah. But let's grab some breakfast." Spike replied.

So the brothers went downstairs and saw their parents and Twilight about to head out of the front door. This caught their attention.

"Hey. Where y'all going?" Inferno asked.

"Oh sorry for not telling you boys this sooner. But were going on a weekend vacation to the seaside. And since Twilight is coming with us were also trying to help her loosen up a bit. So you boys will be fending for yourselves this weekend." Velvet said.

"Ok mom. We understand." Spike nodded.


"We'll be home at 7am Monday morning. If you boys need anything give us a call." Night Light replied.

"Ok dad." Inferno said.

"Your breakfast is in the kitchen. Have fun boys. Call if you need us." Velvet said as she and the others left and closed the door.

The brothers didn't know that they're parents were going on a weekend vacation. And plus they still needed to find their missing rocket.

"Well that certainly was unexpected. Spike we should probably eat our breakfast and then we go try and find the rocket." Inferno suggested.

Spike nodded in agreement and they went to the kitchen and had their breakfast. After that they got up and looked all around the house to see where the rocket was. They searched high, and the searched low. They even looked in every nook and cranny. But they couldn't find the rocket anywhere. They eventually regrouped and met at the slide door to the backyard.

"Did you find it Spike?" Inferno asked.

"No I didn't. Man mom and dad are gonna be so upset if they hear what happened to the rocket that they gave us." Spike worried.

"Now don't worry. It was to be around here somewhere. Maybe we should look outside. I betcha Twilight did this to prank us." Inferno said.

Spike sighed as he was not in the mood for a prank. So the two went outside and gasped because to their surprise they saw the rocket! But it was way bigger! And it looked so real like. They couldn't believe their eyes seeing a huge rocket in their backyard.

"Dude! Is that our rocket?! It's huge!!" Inferno smiled.

"It sure is! Hey wait! I think it was the wish I made! Somehow and I don't know how my wish made the rocket bigger and now we can start our space adventure!!" Spike said.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Inferno asked.

"We should go in the rocket and see what space adventure awaits us?" Spike answered.

"Heck yeah! Let's rock and roll bro!" Inferno said.

So the brothers both went to the rocket and Inferno pressed a green button on the side of the door and opened. They went in the rocket and soon they will begin their journey in outer space!

Author's Note:

The bros space adventure is about to begin!!!