• Published 15th Feb 2024
  • 185 Views, 24 Comments

The Brothers Journey Through Space - Big Imagination E

Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!

  • ...

Relieved and the Fourth Planet

Back on Earth yet again the gang were still looking for the brothers. They looked everywhere. They tried the playground, the movie theater, the mall, different restaurants, the school, and even their favorite spot: The Soda Stop. But no one can find them. Twilight was now even more worried than ever.

"Oh Spike, Inferno. Where are you? I hope you aren't gone forever." Twilight said shedding a tear.

"Twilight darling. It's alright. Were gonna find them. They certainly couldn't have gone far." Rarity said.

Twilight could only nod her head yes. But after a few hours nighttime reached and Twilight was now extremely worried and her friends decided to stay at her home for a sleepover in hopes of cheering her up. But nothing they tried seem to work. And then Sunset's phone went off.

"Oh. Sorry girls. I gotta take this." Sunset said as she answered her phone.


"Hi Sunset. It's Inferno. Hey listen were sorry if we somehow made Twilight upset. So we wanted to check in and see how your doing." Inferno said on the other line.

Sunset suddenly was in shock and in happiness. Then she went back in the bedroom.

"What's wrong Sunset? Who's on the phone?" Fluttershy asked.

"Girls. Twilight? You ain't gonna believe who's on the phone. It's Inferno!" Sunset answered.

"What?! They're alive?! Oh lemme talk to them!" Twilight said as she took the phone.

"Inferno! I can't believe you are alive! Is Spike with you?"

"Yes he's with me. And sorry for not calling you earlier. But we've been busy exploring the galaxy and we just completely forgot to call." Inferno explained.

"Galaxy? Wait you two were in outer space the whole time?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Twilight asked.

"Sorry Twi. We thought you wouldn't believe us even if we did. But rest assured we are okay. And we'll be back home before you know it." Spike said on the other line.

"How did you two even get into outer space in the first place?" Sunset added.

"Long story Sunset. But Spike made a wish on a star and for some reason that made our rocket grow bigger and now were on a crazy space adventure." Inferno explained.

"Ok. But thank Celestia that you two are alright. Promise me that you be home soon?" Twilight asked.

"We promise Twilight. So were all ok now?" Inferno wondered.

"Yes. Ok we'll see you later when you return home." Twilight said as she hung up and gave the phone back to Sunset.

"Well Twilight. Your brothers are ok. So you should stop crying now. And they'll be back home before you know it." Sunset smiled.

"You're right. But I wish they could tell me before they headed into space. Now I hope they'll be safe in the comsos and know a way back home." Twilight said.

She looked up into the sky and silently prayed for her brothers to come home safe and sound.

Back in the Colorful Comsos the brothers were a little conserved because they don't know what they will expect when they find the cold planet. But at the same time they couldn't help but feel a little guilty for not telling Twilight sooner about them being in space.

"Hey Inferno? Do you we should have probably told Twilight about our space adventure earlier than late?" Spike asked.

"Yeah maybe we should have. But we got so busy discovering the planets that we didn't notice that. That was on me man." Inferno admitted.

"Next time when we have an adventure well gotta tell Twilight about it so she doesn't get all worried. We did promise mom and dad after all." Spike noted.

"Yeah your right. We'll make sure to do that next time. But for now let's focus on finding that cold planet. It shouldn't be too far now." Inferno said.

"Well don't have much far to go. Because were coming close to it now." Spike replied.

He pointed at an icy blue planet and the brothers knew instantly what planet that was. It was the cold one that wanted to check out. Inferno typed in the info on this planet and presented the information.

"Ok Spike it says here that this is the planet Cold Cuts. So there's like a bunch of snow and it's really cold over there. Like freezing cold." Inferno explained.

"So how do we stay warm in that weather?" Spike asked.

"Don't worry Spike. There's a special panel equipped on our spacesuits. Just press the orange button and it was active the thermal nuclear underwear and it should keep us toasty warm in there." Inferno answered.

"Wow. Is there anything that our spacesuits don't have?" Spike asked all surprised.

"This ship and suits are created by our imaginations! So there's nothing that they can't do. Alright Spike-O! Next stop: Cold Cuts!!" Inferno declared.

So he steered the ship and and headed straight into it's atmosphere and prepared to witness the cold weather as they see snow coming on the ship. What will they witness when exploring Cold Cuts? We'll find out soon enough.

Author's Note:

Get ready for a chilly experience boys! Cold Cuts will be freezing!!