• Published 15th Feb 2024
  • 181 Views, 24 Comments

The Brothers Journey Through Space - Big Imagination E

Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!

  • ...

Friends Worried and the Third Planet

Back on Earth we see Twilight with all her friends as they tried to calm her down because she was crying a little since she couldn't find her brothers. They did their very best to help her but still couldn't get her to stop crying.

"What am I gonna do? My brothers are missing and I fear they might have been kidnapped." Twilight said.

"There, there darling. It's okay." Rarity said calmly.

"How? My brothers are missing and I haven't paid attention to them. I feel like a bad sister!" Twilight cried.

"Twilight. You are not a bad sister. I know you love your brothers as much as they love you. Now please calm down. If it will make you feel better we can try to find them." Sunset reasoned.

"Yeah. And I know your brothers would not be mad at you." Fluttershy added.

"Ok. Yes. I want my brothers to be safe." Twilight said calming down.

At the same time her parents came to her.

"Twilight. We informed the police. They'll do what they can to find your brothers." Velvet said.

"But honey. We don't want you to get upset when you here this. If the police can't find them in six days then the chances are they are no longer here." Night Light added.

"Mom! Dad! I don't want to believe that my brothers are dead!! I want to find them!!" Twilight cried.

"Ok ok. Calm down. Now if you wanna find them your more than welcome to. But we are to be by your side at all times. And your friends are welcome to join the search." Night Light replied.

"Yes Mr and Mrs Sparkle. And we probably should have told you sooner but me and Rarity carried crushes on your boys. So after we find them is it okay if we hang out with them? As couples? We swear to never lose them." Sunset asked.

"You know what? Sure you can. After all you both are very nice girls. So after we find them then you have our permission to hang out with them." Velvet smiled.

"Thank you. But we better get started on finding them." Rarity suggested.

"Let's look at the movie theater! Maybe they overslept after the movie and forgot to come home." Pinkie said.

"Maybe. Let's go look." Night Light replied.

So everyone headed out of the house and began their search for the brothers. But none of them realize that they are in outer space exploring the comsos.

Speaking of space we see a portal opened and the hyperspeed deactived once more and the brothers were still cruising around the sea of stars. This time they entered a galaxy of colors as they shined bright and making a rainbow everywhere.

"Woah. Look at all these colors! They're beautiful." Spike said.

"They sure are Spike. Because according to the computer we are in The Colorful Comsos. Where here everything is all bright colorful and cheery. Even the planets here are colored theme!" Inferno said.

Spike smiled hearing that and there was something that got his attention. He saw a star constellation in the shape of a dragon and got starry eyed.

"Bro! You gotta see this!" Spike said.

"What is it Spike?" Inferno asked.

Inferno looked out of the window and saw the dragon constellation and smiled.

"Wow! We found Draco!! It was named after Ladon, the hundred-headed dragon that guards the garden of Hesperides. In fact, sad story but true Ladon the dragon was slain by poison arrows in one of Heracles’ 12 labors." Inferno explained.

"Poor Ladon. I bet he was a tough dragon." Spike replied.

"In a lot of his books yes he was. Anyways Spike. Since we are in The Colorful Comsos let's see what colorful planets are there waiting for us." Inferno suggested.

He typed in what kinds of planets there were in the Colorful Comsos and pulled up a bunch! They couldn't decide which one to choose from.

"Wow. That's a lot of planets. I don't know which one we can pick. We could try the purpley-blue planet." Spike suggested.

"I don't know Spike. Cause looking at its info it says it's a gloomy place and it's known as Gloomtopia. Now do you really want to explore a sad looking planet like that?" Inferno asked.

Spike thought about what Inferno said and started gaining second thoughts.

"Actually I rather not check that out. Besides if Pinkie was here she probably wouldn't enjoy it anyways." Spike replied.

"Yeah that's exactly what I thought. Alright let's see what else there is." Inferno said as he tried relocating another planet. "Ooh this one looks good. It almost looks like a rainbow bubble. And it's not gloomy. Wanna check that out?"

"Sure. It's way better than the other planet." Spike answered.

"Ok! Then we had a winner! I'll just actived the hyperspeed again. And we head down to the third planet! Let's fly!" Inferno said.

He pressed the button and the boosters kicked at high speeds and flew really fast. Inferno was keeping his eyes on the window so he make sure that they don't crash into anything and break the ship. Then after a hour or two Inferno slowed down the speed and they saw a rainbow bubble like planet coming into view. The brothers smiled seeing sight wonderful sights.

"Well look at that planet Spike! Ain't this baby a beauty?" Inferno asked.

"It sure is! I wonder what we'll see on the planet? And im not sure what it's called." Spike wondered.

"According to the computer this planet is called Toompa." Inferno said. "I mean I'm not sure why it's called that but it kinda does make sense that it looks like a bubble."

"Yes. Well that planet is good enough to explore. Let's go check it out." Spike smiled.

"You got it bro." Inferno said.

Inferno took the ship in the atmosphere and went to the planet. The brother are about to see what Toompa has to offer and maybe new people.

Author's Note:

Time to visit the third planet!