• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 1,887 Views, 87 Comments

Trixie's Stupendous, Awe-Inspiring Adventure of Destiny - Turkleson

With Twilight Sparkle now being an Alicorn, Trixie sets off on a journey to reclaim her title as the most powerful Unicorn in Equestria.

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Chapter Five

“And you’re not going to be mad at me if this doesn’t work?” Gilda asked.

“It’s going to work G. Just do it and stop being a baby.” Trixie answered.

The Griffon simply groaned as a rebuttal whilst looking back and forth at two things. First was a purple cape Trixie had put up on the wall. The second was a knife in her claws that the Unicorn instructed her to throw at the cape. Apparently, while spending all night developing a personal magical arsenal, Trixie imbued this cape with some sort of protection spell. Evidently, it was up to Gilda to test and see if it works. Deciding to throw caution to the wind, the knife was thrown at the cape and sure enough, bounced back off.

The knife then proceeded to bounce around everywhere in the apartment.

Pony and Griffon alike dove for cover nigh instantaneously. Impalement by kitchen appliances was on neither of their to-do lists that day. After a good minute, the knife finally struck the floor and stayed there. Both roommates eyed the blade warily, almost expecting it to try and trick them. Feeling confident that it was going to stay put, Trixie finally said “Well, It works.”

“If you ever make me do something like that again, I will flay you.” The hybrid threatened.

A pair of violet eyes simply rolled at the words. “Don’t worry” Trixie said. “This next test shall simply be an act of spectating for you.”

“I prefer they stay that way.”

The blue mare went over to a knapsack on the coffee table and pulled out a tiny ball resembling one of her signature smoke pellets. “Behold! This tiny object appears to be but a mere smoke bomb. However, through the workings of my incredible magic…” She then threw the pellet to the ground, but instead of the usual explosion of smoke, a bright flash was put out and there Trixie stood, encased in a dome of magical force. “…it has become an instant force field!”

Gilda stood there, claws crossed, giving a small smile and a slight nod. “OK, that is pretty cool.” The Griffon was more often amused with Trixie’s magic than she was impressed. Credit where credit was due, however, that is a mighty fine trick. “Good job.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Trixie asked.

“I said ‘Good Job’!” Gilda said louder.

“Yeah, uh… I can’t hear very well in this thing.”


“Also, I can’t turn this off.”

“Well, the coolness level just went down.”


“I said you’re an incompetent doofus and your dreams are stupid.”

“Oh thank you! I think you’re eyes are lovely too.”


An hour passed until the shield came down and much to Gilda’s surprise that was all the testing for the day. Apparently all of Trixie’s other magical gadgets were in the embryonic stage. Of this, Gilda was thankful. She was not looking forward to a rerun of last week. She was honestly beginning to wonder which Trixie she preferred. The quiet, solemn, clinically depressed Trixie or the tenacious, go getting, potentially unstable, ‘Stand still! You’re ruining my trajectory!’ Trixie. Such thoughts were halted as she noticed the mare in question was applying her saddlebag, indicating she was going out. “Where are you going now?” the Griffon queried.

“I’m heading out to initiate the next step of the plan.” The Unicorn responded. “I’ll be back later. Be sure to pack some essentials when I do.”

“Why?” Too late. She was out the door. Gilda merely grumbled as she decided to go take a nap.


A pair of golden eyes opened from a lengthy nap to the sound of bells. Not exactly jingly bells, but not chimes either. Gilda looked out the window and saw it was nearing sundown. While not being a detective, she pieced together that this noise was coming from her roommate who had returned from another lengthy day out. She slowly got up from her collection of pillows to go outside to see what the racket was about. She made her way downstairs and opened the front door to the complex to see the blue devil herself. Standing on the sidewalk grinning like a madmare.

“Alright Trix what’s going on?”

“Ta-Da!” Trixie exclaimed, gesturing her hooves towards what was behind her.

What was behind her was a wagon. It was bigger than most wagons and had a roof. This indicated that it was a living wagon ponies use to travel in. Gilda recalled her friend mentioning having one when she was a showpony. This made what she felt Trixie was trying to say very clear.

“So you got another living wagon?”

“Not just any living wagon. The latest Golden Wheels Estate living wagon. It’s completely whether resistant, can be moved from the inside AND…” Trixie then gave the wagon a slight kick. The whole side of the wagon then opened up to reveal a surprisingly spacious interior. “…total sleeping space for 5.”

This new development intrigued Gilda and essentially confirmed her suspicions. “So I guess this mean you’re ready to start doing shows again.”

“Not quite.” Trixie replied.

…. OK, what?

“But if you’re not gonna do shows again, why did you buy it?”

“Because I’m going to start traveling again. Just not for shows.”

This just made the feathered friend even more confuse. “How does this fit into your plan exactly?”

“What? You thought I’d realize the extent of my destiny in Fillydelphia?” Trixie asked. “This place has certainly seen the beginning of my journey, but it won’t see the end. I’m not going to find my place in the world in this town.” She then pointed to the horizon, which she couldn’t see because of the tall buildings. “My true calling is out there somewhere. Outside of Fillydelphia. Maybe even outside of Equestria. I’m not sure. But I do know for sure is I have to go, if I have any hopes of finding out.” She then returns her attention to her friend. “You don’t have to come with me, but you can if you want.”

Gilda looked at her blankly, waiting a few moments before giving her a response. “Do you still have that money with you?” She finally asked.


“Alright, I’m comin’.” She complied

“HUZZAH!” Trixie cheered.

“Just a few questions,” the Griffon added. “How did you afford this thing?”

“Oh, Penny Pincher got it for me.” The Unicorn replied.

“Penny Pincher? Your old boss?”

“Indeed. I told him if he bought it for me, we would elope together.”

“Ah. Are you going to?”

“I knocked him out cold with a frying pan the second he paid for it and took off, you tell me.”

“That’s my Trix.” Gilda smiled.

“Was there ever any doubt?” the pony of destiny asked with a smirk.

With that, the roommates both climbed into the wagon. They both took a second to admire the luxury inside. Two bunk beds and a hammock on one end, a kitchen with a fireplace near the center and a sitting/eating space near the front, where there was also a small door that opened to sitting space outside the wagon.

“So how does this thing go on its own again?” Gilda asked. In response, Trixie drew attention to a lever on the wall and gave it a slight pull. From there, the wagon began moving on its own. Pulling out from where it was parked and simply rolled down the road at a steady pace. Again, the hybrid was impressed. While not as spacious as their studio apartment, she could definitely get used to this. She then proceeded to the hammock where she decided to relax while the wagon proceeded to do all the hard traveling for them.

“Did you remember to pack your essentials?” Trixie asked.


Author's Note:

Welp. here's where the real adventure begins :D