• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 1,887 Views, 87 Comments

Trixie's Stupendous, Awe-Inspiring Adventure of Destiny - Turkleson

With Twilight Sparkle now being an Alicorn, Trixie sets off on a journey to reclaim her title as the most powerful Unicorn in Equestria.

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Chapter Eight.

The streets of San Franciscolt were flooded with noise. Behind Trixie was the noise of hundred terrified ponies clogging the streets in an attempt to flee the city. Above Trixie was the noise of a massive thunderstorm booming its fury like a sociopathic drummer. In front of Trixie, however, was the noise of an enraged Ursa Major, towering over every building he was swiping away with his enormous claws and letting out a deafening roar while doing so. Such a culmination of noise would do well to strike the terror in the hearts of most ponies.

Trixie, however, was no normal pony and today she was going to prove it.

Standing smack dab in the middle of the street, the silver-maned equine steeled herself against the gigantic, ever-approaching threat. “Foul Beast!” Trixie bellowed. “You are not welcome in this city! Be gone from here, lest the Great and Powerful Trixie is forced to vanquish you!!!”

While the yelling Unicorn was able to catch the behemoth’s attention, another ear-splitting roar indicated the impossibility of reasoning with this creature. Let it never be said that she didn’t try to negotiate.

“Very well!” she shouted. “Then what happens next is your own doing! Take that knowledge with you to your grave!!!” Trixie then removed her signature pointy hat and reached inside it. From within, she pulled out a large staff, taller than she was, with a large star on the high end. The staff itself was not powerful or laced with any enchantments, but it would provide assistance to what Trixie planned to do.

She proceeded to channel magic from her horn into the staff, forming a connecting stream of energy between the two. She lifted herself up to her two hind legs and held the staff up as high as she could. She looked at the sky still flooding with the sound of thunder and the flashing bolts of lightning. With buildings as high as they were in San Franciscolt, nopony walking the streets would have to worry about getting struck by lightning. That is, unless, a unicorn was using their magic as a sort of beacon to attract the electric energy of a lightning bolt. Then again, if they were doing that, they would be less worried about getting struck and more counting on it.

This particular Unicorn had proceeded to clear her mind of any distractions to focus on what was to come. A single slip-up could result in a fried brain. A move like this required the utmost concentration and precision, which could prove difficult considering there was a bear monster the size of Canterlot approaching closer intending to end her life. Nevertheless, this technique required the brunt of her attention as it would be over in an instant.

Surely enough, the instant came. An especially giant bolt of lightning had struck the mare’s staff, followed the magical current to her horn and shot out from that end. Her horn, by that point, was directed right at the Ursa Major and the stream of electricity hit the monster directly between its eyes. The Ursa was blown onto its back by the force of the attack, crashing down onto the concrete.

The blue spellcaster began to stagger and struggle to stay on her hooves, finding assistance in her staff. That move had taken a lot out of her. As the electricity channeled itself through her via the stream of magic, the lightning had soaked up most of the energy from her body as it expelled itself from her horn. It was really a trick that a unicorn could use once. Despite the nigh overwhelming fatigue, Trixie deemed the spell worth the effort by the look of her fallen enemy. She managed a sigh of relief in between labored breath as a suitable recognition of her victory.

The moment for patting herself on the back however was short-lived as the fallen monster began to stir and bring itself back on its paws. Eyes as violet as the beast itself went wide with horror at the sight of the Ursa’s recovery. Soon, the eyes of the giant bear met hers, this time filled with even more rage than before. A vicious glass shattering growl signaled the creature’s intention for revenge.

The Unicorn’s confidence now in tatters, she motioned to escape. Her legs, however, gave in to the immediate exhaustion she was faced with and Trixie fell face first into the concrete. Feeling that this wasn’t enough apparently, the Ursa Major swung its massive paw and swatted the pony against the building wall. The double impact she experienced had all but destroyed the poor mare’s body as she laid against the wall unable to move. Painfully, she looked up to see the purple furred monster readying a claw to finish her off in an instant. Trixie shut her eyes tight as she found her demise to be inevitable and waited to be crushed.

Despite her shut eyes, Trixie did hear a loud blast and the sound of the Ursa’s roar being cut short as if it had vanished. She did find the sudden noises confusing but still did not dare open her eyes. Not until she heard a voice.

“A warm welcome to you, Trixie Lulamoon.”

Trixie’s eyes shot open as she looked around to find the source of the voice. Looking around the ruins of the city, she could see no Ursa Major. What she did see was a pony approaching her from where the Ursa once stood. But this wasn’t just any pony.

With a coat the as dark-blue as a summer’s night and a mane rippling like running water in the moonlight, this pony was impossible not to recognize. Even if she wasn’t, the extra height, long horn and set of large wings would be enough to provide a clue.

“Princess Luna,” Trixie whispered with her hoarse throat. The Alicorn acknowledged her name with a small smile.

Ponies often reacted to the Princess of the Night one of two ways. On one hoof they looked upon her with amazement and wonder, much like anypony would look upon her sister. Not just as a princess but almost as a God. On the other hoof, ponies would react in fear. Fear brought on by the fact that this Princess was once the Mare in the Moon, a thing of Nightmares that inspired the festivities of Nightmare Night. Fear that there were remnants of that wicked mare of Darkness still flowing in the Alicorn’s being waiting to return.

Trixie reacted with neither fear, not wonder.


Shock came upon Luna’s face as she was slightly taken aback by her subject’s rage. “Pardon?”

“Oh well, it’s nothing really,” said Trixie, her words bleeding sarcasm. “You showed up and took care of the Ursa and the city’s safe again. That’s good. It’s just that if you could have done that by yourself, I’m curious as to why you didn’t do it BEFORE IT BROKE EVERY BONE IN MY BODY!!!” The battered Unicorn, previously petrified, was now enraged to the point of seeing red.

This wasn’t helped by the source of her rage, the Princess, stifling a chuckle. “I must apologize,” Luna said between giggles. “It’s not often that I feel it necessary to interfere in my subjects’ dreams.”

“WELL ISN’T THAT JUST- wait…what?” the light blue Unicorn’s mind had just processed the final part of that sentence. “Did you say that-“

“This is a dream, Trixie,” Luna reiterated. “Try and stand up and you’ll see.”

Confused, Trixie looked down at her beaten form. As she thought about it, despite thinking her body was broken, she didn’t quite feel pain. So if this was a dream then she wasn’t really hurt and she could get up if she wanted to. She made the attempt and brought herself to her hooves. Astoundingly, she was unharmed and her previous feelings of fatigue were gone.

“Heh, neat.” Trixie smiled. She then looked upon the Royal Alicorn. “So if this is a dream, then you’re not really here right?” She asked Luna.

“To the contrary,” The Princess said. “To roam my subjects’ dreams is part of my duty as the Night Princess.”

Those words struck the smaller ponies mind with immediate oddity. “Well if you ask me that sounds like a complete invasion of privacy.”

Luna simply smiled and retorted, “Would you not do the same to me if you could?”

“… That’s not the point,” Trixie shot back. “What are you even doing here anyway?” I don’t recall seeing you in any of my other dreams.”

The curved lip on the Alicorn’s face then went flat and her demeanor became more serious. “I only make myself known in the dream world whenever a pony is in need of guidance. In this case that pony is you.” She moved closer to Trixie with concern evident in her eyes. “In this dream, you fought an Ursa Major and lost.”

The smaller pony avoided eye contact, looking quite embarrassed. “Yeah? So what? Everypony has nightmares from time to time.”

“Except this is the seventh time you’ve had this nightmare in the past week,” Luna added.

Trixie looked up with surprise on her face. That couldn’t be right. She didn’t recall having the same nightmare for a whole week. Then again she almost never remembered her dreams to begin with. She did remember getting up earlier in the morning than normal, but thought that was just eagerness for her future plans.

“Are you that terrified of an Ursa Major?” the Princess asked. “Or is there a deeper fear in play?”

Trixie groaned in confusion. “Ah hay, I don’t know. Maybe it’s just my mind reminding me I’m not done yet.”

“Not done?” Luna queried.

“Yeah, I’m kind of on a quest of self-discovery,” Trixie answered. “I seek to reclaim my destiny as Equestria’s most powerful Unicorn.” Those words seemed to fill her with pride as her stature and tone changed dramatically from moments before.

The Moon Princess looked upon Trixie with amusement. “I believe I heard of you doing something like this before. It involved an evil artifact and the enslavement of a town.”

The sense of pride soon drained from Trixie’s features as she stammered in an attempt of a rebuttal. “W-well. That-That was different. I was d-driven by revenge and corru-“ she suddenly paused. “Hey wait a minute! Where do you get off lecturing me about that!? You were Nightmare Moon once upon a time! Remember?”

Luna simply nodded. “Yes, I do remember, and I’m not trying to lecture you. I can actually empathize with you. I simply wish to know for sure you don’t use this quest as an excuse to repeat past mistakes.”

“If I planned to go all evil again, would I be dreaming about getting my flank kicked by an Ursa Major?”

“I suppose not. So perhaps this quest is about facing your past demons. Or perhaps it’s about seeking redemption.”

“Well, I can worry about that on my own time. I don’t see how any of this concerns you, anyway. If I wanted counseling I’ll pay a professional for it. Now get out of my head!”

“You mean to order the Princess of the Night out of your dreams?”

“When you’re in my head, you do what I say. Now go on! Shoo!”

Luna simply smiled and spread her impressive wings. She took to the sky, flying towards the moon. As she did, the world around Trixie began to ripple and fade as if vanishing from exis-

Trixie’s eyes shot open as she sat straight up and began franticly finding her bearings. She found herself not in the desolate ruins of San Fransiscolt, but inside her new traveling wagon. She looked at the bed she was lying in and then over to the bed of her compatriot Gilda and newcomer Lightning Dust. Her surroundings all but confirmed that she had just awoken from a dream.

A dream that, unlike most, Trixie remembered vividly. This came as most annoying to the show mare in all honesty. Not only was she plagued with the false memory of getting wrecked by a giant bear, she also remembered the former Alicorn of Death playing psychiatrist in her brain. She rubbed her temples, almost in an attempt to rid herself of the memory. That is, until a beam of light caught the corner of her eye.

Turning her head towards the source, she saw the morning sun just peeking over the horizon. Celestia’s new day had begun and almost immediately, the machine in Trixie’s mind switched gears as the thoughts of her journey today filled her with excitement and high expectations.

Almost gleefuly, she made her way towards the front the coach and pulled the lever next to the door. The wagon set off automatically from where they were parked down the street towards the nearby town. Trixie stepped onto the seats outside the wagon and looked longingly at the approaching constructs, eager to leave the visions of last night far behind her.

"I do need to get a staff like that though. That thing was wicked."

Author's Note:

And after a rather hefty hiatus, Trixie is back. Terribly sorry it took so long but I just had other things occupying my time. This chapter is technically filler but I'll find a way to work it into the plot later, I promise. Enjoy :)