• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 1,883 Views, 87 Comments

Trixie's Stupendous, Awe-Inspiring Adventure of Destiny - Turkleson

With Twilight Sparkle now being an Alicorn, Trixie sets off on a journey to reclaim her title as the most powerful Unicorn in Equestria.

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Chapter Seven

A dragon was a rare sighting in Equestria. Outside the Dragon Migration, a pony could go a whole lifetime without ever seeing one. Of course, if a pony ever saw one, odds were it wasn’t a sign of anything good. Usually the sighting of any dragon in Equestria was soon followed by being reduced to ash in a matter of seconds. A blue Unicorn and her compatriot were just facing such a predicament.

High in the sky, swooping down fast, was one such lizard of death. Its scales were red as blood and it had eyes of gold. A loud roar caused the ground to shake and its beating wings caused a violent wind, nearly knocking all the trees over. Such sights were enough to terrify anypony. It was certainly working on Trixie.

She simply stared wide-eyed at that thing in the sky both in wonder and horror. Having been in a situation where her life was at stake before, Trixie could easily say this: The feeling of dread doesn’t go away the second time around. Despite this, her mind was doing its best to focus on a way of getting out of this problem alive. Gears were whirring inside her head thinking of any way to deal with the incoming dragon.

“Trix! WE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!” Gilda exclaimed, having already taken to the air. Trixie knew flying away wouldn’t work. The Pegasus they found, formerly unconscious, currently babbling in fright was a sign that this thing would be fast enough to catch them. Trixie franticly looked around for anything that could help them against this fiery menace. Then, her eyes fixed on her wagon. The moment of brilliance she needed had finally arrived as she now knew what to do.

“No G. I got an idea. Everyone in the wagon!” Trixie exclaimed, helping the Pegasus to said wagon.

“Oh THAT’s a great idea! Hide from a fire breather in a wooden box!” Gilda yelled sarcastically.

“Don’t worry, I have a plan! Trust me!” the Unicorn assured.

Grinding her teeth in frustration, the Griffon perched herself on the roof as she saw her friend sit the other pony down then rush inside the wagon. Gilda then looked up to see the dragon getting closer and having the wagon in its sights. This was legitimately the first time she could say she was afraid for her life. Trixie then returned to the front of the wagon holding two small pellets in her hoof.

“A smoke bomb!? Really!? THAT WAS YOUR GENIUS PLAN!?” Gilda roared in outrage.

Trixie looked back up at her friend offended. “Have you really forgotten everything we did in the past week?” she asked. Then she threw the pellets at the ground.

A giant stream of fire shot from the dragon’s mouth and covered the entire road and some of the surrounding trees. In almost an instant, the land was stained black with ash and dust as Equestria was again marked by the visitation of a dragon. His work being done, the serpent flew off leaving the mark behind.

What he did not see through the smoke, however, was a large pink dome of magical energy protecting the wagon he targeted as well as the ones inside it. Trixie and company remained as quiet as physically possible, worried the slightest peep might warrant the dragon's return. Only when they saw the creature disappear into the sky did they risk a collective sigh of relief.

“Heh, force fields in a ball,” Gilda mused. “Those things sure do come in handy.”

Trixie smiled in triumph. “Was there ever any doubt?”

“Only problem is now we’re stuck here for another hour like last time.”

“Not so, I figured out how to deal with that.”

“How so?”

An azure horn began to glow with a bright pink aura, similar to the shield she was now concentrating on. With an effort of will, the energy wall right in front of them began to ripple and wane, revealing a weak spot. The wagon was then geared into movement and sure enough they moved right through the barrier.

Trixie wiped some sweat off her brow, feeling more triumphant than before. “There, you see? The ever resourceful Trixie save us once more.”

“Yeah, I guess,” the Griffon responded nonchalantly.

The blue mare simply rolled her eyes and then turned her attention to the teal Pegasus next to her. “What about you? You OK?” she asked.

Bright yellow eyes turn to meet violet eyes. The Pegasus still held slight fear in her expression but not as much as before. “Y-yeah. I think I’m ok. Thanks”

Trixie smiled. “No problem. It’s lucky for you we were around. Not many ponies are as prepared to deal with dragons as we are.”

“B-but what if it comes back?” the stranger asked.

“That thing thinks it killed us. What reason would it have to come back?”

“Oh…yeah. I guess that makes sense.”

“Just don’t worry, OK? You’re safe.” A blue hoof then extended. “I’m Trixie. You are?”

The Pegasus then took the hoof in her own and shook. “Lightning Dust.”

“Well then Lightning Dust, welcome to Casa de Trixie!” The Unicorn exclaimed. “Is there anything else we can help you with?”

“Well,” Lightning thought and then yelped in pain, bringing her attention back to her burned wings. “You have any gauze?” she asked.


Within moments, the Pegasus’ wings were treated and bandaged up. Having spent much of her life on the road, Trixie knew a thing or two about first aid. As time progressed, feelings of normalcy began to return to the residents of the wagon. Not to say anything that happened on this road would be considered normal.

“Well now,” Trixie said, “I don’t know about either of you but I say we’re all overdue for some lunch.”

“Sure,” Lightning Dust agreed.

“Sounds good to me,” Gilda added.

“Well you're all in luck! For I, Trixie, can make a sandwich like nothing you ever seen before!” A glow of her horn and the Unicorn began pulling ingredients from the kitchen. “As you can see we have lettuce, daffodils and daisies all on their own. But with the power of my amazing magic…” She them zapped all the ingredients with her magic and in a flash of light three sandwiches were in their place. “Huzzah! The Great and Powerful Trixie has saved these poor victims from starvation!”

Her showmanship was rewarded with dead silence.

“Ugh, fine. Just take the sandwiches.”


As lunch came to an end, a certain Griffon felt it was appropriate to begin asking questions regarding their new acquaintance.

“So Lightning Dust, what were you doing being chased by a dragon in the first place?”

The Pegasus kept her eyes to the ground. “Well, I don’t know. One minute I was flying around, minding my own business. Next thing I know I’ve got a fiery death lizard on my flank.”

“Well don’t sweat it.” Trixie said. “If I’m reading this map right, we should be reaching a town pretty soon. You can check yourself into a hospital when we get there.”

“Actually, I’d rather not,” Lighting said.

“Why not?”

She looked down, blushing in embarrassment. “I don’t have health insurance.”

“Oh,” the blue pony realized. “That sucks. Since when should health insurance be something you have to afford?”

“Tell me about it,” Gilda agreed. “We should have a nationwide health insurance plan. Anything less is just manure.” She then went out to the front of the wagon to check the road.

“You said it,” Trixie said. “Well then, Lightning Dust, I guess you can stay with us until your wings are better.”

“Wha- Really?” Lightning asked.

“Hey, I’m a charitable soul. Plus we have plenty of room. Look over there. Total sleeping for 5.”

“Well…OK then. Thank you guys.”

“No need. It’s what we do.”

The Pegasus smiled. Then something crossed her mind. “Where exactly are you guys going anyway?”

“Nowhere in particular. We’re just traveling,” Trixie answered. “We’re on a journey of self-discovery in the hopes of realizing my destiny as Equestria’s most powerful Unicorn.”

“…Huh.” Lightning responded.

“Any who travel with us are likely to achieve a similar destiny of greatness.” Trixie then nudged the Pegasus. “Hint hint.”

“Well… I do like the idea of greatness.”

“Splendid! We are now a trio of destiny! This is the stories great novels are made of!”

“Well if you’re done gushing all over yourself, I thought you’d like to know I can see a town ahead.” Gilda called from outside.

The Unicorn and Pegasus looked out the window and sure enough, a town was in sight. Upon inspecting the sky, Trixie also noticed the sun was beginning to set. “Well it’s almost nightfall anyway. I say we make camp here and check out the town first thing in the morning.” She pulled the lever causing the wagon to stop.

The newly crafted trio began to plan for supper as the town ahead of them also readied itself for the night. Blissfully unaware of what was to come on the morrow.

Author's Note:

And Chapter Seven has arrived. Sorry for the wait.