• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 18,989 Views, 1,338 Comments

Flames and Twilight. - Ausbrony

A sequel to my fanficton, A Pony out of Place. How will life in Equestria treat Flare now he has opted to stay with Twilight and her friends? (Takes place during season 3)

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Chapter Seven - Chaos Rising. Part One

Chapter Seven: Chaos Rising – Part One.

“And that’s pretty much everything up until this point.” Flare had finally finished his lengthy explanation of his life in Equestria, and had even told them about what happened before that—falling in love with Virizion, going to Alamos Town, his rival-like friendship with Sapphira…

But he had left something out, something that bugged Sparkler.

“What about that dark Pokémon that attacked you in Canterlot?” Her question caused him to flinch, an action that did not go unnoticed.

“What Pokémon?” Ashley asked, her voice filled with concern. “Who attacked you?”

He wanted to forget that. He wanted to forget that his life had almost ended, and so easily at that.

“I have trained hard for several months now… but it amounted to nothing! Darkrai beat me down with almost no effort!!” Just thinking about it infuriated him. It made him feel weak.

“But it doesn’t matter,” his voice suddenly dropped to an oddly calm tone. “Because Twilight and the others can just use the Elements of Harmony. Problem solved.”

Sparkler was stunned. Was this why Flare was acting strange? Was he scared to fight this ‘Darkrai’ character? And what about Twilight?

“And what?” Nova stepped forward, “Yer just gonna give up? Let yer mare handle all of yer problems!?”

“I…” Flare didn’t know how to respond. “Twilight and her friends have the Elements of Harmony; they’ll be fine!” If they could defeat a creature like Discord, then Darkrai shouldn’t pose any threat.


Flare turned and left the stables, leaving Sparkler, Lara, and his parents there. Ashley sighed; her son’s stubborn foolishness threatened to give her a headache.

“Miss Sparkler?” the Rapidash mare asked. “Could you perhaps tell us what that was all about?”

Sparkler shot one last glance towards the retreating Flare and nodded. “It happened yesterday… I think. I’m not sure how long we were out after arriving here.”

“How did you get here in the first place?” Supernova asked, but Sparkler raised a hoof to cut him off.

“That’s tied into my explanation as well…” Sparkler reached into her bag and retrieved a pair of glasses, but one look showed that the frame was bent and the lenses were cracked. “Tch! These were expensive too.” Putting them back, she went into lecture mode, another trait rubbed off onto her from her teacher.

“Flare was attacked by a very powerful creature while in the city of Canterlot, the capital city of Equestria. Our Princesses reside there, as do prominent noble families and our military. It was built roughly 850 years ago, when Princess Celestia abandoned the previous capital in the Everfree Forest after the banishment of Nightmare Moon…”

“Um, dear?” Ashley’s interjection went ignored completely as Sparkler continued.

“And so it was decided that a new capital should be built, and I still have no idea why they chose the side of a mountain…” Sparkler looked up and saw the others giving her odd looks. “Uh, was I going off-topic?”

“Just a bit, dear.” Ashley giggled, and Sparkler blushed with embarrassment.

“Where was I? Oh! Well, I had left the school where I was teaching early because I felt like surprising Flare and Twilight. I took a shortcut through the park and was quite surprised to see the whole area seal off just after I stepped inside. I heard something a bit deeper in and found Flare about to be killed by some dark creature, this ‘Darkrai,’ I’m assuming. So I tried to teleport Flare and myself out of there, but one of Darkrai’s attacks struck me as I cast it. I think that’s what caused us to arrive here.”

Nova just flicked an ear, having tuned out a few minutes ago. “So what yer sayin’ is that it was pure, dumb luck that y’all got here?”

“Pretty much,” Sparkler said, her head drooping. “I’m not sure I can even get Flare and myself home.” She looked over to the stable door. “That is, if Flare even wants to go home.”


Flare wandered the empty pastures. His mind couldn’t seem to settle down.

“What can I do, anyway? Darkrai beat me like it was nothing… some protector I turned out to be. Can’t even protect myself.”

He was so lost in thought that he never heard the incoming attack, which struck him hard and sent him careening across the field. His flight ended as abruptly as it started when he hit the ground hard.

He hissed in pain as he got up, wondering who had taken a shot at him this time. Had Darkrai followed him somehow? His heart raced as he shook his head and looked to where the attack had come from.

What he saw did not ease his rapidly beating heart.

Standing in the grass was one very, very pissed off Garchomp. A very familiar one.

“Flare Blitz…” Sapphira growled, taking a step towards him. “I am going to KILL YOU!!”

Flare got to his hooves and stood his ground. “Well… crap.”


Twilight had just finished penning the letter to her friends, requesting that they retrieve the Elements from her library and meet her in Canterlot. She headed out to the front of the palace, Spike riding on her back, where a messenger pegasus was waiting for her, when a sight caused her to do a double take.

Her five friends were trotting up to the castle, chatting animatedly amongst themselves.

“W-what are you all doing here!?” Twilight stammered, trotting up to them.

“Well that’s a fine howdy-doo!” Applejack replied. “Ya’ll invite us to Canterlot, and then greet us like that?”

“B-but, I-“

Rarity agreed with the farmpony. “Indeed. Though I thought that you’d be on your way to the Crystal Empire with Flare and Sparkler. That was your plan, was it not?”

“Well, yes, but I-”

Pinkie Pie giggled, “Did Flarey do something, like forget his toothbrush? Or maybe you were reading too much again and missed the train?”

“If you’ll just let me-“

Fluttershy spoke up this time. “Is everything alright? Did somepony get hurt?” she whispered.

“Well, sort of-“

Rainbow flapped her wings, they felt itchy after sitting on the train for so long. “Maybe Egghead Jr. still has stuff to do at the school-“

Twilight’s eye twitched and her horn flashed, suspending everypony in the air. “FOR THE LOVE OF CELESTIA, LET ME EXPLAIN!!” Spike covered his ears, being the closest to the royal outburst.

Rarity winced, “Alright, dear, no need to shout.”

“Explain what?” Rainbow said.

Twilight took a breath and lowered her friends to the ground. “For starters, you said I sent a letter?”

Rarity fished around in her saddlebags and produced a note.

My dear friends,

I request your assistance in Canterlot urgently.

Your friend,

Twilight Sparkle

“That’s it?” Twilight said, turning the note over to see if there was anything on the back. It was written in her hornwriting, but she never wrote such a note. So who…?

Rarity nodded, “We were hoping you could explain things to us. That note is awfully vague.”

“But I never sent this note!” Twilight’s statement caused everypony to look at her.

“Uh, what do ya mean?” Applejack suddenly had a sick feeling deep in her stomach.

Twilight produced another letter, one explaining why she wanted them in Canterlot. “Something really bad has happened, and I needed you girls and the Elements here in Canterlot!”

“But the Elements are still in your library.” Fluttershy’s response was one that Twilight was hoping not to hear. At this point, they might as well wear them all the time.

“Okay, no problem… We’ll just take the train back to Ponyville, get the Elements-“ An explosion from deeper in the city cut her off.



As Sparkler, Ash, Nova, and Lara all came running from the barn, they saw Flare staring down a Garchomp.

“Okay, what the heck is that!?” Sparkler panicked. It looked really scary.

“It’s a Garchomp, tho I dunno whut it’d be doin’ round these parts,” Nova replied.

Sapphira roared, causing most of the Pokémon present to flinch. “Flare Blitz!! I’m going to rip you apart!”

“So you’ve said, but I’m still here!” Flare breathed a mental sigh of relief. It wasn’t Darkrai, just a very angry friend intent on pulverising him. This, he could at least deal with this… maybe.

“You won’t be for much longer!” Sapphira roared again and launched herself at Flare, her claws glowing with a powerful slash attack. Flare threw up a shield, but Sapphira shattered it with ease. “Tch, what the hell was that!?” she snarled.

“Magic!” Flare grinned as he tried to levitate Sapphira, holding her still with his power,
Sapphira just shrugged it off, causing Flare to recoil with the magical feedback.

“Looks like pussy power to me!” she retorted as sharp stones began to spin around her and she launched her Stone Edge attack. The rocks pelted Flare’s body, inflicting small wounds all over him and staining his coat with blood.

“Flare!” Sparkler began to rush forward, only to be stopped by Nova. “What? What are you-”

“Stay back; you could get hurt.”

“But Flare’s getting hurt!” Sparkler cried, lighting her horn and preparing to teleport.

“No, he’s gettin’ his butt whooped in a Pokémon battle!” Nova snorted and watched as Flare continued to get barraged by Stone Edge. “An ah didn’t raise him nor train him like this!”

Even Ashley just continued to watch, though she really wanted to give that Garchomp a spanking.

A battle!? This is just cruel!” Sparkler teleported over to him and blocked the rest of the attack with a shield.

“The hell is this?!” Sapphira yelled. “Is this your girlfriend?”

Flare got to his hooves, brushing past Sparkler. “Stand back; let me handle this.”

“But you’re hurt!” This was nuts. Was this how Flare lived his life here?

“Nothing an Oran Berry can’t fix.” Flare’s horn lit up as he began to draw in sunlight. “Alright, Sapphira, you asked for it!”

“And yet you can’t give it… Bet your girlfriend says that a lot too, huh?” Sapphira laughed and Flare growled.

“Try this! Solarbeam!” He fired the powerful grass attack, but Sapphira merely flew above it. Flare got a few seconds to realise that it didn’t work before she slammed into him with Dragon Rush.

“Ooh, that one looked like it hurt!” Lucy giggled, drawing the attention of the three equines.

“And you are?” Ashley asked sweetly.

The Pikachu thumped her chest. “I’m Lucy, and this is Velvet!” she motioned towards the Espeon, who bowed.

“Charmed,” he said with a polite tone.

Lucy nodded. “We’re with the dragon over there, the one beating our other friend into paste.”

“You’re friends of our son?” Nova asked.

“Yes,” Velvet responded. “Or rather, we were… His answers to our questions will determine the fate of that particular relationship.”

“And that Garchomp?” Ashley asked.

“That’s Sapphira… one of the nicest dragons you’ll ever come across. Well, unless you make her mad… which is really, really easy.”

Another explosion garnered their attention as Flare peppered the battlefield with a barrage of Flame Bursts.

“Is that all you’ve got? Some cheap little tricks?” Sapphira raised an arm to block a fireball, not even bothering to avoid it. That was the moment that Flare was waiting for. His body erupted into flames as he used Twilight Blaze.

The attack collided with Sapphira, sending the dragon skidding across the ground.

“Okay,” she huffed as she picked herself up. “That was a nice move; I’ll admit that much.”

Flare grinned, finally happy that the battle was going his way… until Sapphira opened her maw and fired a devastating Hyper Beam. Flare dodged to the right, but Sapphira swung her head around, bringing the destructive beam along with it. Flare could only watch as the energy engulfed him and exploded.


Twilight and the rest ran closer to the explosion, causing Rarity to wonder why.

“Why are we running closer to the explosions?” she decided to ask, but what awaited them was something they were not prepared for.

Black, crystalline creatures were attacking everything in sight. Walking on four legs, bearing a vague, centaur-like shape, they swung their large, scythe-like arms, destroying whatever they touched.

“What in tarnation are those things?” Applejack wondered as several turned their gaze towards the group.

“Uh, guys?” Rainbow Dash pointed at them. “They don’t have faces!”

“They’re golems, summoned artificial life forms!” Twilight had practiced golem summoning in the past, but not on this scale. There must have been dozens of them.

“Ah don’t care!” Applejack spun on her hooves, giving one a powerful buck. It staggered back, but didn’t appear to be fazed much beyond that.

“Uh, maybe magic?” she suggested, ducking its counter swipe.

Twilight fired a beam of magic, only to have it absorbed by one of them. Its body glowed a pale magenta for a few moments before the magic dispersed.

“They’re too hard to kick, and magic doesn’t work?” Rainbow buzzed past one, hitting with several precise hoof strikes, but that had no effect either. Spike tried his fire breath, but that too was absorbed and nullified.

The six mares (plus one dragon) soon found themselves surrounded.

“Any last words?” Rarity gave a nervous laugh, but that laugh faded when a voice called out from above.

“Shield your eyes!”

Everypony squeezed their eyes shut, barely stopping the blinding light searing through their eyelids.

Once the light died down, their eyes opened to reveal a scorched street and the shattered remains of dozens of Crystal Golems. Princess Celestia hovered above them, her horn still glowing with a golden light.

“Is everypony alright?” She landed a few metres from them as the group ran over to her.

“Yes, we’re fine…” Twilight responded, checking everyone for injuries. “But what were those things? Why are they attacking Canterlot?”

“Crystal Reavers,” Celestia said, looking around to see if they were alone. “Luna and I have fought them before.”

“Before?” Rarity brushed a charred crystal shard aside.

Celestia nodded, “It’s not safe here; let’s head to the castle.” A quick flash of her horn and the party found themselves in the throne room. A small contingent of soldiers was waiting for them, led by Captain Flash Sentry.

“Your Highness, the evacuation is going smoothly. A total of 55% of the citizens have been led to safety to the Vaults.”

Celestia nodded as she summoned a crystal from her throne, activating a holographic map of Canterlot. “We only fell under attack fifteen minutes ago… and we’re already pushed back as far as this?”

Celestia thought for a moment. The enemy had a greater number and was immune to all but the most powerful magicks. She looked back at Flash and issued new orders.

“Once the evacuation to the Vaults are complete, I want each platoon to have at least three Spell Knights. Have them stick to support only, shielding and healing the frontline soldiers!”

She called forth a messenger pegasus. “Fly as fast as you can to Cloudsdale.” She levitated a letter to him, which he placed in a carrier tube. “This letter contains the Wonderbolts’ Conscription Order; we’ll need their help to secure Canterlot airspace.”

“What of the Earth Division, Princess?” Flash asked her.

“Have them, along with the Kicker Clan, equipped in full Mythril Plate Armour and prepare for urban warfare.” Flash saluted and galloped from the room. Time was not on their side.

“What about us, Princess?” Twilight wanted to help too, but they had been powerless against those creatures.

“The Elements of Harmony are still in Ponyville, correct?”

“Yes, it would seem that somepony wanted us to leave them behind.” Rarity was mentally scolding herself for this. She knew that Twilight’s letter had sounded fishy, but chose to ignore it.

“I’ll have the fastest pegasi I have retrieve them, so for now-“

“That might be a problem,” Twilight interrupted. “Ever since the ‘Discord Incident’ I have kept them in an enchanted case… only the six of us and Spike can open it. It’s also magically weighted, so bringing the entire case is impossible.”

Why did her student have to be so thorough? Celestia almost thought of teleporting there herself, but Spike spoke up.

“I can go!”

Everypony turned to look at him. Spike flinched at the sudden attention, but held his ground. “I can get the Elements. Princess Celestia can teleport me there, and I’ll send a message once I have them, then she can teleport me back.”

Twilight was about to refuse, but Celestia leaned down so she could look Spike in the eye. “Are you sure? It could be dangerous.”

“It’s Ponyville,” Spike countered, flashing a nervous grin. “Dangerous is just a normal Wednesday for us.”

Celestia nodded, “Alright then. May the wind fill your wings, the earth guide your hooves and magic give you strength.” Celestia gave him the three old sayings for good luck, and with a bright flash of her horn, Spike was gone.


Spike had arrived in Ponyville, but something seemed… off.

The town was as quiet as Fluttershy’s naptime, and not a single pony could be seen.

“Okay… this is creepy.” Spike walked slowly through town, passing abandoned vendor carts at the marketplace. Produce, products, and even piles of bits still littered the stands. It was like everypony had just up and left, right in the middle of their shopping.

“Did everypony get evacuated from here too?” Spike wondered aloud. He passed a small pile of gems left on Golden Harvest’s stand, and it took a sizeable amount of willpower to leave them there.

“Save the world first,” he muttered like a mantra, “then it’s snack time.”

He closed in on the library, and something made him stop. Twilight had installed a barrier around the place during her paranoid streak after the first Discord Incident. It was attuned to a pony’s DNA, and only certain individuals could pass through it. Spike and her close friends were some of the few on that list.

“There are only two reasons that thing would be on,” Spike said. “And that’s if somepony inside activated the seal, of if somepony really dangerous tried to enter the library.”

“Somepony like me, perhaps?” Spike turned to see Bon Bon standing there, a weird smile on her face.

“Yeah, cause you’re so dangerous and all, Bon Bon!” Spike laughed. “But seriously, where is everypony?”

“Oh? They’re… indisposed.” Bon Bon’s eyes flashed green as her body erupted with green flames. Spike was understandably panicked when he saw a changeling standing there.

“AHHH!” He bolted for the library and only just made it past the barrier as the changeling smacked against it, hissing and spitting as it beat uselessly against it.

Spike ran inside and slammed the door shut, puffing heavily as he leaned against the door.

“Are you a friend, or a changeling foe?” an accented voice called from the shadows of the library. A hooded figure stepped forward, pressing a staff to Spike’s neck. “If it’s the latter, then pain you will know!”

It took Spike a second to recognise the voice. “Whoawhoawhoawhoa! Zecora, it’s me, Spike!”

The zebra pulled back her hood and gave the dragon an inquisitive look. “How do I know that you speak the truth, and are not a changeling, which I find most uncouth.”

Spike pointed to the barrier, “I wouldn’t be able to get past that if I was.” He belched up a crudely drawn card. “And look, here’s my ID card.”

Zecora nodded, and once she had done so, several sets of hooves ran forward as almost every colt and filly in Ponyville appeared. Spike saw the CMC, a colt with a propeller hat, Pipsqueak, Dinky, and about a half dozen other little ones. Aside from Zecora, the only adult there was Cheerilee.

“What’s everypony doing here?” Spike asked.

“I was giving a lesson on flora of the Everfree,” Zecora replied. “That how we came to be trapped in this tree.”

“Is that really Spike?” Sweetie Belle asked hopefully, and Zecora nodded once more.

“So it would seem, little Sweetie Belle. Perhaps he has some insight to tell?”

Spike nodded as everypony listened in. “I don’t know all the details, but somepony’s attacking Canterlot, and they want the Elements of Harmony.” He pointed to the display case that held the artefacts. “I’m here to get them and bring them to Twilight.”

“We tried to open the case,” Scootaloo said. “We thought that maybe we could use them against the changelings…”

“But it’s stuck tight!” Applebloom continued. “None o’ us could open it.”

Spike nodded, “It’s cause only Twilight, myself, and the other Bearers can do it.” He walked over to the glass case, and once he laid a claw on it, the lock made a few clicking sounds and the case opened. “See? No worries!”

He reached a claw inside to pick up the Elements but suddenly jerked it back, like they were hot or something. Zecora noticed and inquired on the reason.

“Is something amiss? You seem troubled by this.”

Spike shook his head and pointed outside. “I almost forgot something really important. That barrier that preventing us from being changeling food… it’s powered by the Elements.”

“Meaning?” Sweetie asked, not liking where this was going.

“It means that if I remove them, the barrier will only hold for a few moments.” Spike sighed. He’d told Twilight that it was a bad idea, but trying to talk to her at the time was impossible. Eventually, the two of them had totally forgotten about it.

“I don’t wanna be changeling food!” Scootaloo whined, and that in turn set off the other foals.

“Changelings eat you?” Dinky whimpered.

“No, they jus’ suck out yer brains!” Applebloom said.

“That’s even worse!” Button Mash yelled. “WE’RE GONNA BE CHANGELING ZOMBIES!!”

“Zombies don’t exist,” Sweetie sighed.

“Changeling zombies do!” Button retorted.

“Have you ever met one?” Pip asked, and Button Mash fell silent. “Thought so.”

Zecora tapped the floor with her staff and got everypony’s attention. “Calm yourselves; now is not the time for fright.” She looked at the fretting dragon. “Young Spike, do you have an answer to our plight?”

Spike shook his head, “I don’t know… I really don’t think we could fight off all of those changelings.” He looked at the case and sighed. “But if I don’t get these to Twilight...well, if you think it’s bad here, then you should see what’s going on in Canterlot.” That reminded him, he took out a scroll and after scribbling down what was happening, he sent the missive on its way to Canterlot.

“I’m getting the Princess to send some of the Guard here... I just hope they get here in time.”

Zecora looked out the window. The changelings had given up on the barrier for now and just sat and watched, hoping that it would simply wear out.

Perhaps I should… but doing that would…Zecora had a plan, but it was one that would change the way that everypony saw her. She looked back at the foals that had been left in her hooves. There was no doubt; she had to protect them, even if it meant revealing her secret.


“Princess!?” Twilight was shocked that Celestia would just send a baby dragon off like that. “If this attacker wanted us away from the Elements, then terrible danger might be waiting for him!”

“Then perhaps you should have faith in your assistant!” Celesta said firmly. “Spike has shown a great deal of courage; we shall take his example and do our best too!”

Twilight nodded; Princess Celestia was right. She was still worried about Flare and Sparkler, but deep down, she had a feeling that they were alright. Spike was just as worried about the loss of his ‘brother,’ but he was doing his best anyway. “Okay, Princess, what are your orders?”

Celestia had to pause for a moment. What would be the best way to divide her troops? The creatures were resistant to all but the most powerful magicks, but a solid blow from a powerful weapon... Maybe it was time to break out the Mythril armaments. Those few minutes were painfully silent, and Twilight was about to speak up again when there was a flash of emerald light and a scroll appeared. Celestia caught it with her magic and scanned the page a few times, re-reading it, before sighing. “It would seem that Spike has hit a bit of a snag.”

“A snag? What do you mean, Princess?” Twilight hoped that the baby dragon was alright.

“Apparently, you constructed a force field for your home that uses the Elements...”

Twilight nodded, “Well, yes, but Spike can open the case. All he has to do is remove-”

“It has been activated due to the fact that Changelings are attacking Ponyville!” This news earned a collective gasp from everypony.

“Some of the town’s foals are taking shelter in the library,” Celestia continued. “So Spike has said that removing the Elements would leave them all quite defenseless.”

Twilight had forgotten all about the class trip she had organised with Cheerilee. The library was public, so Twilight didn’t have to be there, but changelings now?

“So whut’s the plan, your highness?” Applejack asked. She was worried about her family, but current circumstances prevented her from leaving.

Celestia nodded. I would like Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy to head to the infirmary. There are about to be a good deal of hurt soldiers, and our medics will need all the spare hooves they can get.” The two bowed and raced off while Celestia directed the next ones. “Rarity and Applejack, I would like you two to assist at the Armoury; we need a lot of ponies outfitted as quickly as possible.”

“I’ll do my best,” Rarity promised, and Applejack agreed.

“As for you two…” Celestia turned her attention to Twilight and RD. “These golems are all over the city. A rule of summoning is that the caster must be close to the summoned creature, so I want you to figure out how it’s being done.”

“Egghead stuff?” Dash complained. “Maybe I should swap places with Rares?”

“My theory is that there are multiple casters,” Celestia said. “With Twilight’s magic and your speed, we have the best chances of stopping them quickly.”

“And what would that accomplish?”

Twilight cleared her throat. “If a summoner is rendered unconscious or unable to cast, then the golems will vanish.”

“Ah.” Rainbow understood. “Find caster, punch caster out. Seems simple enough.”

Celestia gave her student a hug, “I’ll do what I can about Flare Blitz as well. You focus on the task at hoof.”

Twilight returned the hug and sighed. Just once, she’d like to come to Canterlot without the world going to Tartarus.


The smoke cleared as Flare lay on the ground, his body covered in wounds as he coughed up some dust he inhaled.

“What the hell was that, Flare!?” Sapphira flew over and landed hear him. “What the hell kind of fight was that? You barely even touched me!”

She went to pick him up off of the ground, but Flare suddenly backed away, his eyes wide and refusing to meet hers.

“What the- Are… are you scared?” Sapphira was at a loss for words. In all the years that she had known him, not once had Flare acted like this. “What is wrong with you?”

Flare picked himself up, wincing as he did so. “You won, like always…”

“Never like this!” Sapphira yelled back. “You always got a few good hits in, and now you’re using… what was it again?”

“Magic!” Sparkler replied, walking over to them now the battle was done. “And I think Flare did pretty well, all things considered.”

“No one asked you!” Sapphira replied curtly, “Unless you wanna have a go? Put your ‘magic’ where your mouth is!”

“Yeah… no.” Sparkler began to heal Flare’s wounds, but it would take a few minutes. “But she does have a point, Flare. What’s wrong?”

Flare looked down at the ground, “Even if I do go back, what’s the point? Celestia has her guards, Twilight and the girls have the Elements… I would only get in the way.”

“And that’s stopped you before?” Sparkler replied, “You always stick your nose in other ponies’ business if it means you can help them.”

“Good to see that hasn’t changed,” Lucy piped up, Velvet agreeing with her.

“He always was butting into the lives of others. It’s how he met us, after all… and that goes double for Miss Grumpy Scales over here.”

“I swear to Arceus, I will wear your pelt as a hat!” Sapphira growled. “…But, he is correct. I would not have met Flare Blitz if not for his meddling nature.”

“Alright, I get it!” Flare groaned. “What’s your point?”

Sparkler scowled at him and then whapped him upside the back of the head. “Our point is that you have to go and save Twilight, whether you think you’ll be of use or not. You won’t know until you try, right?”

“Your friends make an excellent point.” Ashley stepped forward, lowering her head near Flare’s. “A gentlemon should always be there for those he cares about.”

Flare knew that; he wanted to help Twi… but knowing that he’d possibly face Darkrai again, it made his very essence feel a deep chill, like his inner spark was frozen solid.

He felt something, a sort of familiar sensation from behind him before a voice called out.


Flare Blitz leapt ten feet into the air, and for a second or two, just hovered there. After his brain realised there were no rafters to cling to, he plummeted to the ground, landing with a solid thud!

“For the love of Arceus, would you stop doing that, Pinkie!” He spun on his hooves, expecting to see a pink pony grinning madly at him.

That was not what he saw.

Though it was pink and had similar baby blue eyes.

Flare stood stunned for a second, his startled brain rebooting. The pink Pokémon floated in front of him, giggling madly and bouncing on a large bubble.

“You’re so silly, Flarey,” she giggled more.

Sapphira also knew the Pokémon; she and Flare had met her once before, many years ago.

“I don’t believe it. What on earth are you doing here?”

Mew stopped bouncing and her smile was replaced by a frown. “Well that’s not a nice way to greet a friend. You could at least be happy to see me… Though you could learn to be happy in general.”

“I’m happy a lot of the time!” Sapphira countered.

“Only when you’re beating another Pokémon into paste,” Lucy muttered.

Flare’s brain finally started to work again, and his heart rate dropped to normal levels. “What are you doing here, Mew? I haven’t seen you in years.”

Mew’s infectious smile returned. “Well, I thought I’d come and say ‘hi,’ seeing as how you finally decided to visit us. How is Equestria, by the way?”

Flare gave her a curious stare. “How do you know about Equestria?”

“I speak to Arceus every now and then. He told me all about this little Ponyta who wound up in a another world,” Mew explained.

“We need to get back there somehow,” Sparkler interjected.

She knew that Twilight had developed a spell for coming to Flare’s world, but it required a lot of magical power, much more than Sparkler could generate.

“Well, we’ll get to that in a moment.” Mew put on her serious face, which was diabetes-inducing adorable. “Flarey McFire-Pants needs some cheering up!”

Sparkler groaned and made a silent prayer that this Pokémon never, ever meet Pinkie Pie. Mew floated closer to Flare and curled her long tail around his horn. “Hmm, let’s see here… Ooh, this is bad; that’s not good either… oh, and that too!”

“Mew,” Sapphira deadpanned, “what the hell are you talking about?”

Mew giggled and nodded. “Flarey’s been naughty… you should see some of the stuff he’s done with Twilight… kinky.”

“Kinda makes me wish I wasn’t incapable of breeding.”

Sapphira’s mouth hung open, and a faint touch of red could be seen under her scales. Flare’s eyes shot open, and he tried to back away, but Mew held him firmly in place with her power. “Nuh-uh, you also got cursed pretty badly by Ol’ Darky. But never fear, Momma Mew is here!”

“Curses don’t exist!” Sparkler stated. “Dark magic perhaps, but nothing as foalish as a curse!”

“Maybe not in Equestria, but they exist here,” Mew said. “And when the powers of a Pokémon and the power of magic are combined…” Sparkler knew what that could do; she’d seen Flare’s abilities firsthoof.

Mew closed her eyes, and Flare’s closed along with them. There was total silence for a moment before a magic circle appeared beneath the two. There was a flash of light, and Sparkler could feel the immense magical power coming from Mew. She’d felt that power once before, and recently too… but where?

After a few moments, the power died down and Flare collapsed, Mew’s tail still around his horn.

“That was a close one!” Mew breathed. “Just a little bit longer and he-“

Sapphira growled, “Or what? What would have happened?”

“Who knows? Maybe he’d turn into a cactus?” Mew cackled and summoned her bubble to bounce on, only to have it popped by Sapphira. “Aw, party pooper.” She pouted before grinning widely, "Oh, I also restored some of Flare's pokemon abilities. Arceus did a shoddy job when he transformed him."

“Get serious, Mew. I get the feeling that you know more than you're letting on…” Sapphira stopped as the ground began to shake slightly.

“Now, now,” Velvet chastised the dragon. “There is no need to use Earthquake. Let’s not ruin Flare’s home any more that you already have.” He looked around the field, which was peppered with scorch marks and beam-blasted trenches.

“That’s not me,” Sapphira replied.

Mew nodded, a much more solemn look on her face. Her fur also seemed to have turned a slightly darker pink. “That’s the bad part; Darkrai already got to Arceus.”

There was a universal silence as that knowledge soaked in. Arceus was defeated? Was he still alive?

“He’s alright, for now anyway. Darkrai has him sealed away and even my magic is not enough to free him.” Mew sighed as she looked down at Flare. “Flare has a very special power, one that turns fate in his favour… but Darkrai is a powerful foe. Flare’s strength alone will not be enough.”

“So what then? What can we do?” Sparkler was getting even more worried about her home now. Was everypony alright?

Mew just smiled again. “Oh, don’t worry, Pony-lady, Mew has a plan…”


Back in Canterlot, things were not going so well. The Crystal Reavers seemed only to increase in number. Every time a contingent of Guards took some down, twice as many replaced them. Back at the castle, Twilight scanned the city, trying to find where the summoning spell was being cast from.

Rainbow Dash flew above the city; a comm crystal linked her to her unicorn friend.

“Anytime now would be great, Twi,” she barked. “The good guys are fighting a losing battle here.”

“I’m trying, but the spell seems to be coming from everywhere!” Every time Twilight traced a spell back to its point of origin; it vanished and reappeared somewhere else.

“Somepony’s casting both an upkeep spell and a rejuvenation spell on the golems… but they’re also teleporting!? How the hay is that kind of multicasting possible?”

Rainbow growled as she flew. “You’re the egghead, figure it out!”

“I-I’m sorry, I’m trying-“ Twilight’s voice hitched slightly and Rainbow’s anger sank like a rock.

“No, I’m sorry, Twi…” Rainbow apologised. It had been explained to them that Flare had vanished with Sparkler, and the worst-case scenario was that they were both dead. And yet Twilight was still trying to put an end to this. “I shouldn’t have yelled like that, I-“

“I found it!” Twilight’s enthusiastic voice called out.

Rainbow paused in mid-air. “What?” The unicorn’s sudden mood swings were throwing off her groove.

“I said I found it; there’s a pattern to the teleports.” She could then hear Twilight counting. “Three blocks to the southeast of where you are. The caster will arrive in ten seconds!”

Rainbow Dash didn’t need to be told twice; she raced off to the location as fast as her wings could carry her.

When she got there, an odd sight awaited her. A large black crystal spire was in the alleyway where Twilight had said. It had three smaller crystals floating around it; all of them were glowing a misty red colour.

“It’s some sorta crystal!” Rainbow relayed. “It’s got a bunch of smaller ones floating around it.”

Twilight was quiet for just a second or two. “No time to explain. Smash it to dust!”

Rainbow liked that plan. She liked it a lot.

The entire city was rocked by a powerful tremor as a rainbow-coloured mushroom cloud could be seen where the pegasus was.

The effect was almost instantaneous, and the Crystal Reavers began to crumble. What remained of Celestia’s forces cheered as they smashed apart the remaining golems. Without magical support, they fell within a few minutes.

“I’m glad that’s over!” Twilight sighed as her tactical map showed no more golems remaining. “Now maybe we can-“

“You might want to hold off on that victory party, Twi!” Rainbow’s voice came through the comm-link. “Things are about to get a whole lot worse!”

“Worse? How could they get worse?!” Then a sound filled Twilight’s ears, she ran to a window and her ears splayed back as her pupils shrank.

The sky was black with several thousand changelings approaching Canterlot.

“Buck me…” Twilight whispered.


Flare Blitz shook his head, feeling a little disorientated after Mew performed that spell.

Wait a second.

“Mew? Did… did you just use magic?” His head still spun around and around, but it was getting better.

Mew giggled and summoned another bubble to bounce on. “Yeppers! Were you surprised?”

“Yeah… what did you do?”

Mew put on her serious face again. “Darkrai cursed you; exposure to dark magic like that can taint you pretty bad, but you’re alright now!”

Flare just gaped. Simply being exposed to Darkrai had messed him up? How the hell was he supposed to fight that?

“But you needn’t worry,” Mew continued. “I have faith that you can beat Darkrai. You just need to know one important fact.”

Flare tilted his head. “And that is?”

“You simply need to remember who you are!”

Everyone just stared at Mew, whose response was another giggle as she resumed her bouncing.

“Care to elaborate?” Sparkler asked, but Mew just shook her head.

“Nope, I hafta be vague about this stuff. It’s in the rules!”

Sapphira growled and was about to pop Mew’s bubble again when she heard a sound like a stampede. She looked back and her eyes narrowed. “Everyone, we have some very annoying company!”

A horde of trainers had made their way onto the ranch and were making a beeline for Flare and Sparkler.

“There are those Pokémon I saw in town!” one of the lead trainers shouted.

“Who’s that Pokémon?” another asked, and dozens pulled out their Pokédexes. The devices beeped, but showed nothing.

“A new species; we have to catch it!”

Lara stepped forward, as did Ashley and Supernova. “Now y’all jus’ better leave mah ranch!”

But she was promptly ignored as dozens of trainers sent out Pokémon of all kinds, from simple Rattata to Charizard and Dragonite!

Sparkler took a step back, wondering what they should do. But Flare had other ideas.

“You want to fight?” He stepped forward, and his horn lit up. “Then bring it on!”

Several trainers did a double-take as they heard Flare speak.

“They can talk too!? Now I want one even more!”

“Is that a Mew?” One of them pointed out.

All the trainers gawked for a moment... they’d hit the freaking jackpot!!

Sapphira grinned and glided over to him. “Now you’re sounding more like the Flare I remember. You take the ones on the left, I’ll take the right!”

Sparkler was horrified. Those two were going to take on all of those Pokémon alone? “Are you two crazy!? You must be outnumbered twenty to one!”

“I know!” Sapphira replied, a slightly insane grin on her face. “It’s hardly a fair fight.”

Sparkler had no words… that dragon was totally unhinged. “And what about you, Flare? Do you share her… enthusiasm?”

Flare walked over to her and pulled the startled unicorn into a hug. “I’m sorry for how I acted. I wasn’t myself, and despite any excuses, I shouldn’t have acted like that; so… sorry.”

Sapphira watched and suddenly charged at the horde; Flare and Sparkler looked like they needed a moment, and Sapphira really wanted to hit something!

Sparkler closed her eyes and smiled. She could see why Twilight liked him so much… and he was so warm to hug~

“S’alright,” Sparkler told him. “Let’s get back home, save the world, and we'll then get back to our vacation, huh?”

A Fearow dived at them from the sky, screeching loudly before it used Drill Peck. It suddenly stopped as a purple light engulfed it..

“Do you mind?!” Sparkler yelled. “We were having a moment here!” Her horn flashed brighter and the Fearow was hurtled across the battlefield, straight into its equally surprised trainer.

“Holy-, Sparky!” Flare was surprised. “That was… pretty awesome!”

Sapphira laughed heartily. “Hah! I like her. Wanna help us thin the herd?”

Sparkler sighed and stepped forward. “Well, the way I see it, these Pokémon stand between me and my family back home.” Her horn lit up and her eyes narrowed. “So yes, I think I’ll give you a hoof.”

The trainers were surprised that as the prurple one trashed the Fearow, but they were still stupidly outnumbered. “C’mon guys!” one of them yelled. “We got this!”

Their Pokémon froze, however; the sight before them was making them a little unsure. One trainer turned to see what was causing it.


Sapphira also turned to see Flare’s body blazing with sunset-coloured flames as his Twilight Blaze was reaching the peak of its power; she could feel the scorching heat coming from him.

“Um, Flare?” Sapphira took a small step back away from him.

“So these Pokémon think that can get between me and Fairy, huh?” His voice was oddly calm. “I think they need to be punished.”

“Good to see you’re back to normal,” Sparkler muttered. “Shall we get this over with and go home already?”

Flare rushed forward, slamming into the Charizard leading the charge. Sapphira frowned and leapt into the air, activating her Dragon Rush. “Aw c’mon, I wanted that one!” she pouted as she annihilated the Dragonite.

“Oh, let him have his fun,” Sparkler replied as she levitated a Raticate and a Linoone, knocking them together with a loud thwack!

“Fine. Dibs on the Aggron tough…” No sooner had Sapphira said that, than Flare reared and smacked the Steel Pokémon with a Double Kick paired with some magically augmented strength, sending the Pokémon crashing to the ground.

“Oh, c’mon on!!” Sapphira complained. “Fine! You want to play like that?” She flew back and landed a short distance away from the group and began powering up a Hyper Beam.

Flare saw this and ran back, dragging Sparkler out of the firing range. “Geez, way to go, Scaryscales!” he growled as he powered up a Solar beam.

Sparkler ignited her horn, preparing the attack spell ‘Star Breaker,’ a destructive energy beam attack.

“So what do you think’s going through those trainers’ heads right now?” Flare asked out of nowhere.

The girls shrugged as they finished charging.


“So how screwed do you think we are?” one such trainer asked his companions.

“On a scale of one to ten?” another replied as he watched the three Pokémon powering up attacks. “Maybe we’re still good?”

There was a moment of silence, like the eye of a storm… and then the three fired their attacks. Flare’s golden Solar Beam mixed with the purple-black destructive power of Sapphira’s Hyper Beam. Sparkler’s pink Star Breaker wrapped itself around the merged beam, and together, all three tore and split the earth as they travelled towards the doomed Pokémon.

Some said their final prayers, others wished that their idiot trainers had taught them Protect.
But all of them were soon blasting off towards the distant horizon as the mega beam exploded with earth-shattering force.

As the dust settled, Lara wept at the massive crater that the attack had left in her ranch. Supanova just stared at his son, eyes wide and genuinely surprised by his power.

“Now that’s the boy ah raised!” Nova cheered.

Ashley just smiled warmly as Flare and Sparkler took a deep breath before turning back to Mew.

“So, do you know how we can get back to Equestria?” Sparkler asked, and Mew nodded.

The pink Pokémon held out her paws, and with a flash of light, summoned the armlet that Virizion had used to go to Equestria and back again.

Flare instantly recognised it. “Hey, that’s-“

“Yeppers; Virizion never really got around to returning it. Good thing too, seeing as how this is your ticket home.” Mew giggled, levitating it over to Sparkler.

“So when do we leave?” Sapphira said, and everyone turned to look at her. “What?” she scoffed. “You think I’m just gonna let Flare get his ass kicked by Darkrai again? I’m going to help Flare kick some major ass!”

Mew shook her head, “Sorry, Saph, but that bracelet can only carry two. And Sparky here’s the only one with enough magic to power it.”

“But Virizion can’t use magic; how did she use it?” Flare wondered aloud, but Mew had an answer for that too.

“‘Cause Arceus is sealed away, so his power can’t be harnessed. You’ll need strong magic to activate that Spatial Gem.”

Sparkler thought about it for a moment and then nodded. “Then you should go, Miss Mew. You’re much stronger than me… you’ll be more useful…”

Mew shook her head again. “Sorry, but I have important stuff here to take care off, like trying to free Arceus and keep the world from falling apart. Literally!”

“So I’m supposed to wait here, like a good little dragon, and hope for the fricken best!?” Sapphira’s best friend was about to dive headfirst into hell and she couldn’t do a thing to help?

“Sorry.” Mew floated a little lower, her ears facing back. “I wish I could send you there myself, but I can’t. Only Arceus, Dialga, and Palkia have that power, and I don’t think Sparky has the strength to make a return trip.”

Sapphira growled and seriously thought about eating Mew for a second. But it wasn’t her fault, nor was it anybody else’s. It still frustrated the hell out of her though.

“Alright, but don’t think I’m giving up. Either you free Arceus, or I’ll find Palkia and beat him senseless until he sends me there!”

Lucy groaned and facepawed. “She’d do it too.”

Flare reached up and hugged his dragon friend. “Then I’ll see you soon, okay?”

Sapphira blushed and returned the hug, right before shooting a warning glare at the snickering Lucy and Velvet. “Yeah, count on it.”

Sparkler poked at the amulet. “Okay, so how do I use this thing? A chant or a spellverse? Do I cast a spellcircle pattern?”

“Nothing so complicated,” Mew said. “Just focus your magic into it and think of where you want to go. But I’ll warn you right now, you’re gonna feel pretty drained when you get there.”

Sparkler nodded and got a firm picture of one of the most familiar places she knew, Golden Oaks Library. She let out a surprised yelp when Ashley placed a saddlebag on her back, full of supplies. "Something for the road dear."

Ashley spared a quick second to nuzzle her son. “And you... Please be careful. I love you!”

“Yeah,” Flare returned the embrace. “Love you too, mom.”

Supernova snorted and ruffled Flare’s mane. “Try not to die, huh? A parent shouldn’t outlive their kid.”

“Sure, kick ass, take names; you got it, pops!”

Sparkler’s magic continued to build, and though she hated to do this…

“Flare? We gotta go.”

The unicorn nodded and took one last look at his family and friends. He wished he could have stayed; he wished he had more time with them. But time was something that was not on their side right now.

“Okay, let’s go save our friends!” he said, blinking some tears out of his eyes.

Sparkler’s horn shone brighter and brighter, until the two ponies disappeared with a brilliant light.


The foals hiding within Golden Oaks library were getting more and more anxious. The changelings had resumed their assault on the shield, now that Chrysalis had sent a message stating that if the Elements weren’t retrieved soon, then they’d all suffer a fate worse than death.

And the Queen could be quite creative in that aspect.

Button Mash was running around, screaming about being eaten again, causing the other foals to become agitated. Cheerilee was trying hard to calm them down, but to no avail.

Zecora looked outside. She made a count of about forty or so changelings—odds that were not favourable, but at this point, unavoidable.

She gave one look at her charges; Button had latched onto Silver Spoon, who was trying desperately to pry off the sobbing colt. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were swapping between deep thought on what to do and worry whenever a changeling slammed the barrier. The rest were looking for places to hide, and that gave her an idea.

“Miss Cheerilee, you must do a favour for me. Round up these foals and keep them quiet, I’ll do what I can to quell the outside riot!”

Cheerilee nodded; Zecora was the only one that remained calm… wait a minute.

“Zecora… what are you going to do?”

There was silence as everypony suddenly looked at the zebra. Did she have some sort of plan?
Zecora simply looked back outside and gave the mare a stern look. “Do as I say and do it now! I will defeat these changelings, of that I vow!”

“All by yourself?” Diamond Tiara scoffed. “Yeah, great idea. Go out to the bugs that want us all dead. There’s no way you can do it yourself.”

Scootaloo was about combine that filly’s face with her plot when Spike stepped up. “She won’t have to, ‘cause I’m going to help!”

Diamond almost laughed at the sheer ridiculousness of it all. A zebra and a baby dragon up against all those changelings?

“Spike, I will not tell you twice. Go, hide, and be as quiet as mice!”

“NO!” Spike growled. “I’m sick of being useless! Sick of either screwing up or hiding when everypony needs help!” All the times that Twilight and her friends had been in trouble, he had been useless to help, and recently, Flare had been here to help… but he was gone.

“I will help, whether you want it or not!”

Zecora started at him for a moment and smiled. A dragon of true honour and courage stood there before her. Who was she to turn him down?

“If you hurt so much as one scale…” Zecora shuddered. “Twilight will beat me from my head to my tail.”

Spike thumped his chest. “It’s alright; she injures me all the time!”

“When everything is not so wild, I shall have to talk to her on how to raise this child.”

The pounding on the shield got even harder as Cheerilee herded the foals together. She was worried, but Zecora seemed confident... “Please, oh please be careful, you two.”

Spike flashed a grin. “The bugs won’t know what hit them!”

After the basement door was securely locked, Spike gulped as Zecora walked outside. Spike followed her, and the changelings stopped smacking the barrier, wondering why the zebra and baby dragon were walking towards them.

“Finally plan on surrendering? One asked and then gaped as Zecora stepped through the barrier to face them.

Spike was feeling a bit more worried now. “More worried” meaning that he was calm on the outside, but screaming in terror on the inside… until Zecora did something he never expected.

“I admit that we may be outnumbered…” Zecora took a deep breath and relaxed her body. “But I shall do my very best to see that you are thoroughly punished.”




Neither the changelings nor Spike understood the implications of that. They were about to though. Half dozen of the bugs rushed at Zecora, seeing the grown mare as a bigger threat. There was a flash of light and a sound like a thunder crack, and the six creatures lay on the ground twitching as electricity coursed through their bodies.

“W-what the?” Spike was confused. What the heck just happened?

Zecora looked a little different too. Her usual mohawk mane was now a jagged shape; it reminded Spike of Rainbow’s Cutie Mark. Her eyes were narrowed, and she wore a sharp glare as she crackled with yellow-coloured lightning arcing across her body.

“What in the name of the Queen was that?” the lead changeling yelled as more of his kind gathered.

“You have threatened my friends and borne witness to this form,” the former zebra said. “Now you face Equestria’s other Pokémon; for I am the embodiment of lightning. I am Zebstrika!”