• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 18,989 Views, 1,338 Comments

Flames and Twilight. - Ausbrony

A sequel to my fanficton, A Pony out of Place. How will life in Equestria treat Flare now he has opted to stay with Twilight and her friends? (Takes place during season 3)

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A Flame Once Lost - Part One

A Flame Once Lost… Part One

“That Pinkie Pie Party sure was something else,” Flare commented as he and Twilight walked through the streets of Ponyville.

Twilight nodded and smiled. “Yes, despite the slight hiccup at the end.” Apparently Flare could not drink alcohol; fire and alcohol do not mix very well.

“From what I’ve seen, nothing ever goes according to plan in Ponyville,” Flare pointed out. “Another day, another disaster! Hey, they should totally use that as a slogan or something!”

Twilight facehoofed and giggled, “I don’t see the mayor agreeing to that.”

The two of them continued their walk until they reached the park. It had become a bit of a regular spot for Flare over the last few months. They found a nice, shady tree and sat down underneath it. The weather was once again perfect, but the pegasi were planning a thunderstorm later in the afternoon, so Flare and Twilight decided to have a picnic lunch before it started.

“I still can’t believe it,” Twilight smiled softly as she took some daisy sandwiches out of the basket.

“Can’t believe what, my love?” Flare replied.

“That!” she said, pointing a hoof at him. “That I’m finally dating somepony…” Twilight trailed off as she blushed cutely, causing Flare to smile.

He leaned in close and kissed her on the cheek, causing her to let out a little squeak. “Well you have all the time in the world to get used to it, cause I’m not going anywhere.”

Twilight nuzzled him and sighed contently. “I really should have done this sooner though,” she said. “Do you really have to go back to Canterlot today?” Twilight asked hopefully. “We just started this and now you have to go away again.”

“Celestia says that this training is important, so yeah, I do have to go back…” He pressed his lips against hers, eliciting a satisfied moan from the unicorn. “I know it’ll be difficult,” he said after parting from her. “But Celestia said at my current rate, the training shouldn’t take more than a month or two…”

As Twilight and Flare finished off their lunch, dark, steel grey clouds began to cover the sky as the weather teams began to prep the forecasted storm. Twilight glanced upward and sighed, knowing that as the afternoon approached, so did Flare's departure.

“I guess we should pack things up and head home then,” she said. She didn't sound too thrilled about it.

Flare frowned slightly; he didn’t want to leave Twilight so upset, and the week in between his visits were going to seem like an eternity. “Don’t be too sad, Twi,” he said assuredly. “We’re together now, and that’ll never change, okay?”

Twilight nodded and took a breath. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ve never really been in a relationship before, so I guess I’m just unsure of myself, maybe there’s a book on it?”

“Well you shouldn’t be!” Flare interjected. “You are a confident and beautiful mare and that’s just one of the near infinite things I love about you.” He gave her a warm smile as the two of them packed up their lunch and started to head home.

Twilight smiled and nodded. Flare seemed to know what he was doing though. Had he had a special somepony, er… special Pokémon, back in his world?

She decided to ask.

“Have you… done this before?” Twilight asked innocently.

“Having a picnic? Well maybe a few…” Flare smiled, knowing all too well what she really asked.

Twilight would have facehoofed if she wasn’t using them to walk right now. “That’s not what I meant,” she groaned.

“Yeah, sorry.” Flare poked his tongue out in cheek. “I did date someone else once, a couple of years ago… but we broke it off due to various reasons.”

Now Twilight was really curious. “What reasons? What was she like? Was she pretty? Was she another Ponyta or a Rapidash? Was she…?”

Flare paused and put a hoof to her mouth to silence the excited unicorn. “Whoa there! One at a time,” he chuckled. “Now let’s see…” He ran through his older memories, ones he had buried in the back of his mind long ago.

“Well, I met her when I was travelling through the Unova region, a little bit before I settled in Alamos Town. She was pretty, that’s what got my attention in the first place. She was also older than me by a margin…”

Twilight nodded. So he had been involved with an older mare, huh?

“She had an important job however, and it kept her travelling around a lot. Though that was okay since I didn’t live anywhere in particular either. I think she agreed to go out with me in the first place to rebel against her mentor, and boy did he get annoyed. But he warmed up to me eventually.”

“So what happened?” Twilight asked next. “You said you broke it off?”

Flare shrugged, “It was a mutual decision. She was always busy with her work and I was still young and rather impetuous and silly most of the time.” He let out a little chuckle. “Though she said my adamant nature was adorable.”

They approached the library and walked inside just as the wind was starting to pick up.

“We broke it off, but remained friends. I would often chat by carrier Pidgey, but we hadn’t talked at all for about three months leading up to my arrival here in Equestria.” He disappeared into his room and retrieved his saddlebags.

“I know that she took on a young student shortly before we broke up, so I assume that she’s been busy training him.”

“I see,” Twilight said. “And you have no residual feelings for this mare?”

“Twilight!” Flare said, looking deeply hurt. “I am shocked and offended that you would say such a thing!”

“I…I’m sorry,” Twilight sniffed, “I didn’t mean to…” then she caught the smirk on his face and swiped at him with her hoof. “You, sir, have been hanging around my teacher for too long!”

“Speaking of...” Flare said, evading Twilight’s flailing hoof. “I need to head off. My train leaves shortly.”

“Yeah, I know.” Twilight replied, frowning. “But you’ll visit again soon, right? And you’ll write to me every day, right?”

“Yes, my love,” Flare said, pulling Twilight into his embrace. “Studies or not, nothing will keep me from you, okay?” He ran a hoof gently through her mane and then placed a gentle kiss on her muzzle. “And try to stay out of trouble while I’m gone, hmm?”

“Trouble?” Twilight said, innocently batting her eyelashes. “Whatever do you mean?”

“Trouble seems to find you like Pinkie finds a cupcake,” Flare said dryly. “Just be careful, okay?”

Twilight nodded. “Okay, I promise.” She glanced out the window and then looked back to Flare. “Do you need a raincoat or something? It looks like the rain will start any second.”

Flare shook his head, opening the door. “Just who do you think you’re talking to? I can be at that train station in ten seconds flat!”

Twilight giggled and walked with him outside. “Yeah, yeah, ‘Rainbow Blitz’. I’m sure you can.”

Flare gave her an odd look, not knowing the reason for the nickname. “Tell the others that I said ‘goodbye,’ okay?”

Twilight nodded and gave him one more kiss. “Study hard and come visit again soon, okay?”

Flare nodded and with one last look, he ran for the train station, unaware of the chaos and confusion that was just around the corner…


The rain started to pour almost the second he got aboard the train. “That was close,” he commented as he sat down. There was nopony else aboard the train carriage so Flare figured it would be another dull and boring journey.

And he was right. It seemed like forever until the candy-coloured train pulled into Canterlot Station. Now that he thought about it… that train looked almost edible.

“I’m seriously surprised that Pinkie hasn’t tried to eat it,” he thought to himself.

The moment he set hoof outside, several royal guards arrived to greet him.

“Okay, I may be back a tad later than I said,” Flare explained. “But isn’t the guard escort a tad unnecessary?”

“There is a problem at the palace!” one of the guards replied curtly, ignoring Flare’s sarcasm. “The Princess has requested your presence as soon as possible!”

“A problem? And a whole palace full of guards and two alicorn princesses aren’t enough?” Flare could only think of two possibilities; either everypony was totally incompetent, or something weird was going on. “Maybe it’s one of Celestia’s pranks?”

“Well then, lead on,” he said and followed them back.


It would appear that they were most indeed correct.

It was a problem.

A big problem!

The courtyard was a mess. Dozens of royal guards lay about the place, either unconscious or unable to stand, and it was covered in water, like somepony had turned a fire hose on them. Once Flare saw the reason, that analogy wasn’t too far off the mark.

In the centre of the courtyard, warily eyeing off Celestia and the remaining guards, was someone very familiar to Flare Blitz. It was a pony, roughly a little taller than an average earth pony. It had a long, flowing red mane and a blue tail. Its coat was a creamy colour, and most notably, it had a large, serrated horn protruding from its forehead. A horn that it was waving around threateningly at the Princess and her guard.

“No way…” Flare whispered as he walked closer. Celestia noticed him and with a single flap of her wings, flew back and landed next to him.

“Is this what I think it is?” the solar princess asked him.

“Yeah,” Flare confirmed. “He’s a Pokémon, alright.”

The Pokémon reared up and fired two blasts of pressurised water from its hooves, knocking aside half of the remaining guards.

“Just who is that Pokémon?” Celestia asked, her horn igniting and teleporting the fallen guards to a safe distance.

Flare walked up to the Pokémon, watching him carefully. “Would you kindly be so polite as to stop attacking for just a moment…? Keldeo!” Flare said in Kantonese.

Upon hearing his name, Keldeo turned to see a horned pony in front of him. Its colouration reminded him of a Rapidash. And how did it know the Pokemon language?

“And who are you!?” he demanded. “Are you going to attack me as well?”

“If you don’t calm down, then yes.” Flare responded calmly.

“Then just try me!” Keldeo said confidently, firing a Hydro Pump at the new opponent.

Flare dodged to the right and immediately began to draw in sunlight. He knew Keldeo was part Water-type, so Solarbeam would be effective… but one thing concerned him. This Keldeo looked different from the one he knew. His horn and general body shape were different, but he looked similar and he did respond to being called Keldeo…

Keldeo suddenly shot forward, firing water from his hooves to act as a propellant. The sudden advance caught Flare off guard as Keldeo slammed into him with his Aqua Jet attack, knocking him off of his hooves and sending him flying.

“And you’re no match for me either, Rapidash wannabe!” Keldeo boasted as Flare landed near Celestia.

“Are you okay?” the princess asked him. “Perhaps I should step in?”

Flare groaned and got to his hooves. “No, I’m okay… just caught me by surprise. He’s tougher than I remember.” He looked at the Colt Pokémon and smiled to himself. “So little Keldy finally grew up, huh?”

Keldeo noticed the Rapid-pony get back up and was honestly surprised. “Well, It seems that not everyone here is as weak as a hatchling!” he said with a cocky tone.

“But he’s still annoying,” Flare muttered. But it would seem that he had to take this one seriously, and that Keldeo wouldn’t listen to reason until Flare put him in his place.

“Okay, Round Two!” Flare declared and charged at Keldeo.

“Well, alright then!” Keldeo's body became engulfed in water and he launched himself at Flare with another Aqua Jet.

Flare saw the attack coming. It was a strategy he used quite often, and Flare wouldn’t let it work a second time. Just before Keldeo struck, Flare jumped and, by leaping off of Keldeo's body, he both avoided the attack and drove Keldeo into the ground.

“Urgh! How did he…?” Keldeo quickly got to his hooves, just as Flare came back down, slamming the Pokémon with his Quick Attack. Keldeo ate pavement once more as Flare’s hooves struck him hard.

“Was that a Quick Attack!? Just what is this thing?” Keldeo fired water from all four hooves to quickly propel himself out of the way of another attack and regain some footing. As he landed several feet away, he looked up to see where his opponent was and his pupils shrank. The pony in question charged up a Solarbeam and fired it at Keldeo's current location, just grazing his shoulder.

“Argh!” Keldeo's shoulder sizzled as the Grass-type attack grazed him.

“Are you going to listen? Or do I have to keep smacking you?” Flare called out.

Keldeo shook his head. How was this guy one step ahead of him all the time? It’s like he knew all of his strategies and moves. But he bet there was one he didn’t know!

Keldeo's horn erupted with a brilliant golden light as he activated his Secret Sword. “Try this one for size!” he declared and began to charge… But something was wrong. He was running at full speed…

So why wasn’t he moving?

And why was he floating!?

“That is quite enough!” Celestia said telepathically so Keldeo could understand, as her magic held Keldeo in place. “Flare is right; you must calm down and listen, young one!”

“Flare?” why was that name so familiar? He glanced towards the pony he had been fighting and slowly put the pieces together. “No way…”

Flare Blitz walked up to him as Celestia lowered the Pokémon back down to the ground. “Hey there, Keldy!” he said with a wide grin as he pulled Keldeo into a headlock and ruffled his mane up. “It’s been quite a while now, huh?”

Keldeo was in total shock. There was no way this was possible. “Flare Blitz?” Keldeo asked, hardly believing it. But it explained why he knew Pokémon attacks and Keldeo's strategies.

“Yup! It’s been what, over a year now?” Flare asked, not too sure how long it actually had been.

“…No way...” Keldeo whispered once more.


A little while later, Keldeo, Flare, and Celestia sat inside Celestia’s study. They were seated at a small table with a pot of fresh tea and a plate of simple shortbread biscuits. Celestia quietly sipped some tea and Flare spoke with Keldeo, getting some answers. Flare just stared at Keldeo as he reverted to his Ordinary Form, and now he looked like the Keldeo he knew from before. Celestia had also cast the translation spell on Keldeo to make things a tad easier.

“Setting aside what you just did for now, what in the name of Arceus are you doing here?” Flare asked, deeming that to be the most important question.

“Well… it’s a long story,” Keldeo said.

It all began yesterday…

I had just finished some early morning sparring with Cobalion and headed back to the grove we were camped at for a bite to eat.

Virizion and Terrakion weren’t around, so I figured they were off doing their own training, when I heard an odd sound, like a whistle or a cry… I don’t really know. But it was coming from deeper within the forest. Cobalion had gone to the river to wash up, so I decided to investigate on my own. But when I got deeper into the woods, the sound got louder and then…

“And then?” Flare said, none too amused with the suspense.

"And then nothing!" Keldeo replied. "I felt something weird; it gave me the chills, and then I saw nothing but darkness, like I was awake and asleep at the same time. When I woke up I was here with a bunch of those armoured ponies surrounding me."

“Well that was helpful, not to mention short,” Flare said sarcastically. “So you fell asleep in the woods and woke up here?”

“I got knocked out in the woods by something and woke up here,” Keldeo corrected him. “Big difference.”

Flare just sighed and drank his tea. “Well, whatever, Arceus will probably come for you like he did with me, so I wouldn’t fret too much.” Flare replied nonchalantly.

“Arceus? He can come here too!?” Keldeo exclaimed. “But if he came for you… why are you still here? And more importantly, why do you look like that?”

“An even longer story than yours,” Flare replied. “Here’s the abridged version; thanks to a little tiff between Palkia and Dialga in Alamos Town, I fell into a space/time rift and wound up here.” He poured himself some more tea and continued.

“After making some new friends and whatnot, I decided to stay here. But then Arceus shows up and he’s all like ‘Let’s go home where you belong’ and all that. So I decline, kicked his flank and now here I am, living my life here in Equestria with my friends… and my new marefriend!”

Celestia nearly spat out her tea at that last part. “Marefriend? Do you mean…?”

“Yep!” Flare said proudly, puffing out his chest. “Twilight and I are dating now. Isn’t that great?” Then there was something he remembered, something he needed Celestia to clarify. “Also, when I got to Ponyville... Twilight was under the impression that I was announcing my marriage to you, Tia… you wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”

This time, Celestia did spit out her drink. She coughed and wiped her mouth with a napkin. “Um, no? I don’t believe so?” she answered rather unconvincingly.

“Riiiight,” Flare said and turned back to Keldeo. “So until Arceus decides to get off his all-powerful flank, why don’t you stay here? Equestria is great!”

“I suppose… but is there no other way to get home?” Keldeo asked, concerned over how long he would be stuck here.

“None that I’m aware of,” Flare replied, utterly forgetting about the spell Twilight and Sparkler devised a while ago. “Just try to relax, and don’t pick a fight with anyone else, okay?” He got to his hooves and stretched. He looked around and noticed that Luna wasn’t here, “Oh yeah, where’s Luna?” he asked the older sister.

“She’s been in her room most of the weekend,” Celestia sighed. “I was hoping you could perhaps talk her into coming out?” The truth was that Luna had spent the entire weekend in her room and had contact with almost nopony at all. Celestia was worried that, after all that the sisters had done so they could spend more time together, it was a case of one step forward and three steps back.

“I’ll see what I can do,” Flare replied, not knowing what the hay was going on around here. Surely Luna wouldn’t have just shut herself away for no reason whatsoever? He left Keldeo with Celestia and headed out the door, walking towards Luna's room.


After a few minutes of walking, however, he came to realise something… he had no idea where Luna's room even was! By pure luck, or perhaps some solar intervention, Sunshine was strolling down the hallway, humming a happy little tune.

“Hey there, Sunny!” Flare called out, grabbing the maid’s attention. “Can I ask you something?”

Sunshine smiled as she saw Flare Blitz walking towards her. “Welcome back, Lord Flare!” she greeted him enthusiastically.
“How was Ponyville? Did you have fun?”

“Oh, um yeah. I had a great time,” Flare replied, caught off guard by the sudden question. “I can tell you all about it later, but first… can you tell me where Princess Luna’s chamber is?”

“Princess Luna?” She pointed down the hall with her hoof. “You take this hall to the end and turn right. Princess Luna's bedchambers are the only door in that hall.”

Flare nodded and started to head in that direction. “Thanks, Sunny, I’ll see you at dinner.” He waved goodbye and trotted off before she could respond.


Flare stood at the large wooden door at the end of the hall. Two of Princess Luna's Personal Guard stood on either side, giving Flare a warning glance.

“I am here at Princess Celestia's request,” Flare said with a formal tone. The Solar Guard were your fairly stock standard and stereotypical guardsmen… but the Night Guard, well they just plain creeped him out. The two guards looked to one another and the back to Flare. After a moment of silence, they stepped aside and nodded to him.

“We have been expecting you,” one of the guards spoke in a quiet, raspy voice. “I pray you can find out what ails Our Princess.”

Well that was unexpected, to say the least. Flare simply nodded back and proceeded to step up to the door. He raised a hoof and gave three solid knocks and the called out through the door.

“Luna? It’s me, Flare,” he said gently. “Can I please come inside?”

There was another moment of silence before the moon carving on the door glowed with a pale light as several clicks were heard. Did she have some sort of seal or lock on it? The door opened ever so slightly and Flare squeezed inside and, once he was through, the door slammed shut and clicked as the seal was raised once more.

Needless to say, Flare was a little alarmed now. Why was Luna magically sealing herself into her room? He headed deeper inside and gasped softly as he looked around at the seemingly impossible décor.

The ceiling was covered in rolling storm clouds that shifted and flowed to a silent song. It wasn't like the pony controlled weather of Equestria. In fact it reminded Flare more of the weather from his old home. The clouds rumbled and flashed with lightning and Flare fought the urge to duck under a nearby table.

“Surely Luna wouldn't use real lightning… I hope.” Flare looked around some more and saw usual bedroom furniture, a vanity and dresser, a huge wardrobe and a large study desk, one that Twilight would probably give her right hoof for. There was also a long, wooden box on the desk with a pile of oddly-shaped dice. Flare wondered what they were for. He looked to the far wall and saw a large four poster bed with a noticeable bulge under the covers.

He smiled a little as he walked up to the bed and placed his front hooves up onto it, causing its hidden occupant to flinch.

“Should I be wondering why a grown Princess is hiding like a schoolfilly?” he asked, pulling at the cover gently. Luna responded by pulling the cover back down, wishing to remain hidden.

Flare sighed, and then using both his hooves and his magic, he pulled the covers back and revealed the moon princess underneath.

He immediately wished he hadn't.

Luna was curled up in a ball, her whole body visibly shaking, and her face was stained with tears. Her eyes remained closed, refusing to look Flare in the eye and acknowledge that the stallion was seeing her in this position.

Flare had no idea how to respond to the sight of such a powerful creature looking so utterly defeated. He climbed up onto the bed and sat down next to her. He placed a hoof over her back as she sobbed silently for what seemed like hours.
Once her body stopped trembling and her breathing took a calmer rate, Flare decided to speak.

“So… what happened?” he asked gently. It was a simple question, and one that would hopefully explain Luna's’ odd behaviour.

She looked up at him and the look in her eyes nearly tore his heart in two. “It was…” her voice trembled as she spoke.

Before now, Flare had only heard her voice exude confidence and pride. This was something totally new to him.

“I felt it again…” she said, her voice was a barely audible whisper.

“It? What did you feel?” He remained calm and patient.

Luna swallowed hard and then suddenly wrapped her forelegs around Flare, causing the stallion to let out a surprised gasp.

“I felt the darkness!” she sobbed. “The same darkness that consumed me before…”

It took a moment for Flare to realise what she was talking about. “Nightmare Moon,” he said quietly and Luna nodded in response.

“It was over a thousand years ago now, but it is something that I will never forget,” she said, her voice a little clearer now. “That dark feeling threatened to engulf me once more, so I locked myself away in here, with a shield that even the smallest microbes could not penetrate… and yet, I feel like it was not enough…”

Luna looked around her bed, refusing to let go of Flare for the time being. “And yet hiding beneath my blankets like a filly made me feel a little better,” she let out a forced giggle. “But I get the feeling that the darkness will come back, and I do not know what I should do…” Luna’s eyes began to tear up again until Flare placed a hoof under them, catching the falling tears.

“I don’t know what this ‘darkness’ is, but I won’t let one of my friends feel like this.” He looked into her eyes and smiled warmly. “I won’t let any harm come to my friends, not now and not ever. Should that darkness return, I’ll kick it straight to the moon!”

Luna giggled again, though more sincerely this time. “Thank you, Sir Flare!” she smiled and hugged him a little tighter. She was feeling a lot better now. But her embrace was causing him to blush. She only then realised how long she had been embracing him and blushed herself, letting him go and deciding that now would be a good time to stare at the ceiling.

“Sorry,” she mumbled.

Flare shook his head, “It’s okay, Luna, I’m here anytime you need to talk.”

“Except for when you are cuddling up to Twilight Sparkle?” she said with a wink and a mischievous grin.

Flare blushed and gave the princess a surprised look. “H-how did you find out about that?” he asked. Was Luna a spy or something?

“I am the Princes of the Night and Dreams,” Luna replied with a satisfied smirk. “You have not stopped dreaming about that day she agreed to court you since it happened.” Luna had peered into Flare’s dreams on multiple occasions, not that she’d ever admit it.

“Well that explains that then,” Flare thought. “But for now, I think we should go outside. I have a friend from my old home who I want you to meet.”

“Another Pokémon!?” Luna exclaimed, shocked to hear that there was another Pokémon. “There’s another Pokémon here?”

Flare nodded and smiled. “His name is Keldeo, he’s a little brash, but a good kid.”

“Well... as long as you say so, I’ll trust you and meet with him.” Luna sat up and then got off her bed, making a cute little squeak. Before she could head to the door however, Flare stopped her.

He grabbed a handkerchief from her vanity and dipped it in a water pitcher on her bedside table. Walking over to the alicorn, he dabbed at the tear stains on her face until her fur was clean.

“There we go, that’s better,” he said, setting the hanky aside.

Luna smiled but let out a small sigh. “You really should be more careful,” she said, heading to the door and unlocking it.

“Wha? Me?” Flare responded. “What the hay did I do?” The stallion was completely in the dark, so to speak.

Luna opened the door and looked back at him. “You shouldn’t be so nice to every girl you meet…” she whispered. “It’ll get you into trouble one day.” And with that she straightened her tiara and headed through the door, leaving a baffled Flare Blitz in her room.

“What was that supposed to mean?”