• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 18,988 Views, 1,338 Comments

Flames and Twilight. - Ausbrony

A sequel to my fanficton, A Pony out of Place. How will life in Equestria treat Flare now he has opted to stay with Twilight and her friends? (Takes place during season 3)

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A Flame Once Lost - Part Two.

A Flame Once Lost – Part Two.

As Flare Blitz walked through the halls of Canterlot Castle, he noticed countless servants running here and there as the castle was cleaned top to bottom. He sidestepped Sunshine as she raced past him, barking orders to another group of maids.

“Hey, Sunny!” he called out. “What’s going on around here?”

“Can’t stop, too busy!” she replied and ran down another hallway. Flare shrugged and continued to the throne room, only to be stopped by Celestia’s Guard.

“Sorry. Flare, the Princess is meeting some important delegates at the moment.” The guard that had spoken added a salute as a sign of respect and motioned towards the entrance to the palace. “The Princess has informed me that you have the day off, but to be back by early evening.”

Well this was interesting to say the least. He had just prepared to begin his studies and now he had more free time. “Well… guess I’ll just… go and do… stuff.”

The guard just gave a single nod and Flare left for the centre of the city. He hadn’t had much time to just wander around Canterlot and take in the sights, so he figured this was a good opportunity.


Well that didn’t take too long. He had already grown bored as he wandered the streets of Canterlot. Most ponies he met had their noses so high in the air it was like they were trying to smell the sun. He thought about going back to the castle and hanging out with Luna and Keldeo, the two of them had really hit it off, but then a distant clanging sound filled the air. He rounded several street corners and a long narrow alleyway until he found the source of the noise. It was a forge, and a rather old-looking one at that.

Flare walked up to it and peeked inside, trying to get a glimpse of what the forge looked like. Inside was a large unicorn
hammering away at a strip of metal on the anvil in front of him. He was large for a unicorn, more like a draft pony from the earth species. He had a coat as black as night and a long, silver mane and beard. He was an older pony, well into his sixties, but it was difficult to tell.

The stallion looked up from his anvil and saw Flare standing in the doorway.

“Can I help ya there, lad?” he asked with a gruff tone. “Or are ye jus’ goin’ tae stand there gawkin’ at me?”

Flare remained silent for a moment until he realised he was being spoken to. “Oh, um sorry! I was just curious,” he replied.
“I’ve never seen a place like this before.”

“I see…” the old stallion said, stroking his long beard with his hoof. “Then ye care tae watch fer a wee bit? I dinae mind.”

Flare nodded and walked inside as the unicorn went back to work, hammering away at the glowing metal. “My name’s Silvermane, by the way!” he called out over the ringing sounds of the hammer. “You?”

“My name is Flare Blitz,” the younger unicorn responded. “Nice to meet you, Silvermane!”

Silver nodded and lifted the metal strip with his magic and thrust it into the forge. After a moment or two, he pulled it out and examined it with a scrutinising gaze, before sighing wearily and tossing it into a nearby water trough where it hissed loudly.

“Another blasted failure,” he muttered and shoveled some red powder into his forge.

“Is something the matter?” Flare asked, walking up to him.

"Aye, it’s mah forge.” Silver pointed at the enormous stone forge. “I bought some Fire Salts recently ta perk ‘er up… but I think I got a dud batch, cause they jus’ ain’t doin’ the trick.”

Flare didn’t really know what the problem was. Were these Fire Salts integral to the process?

“The problem is that mah Forge is growin’ cold, lad,” Silvermane went on to explain. “An’ nuthin’ I do seems to get her fire goin’ like it used to.”

Flare took a look inside the fiery oven and stared. Though he was a pony now, he still had a high tolerance for heat and he felt almost nothing from the roaring forge. Then a random idea pinged him. Maybe it was stupid, but it didn’t hurt to ask right?

“So you just want the forge to heat up, right?” Flare asked the elder unicorn.

“Aye,” Silvermane replied with a dubious tone. “Ye got an idea, lad?”

Flare nodded and motioned for the smithy to stand back. Once he was clear of the forge’s opening, Flare closed his eyes and began to concentrate. He aimed at the forge and let loose a powerful stream of flame from the tip of his horn, causing Silvermane to yelp in surprise and jump back. Flare continued to burn away at the forge for a solid three minutes until his magic ran out, leaving him to take several deep breaths to recover.

“Sweet Celestia’s flanks! Jus’ what in the hay was that, lad!?” Silvermane asked the recovering stallion.

Once he was feeling right again, Flare looked up to see a roaring blaze inside the forge. The heat alone threatened to outdo the sun itself. “Just a little something I can do,” he smiled. Since he lacked the ability to breathe flames now, Luna had taught him this Pyromancy spell to compensate. “You think your forge is hot enough now?”

Silvermane took a look and used his forehoof to wipe some sweat from his brow. “Aye!” he said with a satisfactory tone. “That it is, laddie, I dinae know what ya did… but it seems ta work! Ya really put a fire in 'er belly now!”

Flare nodded, feeling a little happy that he was able to help out. He turned to leave when he was stopped by Silver.

“Jus hold up there, lad.” He put his hammer down and gave the young unicorn a warm smile. “Ye did me a service an ah won’t forget it.” Another pony was walking into the smithy as Silver finished. “Anytime ye need a favour, don’t hesitate ta ask…” Silver turned to the new guest and smiled widely. “Mocha, ma dear lass! Yer jus in time!”

“In time?” Mocha Latte asked, cocking her head to one side. “In time for what, Silver?”

Silvermane grabbed Flare and pulled him over to them. “Meet mah new friend, Flare Blitz!”

Mocha giggled as she took some plastic containers and a flask from her saddlebags. “Nice to meet you again, Mr. Flare!” she greeted him with a warm smile.

“Och! So ye already know each other?” Silvermane opened the flask and downed the liquid inside, letting out a satisfied belch when he was done. “Aahh, now thas’ a good Fire Brew if ah ever had one!”

“Only the best for you, Silver.” Mocha smiled and set up the lunch she had brought with her. “Would you care to join us, Mr. Flare?”

Flare nodded and took a place at the table. “Just call me Flare, okay, Miss Mocha?”

“And just Mocha will be fine.” The cute mare giggled in response. “So how did you like my coffee from the other day?”

Oh yeah! There was that weird vision that he had, wasn’t there? “Well, I had a really weird vision.” He took a mouthful of the salad and munched away happily. “But it was a good one. It made me feel a little better about things.”

Mocha nodded as she ate her sandwich with all the elegance of a refined lady. “That happens from time to time,” she explained. “I guess it’s a special power of mine. If anypony who’s feeling down or depressed drinks my coffee, they get a lucid vision of a happy memory.” She closed her eyes and remembered the first time it happened to her. “I’ve had skilled mages look into it, but no answers on why it happens… it just does!”

“Heh, sounds a little like my friend Pinkie Pie,” Flare laughed only to have Mocha put on a dark expression. “Um, is everything alright?”

“I know her…” Mocha replied quietly and shuddered. “And what happened when I gave her coffee…”

“W-what happened?” Flare almost didn’t want to ask, curiosity killed the Meowth after all.

“I’m sorry; the Princesses said it was best that the whole thing to be forgotten, and that giving that particular mare coffee again was punishable by banishment and then imprisonment in the place you were banished too.”

Flare no longer wanted to know.

“So uh… how do you know Silvermane?” he asked, changing the subject.

Mocha’s mood instantly improved back to normal. “Well, not long after I moved to Canterlot, I was wandering about the city, getting to know it, when I just happened across this place.” She paused a moment to look around the forge like she’d never been here before, admiring the various trinkets hanging from the ceiling and the fabulous works of art and armoury. “I simply fell in love with it and the magnificent things that Silver could create.” She gave the older stallion a heart-warming smile, causing him the blush slightly and admire his hooves all of a sudden. “I also found out that his skill with a forge was exceeded by his complete lack of culinary skills, so I decided that in return for an odd favour here and there and letting me stay to watch him work, I cook his lunch and bring him Fire Brew coffee.”

“Fire Brew?” Flare asked, glancing at the thermos.

“It’s a special coffee that only Silvermane orders on a regular basis. It’s made using a bean that only grows in the Dragon Lands, and it’s hotter that the sun itself.”

Flare gave the thermos a sniff and suddenly recoiled from the scent that scorched his nostrils.

“I see…” Flare continued to chat with Mocha and Silvermane until Mocha had to return to her shop. Flare had initially wanted to see more of Canterlot, but found himself too intrigued with Silver’s forging process and ending up staying for hours. He glanced at a clock on the wall and let out a little gasp. “Ah man, I’d better get back to the castle or Celly’ll have my hide for a throw rug!”

Mocha returned with a refill for Silver and overheard their conversation.

“Ye know the Princess, lad?” Silver asked. Just who was this pony?

“Yeah, I’m currently studying under her,” Flare hastily explained. He gave a polite nod to Mocha when he noticed her. “You two should come by sometime, I bet she’d like to meet you.” And with that he gave them another polite bow and a word of thanks before leaving the forge and hurrying back to the palace.

“Did… did we just get a royal invite… to the palace… to meet the PRINCESS!?” Mocha flipped out slightly and breathed heavily.

“Aye, ah think we did, lass.” Silvermane let out a hearty laugh and took another swig from his thermos. “Ain’t that sumthin’?”


Once Flare returned to the castle, he saw two chariots waiting out front as well as Princess Celestia and two odd-looking ponies standing with her. They were about as tall as Celestia, but their builds were much more elongated and slender; it kinda reminded him of a Rapidash’s build.

“Ah, there you are, Flare.” Celestia greeted him as he trotted over to them. “I was just speaking of you, actually.”

“Of me?” Flare looked towards the two new ponies who nodded in response.

“Indeed,” the stallion said with a thick accent. “Your Princess has told us of the Great Hero that she is personally instructing.”

“Great… hero?” He gave Celestia a total ‘what the hay’ look, and she gave a sheepish smile in response.

“Yes!” It was the mare’s turn to speak now. “She told us of your great victories over the terrible monsters of the Everfree Forest and even a great and powerful deity from another world!”

“I see…” He would need to have words with the princess later…

Celestia took a step forward, and gracefully motioned towards her new guests. “May I introduce you to the Amir and Amira of Saddle Arabia!” She turned to the royal dignitaries. “And may I formally introduce you to Lord Flare Blitz, an ambassador of sorts himself.”

Once the pleasantries had been exchanged, Celestia boarded one of the chariots and beckoned for Flare to join her. He gave the princess a quizzical look as he boarded the chariot, and his heart leapt slightly as the pegasi lifted off.

“So uh, why am I tagging along?” Flare asked as they soared off into the evening air.

“Well,” Celestia said with a sly smile and a wink. “I thought the ‘Great Hero’ would like to accompany us to Ponyville where Twilight will be giving a demonstration of Equestrian magic.”

“Twilight!? We’re going to see Twilight?” he said, his grin as wide as anything Pinkie could muster.

“Yes, my little pony, we are going to see Twilight,” Celestia said as his bouncing caused the chariot to rock slightly. “But you’d best calm down; you are the only one without wings up here, our guests notwithstanding.”

Flare suddenly stopped and cleared his throat at the foalish outburst. “Uh heheh, sorry, Celly!” But then he had something to ask her… “Great Hero?” he simply said.

“I uh, may have embellished your accomplishments a tad…” Celestia replied with a slight smile, poking her tongue out.

“Well, not that I mind…” Flare said with a grin. “Flare Blitz the Great Hero! Has a nice ring to it don’t you think?”

“The Legendary Hero of Time and Space!” Celestia giggled, her voice ringing like a clear, crystal bell. “He can defeat even the gods with the flame of righteousness!”

“Now that’s a tad excessive!” Flare grinned. He peered over the edge of the chariot and saw Ponyville getting ever closer. Soon he would get to see Twilight again and his life would be better for it.


The dark clouds had passed, and Trixie had vanished from sight as the entire town cheered for Twilight and her friends.

“Now where do ya think that varmit ran off ta now!?” Applejack snorted irritably as she looked around for Trixie.

Twilight just shrugged as the town’s citizens went about tearing down the banners that Trixie had set up, with Rarity leading them with a passion.

“I don’t know, but I don’t think she’ll try anything like this again.” The purple unicorn turned to Zecora with a slightly worried expression. “Are you sure that nopony will get their hooves on the Alicorn Amulet again?”

Zecora waved a hoof over the box, causing it to vanish from sight. “Until the one that destined appears before me, this trinket will hide in the great Everfree!”

Wait! Destined? Twilight was about to ask what the enigmatic zebra meant by that when Spike came running over.

“Twilight! The Princess will be here any minute now!” he reminded her, causing her to forget all about her questions.

“That’s right! Fluttershy, can you get your animal friends ready?”

Fluttershy flinched as she was reminded of what they were about to go through. What she was about to go through. “Oh… alright…” she replied meekly.


The chariot touched down shortly afterwards, and Flare almost leapt from it. Truth be told, he wasn’t a real fan of flying and was glad once more that he wasn’t made a pegasus.

“Well here we are, Ponyville!” Celestia announced as the Saddle Arabian dignitaries disembarked their own chariot.

Flare, on the other hoof, had already bolted and was running at full speed towards the library. “Just one more second and I’ll get to see her…”

He reached the library and flung the door open… only to be greeted by absolutely nothing. The library was dark and it was clear that nopony was home.

“Aw what?” Flare whined and closed the door, walking back out onto the street. “Where is she?”

Flare looked around the town and saw a great deal of ponies carrying rolled up things and generally cleaning up the town. Just what the hay was going on around here?

As he wandered about, he eventually found Ditzy and Dinky sitting on a park bench, eating some ice cream.

“Heya, Dinky, Ditzy!” He greeted them as he walked up to them.

Dinky’s ears perked up as she heard Flare’s voice. “Mr. Flare!” she said excitedly. “I haven’t seen you for ages!”

“Same here!” Ditzy responded and then flew over to him, wrapping the startled unicorn in a tight hug.

“W-what’s this for?” Flare asked, returning the hug.

Derpy released the embrace, grinning widely. “My little muffin told me how you protected her and her friends during that sleepover. I just never got to thank you until now. Twilight said you've been in Canterlot?”

Flare nodded his head. "I've been undertaking some special studies there.”

“Ooh, that’s cool!” Dinky said in awe. “Are you stayin’ in the castle? Didja get to meet the Princesses again? Are you coming back to Ponyville?” The barrage of questions was endless.

Flare just laughed as he sat next to her. “I sure do get to stay in the castle. And I get to see the Princesses every day! And yes, I will be returning to Ponyville very soon, I promise.”

“That. Is so cool!” Dinky whispered.

Flare turned back to Ditzy, who had this odd smile on her face. “So what’s going on around here Ditz?” he asked her. "It looks like you're cleaning up after a war."

“Huh? Well I don’t really know what’s going on now. The mayor told me to stay put and gave us ice-cream while they set up for the Princess.”

“Set up?” Now that was odd. “With Twilight around, I figured that would have been sorted and quadruple checked by now?” He knew how his marefriend went into super obsessive mode whenever it came to Celestia.

“Well she would have,” Derpy continued. “But she was banished from town earlier…”

“Banished!?” Flare was in panic mode now. “Twilight was banished from Ponyville?!” He reared up onto his hind legs and raced off to the centre of town to find one of Twilight’s friends and get to the bottom of this.

Ditzy sighed as he ran off. “Oh dear… this might be bad. Oh, my ice-cream is melting!”


Once Flare had reached town hall, he saw Rainbow Dash and Applejack standing around, chatting and laughing. Twilight got banished and they were laughing!? As he approached them, a deep scowl on his face, the two mares noticed and waved to him.

“Hey there, Wonder… colt?” Rainbow trailed off as she saw a really pissed off looking Flare Blitz getting closer.

Applejack intercepted and placed a hoof on his chest. “Whoa there, pardner! Y’all look like ya just ate a sour apple. What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong? What’s WRONG!? Twilight got banished from town and ‘y’all’ are just standing around laughing!?” Flare was just a tad upset.

The two mares stared at him for a moment and then burst out laughing. This did nothing to improve Fare’s mood in the slightest.

“And just what is so Arceus-damned funny!” He growled angrily.

Applejack spun him around and he saw Twilight walking towards them with Spike, Fluttershy, and a plethora of critters in tow. He bolted towards them, and before Twilight could even react, Flare had pounced on her, giving her a hug to end all hugs.

“Flare!? What in Equest…mmph!?” Flare cut her off and placed a passionate kiss on her lips, causing mixed reactions amongst their friends. Fluttershy just blushed and looked away while Spike and Rainbow pretended to gag as they looked away. Applejack just watched, and as Rarity approached she let loose a little squeal.

As nice as it was, Twilight was still rather confused at the very sudden and very public display of affection. She placed a hoof on his chest and gently pushed him back, breaking the kiss.

“Flare! What the hay?” she said, panting from the loss of breath. “That was…”

“I thought you got banished and I got worried and then I saw Skittles and Applejack laughing and thought they didn’t care and then I got mad and then you showed up and…” he suddenly had to take a deep breath and slowed down. “What’s going on around here?”

Twilight smiled at her coltfriend's sudden panic attack. It really reminded her of somepony familiar…

She explained what had happened with Trixie and that her exile was only temporary. She had used a simple trick and the co-operation of her friends to make Trixie see the error of her ways.

Flare nuzzled Twilight and sighed happily. “As long as you’re okay… but what did I say about getting into trouble?”

“To be fair, trouble found me,” Twilight argued and they shared a laugh. “But what are you doing here, Flare? Shouldn’t you be in Canterlot?”

“Celestia invited me,” he replied. “I came along with her and the foreign dignitaries.”

“The Princess? I almost forgot!” She grabbed Fluttershy and her animals with her magic and raced towards the stage where she would give the demonstration.


Later that night, Flare sat in the stands with his friends as Twilight levitated the large group of critters in various patterns. Flare just stared on in wonder with the rest of the crowd as there was a sudden burst of impressive fireworks.

Flare saw Twilight talking with a blue unicorn wearing a wizard hat and cape. He couldn’t hear what they said, but she saw them both smiling before the blue unicorn ran off in a puff of smoke, and then performed an impressive face-plant.


Flare was about to get on the chariot when he stopped to look at Twilight. Why was parting with her getting harder and harder? Twilight nodded as if she had read his mind and Celestia just sighed as they stood there making puppy dog eyes at one another.

“Why don’t you just come and visit him tomorrow?” she said to her prized pupil. “I certainly don’t mind, provided it doesn’t interfere with his studies…” It felt really weird saying that to Twilight Sparkle of all ponies.

Twilight just had a wide grin on her face though and hugged Flare. “Thank you Princess!” she said happily. The smile Twilight gave her that made it worth it.

A few moments later, Celestia and Flare were soaring through the skies on their return trip to Canterlot.

“So how is your training with Lulu coming along?” Celestia asked, deciding to engage in some idle chatter.

“It’s going pretty well, actually,” Flare responded. “I’ve managed to add a magical variation to all my attacks and Luna is teaching how to use them effectively… though, there is one thing I still don’t get.”

“Oh?” Celestia replied, “And what might that be?”

“Well… How come I have to learn about Equestrian history and laws? I know that some history is important, but why are you teaching me personally?”

Celestia nodded. He made a good point, but the true answer was something that she could not yet reveal. But if he were to halt his progress, then he might not…

“Alright,” Celestia sighed a little and looked at the young stallion. “But not here, I will discuss it with you once we return.”

Flare nodded in response and looked out over the sea of clouds that they soared above. Luna’s luminescent moon hung silently in the sky, giving the clouds below a gentle silver glow. It was actually quite breathtaking if it weren’t for the fact that it was freezing.

“Man its cold up here,” Flare shivered slightly and then let out a small gasp as Celestia draped one of her elegant wings over his body.

“Until you’re used to it, it does get rather cold in the higher altitudes, does it not?” Her smile just seemed to radiate compassion and warmth. Her smile reminded him of someone… it wasn’t like Twilight’s, whose smile could make him weak at the knees. Luna’s smile was simply adorable, as you didn’t often see it, a bit like a shooting star. But Celestia’s smile… it was one that made you feel safe and warm, no matter the situation.

It was very much like a mother’s smile.

“Thanks, Tia.” Flare smiled back and the two of them remained that way until they reached Canterlot.


A shadow watched and cursed silently as Trixie left Ponyville. She had not done as he had ordered, and instead of attacking Canterlot, she had gone after a petty grudge. And now the Alicorn Amulet he had gone through so much trouble to find was lost once more.

But it didn’t matter. There were always other plans and other pawns at his disposal. His previous experiment had been successful, and it was time for Phase Two. It would just be a matter of time.


“So what is this all about?” Flare asked the solar princess as they entered the palace throne room where Luna and Keldeo were chatting away.

“A welcome return to you, sister, and to you, Flare!” Luna said, gliding over to them.

“Hey Luna, hey Keldy!” Flare greeted back.

Celestia cleared her throat to garner some attention, and Flare turned to look at her.

“What I am about to say is said in the strictest confidence and must not be repeated to anypony! Even Twilight!”

Flare nodded. Was it that secret?

Celestia nodded and Luna took Keldeo from the room, leaving Celestia and Flare alone.

“A great destiny awaits Twilight Sparkle. I have said this already, correct?”

Flare nodded again.

“It is one that will change the future of Equestria, and there will be certain dangers that come along with it. I need to be sure that whatever arises, you will be able to protect her.”

Celestia looked at the windows that depicted the Elements of Harmony defeating Nightmare Moon and Discord. “Twilight and her friends have faced many trials and hardships and together. I believe that they can overcome anything.” She looked back to Flare and he could see the seriousness in her eyes. “But the day may come where their strength may not be enough, and I think… no, I know that you are the one who will make all the difference. The power of one is not something to be underestimated.”

Flare nodded. He never would have thought that Celestia thought him to be so important. It was almost overwhelming. But there was only one response he could give her.

“I will not let you down, Princess Celestia!” he said, standing up straight and saluting.

Celestia giggled and nodded. “I know you won’t… now, let’s go and see what Luna and Keldeo have been up to while we were gone.”


As Twilight woke up early the next morning, stretching herself out like a cat, she heard a furious knocking at her door. She opened it, only to be bowled over by Rainbow Dash.

“Twilight, come quick!” she said with a hurried tone. “It’s an emergency!”

Twilight had the strangest sense of déjà vu… probably since the same thing happened only yesterday. Sighing and getting to her hooves, she followed Rainbow Dash to Town Hall, half expecting Discord or Chrysalis to be standing there.

What was standing there was something she really didn’t expect.

It was a tall creature, maybe the size of Princess Celestia. Its slender body was a leaf green and tan colour, and it appeared to be wearing boots over its hooves. It also had an odd shaped head, with two appendages protruding from the side, almost like a hammerhead shark, except it’s eyes weren't attached to them., it just glanced around, taking in its surroundings. It didn’t appear to be nervous… more like it was curious.

“What is it?” somepony asked.

“I dunno… maybe it’s from the Everfree?”

“Do you think it’s dangerous!?”

Twilight walked past the group and out in between them and the creature. She had a rough idea on what it might be.
“It’s okay, everypony!” she called out to the crowd. “I can handle this… I hope.”

Twilight walked right up to it and looked up it its eyes. The creature stared back until the strangest thing happened. It seemed to chuckle slightly, inside Twilight’s head!

“You do not seem to be afraid of me… why is that?” It had a feminine voice. It was quite pretty actually.

“Just like Arceus… telepathy.” Twilight whispered, eliciting a surprised look from the creature.

“You know Lord Arceus!?” she said, this time out loud.

“Um, yes,” Twilight replied. “He came here some time ago… Are you a Pokémon as well?”

“Correct!” The creature smiled and stood proudly in front of her. “My name is Virizion! It is a pleasure to meet you!”