• Member Since 7th Sep, 2011
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I've always said one thing about who I am as a person. "Eternally in pursuit of the goodness in the heart." It's what called me to the show. It's why I'm here now. And it's what I love to write about.

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When it rains, it pours. · 8:24am Jan 17th, 2023

Not one to complain too often about the cards life gives me, so consider this an excercise in staying mentally healthy by airing out my thoughts. Been having a lot of bad luck lately. Water heater died a month ago, that's a 500$ fix. Winter breeze rolled by recently, been awfully cold just washing my hands, not to mention showering as usual. But I'm strong, I weathered it.

Car is on the fritz, that'll likely be 1k+. Most of the problems are cosmetic, and I'm not vain, so no problems there except the odd worry and anxiety spike about it busting down due to some unseen internal damage.

Finally, just yesterday I had my power converter bust. Aggressively. Caused an electrical fire. Now my house is on life support that won't last much longer. That means major food spoilage in my fridge after the insulated cold inside dies out. No modern conveniences Ike AC, heater, or internet.

S'a bit of a nightmare when you live in a desert-like area. Boiling hot during the day, freezing cold at night. And bored to boot. Life just became A LOT more stressful in just that moment alone, not even counting the panic of having to put out an electrical fire that could've burn my house down or have killed me.

And that's gonna run me about 2k for replacements and fixes to damaged outlets and wires caused by the short that followed.

If life was a video game, I'm definitely rocking a permanent morale-decrease debuff until that's sorted out.

Comments ( 5 )

Oh no! I'm so sorry that all of this is happening to you in such a short span of time. Lady Luck can be a cruel mistress at times, but things will turn around eventually! Remember, every storm will end and the sun will rise and dry the rain and life will go on again! Just be strong and weather the wind, I know you can! :twilightsmile: And remember, I'm always around so if you ever just need to vent about anything, please feel free to!

Thanks, Serinity. It's nice to hear so. Thankfully I have a healthy nest egg from which to fall back on but ordering the replacement parts online takes time and even more time to schedule an electrician to come and make the switches. It never feels good to waste so much money either >.< It'll likely take too long and I'm probably looking at a lot of food spoilage, so trying to explore cooky options to circumvent that. Like handing my mom all my best groceries so she can take them home to her house and stash them for me for example. Wish I still had my bachelor lifestyle of only eating ramen and other not-so-easily perishable junk foods.

Lord knows what I'm gonna do about the weather though.

We were lucky enough to have a cast iron wood stove when I was young. Snow and ice often knocked our power out and left us snowed in for days at a time. If you don't have a way to keep a fire or anything, I can see how keeping saving your food or boiling water for a warm bath would be difficult. At least you can fall back on your mom in situations like these it seems!

If it's hot during the day, make sure you're drinking plenty of water too! Staying warm when it's cold is a lot easier than keeping cool when it's hot, so make sure you aren't overdoing it if you're struggling with heat. Hydrogen Di-Oxide is your best friend! :twistnerd:

That's several wild cases of misfortune in the time span of a few days! It is a heck of good thing that all storms pass and believe me, they do.

What can I say? There's sun behind those grey clouds! :twilightsmile:

:pinkiegasp: Uh oh... it's happening... that song is living rent free in my head again!

"Let it Rain intensifies"

Seriously though, I hope that song helps you out! :scootangel:

It did! Thank you, GJ. It especially helps to know someone wants to see me well.

I’m having to travel far to rest at my parent’s house to avoid the AC-less heat, but it’s not the end of the world. Until an electrician can sort out my house’s wiring to prevent future brown-outs and fix burnt outlets, I’m on a forced vacation from my writing work. Haha.

S’okay. I was racking up a huge sleep debt. Sleeping only 3-4 hours a day due to worrying a lot can do that to a person, but I’m feeling calmer now that I’ve got everything in motion for the fixes to be done within the week. Until then, I might have some time to read a few stories too. Speaking of, I read your latest chapter for When Life Gives You Snow. It’s good stuff. And a pick-me-upper too for such time!

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