• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2013
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SweetAI Belle

Why does life always have to be so ironic?

More Blog Posts91

  • 1 week
    For anyone noticing me not around quite as much...

    I'm still here, but I'm dividing my forum time a bit between here and the TARDIS Guide website, since these days, I'm one of the moderators over on the forums there. The website is one where you can keep track of what Doctor Who related episodes you have and haven't watched (as well as audio/comics/etc), review Doctor Who related stuff, and, of course,

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  • 26 weeks
    I'm still here

    At home, have not been out today, and no plans of going out.

    Just feel it's worth mentioning since I'm seeing things on the news about a shooting being filmed in an area in pretty easy walking distance of me...

    --Sweetie Belle

    1 comments · 128 views
  • 26 weeks
    Santa Hat Time!

    It's traditional to put on a Santa hat for December, so I've gone ahead and switched for the month. As you might imagine, AI art again...

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  • 33 weeks

    Haven't changed avatars for a while, so just trying on a different one...

    --Sweetie Belle

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  • 45 weeks
    Doctor Who AI art

    Posted a bunch of Doctor Who pictures I generated with Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 over here, for anyone interested:

    --Sweetie Belle

    3 comments · 133 views

Neko Magic Academy! (AI) · 9:59am Feb 1st, 2023

Welcome to Neko Magic Academy, where catgirls learn to control their magical powers! (And get their magical tails under control, and keep them from detaching themselves...)

Okay, just me playing with ai art again. It kept wanting to go nsfw, too (and even at that, there's a shot of two I'd have preferred a different angle or a longer skirt here). It does seem like it does a good job of catgirls in a school of magic, tho'...

Comments ( 10 )

As far as I'm concerned, catgirls are always welcome.

I know these catgirls look cute, but there's a problem with using AI art. The girls' fingers were too long, flimsy and they merged or twirled, even their hands were unnatural, some of them had their tails detached and their extra tails floating in random frames, the girl with white hair's left ear was only bowl-shaped instead of triangular-shaped, their wands were an imperfect shape, the fourth girl's bow sprout hair from the bottom and not over the top, and some of their books were melted and merged together like they were made of butter.

Yeah. If I was doing something serious, I'd generate more pictures, take the least problematic one, then run it through some inpainting, where you tell it to basically regenerate sections of the picture. Or you can alter the picture yourself a bit and use inpainting or img2img to clean up your edits...

--Sweetie Belle

Also, have you noticed they have two pairs of ears?
Human and cat ears?
Oh what AI fun.

That's really more of a stylistic thing then an AI thing. You'll notice in this picture, which is the actual picture in the wikipedia entry for "catgirl", she also has both sets of ears, and that's a picture from 2011, so rather before ai art was much of a thing.


Of course there's multiple different types of catgirls, with varying amount of cat in them. Here's a different ai generated catgirl I generated, using a different prompt and model and such.


--Sweetie Belle

That one doesn't count, because it's common in anime.

Well that makes sense, as the AI is drawing from stock inspiration.

Clearly the AI watches more anime than I do :rainbowlaugh:

Yeah, generally, artwise, what ai is best at is doing what everyone else has done millions of times. It can do the more humanlike catgirls because they are typical in anime, and it can do the more catlike ones because they are typical in furry art (and which I get depends on what source the model was trained on).

And, sometimes in anime you even have characters that are just wearing cat ears, too. In "Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase", you certainly might think, watching the opening, that it's a cat girl... but it's actually a vampire that wears a pair of fake cat ears.

To confuse things even more, there's "All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku". Nuku Nuku sometimes has somewhat catlike ears... but they are metal and retract into her head. You see, she's a cyborg with an android body designed to look like a young girl (but be used as a military weapon), and her brain was actually the brain of a dying alley cat... :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

Sweets, we have already established that Lemons and Cats are distint biological cousins, correct?
What about Lemony Catgirls? Make is so, maestro!

Jokes aside, this is a very cute concept. You're getting very good at reigning in the eccentricities of AI to create some interesting pieces! I suppose that that should be obvious...

Their tails do need glued on, though. That seems an issue. And painful.

Given how this model likes to swing towards nsfw, I'm not sure what would come out if I did that (I had to specify what clothes they were wearing to make sure they actually wore some)...

Thanks! Largely, I started with one prompt, saw some of the stuff it was coming out with, and got ideas of where it should be going, and tinkered with the prompt until it got there. One of the tricks is generating lots of images and pruning it down to the best ones, too. This is less than half of what I generated.

And yeah, the tails are an issue, and there are other things as well. I probably could've fixed them all up, but it's the sort of thing where it probably would've taken a few hours per picture. If I was actually making a visual novel or something these were for, I'd do that, but this was mostly for fun.

--Sweetie Belle

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