• Member Since 30th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 4th, 2021

Joseph Raszagal

More Blog Posts30

  • 557 weeks
    I'm Worried

    I'm trying very hard to continue posting, but I'm in the middle of alcoholism / finding a place to stay.

    To all of my readers, whomever you might be. I'm sorry. I never intended this to be so difficult.

    I'm in a really weird place right now. And I can't even promise that it'll get better. Suffice to say, homeless. No worries though, I still have a job.

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  • 559 weeks
    Lotta Blog Entries This Month

    And once again, this one comes courtesy to you of two Four Lokos and a variety of Seagram's randomly flavored girlie drinks (even if they're not really girlie, shut up, we're not going to get into that argument; drink whatever you want).

    Today (or tonight, I don't really know right now) I'd like to talk about this video:

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  • 560 weeks
    Stop and Go

    Sometimes it feels like there's a motor inside of us, an engine that'll throttle up or down depending on how we're feeling. As the pistons slow, we feel like getting them to speed back up and rev into the next gear will take longer and longer, requiring stretches of straight road ahead that we just can't see. The miles pass us by, the gas tank gets closer to empty, and that feeling continues to

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  • 560 weeks
    Oddities Abound

    I've had some PMs lately that really piqued my interest.

    Specifically, whether or not I'm really fucked-up when I'm writing this.

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    5 comments · 393 views
  • 561 weeks
    Life Happens

    For really reals, I'm working on getting the next chapter of Psychedelica - Pastel Ponies out within the week, I just need to get my new job and psyche evaluations all in order before my schedule ends up even more of a clusterfuck than it already is. The OpenOffice document is staring at me right now and is mostly done, with the major exception of the editing process to ensure that I

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Oddities Abound · 11:43pm Sep 7th, 2013

I've had some PMs lately that really piqued my interest.

Specifically, whether or not I'm really fucked-up when I'm writing this.

I find this disconcerting. Not because my writing methods (or utter lack thereof) are being questioned, but that, while the premise of my creation of this series is based on strange experiences I've had while in various forms of intoxication, that there's some need to defend my insobriety.

Should I be proud of that?

Fuck, most certainly not. It's just how I chose to write this shit.

I believe I put forth quite a few disclaimers already stating that my methods are at the very least dangerous and detrimental to one's health. Honestly, it intrigues sober-me that I should have to comment on it. Yes, I enjoy getting fucked up, and yes, there's a very different state of mind that accompanies such levels of fuck-up-itude, but still.

Would it really make much of a difference if I ended up being some huge liar, liar, plants for higher?

I can assure you that my writing methods, dubious as they may be, have stayed the same, but it concerns me that some must question it in some sort of sense that it might degrade should I reach actual sobriety in the end. Hunter S. Thompson isn't what I'd like to reach, I'd just like to get baked and write a weird fanfiction about a guy who learns life's values, albeit slowly, through the friendship of ponies.

So, for the zillionth time, let me repeat myself. You shouldn't do the substances that I do; that I really do. They're bad and they will hurt you. I am a drunk and an acid junkie, and following in my footsteps would be a colossal waste of your potential. I only waste my own because I don't give a damn and because it seems to torture Jeremy.

Don't be me. Be an actual author who writes actual shit. Seriously, I don't know when or where, but my body's gonna pay for this shit. I just plan on riding it out until it does. Not the greatest plan, but it's the plan that an idiot like me... uh... plans on following through on.

Report Joseph Raszagal · 393 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

Curiously some people also seem to think being intoxicated in ways unfamiliar to them will trigger a Dr Jekkyl / Mr Hyde experience of completely altering one's personality.

As far as I'm aware 'stoned you' and 'sober you' are not different people, nor would one be radically better at doing things than the other. I like to smoke a little green plant now and then and my imagination is more active when I'm high, but I write just as much while I'm sober. Either way, I can reflect on my experiences from when I was high.

I don't know how strongly acid affects your writing abilities, but I should think you could write quite well in either state.


Heh, yeah, it is a little funny. I'm not arguing that route, mind you, I'm just making something of a mass reply. I don't become some alternate, bizarro Joey when I get inebriated (on any substance, really), my perception just changes, which by itself can vary what I'm working on a great deal.

Weed and alcohol tend to slow things down for me, which can bring me to think about each word that I'm typing out more critically. These two tend to be the biggest hassle to edit the morning after I got blasted, but the work itself still makes me smile.

Cocaine speeds everything up (what a shock, right?), which has the opposite effect of the aforementioned by shooting ideas through my brain at a rapid pace. I may not give each one a ton of time for disambiguation, but the more the merrier. After two lines, I'll sometimes start typing and then suddenly notice that I filled up ten pages in the span of a half hour. This makes editing annoying too, if only because it means a lot more to edit (as opposed to sloppiness).

Acid and mushrooms are much more different. My thought process speeds up, but everything feels slower, giving me a bunch of ideas and forcing me to spend a lot of time on each one (a good acid/mushroom trip can also last as long as eight hours, quite a bit longer than the above two). However, the way in which I actually think feels really different while on these substances too, and often I'll end up writing the exact opposite of what I had intended to write while planning it out in my head... only to find that the opposite ended up being even neater than my original concept. Throw in the visual and audible hallucinations, which can factor in on the general mood of what I'm writing, and the end result can be... uh... odd. Fun, but odd.

Still 100% Joseph Raszagal, but just a little, teeny bit stoned. Hope that helps! :pinkiehappy:

For any other substances, ask away if you'd like to know what it's like when I write while on them. Can't say anything for heroine, meth, or crack though. Never tried 'em and never plan to.

I'm on same path as you are, but still manageable I guess. I guess that's why I love your pyshechidia fanfic so much. Jeremy too.


Glad you're enjoying it :pinkiehappy: . This is one of the longest stories I've written and in the beginning I wasn't really sure how long it would be. Now, 22 chapters into it, I still have at least another ten planned out in drafts :rainbowwild: .

Gonna be a bumpy ride, yo :raritywink: .

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