• Member Since 28th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 21st, 2023

Kane Magus

I'm a gamer, first and foremost. I also veg on the Internet, and read/write stuff occasionally.

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Future Plans · 5:18am Feb 17th, 2014

Before anyone gets their hopes up just yet, I am still on hiatus for the time being. However, that might very well be changing in the near future. I'm am currently in the process of moving from Redmond, Washington back to my former home in Madison, North Carolina. Baring any unforeseen catastrophes, I should be back in NC for good by this time next week (though I'm not sure when I'll have reliable Internet access again once I'm back there).

Future plans/goals. Short term, once I'm resituated in NC: find a job, (almost) any job. Mid-to-long term: become a professionally published author of fiction in the science fiction/fantasy genre, and then maybe branch out from there later on, if I can. I've had a sci-fi/fantasy novel that has been clanging around in my head now for at least the past decade or so, but until recently, I'd never really considered seriously having a(nother) real go at writing the thing, aside from a bit of idle puttering around with it I did a couple years ago. Also, I've already been asked to participate in another professional writing project (:yay:), but I can't go into details on that one at this time. While I do plan to also resume working on Star Trek: Pegasus at some point in the relatively near future, and while I hope that doing so won't get too much in the way of the aforementioned projects, if push comes to shove and something has to take a backseat, it will be the fanfiction that takes that backseat. Hopefully it won't come to that, though, and I'm still going to try to make time as best as I can for my Star Trek/Pony stuff, regardless.

Now, to talk a bit about Star Trek: Pegasus in particular. Without getting too spoilery, here's what I tentatively have planned for future episodes, in addition to the upcoming time travel episode that was teased at the end of ep 2. In no particular order: a "tribbles and parasprites" ep, a "cameo" ep (by which I mean appearances by "guest stars" from previous Trek and MLP eps, though I won't name names here due to spoilers), a "changelings meet changelings" ep (with a surprise appearance by [spoilers]), and a "mirror universe" ep. Interspersed among those, I also plan to have a few other episodes that tie more directly into the overarching storyline (i.e. what's happening with Pinkie Pie and the Q, the spider aliens from the first ep, the big bad, etc.) including the "season finale," though even some of the ones mentioned above will also tie into that at least somewhat. So, yeah, that's the plan so far.

Now I'm going to say something here that might be more than a little bit presumptuous of me, but... well... since I've already received a request for it, I'll just go ahead and say it here for anyone that may be interested. As of right now, I'm going to open up this "universe," if you want to call it that, to recursive fanfiction. By that, I mean that if anyone wants to write their own fics based on Star Trek: Pegasus or my earlier works, then you hereby have my official permission to do so. I'm extremely flattered that someone has already asked to write one, honestly. (For that matter, to go off on a brief tangent, I'm also extremely flattered that I've already gotten a bit of fan art as well). :twilightsmile: If you do so, however, I'd just like to ask that you follow one soft "restriction" if you plan to bring another Starfleet pony similar to Star herself into the mix, which is this: as of the "present" (i.e. 2389), Star Strider is the only pony who has completed Starfleet Academy, and no other pony has even attempted it yet, so if you're going to have a Starfleet pony, he/she wouldn't be realistically assigned to a starship until at least four or five years into the "future" (i.e. 2394-2395) at the earliest. Beyond that, though, I have no other "restrictions," if you want to call it that, and as of now I don't foresee anything happening in the current season that will prevent any ponies from going to Starfleet Academy in the future. If you want to write about a pony actually attending Starfleet Academy, that'd be cool (and I might write an ep myself at some point that flashes back to Star's own experiences at the Academy, though that's not set in stone). Also, there's the 20 year span between Where Nopony Has Gone Before and Star Trek: Pegasus that is wide open, so if you wanted to write about something that happened during that time, that'd be cool too. Just because Star is the only pony who has gone to the Academy, that doesn't mean she's the only pony who's been to the Alpha Quadrant period (e.g. Vinyl Scratch and Octavia used to tour there regularly, and there's that pony who runs the San Francisco branch of Carousel Boutique, among others).

(Edit to remove the TVTropes attention whoring stuff.)

Report Kane Magus · 530 views · Story: Star Trek: Pegasus ·
Comments ( 2 )

You know I was just peaking back at your Hiatus statement and now I see this, it is good to see things are starting to turn ever so slowly in your favor. Live long and prosper!

1843579 Thanks. Right now I'm in a bit of a tizzy trying to get myself and all the junk I want to actually keep moved back to North Carolina, but I think once all of that is done and behind me, I might finally be able to start breathing again. That whole blog post up there was, in part, me just indulging in a bit of procrastination and rebelling against the stress of moving from one coast to the other. :pinkiecrazy:

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