• Member Since 28th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 21st, 2023

Kane Magus

I'm a gamer, first and foremost. I also veg on the Internet, and read/write stuff occasionally.

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One year · 6:41pm Sep 22nd, 2014

In two days, it will be one full year since I last updated Star Trek: Pegasus. In some ways, it doesn't feel like it has been that long. In other ways, it feels like it has been much, much longer. A year ago, I was still living in Redmond, WA. Now I am once again living on the other side of the country, in my original hometown of Madison, NC. A year ago, I had a job (though it was around this time last year that I first learned that I and my coworkers soon wouldn't have that job for much longer). Now, I'm still looking for a new job, as I mentioned in my previous post. Still even more than a little bummed out about that, and getting more bummed with each passing day/week/month. Partly my own failing and partly just cruddy luck, this, but eh... I'll just leave it at that.

Still, with that said, I haven't been entirely sitting on my hands this past year, as far as writing goes. I've been working on a novel, an original creation rather than fanfiction. It's going to be a Buffy-meets-Harry-Potter-meets-Magick-Chicks-meets-(eventually)-Lovecraft sort of thing (not literally, of course). I think I have enough ideas with this for at least four books, maybe. So far, though, I'm only around 16-pages/almost 11,000 words into it. In other words, barely started. My two main protagonists haven't even met each other yet (outside of their dreams/visions of each other, anyway). So that's a slow burn that likely won't see the light of day for a while. (And, no, this is actually not the same "sci-fi/fantasy novel that has been clanging around in my head now for at least the past decade or so" that I mentioned before. That is another beast entirely that has been left on the backburner for the time being.)

But all that stuff isn't what you're here to read about, I'm sure. What you want to know is when the hell am I going to get back to writing about ponies in space, right? All I can say is that I still have not forgotten about Star and the USS Pegasus. I still haven't abandoned this. I know, I know, plenty of other fanfic authors have made the same promises and then are never heard from again. I don't intend to be one of those authors. I like to finish the things I start, even if they end up taking way longer than I thought they would or should. That said, though, I'm not going to make any concrete predictions or promises as to when I'll start working on ST:P again. It'll definitely be after I get a job and become stable (both situationally as well as mentally) again. Honestly, all I can say is that I'll get to it when I get to it. It's just that I don't feel like I can justify time spent even working much on the aforementioned original novel at this point in time, when I don't have a "real job" to pay the bills, let alone fanfiction. Hopefully, that will change once I finally have a "real job" again. Ironically, even though I'll have less actual time free, I think I'll feel better about spending what free time I will have working on stuff like this again, and will feel better about splitting my time between working on the "real" stuff (i.e. the novel) and the "for fun" stuff (i.e. Star Trek: Pegasus).

So, yeah, I'm writing this post both to whinge a bit/blow off a little steam, as well as to give a probably long overdue update on where things stand with my MLP fiction, for the few of you out there who may still care.

Report Kane Magus · 639 views · Story: Star Trek: Pegasus ·
Comments ( 3 )

Good luck on your endeveours. Looking forward to when you get some time on Pegesus. Just found it the other day and it is rather well written. And if you do get that novel finished post a link up here :pinkiehappy:

Waitasec, last updated on one of my pre-ponies birthdays? I never noticed before...

Anyway, yeah, I approve of the story (have a star and a track), and my sympathies on the job hunt, and other reassuring stuff like that. :twilightsmile: This totally isn't entirely because I'd like to read more of Pegasus. Not at all. :scootangel: But good luck anyway.

We have now hit three years... Dead fic yet?

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