• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2013
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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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Plans · 5:13am Jul 12th, 2014

Plans (A.K.A. The Outline)

Okay…so I’m not exactly sure how to start off with this, but I suppose if you’re reading this, it means you clicked on the link to the plans blog. Now you might be confused as to what that exactly means. Well I’ll tell you what it means; it means that you’ve basically clicked on the link to bring you this blog that maps out everything for Universal Magic. And I mean everything from all the planned episodes, specials, alternate episodes, and even the movie novel thingy. Here you’ll find everything from plot details to what I have cooking up for future ideas, as well as maybe perhaps forgotten, thrown out ideas like some episodes that I cancelled because it sounded retarded. But of course you might be asking yourself right now, TMG/Bob Tom?

Isn’t this retarded giving everything away…and you’re right…it is retarded and I am retarded. But the thing is…well…I’m not sure if I’ll still be alive or be the only one doing this in the future. Shocking, I know. But in case for any reason at all, either because I’m dead or maybe someone comes along to try and help me write these episodes considering the format and everything or just anyone curious as to where the whole thing is going in general, this is here for that reason. If I’m dead or dying…at least you’ll know what I was planning and if you wanted to do so, you could continue with the outline I present here for you. If I get help writing this stuff, because like I said, the way how it’s formatted feels like I’ll need other writers to come on board and help write it, although I’m sure that’s complicated within itself, here would be the template as to what would be happening and such.

And of course if you’re weirded out and wonder where it’s all going to end up at considering it’s not your typical My Little Pony fan fiction story, let alone a traditional story format, this is to help you understand what I’m trying to do and tell. You might not be in favor of it, but this is what I’m going to do if I ever can do so. It’s also for me to make sure I’m on track as well as to keep any ideas in check because I obviously can’t keep this all in my head at all times as you can tell what you’re about to see and stuff. Or if you’re a fan of the thing, well…you can see what you’re going to read in the near future…hopefully…of course one thing is clear:


It’s obvious, but I do need to spell it out and I’ll remind you again right before you start reading just so you are all aware. But continue at your own risk because if you care, don’t, but if you don’t, then by all means go ahead.

But of course I will say this though; this is not set in stone. This whole thing is just an outline and is subject to change overtime. Like I said, there are some cancelled episode ideas that have been scrapped in favor of other episodes. So with that in mind, what you read may or may not happen. Its ideas, concepts, and thoughts that I have planned for right now and in the future. And some episodes don’t have a lot of detail attached to them. If anything, it’s just a basic concept and that’s it. So you never know what’s going to happen.

Now of course, I’m just letting it be known out there that this is not necessarily to place to be looking at if you have trouble understanding something or want to know more about something. However in the future, at some point, I'll plan on having a “wiki.” Not an actual wiki, but I’ll just call it a wiki because why the fuck not, and include all kinds of information. It’ll be a revamped version of Universal Magic 101 that was short lived…very…very short lived. And so with that being said, I welcome you one and all, to:


Universal magic is: 11 years old

And if you’re wondering what the goal about this project is then uhhh…I really don’t have one. I’m just doing it. But if there really needs to be a goal, then I guess you can just pretend that I’m trying to tell the biggest and best fan fiction story that there ever was.

It’s a big project, one that I’ll hopefully finish and something I do intend to finish at some point. I like this story so much compared to the other ones that I do hope it gets finished so it’s an ongoing project. And if anyone wants to join and help, by all means do. If not, that’s fine.

So with that being said, enjoy…as you read what I have planned for…


Ok so for starters, we’re going to try and break it all up here. To start off with, there, as of right now, 29 seasons with a potential 30th season if things pan out a certain way, but that is still TBD…but to help you even more, it’s also broken up into Five acts. Then you’re have The Equestria Boy specials, which keep in mind are cannon, and the movie Novel thingy. Yeah…got to have one those…and stuff…

We also have Specials, these are mostly weird, odd things that is still considered to be in Mane, but it's a special little thing. It's hard to explain.

There is of course the alternate stories that is not cannon to Mane (That's what I refer to as the main story... get it?) as well as shorts, which are basically just small little ideas that aren't big enough for say a full episode or even half an episode, but still a fun little idea. And shorts are canon…but probably won’t be acknowledged in the main story though. Maybe, we'll see.

Then we have 30th Season, all potential episodes that can fit into a 0th season, but nothing is finalized or where they will be placed in.

Then we have random which is basically everything that I have no real place for and stuff that I just came up with. Then we have spin offs, so far I only have two ideas cooking u and…we’ll see where it goes. Potentially there could be more, but only if I give a crap.

Then we have The Rules of the Universes. It's a little complicated so maybe wait until you've read some and then come back to it, it sort of gives you the scope of how everything is.

Then we have an encyclopedia, where it's more or less for me because all the names and places, I can't remember it all. It's more for me to help me remember, but you can take a look at it and consider it a bonus if you want. It has all the animal names, places and such with some detail added to it, and I'll add to it when I've got more stuff to add to it. And the names aren't finalized either. And it's a work in progress, so it'll be a while before it's completed.

Then we have Character Commentary, a little side thing, it contains the list to all the commentaries thus far done on the episodes. Right now so much but it'll get there...eventually...

Then we have the HD remasters. So long story short, I started writing the episodes out somewhat badly, I rewrote the first three, but episodes 4-20.5 (with the exception of Episode 5), can't be re-written even though I wouldn't mind doing so. I just don't have the time to do it so I just have to live with the mistakes that I made, but the least I can do is remaster it a bit, you know...clean it up a bit at the very least...you'll see...

Then we shall also have a short break to check out your local forecast for the episodes...

And finally the Graveyard where all the dead ideas, concepts, and other stuff that I either scrapped because they were not good enough for this world or because I forgot about it and when I remembered it, I remembered why I forgot it in the first place, because it was really fucking retarded…

And so come to an end on our journey through the plans. If you made it this far…then I hope you see what will hopefully come in the future…and if not…well you’re a dirty son of a…

So with that being said, there’s not much to say. Hopefully one day I’ll make an actual wiki with character lists and what not, but until then, I shall leave you with this here down below. What you see before you is basically the current version of the plans, and all the versions that came before it. Of course I didn’t record all the versions, but this is what I have. So with that in mind, I hope you all enjoy Universal Magic and come along with me on this journey…well byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye…

VERSION: 21 : 420 : 69

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