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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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    Season 30 Part 3 of Universal Magic

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    SEASON 30 PART 2

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"Season 30" of Universal Magic · 8:18am Mar 18th, 2020

Back to Plans


Ok so let me explain something here. This is here to sort of organize the episodes that have yet to be implemented into Mane. Right now as of writing, there is a total of 29 seasons and over 700 episodes planned. Of course that didn't start out that way. I mean Rome wasn't built in a day, and the same goes for UM.

A little history lesson here, UM started out just planning to parody the first three seasons of FIM, and then some ideas came out after Episode 7, and then it went to 625, then to 711, and now to over 750. So it went from just a straight 67/68 episodes to 24 seasons to 27 seasons to now 29 seasons. And obviously that happened over time as more ideas came to me and the like and that continues to right now, and so a possible Season 30 is inevitable. Granted, a line must be drawn, i mean I do have Universal Magic Forever after all, but that's a different situation. So if it doesn't feel like it belongs with UMF, it'll come over here in Mane, assuming it isn't a possibility to put it in Alternate.

Basically, what I'm saying is that if it belongs in Mane, it'll be put in Mane. Even if it means making more seasons. Granted, I need enough episodes to make a season, 13 at the very least, but preferably 26. However, that takes time, possibly several years.

So since I did that reconstructions of the Plans, this is all the episodes that I have came up with since then, and it will only grow with time. However, since I am not in the mood to be redoing that shit to implement a "30th season", because that shit is too frustrating to deal with. I did it when I had enough episodes, and I'll implement these episodes when I accumulate enough of episodes, basically when it is enough to give a damn about redoing the numbers. Because certain episodes go with certain numbers, and that would have to be done all over again. So, years from now it will happen.

Until then, here are the potential episodes for the "30th Season". And I put that in quotes because it's not like this is how the 30th season is going to be. No, the 30th season will be what is season 29 right now. These episodes will be spread around, more than likely in ACT III since ACT I is pretty much solid and will not change in numbers, aside from maybe episode switching places, but that's about it. ACT II and ACT IV are pretty much untouchable. And ACT V, pretty much the same as ACT I, so ACT III has the room for expansion.

Is this a guarantee that all of this going to happen? Not with the ones with the question mark. Some things are uncertain by this point. Why post it now? Just so it's out there and organized. Will there be more than 30 seasons, possibly...but it's going to be a while before that becomes a thing...like a long while...

? = It may or may not be killed off...

Episodes for “30th” season

1. Samurai trilogy I

2. Samurai trilogy II

3. Samurai Trilogy III

4. Phoenix and the guy

5. Pizza Party

6. The Alternate Switcheroo (originally The Bad Day)

7. 21 Wiggers, 21 Ziggers

8. Universe X Saga Round 1

9. Universe X Round 2

10.Universe X Round 3

11.Universe X Round 4

12.Universe X Round 5

13.Not Knight?

14.The Elements of Protection VS The Apocalypse

15.Midnight Universe Saga Day 1

16.MU Day 2

17.MU Day 3

18.MU Day 4

19.MU Day 5

20.MU Day 6

21.MU Day 7

22.The 4 Gods of Death

23.Rat Island

24.Two angels

25.The Migger

26.TK of the Heavens (TK The Angel?)

27.The Four Ghosts


29.The Phantom Universe
30. Zombie Island?
31. Neon's Creation
32. Ancestors
33. Arrell and the Meat of Life
34. Ultimate Super Syonic Nyonic
35. It's Time To Do The Sexy!
36. The Gay Satanists Are Snowing Us In!
37. The Big Plan
38. 2012...again
39. The Lucky Streak / Struck / Strike?
40. Second Moon
41. Rule 63 Meets Rule 63?
42. Darkness?
43. Those wacky Gay Satanists are at it again?
44. The Holy Bible 2: Electric Boogaloo
45. The Third Choice Trilogy 1
46. The Third Choice Trilogy 2
47. The Third Choice Trilogy 3
48. The Zigger Cube
49. Eden
50. The Spawn of Neon
51. The Son of Forrest?
52. The Heart of the Factory
53. Time Jumping
54. Holy shit, it’s time to Jack off Todd?
55. Mother / father of gay Satanists
56. untitled catch me
57. untitled staring at goats
58. through the Magic Door
59. Just One of Those Knights
60. The Mech Race
61. 3rd Super Powers Episode (The Outsiders)
62. Duology (Duality?)
63. Forrest's Stalker
64. Broke
65. The Cool Place
66. The Cult of 44
67: The Elements of Copycats
68. The Good Day
69. The Bad Day
70. Ultimate Battles: TK vs The Master
71. Mac's World
72. The Great Evil
73. Home Movies
74. The Time Paradox
75. Witness
76. Neob
77. Compatibility
78. One Day
79. 21 minutes Late to the Bullet Hole
80. Hey, Remember When...
81. Mr. Lonely
82. My Second Pony Life
83. The Elements of Protection: Kill The Elements of Harmony
84. The Cryptid of Stalia
85. Reunion
86. The Will of the Cat
87. A Universe's Chosen
88. The Wandering Soul (88 bits btw...)
89. Make-A-DeathWish
90. The Unknown Dead Body
91. Guardian For Hire
92. Light Bulb
93. Universe Q
94. Untitled Mercenary Episode
95. Mercenary Heaven
96. The Soul of Destruction
97. Another Generic Wizard of Oz Metaphor Episode
98. The Liquid Rodents
99. Fun With Clones
100. The Knight Rises
101. A Snowy Stalia Night
102. Ah Well That Ends Well
103. Goodnight Universe
104. If You Have No Light
105. Istar Like Episode
107. Dead Universe
108. School for Dumb Ponies
109. TK and the Restless Knight
110. Infinity
111. 1000 Ways to Kill Spike TV
112. 1001 Universes
113. Downtime
114. The Universal Beast
115. The Spirit of the Everfree
116. Silence
117. Knight And Wolf Get A Job
118. 10th 69 episode

Note To Self: When implementing the episodes, add one episode per season in ACT III to correct the unbalance. It is 1 off from what is supposed to be 26 episodes per season....

The I don't know yet pile: A pile that can potential be for "Season 30"...

Two new characters: Heroes? Anti Heroes? The Phoenix: A British like gentleman with a charming voice and grey long hair with a weird look where he has a certain amount of time before he dies painfully and slowly, but after three days he resurrects from the “ashes”, and is suddenly full of energy in an “upbeat percussion jazzy tune” to him, and is a bit quirky as well.

Unnamed Nathan Drake like character, kind of…: A partner to the Phoenix, who is his best friend, sort of acts like a combination between Nathan Drake and Knight, and both go on adventures together, trying to find the best next thing to do across the universes…

Zigger Wigger song to the tune of Technomatic from Daft Punk…well sort of to that tune, more spoiler I think… a bit more…pop-ish…

A little toolshed that made us suffer = horror…

Samurai Trilogy

Random: Character Idea: Samurai (Working Name?): So I have an idea for a samurai character to enter UM. My idea, a Ninja Samurai, or…something…and yes, Japanese influenced, but not completely. My idea is that it’s a samurai that has both black and white colors for his outfit, as he has found balance between evil and good, sort of like the ying and the yang. And his story is that he was part of the first few Official Universes that popped up after the first universe (the MLP one of course), and lived a peaceful life in his village/home/country/culture/whatever, you get the idea.

But then the First Evil, you know…from that short…appeared and grew and invaded his homeland, and basically took everything from him. So for what seem likes millions of years, possibly billions, has been wandering from universe to universe, looking for The First Evil and to slay it for revenge. And of course he has come across villains/villains of the week, and other bright and dark characters, but he just moves on and never sees them again. Forever keep moving in a straight line, looking for The First Evil. And he also believes that if he strikes down the first evil, all evil shall cease to exist, even though it won’t since the term Evil is subjective…I think…it’s all about perspective, but it’s what he believes, and something does happen if the First Evil is killed, but certainly not that. So anyways, there’s a future trilogy planned, unsure as of yet where it will fit in, but will be part of the potential 30th season…, but of course he comes across Knight and TK.

Unsure as to what the trilogy will be about, need to figure that part out. But he will also appear in Universal War 3, where he finally slays the first evil…maybe…not sure yet, but maybe… Also, the unnamed samurai exists like Punished God Discord, where he is not bound to fate and exists outside the rules…Also Neon may or may not know something about the first evil…

Overall: The Samurai believes the Frist Evil is hiding somewhere in the town of Stalia, so he plans to spend his time there and wait for it.

Samurai I : Villain Idea: Calm, 1950’s greaser with a gun with god bullet: For this villain, I’m thinking of a villain that is just a simple guy, a simple human being that is out of time, out of place. He had a normal life; normal family, sort of dropped out of high school though, is from the 1950’s America…or 60’s depending on the correct timeline, but I do think 50’s. He is a greaser, so that means he has black, slick hair, a black leather jacket, probably ripped blue jeans or black jeans or something, a white t-shirt, and knows how to ride a motorcycle. Like the Fonz or that one short lived cool pony from Episode 23-2 that got killed by gunfire. And how he acts is all calm and cool like, and every once and a while, he spouts out some philosophical talk or something… So the question is how could he be a villain, or at least a villain that is threatening? Well, after the day came when he ended up getting lost through one of the portals that opened up and then closed on him, he came across a gun. A normal looking handgun doesn’t look special, but the bullets inside is what makes him threatening, and it is known as the God Bullet, or God Bullets.

He doesn’t have to reload and the bullets radiate gold a little bit, and the bullets can kill anything. Even if the guy goes up against a billion year old god that is indestructible and is the ultimate being in all of the universes. One bullet touches that god, its dead. Now of course there’s a catch. The bullet needs to actually hit the target, so a bigger target, the easier it is for a hit, but if dodged, well, he would have to fire again. And the bullet sort of follows Earth physics a little bit. As in, if fired from a far enough distance, it’ll lose momentum and the like, so closer the better. Also, it can’t go through material. I mean it can, but once it goes through one layer of whatever material, matter, or whatever the correct words to use, it loses the momentum and it stops. Even if that matter is a bed sheet that’s on a dry hanger. Of course if the target has a shirt on and the bullet goes through, the target still dies because it’s pretty much in contact with that matter. But from apart and a distance, the bullet will just stop.

As for material, it can go through any material, even bullet proof, even metal. Buuuuuuut, the thicker it is, the more likely it won’t go all the way through even. And of course, the guy is still a human being still, so he is vulnerable regardless. However, by the time he is introduced, he would have the skill to be a quick aim and a quick shot, and there is no limit to the rate of fire for the gun so it’s as fast as he can go. Also one cannot simply walk up to him and take it out of his hands; he has a good grip and can always make sure it never leaves his hands. Also he is a right hand kind of person, so he shoots and aims better with his right than his left, which is a vulnerability for him and anyone fighting him. Also it’s just this gun, no other gun, just the one. However, in theory the bullets could be taken out and placed in any other gun and the bullets would adapt to that specific gun, but only in theory. Other than that, I have no idea for a name or when he’ll be introduced I’m thinking one of the samurai episodes, but not sure. He is a lower tier villain so it doesn’t matter too much.

Also for clarification, the gun cannot be destroyed, neither the bullets. However, in theory, the only way it could be destroyed is if it is up against The Inca in his most powerful state with the Universal Magic theory in power, but even then it depends on who shoots who first. If the gun, The Inca still dies. But if The Inca shoots first, than in theory he could change the reality of the said object, as the theory itself suggests, and render the gun completely useless, but it all depends on who shoots first though…

Samurai II:
Update: Bald villain guy for the Samurai trilogy – it’s a villain who is a rich business man who once found the outside of the universes and saw the potential to be free and such, but then was taken away from him and he wanted to desperately to go back, no matter the cost.

Random: Villain idea: Some lonely guy that has been alone for all of his life that has the mental power of a super god???...just throwing potential ideas out there…bald maybe?...

Samurai III: The First Evil reveals itself and the showdown for the trilogy happens.

Pizza Party

Idea?: Pizza Party episode: Some guy just wanted to go to a pizza buffet place, but struggles just to get there and has to fight a god just to do so…it was supposed to be a fun little day…but it wasn’t…

Universe X Saga:

Episode Idea: Universe X: An idea for a new episode, perhaps a trilogy potentially…but the only idea is that a mysterious, and dangerous Universe arrives, Universe X. A universe that is unknown, one with different colors than the rest, and has potential to kill them all…that’s it for now…although maybe one of the featured villains is a big bulky guy dressed in black and a cape with a hint of white…maybe…also add some faceless / no face people that can talk out loudly with their minds and have it echo in a room…

Detail Idea: Universe X trilogy: The main villain, who would be in all black with white eyes and a red cape, rules the entire Universe X. Also for the final fight in the last part, it is TK vs the unnamed main villain…as the whole universe is exploding.

Detail Idea: Universe X trilogy: use the song from The Last Night’s game trailer as inspiration… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evgoa2uVcuE

Detail Idea: Universe X: Universe X awakens because they feel challenged by the guys and stuff..

Update: Episode Idea: Universe X: An idea for a new episode, perhaps a trilogy potentially…but the only idea is that a mysterious, and dangerous Universe arrives, Universe X. A universe that is unknown, one with different colors than the rest, and has potential to kill them all…that’s it for now…although maybe one of the featured villains is a big bulky guy dressed in black and a cape with a hint of white…maybe…also add some faceless / no face people that can talk out loudly with their minds and have it echo in a room…

Update: Add 4th Universe X episode, maybe 5th? Throw in SSN into the fighting roaster…

Update: Detail Idea: Universe X saga: At the end, Universe X explodes all the while on the inside everything in exploding in fun dumb fashion… and it might focus on multiple planets.

The Main match ups against the villain guy, X or Black X, or different name, still figuring that part out. Al the while the other guys help out with some side stuff against the main villain guy’s minor attacks and on other smaller planet.

1: Fausticorn & The Universe

2: The Masked Ghost The Samurai Guy

3: Robert E. Lee and Punished God Discord

4: SSN

5: TK (And Factory Dash)

Detail Idea: Universe X Saga: The main bad guy is named X… or not mixed up the names... damn it...

Update: Detail Idea: Universe X Saga: Names for the main villain: Ty Rex, Ty X, The X, Ultra X, Supreme X, Ruler X, The X Master, The X Ruler, Brother X. I don’t know, just spit balling some possible ideas. And as for his generals / his right hand people… things… whatever, not sure yet. Also for the detail about the background of Universe X itself. It was once a universe of peace and prosper throughout many generations. There was rule and law and it was fair and it made most happy. But slowly throughout generations, it slowly degraded and a big brother like group emerged and took power, slowly offering many great things, but in the end taking the subjects for granted and taking over. And for thousands of years, this big brother like organization rule over the peasants like a hammer or something. But then one day that was suddenly interrupted by the main villain, X something or whatever, and him and his little band of “friends” swiftly took out the big brother like group within a matter of minutes. The big brother group was merely comprised of weak and old beings who just had a simple lust for power and control and nothing much protecting them aside from personal military. But the X fella, he was powerful in terms of actual physical strength, while the big brother group were only powerful I metaphorical terms. Cause of this difference, the big brother group were all killed very easily. And as for the peasants, they had thought some kind of god or superman came to save the day, but to their dismay, it was merely a trade for one tyrant for another, and from their, their voices were silenced and continued to live under even harsher conditions, as X or whatever his name will be ruled over the entire universe with absolute power and strength, unmatched… well until knight and gang shows up to take them on in various ways once the two universes crossed their paths…

Also Columbus is added to the roaster to fight in the Saga. Him and REL team up temporally to fight the main villain.

Update: Detail Idea: The Universe X Saga: So here’s the official name for the main villain, took me a while, but it sounds god. Maybe a bit predictable, but it works: Lord Mitus. Yeah…it sounds and it works.

Anyways, here’s the back story to him and his motivation.

So the entire universe as stated before was under oppressive rules, under in a Big Brother, 1984 style system. And Mitus, he was one of the poor subjects. His family was poor, and somewhat didn’t like him. He lived among the poorest of the poor, and was bullied by the other younglings. And then he questioned what government was ruling him and wondered why no one did anything to stop the government. And then it finally hit him as that he needed to do it. And along his way of buffing up and getting stronger throughout his growing years, he made allies from different races from different planets who was willing to join him. And after hundreds of years of training, they prepared to take a full on fight to their big brother government. To them, they had thought that the reason why no one rose up against it was because government was too strong, too big to fight back against. So they prepared, expecting for a big fight, perhaps sacrificing their lives for save their own people… or kind…whatever.

Also, Mitus has dreams before the day comes where he believes he has premonitions where the big brother government is going to kill them all, and that they will all have to sacrifice their lives to save all of their kinds’ freedom. And that it gets serious and dangerous and more than they anticipated…

And to quickly explained different kinds, as in different races like a race of mysterious, yet shadow covered people, somewhat what Mitus is. A diamond covered race, Mitus’s number 2 is, and a she… ah… also the diamond race is related to another character to the SSN saga as well… ooooooo…. Then there is a big ol’ tank one and one that constantly levitates and has many arms and can use telekinesis and create material out of out material to form new and better material. And then And then a race that can be a bit omniscient and have a sixth sense sort of thing. Just throwing some ideas out there. And there are 11 of them in total in the group.

But then the day came, they went through all of the guards and technological obstacles, and they were easy. Obstacles like lazy, unprepared soldiers paid to boss and enforce the rules from the big brother government and a big ol’ robot that looks tough, yet is incredibly easy to take down by them. But they thought it was just the first step, a thing to throw them off to make them think it was easy. But it was that easy, and went they got to the room where all of leaders sat at, it was just a bunch of old bags sitting around a table, drinking the finest juices of the lands and sitting there, counting their currency.

They stand there, ponder if this is all just a joke. Or that perhaps this was a decoy, and the real leaders are on another planet or deep somewhere underground. Or that there is another capitol somewhere, or these old bags are just the figure heads. It didn’t add up to them. But the d bags, they just sit there, sitting in their chairs going like, “who are these kinds?” “Oh I didn’t know we have guests, we didn’t have guests in a while.” Shut up, they can’t know our secret!” “Shut the door!” “Eave or… or-or you’ll be sorry!” “Quick, call security! Where are they at!? Why aren’t they here yet!?” And the main old bag of them all is like, “Please, d-don’t hurt me! Don’t! Here, t-take al of the money, just don’t hurt me!” As the old bag runs off to the bathroom and as Mitus follows him, he then kind of then says, “Ah, you fell for my trick! Now I’ve got you! You think you’re going to get away with breaking into the capitol now huh? Well, I’ll show you! Here, I’m going to tax you even more! And maybe a year I prison! That’ll teach you!” And then of course Mitus kicks the old bag’s ass like it’s nothing. And throughout the old bags talking, Mitus is like while putting up his fists and power, “We’re here to fight you! We won’t be going anyway until we either die or we all get our freedom back!” And the old bag is like, “No…”

And then after they kick the ld bag’s asses and the kinds see that, they walk, and Mitus questions perhaps this is how it was in the beginning the kinds just didn’t know that they could have easily over thrown them. But then one of the allies finds a book, the real history book of all of their races from the very beginning, and it states that in the begging, everyone was free. But then the party came that then slowly took away their freedoms that in turn slowly by generation over generation, all of the kinds were then conditioned to believe into the party and accept it, as history was slowly erased and replaced with a new one that no one could remember or question. And then that prompts Mitus to be mad.

Anyways, and so they took the old leaders easily since physically they couldn’t do shit. And once word got out the old big brother was out, their kind cheered for them and hailed them as their saviors.

But they didn’t see it like that. Their kinds could have easily over thrown them and saved their own kinds. But they never did cause they were all weak, they followed their masters like sheep, doing as they were told. And to Mitus, they didn’t deserve freedom. And so him along with the others remained as their new overlords, their new Big Brother, but this time with iron fist, this time much more stronger and fiercer than their predecessors ever could be. The Reason: Not for lust for power, not for riches, nope. It was all because they suffered through the years, living in fear, thinking what controlled them was something, but really it was nothing. And to give freedom to their kinds on a silver platter, all for them to just take it for granted and to possibly lose it all over again in the future, especially when after they die? To Mitus, they didn’t deserve their freedom. But he does offer them their freedom and their salvation, all they have to do is do what they did and fight for it. If one of them wants to be a savior for all of their kinds and fight them to the eath, then they can. But up until the start of the Saga, no one has for thousands of years. Until the EoP ad friends show up.

Also note that at the end when the universe is exploding, Heavenly TK shows up to take all of the kinds os refugees and give them a place in his universe’s heave, so these episodes have to take place before that one episode…

And at the end when their kinds are finally free and have received their salvation, Mitus, pretty much on the edge of death looks upon his kind being free and happy, and says they were all fols to be their saviors. That they wil just end up taking their freedom for granted throughout the generations to come all for it to be lost all over again. And then Knight brings up that is just how the cycle is and that they’ll learn to survive. And then Mitus says to Knight with a small smile, “I guess you are their savior that they deserve then.” And then he dies…

Detail Idea: Universe X Saga: Ok so I’ve got a lot to add to here. So first off, the plot for Universe X is that Knight keeps getting saved by Deux Ex Machina . a.k.a. TK whenever he is in big trouble or in a very bad situation. And while it’s not all the time, TK is kind of there to just bail him out and TK makes a comment about this along side with the other guys. And Kinhgt feels like he cant take be on his own cause of this. And so he kind of becomes a little reckless because of this and ends up, alongside with the guys, opening up Universe X. And then they go exploring, ad then picking a fight with a tyrant. And then from there thr trouble starts as they try to fix the problem, but then realize they are up shit creek without a paddle. So instead of going to TK, they get Fausticorn and the universe first, and the Universe is pleased with this as he wants to show Knight he doesn’t need TK’s help as he has him. That doesn’t go well. Then they run into The Masked Ghost and that samurai guy and ask them for help to help fight Lord Mitus. That doesn’t go well. And when they think they are in trouble, they come up with the plan to try to get SSN to help since he seems to be up for the task. Problem is during Round 3, and unkowningly PGD and REL is happening to be fighting Mitus and keeping him occupied, the EoP try to wake up SSN and try to get him to come out. And by the end, they succeed. And depending on what point the SSN Saga is at, SSN either either doing it because they have befriended SSN or SSN is doing it because only he can mess with that universe. But by the end of round 4, SSN goes down, and by the end Knight has to swallow his pride and get TK’s help, alongside with the hep of Factory Dash. And as Knight is getting TK, TK tells him he should have gotten him sooner, and says as the final line for Round 4, “Enough talk! Where is he?” Then boom, it ends. And then it concludes with Round 5, universe X blows up in the process, TK wins and beats Lord Mitus and the subjects have been freed.

Now some more details to add here. Throughout the entire ordeal, Mitus has a sort of love interest, his sort of next in command female chick thing, I haven’t figured it out yet. He gets a bit too nervous around her and didn’t say he loved her. And by the end of Round 4, EoP ends up killing her in a fight while Mitus is occupied with SSN, and at the very end, Mitus finds this out, and becomes extremely pissed and reckless with rage. Adding fuel to the fight with TK in Round 5.

There is another guy that is part of Mitus’s crew, who is a tall, slim like robot character who is an intellectual. But the thing he is neutral to the fights as he was never for the one to be rough and simply offers logic. He even has a private libaray sanctuary that he can call his own that the guys retreat to for a moment of bliss between battles as the character offers words of encouragement. And deep down he is against Lord Mitus’s ways as well. And the very end when all of the subjects retreat to that Heaven like universe with Holy TK, this character finds a way to create a new universe for everyone to live peacefully in. And that’s what happens in him.

Another detail to add is how badass Mitus is supposed to be, or at least how big of a threat he can be. After he claims rule, several things happen. For example, a revolution occurs on a planet in the universe that is the size of the sun and everyone on that planet is ready to fight Mitus. Problem is, Mitus kills them all within minutes. Another example is that for the poor little subjects, if they commit a crime and if, mostly, convicted of it, they can either be put to death / jail time forever, or appeal. The appeal only leads to a fight with Mitus. If you can beat him and kill him, then you’re free. If not, he’ll just kill you. An example of this is a poor man who is only trying to get a little food for his poor wife and kids. But gets caught stealing and is sent to trail where he then Appeals. He says he needs to at least try, even though his wife and kids know that he will die for them. And then the man tries to do it, but get squashed within a second.

Another detail to add is some comic relief. From the very beginning in the flash back stuff before Mitus and his crew took over Universe X from the previous tyrants, there are two guards, one skinny and tall and one short and pudgy, they end up sticking around and sticking around as guards for Mitus and his crews and pretty much stick around till the very end of Universe’s X destruction and even goes to the new one afterwards.

Another slight detail to add is that in Round 3, at some point between PGD and REL, they have their backs to each other as Mitus can multiply to a certain extent and the two fight of an army of him.

That’s it for now.

Detail Idea: Universe X:

Round 1: The guys end up going to Universe X, Knight tries to pick a fight with Mitus and try to free the subjects, but Mitus looks at them, knows that they are not from around there, and doesn’t even want to bother with them and just tells them to go back to their universe. But they insist they fight them, so he does that, the fight happens in the colesiuelm and it ends within a minute. Then after he beats the crap out of them, he tells them to go back, and the guys agree that this whole thing was stupid to begin with, but Knight doesn’t want to, and that only annoys Mitus to the point where Knight doesn’t something that then pisses off Lord Mitus… and then Knight gets Fausticorn and The Universe to the fight.

Round 2: After Fausticorn and the Universe fail to defeat Lord Mitus, Knight doesn’t want to admit that he needs TK’s help, so he goes to the sort of competitor instead and gets The masked Ghost and somehow the Samurai guy. Both team up to help fight Lord Mitus and at some point during the fight, The Masked Ghost gets an idea and creates a device that will try to capture and trap Mitus in another dimension, that dimension being the dark zone, but then somehow it backfires and it sends the Samurai guy into the dark zone while The Masked Ghost leaves in defeat. So TMG goes to the guys to tell them that he lost, while Mitus s preparing to attack the MLP universe where Knight is from.

Round 3: But when the whole device thing backfires, it created a situation where PGD and REL is pulled into it, and both are confused. And once Mitus sees this, he thinks that they are the new fighters coming to the ring and are from Knight. The two try to tell Mitus this isn’t the case but instead he punches REL, REL gets annoyed and says, “try that again”, and then Mitus throws down hard and then the fight commences. All the while the guys are trying to wake up SSN. Also during the beginning of the fight, PGD and REL don’t work together very well and tell each other to stay out each other’s way. But as the episodes goes along, they slowly learn to work together and to get out of there, and by the end of the episode, they are somewhat friends… somewhat…

Detail Idea: Universe X: Round 1: The Universe draws power from the universe itself and creates a copy of himself to fight in Universe X so as not to become weak unlike in that one episode.

Detail Idea: Universe X Saga: Round 5: Everyone that IS STILL ALIVE is evacuated to Heavenly TK’s universe.

Detail Idea: Universe X: Round 3: Towards the End, PGD is about to only give Lord Mitus a scar. Mitus comments with a chuckle and says he’s the first one to hurt him. Then when Planet X comes in for the finalie, in which case as the planet is coming down, the two escapes while Mitus just barely escapes the destruction of the planet, and says it almost killed him and goes ack to him home. And the planet they fight him on, maybe like halfway through is a big desert like planet with some life on it underground… It begins on another planet somewhere…

Round 1: It takes place on a desert like planet…

9-21-23 Detail Idea: Universe X Saga: Round 5: Factory Dash is involved an TK makes her a suit to help in the fight as a surprise assistance…

Detail Idea: Universe X Saga: Round 3: At some point Robert E Lee tries to summon Planet X, and he does, but it takes some time so PGD has to keep Lord Mitus busy. But when REL is done, the planet crashes into the planet, but only the planet… and then it disappears…

Detail Idea: Universe X: At the end, Lord Mitus is happy because he gave the people something to fight for and that they have their heroes to free them…

5-21-24: Detail Idea: Universe X Saga: Round 5: While TK fights Lord Mitus with his sword, Mitus fights with his fists and other stuff. So while TK is striking with his sword, Mitus is deflecting with his fists….

Round 4: SSN Crashes through the capitol, Mitus’s love rushes towards him to help. Mitus’s Love thinks the fight has gone too far and it needs to end. SSN asks in a confused state sort of if she is Mitus’s love and she says yes. She says she will talk to him to set things right. She says they have been talking for a while to end this tyranny and give back the freedom to everyone else in the universe so they can live peacefully without fury, and that this will help end it. And so while there is an easy out, SSN sees this as a to get back Lord Mitus by killing his love Mitus then hears a scream and rushes towards her as SSN escapes when he discovers the body….

The Alternate Switcheroo

Episode idea: The Bad Day: An episode where Knight and the others are having a bad day, making the bad decisions, constantly. And then they start to wonder if it’s an alternate universe interfering with them and they are taking the good stuff away from them, and it turns out, yes it is, and it’s on purpose, as the alt selves were tired of making the wrong decisions and the bad things happening to them, so they went to their universe and switch the choices. Basically saying anything good that could have happened automatically goes to them or at least the chances being in their favor of it, while the opposite automatically goes to the other, instead of it being by choice…kind of…

Not Knight:

Episode idea:? Not Knight: Not sure if this will be an episode or Alternate…but the idea is that it’s just a simple and straight forward episode. There’s a bit of a McGuffin thing out in the woods and Knight and the guys go out and find it and fight a simple and straight forward villain, the twist? It’s not really Knight, in fact its multiple Knights that spans across various alternate universe. As in it could be a chick in one alternate universe or a zebra in another, or maybe a griffin or who knows, it just isn’t the Knight that you know, but at the same time they are all named Knight and sort of went through the same process that Knight went through (minus some things of course), with the episode ending on the Knight that we all know and love…I’m assuming anyways…

21 Wiggers, 21 Ziggers:

Episode Idea: 21 Wiggers, 21 Ziggers: An episode, once again focusing on the zebras. The episode revolves around that Zebra character in Stalia, and his past…comes to haunt him…don’t worry, I’m not that retarded. Basically saying, back when he was a kid in his village, he witnessed a “gang war” between two gangs, and they promised to finish the war wherever that zebra guy’s home is at…or something, haven’t fully gotten the whole past/reason down yet. But point is, two gangs, both consisting of 21 zebras, 21 ziggers and 21 wiggers to be exact, are going to finish a gang war, and they are coming to Stalia because of that zebra guy, and it’s basically Magic VS Technology with the Ziggers stealing technology from Future City and the Wiggers using the old school zebra magic…and in the end of the episode…not 100 percent sure, either they all die or not…not sure…

Elements of Protection VS The End of the World:

Episode idea: Elements of protection vs the end of the world: To be honest, I don’t know if this will make it as an official episode, it might be in alternate, but there is time to decide that. But for now, episode I guess. Basically saying, the guys end up facing the apocalypse in Equestria and them trying to survive it together in Knight’s House… If this is to become an episode, then it’ll have to be in ACT I or near the beginning of ACT III since it would be sort of ruined by the time they find out about Knight…just saying…or not…

The Midnight Universe Saga:

The Midnight Universe Saga:

The idea is that there is a mysterious universe that cannot be found or detected, and it can only be entered through the night sky at midnight, or “midnight” considering the science and stuff like that. But it shows up in places not randomly, but in places where it “wants” to be, if you catch my drift. And that’s about it, but one idea surrounding it that I have in mind is that it contains some rogue creations that were forgotten, but sort of formed an alliance, a little bit of horror involved, some action, that sort of thing. But also some calm jazz, that low key kind of Jazz that you would hear from a Persona game with the piano and bass guitar I guess. You know, especially with the whole midnight theme... And for the Midnight Universe, to The Master, it is stuff of legends, something that is only supposed to be a myth, so it intrigues, and of course he is involved…somehow… And another detail to add is that the characters from the show Gadget Boy will be involved…in a horror/fucked up kind of way. Why Gadget Boy…well let me ask you this? Do you remember Gadget Boy? No? Exactly, and if yes, will that yes ain’t good enough if you know the rules.

As for it being a trilogy and Saga, it’s unknown, early stages of development you could say. So it’s undecided, but kept in mind.

A guy in a duster coat with sun glasses that knows kung fu…and he’s fast and witty… = part of midnight universe saga, doesn’t know he was made up…

Detail Idea: Midnight Universe: For the beginning of the saga, while the guys are looking out at the MU, and with The Master talking about the myth and legends about it, the guys just go to bed, while the Master wants to go out and explore and study it more. So it’s in the middle of the night, and he stares up into the sky, and then all of a sudden a storm happens, and noises occurs, and Knight, and the other guys goes out, separately, to investigate, and then weird, broken robots come out and try to take them, and right before Knight blacks out, Knight sees The master standing on top of a hill, looking towards the sky, and then he disappears, with Knight looking up into the sky, and then blackout. And then him, along with a couple of others wake up in an unknown and, not knowing what just happened and meting new friends and such…

Detail Idea: Midnight Universe: To make it a bit clearer just in case, The leader is Gadget Boy of course, have been damaged, knows how to play the violin pretty well and loves the sound of it and plays it every night under the moonlight, and lives in a pretty fancy place with burgundy walls and furniture. When the guys get separated, Knight is on his own but meets that one guy. Forrest and Neon are together while the remaining three are also together. Wolf is all by himself and tries to get by without Knight. TK and Factory Dash are on their own as usual, but comes across Masked Ghost who also mysteriously ended up there and tries to get back to get reinforcements. And knight and that other guy meet new characters along the way as he tries to find The Master. And Knight and Gadget Boy gets buddy buddy with each other at some point, although still remains the main villian. And as usual the whole 7 day thing, destruction, blah blah blah, you get it…

Detail Idea: Midnight Universe: revolves around memories, nostalgia, old cartoons, etc. …

Detail Idea: Midnight universe: The Master is found hiding in a small town/village area? And he has forgotten his real name and is sort of crazy…and has also lost of his “Master Powers”, so they need to get him back up speed, but until then he is…I don’t know, kind of there being crazy like a crazy homeless person and thinks that he is someone else that is happy and but kind of sad at the same time…

Detail Idea: The midnight Universe will go hand in hand with the Universe X stuff…and vice versa, also Gadget Boy will be the king that sits like a rag doll on his throne with a smile and fucked up face, and offers “freedom of the mind” Also it’s all in 7 days, and a universe ending threat approaches for the MU…and that the plan is to make everyone not bounded to the universes and to be free…something about a final fantasy, a fleeting dream come to life once more…also something about journey to the land of hope…also the midnight theory is introduced..

Update: Detail Idea: Midnight universe: So the main villain is going to be some guy, TBD, but he’s old, but looks very young and is very much crazy and desperate. Basically saying he calls upon something to destroy the entire universe has many, many years ago, something happened with him and a group that failed, and he was punished. The punishment: immortality. The villain (yet to be named), says that immortality is worse than death, as at first he didn’t think much of it. But as time went on in the universe, he found that all of his friends, family, loved ones, whatever, fall and destruction of many things, he all had to witness. And not being able to move on to the next plain of existence is a nightmare that he cannot wake up from. Even if the planet that he was on exploded, he would still survive, but then he comes across something that could guarantee his death, but it requires the death of the Midnight Universe, and so he preaches to everyone to embrace death as death is their friend and that they will all be freed from mortality’s painful existence. And that’s where the crazy comes in since he really wants to die…. Also the saga might focus on multiple planets. Also, not sure if I mentioned this already, but the MU is an artificial universe, as in the forgotten creations made their own universe somehow and that gets explored in the saga.

Update: Detail Idea: Midnight Universe Saga: There is a mysterious little boy, like 7 or 8 years old or something, has kind of like a grey / light blue hair, part of a tribe or whatever, and something about, “The universes are within him.” And the universes are like within his eyes or something. Not entirely sure, but it may or may not be the Dark haired emo kid from that one episode and where his origins are at.

Update: Detail Idea: Midnight Universe Saga: So the idea is that when they were taken by those long arm thingies, that was a mistake, and that those long arm thingies explained by Gadget Boy is that they were looking for resources for the universe since it is artificial after all and not everything is there within the universe, so they scour all the other universes for resources, and they got caught in it accidently. As for The Master as for why he was just standing there, in a trance, his “soul” was caught in something that is beyond his control, and is what is being used to summon the thingy to destroy the universe or something…

Detail Idea: Midnight Universe Saga: The villain says to quote, “You are all more free when dead than you are alive!” as he tries he calls upon the destruction of the Midnight Universe and to be released from his immortality.

Detail Idea: Midnight Universe: a new character, a lone wander, a creation that asks why he was forgotten and looks for the answers.

Detail Idea: Midnight Universe Saga:

Day 1 – The guys try to get their bearings in this universe and try to get used to and see their surroundings. They are all separated, but Forrest, Neon, and Mc find each other. Jack and Arrell find each other. And Knight and the duster coat guys meet each other. Wolf is all alone. TK and FD are together in the beginning. Wolf also meets the villain when he wakes up all alone.

Day 2- Forrest, Neon, and Mac get into a scuffle with some bandits and their fortress. Knight and the duster coat guy make their way to the kingdom to see the king to get back home. Not sure about the others. Jack and Arrell meet the villain in passing. Wolf gets adopted by some kind girl that is inspired by Arieth from FF7.

Day 3 – Knight and guy makes it to the kingdom and town and meet the king, with the king telling they were here by accident. Mac, Forrest, and Neon meet the villain in passing as they take over the fortress and are the new king of the bandits.

Day 4 – Knight and King try to stabilize the universe. The universe is man made yet small, so it risks collapsing, but there is a system in place to keep it alive. TK and FD meet the villain. Mac, Forrest, and Neon, and Jack, and Arrell find each other? Then get split up again? But then back together again?

Day 5 – Knight, duster coat guy and the king meet the villain and know his threat and his plans. 3 days until the end of the universe. They then try to rush and find their friends along with TK and FD. Knight finds The Master be he isn’t himself; he struggles to remember who he is or was. He is a new him…

Day 6 – They find the friends, try to get to The Master t remember, and form a plan and prepare for final day while fending off the villain.

Day 7 – They destroy the meteor and the old god that is attracted to the universe to destroy it along with the villain for good. They all celebrate in the end, say their goodbyes, drop them off back home, and take off somewhere else…

The Villain did a really bad thing in the past that is why he was punished along with his group? He thinks he can redeem himself by freeing everyone with death. He calls upon a meteor and an old from a universe nearby. The universe is already having trouble remaining stable due to being small unless you’re Neon or a universe within a universe. The guys get split up. Knight by himself but then meets the duster coat guy. Arrell and Jack. And then Neon, Forrest, and Mac. Wolf by himself but then gets adopted later by some aerith looking chick. And TK and FD somewhere in the background. The duster coat guy is looking to go back home but at the end finds out he is already home… cause he is a forgotten creation with no memory. After Knight meets with the King, he offers him to find his friends and take him home. Then the stability of the universe happens and the villain also happens. At the end though, the guys save the universe, the king thanks them and holds a celebration and good bye for them and sends them home. Think of the universe like a spaceship slipping through time itself.

Detail Idea: Midnight Universe Saga: Add a quick bit where newt from Ned’s newt and the dog from Fat Dog Mendoza for a quick cameo as forgotten characters…

The 4 Gods of Death:

Episode Idea: The 4 Gods of Death: It is plausible we can turn this into a full episode if it progresses enough. But we’ll wait and see. But the idea is that Corona Chan, Ebola Chan has a little legend behind them, a role they must play since they are the daughters of the Corona, and they must play the role as part of the 4 Gods of death that traverse the universes that originated from the Deadlands and will bring death and despair to all. And they turn into evil gods of death and will bring suffering to all. Of course there are two slots open, so Forrest gets put into the third role as Fifth Chan, and the forth, we’ll leave it as a mystery as they try and hunt down the 4th to become the 4 gods of death. However, the Corona doesn’t want this to happen, and perhaps a little bit of his origins is revealed…ok fuck it; this’ll be an episode considering the idea…didn’t want to be it’s too good of an idea… Neon =4?

Also at the end, the Corona tries to bring his daughter back showing her an old video tape recording of him singing her a lullaby when she was a little girl, but that doesn’t do it and both Corona and Ebola Chan combine into a giant monster black thingy and the only way to save the two of them is for the Corona to “self Destruct” and even though he regrets not enslaving the human race and rather do that, he is willing to die to save his two daughters, and in his final moments, he listens to the recording on repeat while signing while engulfed in darkness and monsters until the final second of his death…also his father and mother and split father plus past has something to do with this…

Stormy beginning for 4 gods of death

4 gods of death prequel to the other side trilogy…

Detail Idea: 4 Gods of Death: The 4 gods of death or Corona Cha , Ebola Chan, Forrest and Neon have to go on a pilgrimage before going to the Deadlands and perform the ceremony for whatever…

Rat Island:

Detail Idea: For one of the episodes involving Arrell: So this for one of those episodes where I have yet to give specific details about an adventure or something on the lines like that, assumingly there is a sort of blank one that I have yet to fill with details. Not sure, but if there isn’t, than another episode to add to Season 30 I guess. So the idea that there is a far away island that was once occupied by ponies and such with buildings and factories and the liking. But then one day they all vanished and the buildings and the island became abandoned, with the buildings rotting away with a sort of creepy atmosphere like ghosts are haunting it or something. And the ones that occupy it now are rats. And there used to be lots and lot of rats that lived there, and kind of flourished as well. But then a plague for the rats came, wiped out a good majority of them, and the rats themselves became fractured. You have your normal, non-infected rats that struggle to survive and live on the island as they try and hide from the other infected rats. And then you have your infected rats who have been mutated and turned into hideous looking rats with creepy looking eyes and are pretty much are like zombie rats in a sense. And they are deadly, and as the other rats try to hide and survive on the island, there is a haunting atmosphere to the place with kind of only one port to get on and off the island, with some ghosts I suppose that haunt the place. That and the other rats that lived, got infected, stared, or died, their bones remains and cover the floors of the buildings and such.

And keep in mind the island is far, far from any mass of land. So to put it simply, the rats are stuck, with no ship having any contact with the island in over a century. So one rat with a will to live that is starving and is sacred, that is a white rat that is, writes a letter to Arrell, since it came across a paper thingy something about Arrell in Stalia that kind of flew by or something, and pretty much sent a paper airplane for it to be carried by the wind. Or a message in a bottle, doesn’t matter, as the white rat tries to survive in the dark, with some fires still burning I guess from long ago, as well as from the other rats and get the message, hoping he and the remaining rats can survive. And no the rats do not speak, it is purely out of something that only Fluttershy could understand so that becomes a challenge for the character later on. But I guess it can write... just roll with it... And so the message gets sent to Arrell, and him along with Forrest or somepony else that isn’t Neon I think, goes to that island. And there might be a sub plot that happens elsewhere since it feels like it can’t stand on its own… maybe something about the guys that hang back in Stalia trying to make a Bizza or something… But that’s it for now.

Fun Fact: I got this idea from a dream I had where I was on this Island… called Rat Island, which might be the name of the island anyways. And for whatever reason I was on it, oddly enough, doing research for Universal Magic. And then I stepped in a lot rat skeletons with me being all alone on the island, with the fear of something was going to get me and this haunting atmosphere. And I said to myself, “I shouldn’t have done this, this was not worth the trip to help write Universal Magic." Not joking, I had that dream… and then I woke up questing what I was dreaming about.

Two Angels:

Episode Idea: The Two Angels: Angels back on Knight’s earth are cast out from both heaven and Hell and have spent thousands of years as their punishment. And for years they have been trying to get back into heaven but Regular Jesus will not allow them and Baby Jesus never return their calls. And God is too drunk and deadbeat to care as he just wants to eat his Cheetoes. However, they get wind of Knight and how he is in another universe, but were part of the Christen faith. And while Baby Jesus and Regular Jesus don’t care about it like from before, they didn’t get the message that he is not a hit. So they’re plan to get back into heaven is to take out Knight and walk through an arch with his dead body in hand in order to be back in the god graces of Regular Jesus. So they go to Equestria, with their double wings, and try to kill Knight, while Baby Jesus and regular Jesus comes in at like maybe the third act to help out…inspired by Dogma of course…

The Migger:

Random Idea: For the zebra stuff, whenever the zebra episodes happen…The Migger…what is a Migger? Well, the Migger is the enemy of the Zigger Wigger, the opposite, the devil, whatever you want to say it, and it always leaves its mark with a letter M on a zebra’s/pony’s forehead…and its followers are called Mibbers…

So yeah, the idea for the episode is sort of simple. It takes place after the one where the Zigger Wigger comes and fights the Wigger Zigger, and to put in perspective, the Wigger Zigger was like the anti Christ, the Migger however I like The Devil for the Zebras. And the Zigger Wigger calls upon the help of the zebra guy in Stalia along with two of his “friends” to help him and give him the strength to fight the Migger. But the Zebra guy ignores the request despite the Zigger Wigger’s wishes, so the Migger just finds his way to Stalia instead.

TK of the Heavens: (Alt title? TK the Angel?):

Detail Idea: Heavenly TK: Ok so it starts out, Knight is fighting a past villain possibly the one with the robot maybe, and TK and FD is in the fight. But then something happens to Knight, you get the point. But what ends up happening is that TK and FD goes back to their hell and discusses their plans while the EoP try and plan to get Knight back from heavenly TK.

Then Knight wakes up in HTK’s heaven, HTK is there to talk to him and explain to him everything. And keep in mind, HTK doesn’t have the same voice as TK’ but rather more welcoming in a sense, a hint of charm perhaps. Anyways, HTK shows Knight around and tells him that the previous god and Jesus here along with all the human souls are all long gone/ He did not have anything to do with it, it was just like that when he arrived. And so it is sort of the remains / ruins of Heaven with some destroyed architecture, but green grass and happy animals all around. And there are some un descibed angels that still work for him. On top of that, the Tree of Life is still living and he has been taking care of it ever since.

Later on, they go to where Heavenly TK is at, tries to charge in and save Knight, but HTK just welcomes them in with opens arms and shows them that their friend is safe. He also explains that he plans to visit Equestria and bring peace on Earth and what not.

Then all of a sudden TK and FD shows up to test HTK to see what his abilities are. So he challenges him to a fight. So in response, HTK tells the angles to take the EoP to the safe room and keep them safe at all costs while he deals with them. He jumps to the ground, fights TK and wins. And so TK makes plans to head to the demon / angle universe to do some recruitment.

Meanwhile that other universe with the HTK that is an agent of god, well that god in particular has to go and investigate. He does so, stuff happens in between, not sure yet, but in the end, the demons and angles from that universe both have one big battle with each other, both lead by TK HTK. But in the end that ATK kill his god, becomes some sort of monster and both TK HTK has to team up, they do, win and HTK let’s Knight go for now…the end…

Episode Idea: TK the Angel Idea: Never mind, I’ll make it an episode for “Season 30”, and the idea is that, although not everything is concrete of course yet…, but the idea is that either Knight is knocked on conscious or not, not sure yet, as they are battling a previous, more low tier villain from a previous episode in Stalia. And then as TK is about to do something to help Knight, the skies open up and a ray of light shines down from the heavens as an alternate universe version of him that Knight made years ago, but only for a few hours and didn’t put much effort into it. But it ended up manifesting into his mind without knowing and in the end became as detailed as TK, the OG one. And this TK, as stated before, it’s from Heaven instead of Hell, and is pretty much the same thing that the other TK went through, but instead of killing the devil and becoming the devil, so he has a little crown on his head, but vows to be holy and to be good and such and to defend Knight from the vile and darknes that is TK, the OG one. Although he did not kill god in that universe, he is god and rules the kingdom of heaven. Meanwhile, a similar version of that TK also breaks through and tries to do the same, but instead of being god, is an agent of God, and is sent to retrieve Knight since that god is interested in meeting his god, which is Knight. A bit confusing I know, but it’s simple, just hard to explain it all in words.

But in a sense, that version of TK, let’s just refer to him as Angel TK, is the villin for the episode as he ends up going rogue and killing that god and becoming god, a more powerful god in theory compared to the other TK god, and wants to consume that TK god to become even more powerful, so for a short hle the two TK’s have to work together, while something goes on with Knight. But by the end the to remain enemies, as the Heavenly TK respects Knight’s decision of leaving him alone, but promises to come back one day to save him for his own good, in which case he may or not, but that’s up in the air for now. Also that universe where the 4 billion on going year war between Demons and Angels appears in this episode, possibly as a battleground for the two to fight.

Detail Idea ???: I’m not sure which episode to put this in, but maybe one of the hell episodes. That are its own episode. The idea is that TK, in an alternate universe, is an agent of God is more or less a heavenly TK. And I suppose another one that is god, a heavenly god who killed god and became god. And both are the same suit, but instead of black and a hint of red, it’s White with a hint of gold. But the god one has a bit of a crown on his head… And of course they all fight…

Detail Idea: heavenly TK: Biblically accurate angels are the things that remain in the heaven that Heavenly TK resides in…

The Four Ghosts:

Detail Idea: The Four Ghosts episodes in Specials: Inazuma shows up… Yeah that’s about it. All I have is that The Four Ghosts, after the events from the Daylight Savings Day Special, go to Mane and Inazuma shows up to help sort of guide them and to do their job to protect the Dragon’s Big Magical Balls, perhaps this is where I’ll have The Phoenix and that Nathan Drake looking character at? I mean I have ideas where Phoenix will show up briefly in an earlier episode, but they’ll play a major role here, sort of like anti heroes where they are not 100% the villains, but are against The Four Ghosts…food for thought…

A Four Ghosts episode?

Episode Idea?: Samruai: That samurai from the train tracks or something…maybe the four ghosts perhaps show up in this one?


Hitler Land: Episode Idea?: Not sure if it’ll be its own episode or merged into an existing episode, so TBC… But if there is an episode, some ideas could be one where Knight, Neon, Craig, and possibly Griffin Guy? Go to Hitler Land, and Craig or someone loses their glasses, the staff says they can’t get it, the guy gets pissed, and a cop comes in and says they could sue because reason… and then the people who owns the park that are German freak out and have to cut back on expanses. And one of the cut backs is the guy in the mascot suit, and the mascot is some weird orange creature out of the Muppets, who also freaks out for losing his job. Oh and that creepy guy that tries to do the whole test thing with the train tracks from episode 23-3 prologue comes back to work the theme park rail road, and a fat old lady on a hover round gets stuck on the train tracks and the train comes. I know a lot of ideas; just spit balling here is all.

Also here are the list of rides, yes we are populating a fiction theme park with rides:

The Dragon’s Challenge: A double Hex DNA roller coaster

Loud Niggah: I know may be that I’m trying to be a try hard with the name, but I am referencing two things in that name. One obvious, one not so obvious. And I’ll let you imagine what the ride would be like…

Detail Idea: Hitler Land: Park ride ideas for it:

A Knock off of The Tiki Room (The Wiki Little Picky Bibky Room?) One of the birds says something about oretintals, the animatronics bird talks to the other bird about not saying that word, and how weird it is. And at the end after they get into an argument, they both die by both shooting at each other… nd it’s not part of the ride either. It’s ff script…

The Circular Progress of Life: A cynical view of how life works… rip off of the Carousal of Progress…

Emergency Exit: Not really a ride, just the standard exit you see at rides like Disney or Universal. The only difference is that in Hitler Land, it takes you to your deepest, most disturbing part of your subconscious. You will only see what you truly think as the monster tries to crawl out of its den as your stare into the void of nothingness; trying to comprehend your very own existence in life….

It’s a Microscopic World: A rip off of It’s a Small World, but the ride is haunted with one of the puppets being possessed by a dead girl who dronwed in the very shallow water. And now she is out for revenge and looking for her killer and haunts whoever gets in her way. Based on a funny little rumor that I heard about from small world. One time I went to Disney, and one of the cast members was joking that the ride was haunted. And when I went on it, one of the dolls was not working and just stared at you. And I joked about it to somebody that it was haunted… ooooooo…

The Water Bottle Thief: A thief who asks for a bottle of overpriced water at one of those stands, but then as he gets the water; he runs away and doesn’t pay for it. He is a menace to the park and must be stopped, or else he’ll puke over on someone’s food and strike again!... (Psst… the puking part was based on a time when I puked on my tacos at a theme park once…and then after wards I just kept eating. No way I’m going to let over priced food be wasted…)

The Sparkling, Glowing Lights Parade: A rip off of Disney’s Electric Parade, but the Hitler Land owners only does it if the owners feels like giving a shit that day… and then they give shits to all who watches the parade. And the parade is only spoken in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean all at the same time…

Just overall a more relaxed episode. I mean stuff still happens, just nothing big or extreme, just more funny than serious. And something to do with Craig buying out the park and giving it to Knight to run as part of Disney and things going wrong, just throwing ideas around.

The Phantom Universe:

Episode Idea?: Phantom Universe?: Either it’ll be its own thing or it’ll be the Ghost of Universe X sort of speak. If it is its own thing, then the universe will consist of all the forgotten past that has been…well forgotten by all living creatures in all universes that have manifest themselves as creatures known as phantoms, and they seek vengeance, while some seek an end to their pain. And the King Phantom known as Danny (wink…) seeks TF who was also forgotten and asks for his assistance.

And if it is the ghost of Universe X, then it’ll be the left overs in a sense. But what I think I’ll end up doing is doing a hybrid, sort of the ghost of villain of Universe X that has to help out Knight to defeat the Phantoms or else be devours by the Phantoms.

Zombie Island:

Episode/Detail Idea?: Zombie thingy: So I watching Overload, thinking it was going to be an action/horror movie with Nazi zombies, but I was disappointed. I thought that is what the trailer depicted but whatever. So weather it is about Nazi zombies or just zombies in general, used for a current episode or a new one, not sure yet, it’ll be about the EoP going somewhere, possibly they won a trip or something, the air balloon crashes in the middle of a country side pony country, and they ask where are all the pony women at? And then they come across a strange little village. And at first they think it’s haunted so they try to hide, but then realize no pony else is around. And then they see the zombies, they run, try to hide, and fight back, but then a mysterious stranger comes to their aid. They follow him to a secret bunker and there he explains everything to them. A science experiment gone wrong, created a bunch of zombie ponies/ different types of zombies from big to small, sort of like mutated zombies, and the only way to stop it is to try and get to the tower, that is really big and tall and mystic…, where it holds a device that can explode everyone’s heads within a certain mile radius, unless wearing protective gear.

That and his wife is trapped somewhere in the deep, dark basement of the tower, so they have to try and save her first before setting off the device. So they try to make it, half tries to go to the tower, while the other half tries to find the wife. And when they are down there, they find all sorts of horrors and experiments gone wrong, like a little boy who is crying in a cell. So they try to help him, but really it is one of those bait trap like fishes, where the little boy isn’t alive/ real and is just there for the zombie catch its prey and the zombie itself has two big arms and two tiny legs while the boy still talks. Anyways, it turns out that the wife killed herself because she couldn’t escape her husband and that the stranger was behind the experiment gone wrong the entire time and is trying to control them.

And the device is actually a mind control device to mind control the zombies. So blah blah blah, they fight and stop him, they reverse the device to blow up the heads or something, and stop the guy…or maybe it is an old villain coming back, who knows…the end…

Neon's Creation:

Episode idea: Neon makes a character from a universe: The idea is in the title itself, where Neon makes a character from his own imagination and then goes off to find it. And really it’s just the potential that has that’s interesting to me. Imagine all the possibilities of what could go wrong with that scenario.


Detail Idea?: Not sure which parody episodes it will be in, or if it’ll just be its own thing, but something to do with the guy’s ancestors coming to the present perhaps?

Detail Idea: Also since I’m throwing it out there, an episode focusing on the guy’s ancestors in their own episode entirely…, as well as one for the guys trying to live up to their ancestor’s glory…or something…

In other words, the idea is that the EoP’s ancestors comes from the past, not sure what the details will be there, but part of it will be where some of the ancestors are disappointed in them so two or three of the guys feel shame.

Episode Idea: Arrell and the Meat of Life:

Not sure how to go exactly about this all, since this is another episode I got from a dream. So the idea is that Arrell’s second favorite animal dies, and the guys are like, “You had a second favorite?” And Arrell says them to them, “Yes, he simply had more value than the others.” And so he buries the second favorite, thinking it might be a cat or something that he buries, and thinks that’s all there is. But then he comes across a legend about where if he were to obtain this special meat, he could resurrect the dead cat. So he goes to the dark market somewhere in Stalia where he gets the illegal goods, this special meat, forms the resemble of the dead cat, as well as putting an old tooth, some hair, and other DNA into it, place it somewhere over night, and then it comes alive. Not all fully at first as it is a bit retarded and trying to eat something that a cat would eat, but can’t, but eventually it turns into the second favorite animal that Arrell misses. But of course, playing god as Arrell sometimes do can have its consequences, so things go wrong like it turning on him, evolving into an evil creature, and the fact that Arrell has to face that the second favorite died and that there is nothing that he can do to bring him back and that this is just a weird Frankenstein monster, although really it’s more or else like that golem story that was made out of Clay than Frankenstein, but whatever. That ad the town probably hates it too and Asshat is the voice of reason in Arrell’s head in this one.

Update: Idea: you buy an over 2000 year old, sort of mummified cat for like forty bucks, you feed it some beef jerky or don’t, and it comes back to alive on its pn…from a dream that I had…

Ultimate Super Syonic Nyonic:

The final episode in the SSN trilogy, although not necessarily the end for SSN… And here, SSN reaches his final, ultimate form, and the destruction of the universe is inevitable…

Update: Detail Idea: Ultimate SSN: the ending involves SN being just as powerful as SSN and thrown into the dark zone. To put more detail into it, as soon as SSN no longer wants to destroy the universe and rebirth it, he still needs to fight off SN, who he then tries to beat all on his own, but SN proves to be more powerful than him as he constantly grows in strength and uses the same thing that TF used on Discord and becomes a giant monster. But then everyone that SSN has fought the entire saga comes to his aid, especially the one that started it all, that green super hero uy, and all help SSN as one fight SN. But even then it isn’t enough, as SSN says to get back and leave, as he then does something drastic that just sends SN into the Dark Zone. A bit confusing, but it makes sense in the end.

Detail Idea: Ultimate SSN: In the beginning of the episode, SSN is so close to reaching is ultimate form, but he isn’t there quite just yet. And he needs to be pushed so he can gain the energy to reach his ultimate form. So he goes around, challenging the others he face off with from before, and even targeting innocent civilians until the other fight back against him, so he can get what he wants. But the others know this is a tough call as this will spell the end for everypony. But they do it anyways because being good is good or something…

3-21-24: Detail Idea: SSN Saga last episode: Second Neon tries to consume Inca’s universe as it mirrors what happened in the God Discord episode. Also SN has a weird obsession with Inca…. Plus at the very end, not sure if I said this, SSN is about to destroy the universe and just need to move a slight inch to do it. But his friends comes by his side, tries to convince him otherwise while reminding him of the memories and a reason why the story doesn’t need to be reset and it’s fine the way that it is. He also looks out to the rest of the foes that he has fought and has a sad face on. He then is convinced to not to destroy the universe and reset it. But SN takes advantage of this….

Episode769: It is time to do the sexy!:

Not sure if this is how it is going to go, really I shouldn’t but it is tradition despite the saga being pretty much over, but I guess I could just elaborate on a few things, like where the damn thing seven came from. And the idea is that it focuses on the seven deadly demons from some universe that are oddly smiling, wearing corporate suits and plan on using the stones of sins or whatever to do something… a pony is involved… clearly it’s early development, but the seven demons are supposed to be humorous in a way, an evil way, but still funny… Also maybe the return of Robo Satan… maybe…

Detail Idea: Episode 769: So the seven deadly sins demons explain that they created the stones because they were bored and felt like taking over all the universes or something like that or whatever, I’ll work on that aspect, ton not be bored. And they live in their tiny little office like space universe for who knows how long. But once they made the 49 and technically 50, but the 50th one was on accident, they weren’t satisfied with it and thought it was trash, so they just dumped it wherever as they just went ahead and started working on a 2.0 version of those stones that are even better and does what it tells them to do. And the whole idea is to basically stop them from doing that thingy…

And just putting it out there, cause why not? But to describe the Seven Deadly Sin stones sets, it’s like The Chaos Emeralds from Sonic, The Infinity stones from Marvel, and the Dragon balls from Dragon ball combined. The stones disappears and scatters after being used (when used individually as a set and not 49 as a whole), Each set holds some weird power thing to it, like for example the Stones of Lust grants you a wish, just like the dragon balls, and when all 49 are brought together, it makes you like a god, like the Chaos emeralds…

The Gay Satanists are Snowing Us In!:

So the whole one world order group thing and the pony Satanists living in Arrell’s shed, you get the idea. The idea here is that they have made a weather control machine, separate from the weather factory and can do it from the shed as it is a big satellite dish that Arrell doesn’t even notice because they pay their rent on time. On top of that, all of the workers for the weather factory have gone or caught some disease, not sure yet, all except for Forrest, and there is a blizzard / a lot of fucking snow in Stalia. And my idea is that Forrest is going to go over to Knight’s place, and Neon will go over to Arrell’s place for safety until the four eventually group up at Arrell’s place and then moves from there. Meanwhile
Jack and Mac spot a weird disc thingy in the sky (hint, the disc thingy from Episode 10…) and believes it to be causing the weird weather going on on as the two are pissed about the over abundance of snow, they head out to destroy it…, while the other four go to confront the Satanists… the gay Satanists cause they like little boy butt… why are Satanists so gay?...

The Big Plan

Mac’s big plan to take over Applejack? Can he do it?


So you know that whole idea where the world was supposed to have ended in 2012 but nothing happened, but then some people sometimes say, “Oh boy, I wonder maybe the world did end and this is purgatory.”Well this episode is that, where it is all purgatory.

So the idea is that it starts off with an end to a year, a bit of a flash back, and Forrest is worried about the world ending cause of some crazy hobo’s prediction from Hobo Alley, but Knight says that’s not going to happen, and then fast forward, the guys joke about how maybe the world did end and that the entire world is in purgatory. And then slowly but surely they find out that it did end and it was all because of the Satanists living in Arrell’s shed as they want their one world order thingy… and they made a deal with the demon, the very same demon used in SJW Man 2, as he comes back, all bug eyed and a little cross eyed I guess, looking for a little revenge against Knight, but also needing to find a new place to call home or something.

The Lucky Struck / Strike/ Streak?:

Not sure what the episode is going to be about but since 777 is going to be a thing, I might as well do something for it. Probably be casino related with Forrest or Arrell or something, they win big, with possible side plot or something.

Second Moon:

Something to do with surfing and at the beach: Not sure if it’s really an episode idea, just classifying it as so just for now. Really, I’m putting this idea down cause I don’t think the EoP ever go to a beach or surfing or anything… hmmmmm… or at least just for fun that is… maybe a relaxing, kickback kind of episode? Who knows… or maybe I’ll incorporate it into another episode…

Update: Scratch that, I’m going for it as a new episode. And for what it’ll be about is that Jack is going on Vacation to a beach on a island with a “inactive” volcano on it, advertised to be a paradise and a great place to surf, as Jack claims to be once a surfer at some point in his life. And he kind of was, just doesn’t own a board.

Anyways, Wolf hears about this, and he wants in, but of Jack doesn’t want him to go and just brushes him off and goes. But once he arrives on the island, an island yet to be named. Oh fuck it, I’ll throw one out… uhhh… The Island of Fukiji. So once he arrives on the island, Wolf sort of becomes a stowaway and ends up on the island with him. And on the island, there are only two island inhabitants, that run the resort. But secretly, the Gay Satanists are also on that island, trying to plan their next move somewhere near the volcano. And there plan is that they have come into contact with some outside “alien” from a different universe, a space universe perhaps? Wink Wink… and the alien will come here, help them take over, all the while bringing a second moon that will essentially destroy the gravitational pull of the entire planet. All the while Jack and Wolf are trying to enjoy their vacation, but can’t get along with one another and are constantly fighting. And Jack tries to surf, but he sucks at it since the last time he did it was when he was a kid.

Meanwhile as a sub plot over in Stalia, Neon foretells of a mythical “Second Moon” and it will drive everyone in the town to go mad just like how Neon will. Knight and the others don’t believe it, but once the Second Moon comes in from the other universe, everyone goes crazy and they try to find some sort of esoteric way to stop the moon.

Back on the main plot, once the Second Moon comes into play, pretty much at night, a little robot friend comes down from the universe and asks for Jack and Wolf’s help to destroy the moon that is the only way to save both of their worlds. And so they have to get up to the moon that is already causing a lot of damage by this point, by putting a rocket or something on a surf board and going high up into the sky to get to the moon, where the little robot friends helps them out to destroy it. Not sure how yet, but in the end they do, and as the moon explodes into tiny little pieces while the volcano becomes actives and gets the Gay Satanists their just desert and make them move out of there, Jack and Wolf have a little moment of friendship where they have to get off the crumbling moon before they get crushed and die. So, they ride the debris and ride the waves the right way, all to the tune of this… wink wink… you get where I got this idea from… ha ha…


And soon the robot leaves, says goodbye and the portals closes up. And with the sub plot, the guys think they helped destroy the second moon with their little esoteric ritual they performed. And they all celebrate I guess or something…

And as for Jack and Wolf, they kind of get along a little bit as Jack rides the waves with Wolf also being on the board.

Detail Idea: Jack a Wolf go to the beach episode....: Jack tries to get some sun on the beach while putting on the radio as it plays faintly in the background of an old surfing tune while Wolf tries to bug him to have some fun… Plus Jack tries to surf, but can’t, neither can Wolf. But by the end of the episode, him and wolf can surf…

Rule 63 Meets Rule 63?:

Don’t know about this episode, just throwing shit out there. Basically, the EoP meets their female counterparts… maybe interesting idea, I don’t know… kind of sounds stale to me but it might have potential…


Just had a dream about it, just woke up from it so writing everything down for it. So basically there is this darkness, pretty much night time or whenever ever you turn off the light. Very powerful and once you’re in it long enough, you’re dead. And all around it it’s dead and fear and the darkness consumes the world. It comes from somewhere, but not sure. And if you were to say light a lamp, or a fire, it only gives you temporally safety before the darkness snuffs it out. The only way to be safe is to find amber light or heavenly light, like in a church or something for everyone to be safe and safe from the darkness. And in it there was an old castle / church like place, old queen and king who didn’t think much of the darkness coming, but then it consumed them and stayed in their castle with the lights on, afraid. And then it becomes some weird survival story… Maybe use it, maybe use it as a sub plot, just throwing it out there for future consideration. Or it could get the axe…

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