• Member Since 27th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 5th, 2023


Nerd, Dungeon Master, Aspiring Author, Brony.

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  • 514 weeks
    Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Wyrms, But Were Afraid to Ask

    Maybe it's because I've been posting so much over the last few months, or because I'm crazy enough to think that people would actually want to read this, but I decided to post all of my personal notes about wyrms. If anything inspires you, feel free to use it. I seriously don't mind.



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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Wyrms, But Were Afraid to Ask · 11:04pm Jul 29th, 2014

Maybe it's because I've been posting so much over the last few months, or because I'm crazy enough to think that people would actually want to read this, but I decided to post all of my personal notes about wyrms. If anything inspires you, feel free to use it. I seriously don't mind.


In addition to being covered in scales, all wyrms have head spikes, an underbelly of scales that is a much lighter shade of the color of their spikes, and an arrowhead shape at the end of their tails. Their pupils are slits, which gives them better side-to-side peripheral vision, but weakens their up-down peripheral vision. The size, spacing, shape, and tilt of their head spikes changes drastically from one wyrm to the next, and in females, the spikes are much more thin and flexible, allowing it to be shaped and styled much like hair.
Neither bipeds nor quadrupeds in the traditional sense, as they are comfortable walking either way, though they instinctively go to their back legs while fighting, to better use their hands, and go to all four while running, for increased traction and stability. Their hands end in a thumb and three fingers. The tips of each digit are dominated by a hardened claw, which has to be trimmed occasionally, similar to human fingernails, but just before the claw, there is a soft, round pad on each finger which serves as a fingertip. This is also where the scales are weakest on the wyrm's body, but that doesn't help while fighting them much, as the targets are rather small, and not connected to anything important. The feet have four clawed toes, which have about the same range of motion as human toes.

Average height on four legs: 4 ft, 2 inches (an average pony is 4 ft even), not including head spikes.
Average height on back legs: 5 ft, 1 inch (an average pony is 4 ft 8 inches), not including head spikes.

Average length from tip of nose to fully extended tail: 6 ft, 3 inches. However, the tail is rarely extended straight out. Rather, it tends to curl back towards the main body.

Coloration: They come in all known colors and shades.

Scales: Material from the gemstones in a wyrm's diet make up the scales covering their body. In theory, eating too much of a single color of gem would start to change the scale color of the wyrm. The gemstone material is further hardened and reinforced by innate magic in the wyrm's body before it becomes part of the scales themselves. As such, the hardness rating of wyrm scales tends to be between 9 and 10 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohs_scale_of_mineral_hardness). Once the scales are removed from the wyrm's body, they lose their magical enhancement, and eventually fall to a hardness of 8 or so. Scale Armor, a common defensive spell, adds roughly one hardness rating per tier of the spell being used. For example, tier three Scale Armor would take scales with a hardness of 9 up to 12, significantly harder than any naturally occurring substance. Dragon scales also tend to be slightly elastic, which allows them to bend and stretch with their owner, and prevents them from shattering with a strong impact. Cutting through Scale Armor enhanced scales is nearly impossible, however, they can still be destroyed by a sufficient amount of any form of energy (unicorn energy rays, the Ghost Claws spell, plasma, an explosion, etc).

Fire: Breathing fire is a part of a wyrm's innate magic, requiring no biological fuel. Based on the lock that Spike melted in Inspiration Manifestation, dragon fire can easily exceed 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The melting point of iron, my personal guess for the metal of the lock, is 2,800 degrees. For steel, it's around 2,500. In either case, it's a safe bet that Spike's fire, even as a child, could approach 3,000 degrees. An adult could probably reach 4-5 thousand degrees. Wyrms can control the size and shape of their fire somewhat, generally cones, balls, and lines, extending out several times the body length of the wyrm releasing it. The actual limits of fire heat, size, and shape depend largely on the wyrm, and how much practice they have.

Heat Immunity: Wyrms are immune to virtually any amount of heat, though they still sweat when nervous or during exercise. Once the temperature begins to exceed the upper limits of dragon fire (5,000 degrees Fahrenheit), wyrms begin to feel uncomfortable, but don't actually get burned. Their resistance gradually drops from there. Once the temperature gets high enough that plasma is created (around 1.8 million degrees), wyrms have no real protection to speak of.

Names: Wyrms have to earn a true name, the same way that a pony earns their cutie-mark. Most true names are either two words long, or a compound of two. One of them is often a noun, and the other is a modifier of that noun. The true name often, but not always, comes during pre-teen years, after using a certain spell. The meanings behind true names can vary and change a lot, even for one wyrm during the course of its life, but it is usually found by starting with the noun, and then considering the implications of the modifier: Here are some of the common words in wyrm true names, and their interpretations:
Fire: A symbol of home, family, and protection, especially against non-dragon threats. This includes any variations on things that make or hold fire, such as torches, fireplaces, candles, etc. Occasionally can be used in reference to food, as fire is also used to cook most meals.
Stone: Often a symbol of a boundary, or of strength. Also can be used to signify a safe location. This includes all natural formations of rock, such as mountains, hills, valleys, etc.
Note: 'Cliff' is especially strong on the boundary symbolism. Combined with 'Runner,' it could mean one who runs away from boundaries, or one who runs towards them. Given Cliff's wandering lifestyle before the story began, he obviously doesn't run away from boundaries, but rather, crosses them frequently. Therefore, he thought of it as referring to his life as an explorer. However, once he found Spike, and stopped wandering, he needed to find some alternate explanation. Boundaries can also mean the dividing line between the present and the future, and since he quickly found himself fighting to establish a future where ponies and dragons could live in peace, he easily decided that his name now meant, 'one who runs towards/embraces the future.'
Water: Much like with humans, water is often used as a symbol of peace, tranquility, and contentment. Unlike humans, however, rain indicates joy or excitement.
Metal: Indicates a level of sophistication. Metal tools are only used to help the coven, and so it also reflects a certain feel of unity and companionship. When used as the modifier in a name, it implies firmness and determination.
Claws: Sometimes used to reflect combat, like human fists, but it largely depends on the modifying word, as claws can also be used to help others. For example, 'Steel Claw' uses 'Claw' as the noun, and 'Steel' as the modifier. The implication is that he uses his claws for the sake of the coven. A decent translation might be 'handyman'. 'Fire Claws' on the other hand, implies that she is using her claws for the defense of her home and family, as suggested by 'Fire.'
Scales: Reflects how the wyrm interacts with others, determined by the modifier.
Other body parts: For most of them, it implies that they would use that body part in a way suggested by the modifying word. For example, 'Gem Tooth' would bring to mind a wyrm that enjoys making/eating snacks with gems in them (a wyrm equivalent of Pinkie Pie, if you will), whereas 'Iron Tooth' suggests a wyrm that uses his mouth in the benefit of his coven, as suggested by the symbolism of metal, and brings to mind a leader of some kind.
Verbs: These are almost always used as the modifier in a wyrm's name, and imply not just performance of the verb, but also what that verb could mean in another context. For example, 'Shout' could mean that the wyrm is always yelling, or that they have extremely strong feelings and opinions, causing them to shout, or even that they like to communicate with others that are far away, or like to give knowledge to the general public.

Overview: To cast a spell, a wyrm must first clear his heart of all but the required emotions, then choose the correct mental focus, and finally use their willpower to push through the mental 'wall' separating the effects of the spell from reality. The details of each step can be found below.

The Stillness: Not a magical effect, but rather, a necessary tool to use wyrm magic. It's a meditation technique that clears the heart of all emotions, allowing the user to both think clearly, and assure that only the required emotions exist in their hearts for the spell they are trying to cast.

Focus: Once a wyrm has the right emotions, he has to choose the focus for his spell. Nodragon knows why certain foci are needed for certain effects, but most theories believe that it relates to the same magic that selects their true name. In that same line of thought is the evidence that most foci are used in a way that's similar to the reflected meaning of those things in dragon names. The mental image of a cliff, for example, is used while casting Shield, and the meaning of that word as part of a true name is generally a barrier or boundary of some kind.

Willpower: Wyrm magic is fueled by willpower, which is generated in the mind as a refined version of the body's natural magic. This is triggered semi-consciously when a wyrm focuses, kind of like how you don't need to think about the individual muscles when you want to move a limb. You just think about what you want the limb to do, and your body handles the rest. (I theorize that unicorns do a similar thing, but concentrate magic it in the horn to produce mana instead).
A stronger mind, much like a stronger muscle, can withstand more strain, and thus refine more of the magic fuel required for casting. Also like unicorns, the body only has so much magic to refine into mana/willpower, and so the three measures of power are how much magic they have to refine, how much they can refine in a single burst, and how quickly they can recover from the combined strains of draining their body of ambient magic and exercising their refining "muscle." Also like a muscle, both magic fields and mind/horn grow stronger and more efficient with repeated use.
Wyrms are aware that "willpower" is a concentrated form of magic, similar to unicorn mana, but that discovery was relatively recent, and as the effects of using it include becoming lightheaded, loss of focus, weakening of determination, and headaches, the term "willpower" is still used from the time when they thought it was literally the force of your own will rewriting reality.
Random Info: Cliff's body has comparatively little ambient magic to refine, even though he's actually quite good at refining it. Hence why he can generate strong effects, but not for very long. His recovery rate is about average for a wyrm.
Fire Eyes is on the other end of the spectrum. She has tons more natural magic, but isn't nearly as good at refining it into willpower, or directing it in that new form. Put simply, what she refines tends to get poured completely into the first spell she tries to generate. Hence why she focuses on blasting spells, to capitalize on her “Single spell, big effect” natural talent. Self enhancement magic requires multiple effects simultaneously to avoid major problems, like muscles that are so strong they snap your bones when you use them, which is why Cliff does better in that field. It lets him conserve his relatively small pool of magic during the course of an extended battle.

Casting: Once the right emotions are in place, the focus has been chosen, and the willpower refined, said willpower simply needs to be used to push through the 'wall.' This is a type of reality revision, and the wall is actually a sort of inertia against interference in the universe. For Scale Armor, for example, it rewrites the 'coding' of reality to state that the scales of the user are stronger and absorb impacts better than they actually do. However, all laws of physics indicate that such is not true, and so willpower needs to be constantly funneled into the spell to keep informing reality that, “Seriously, the scales really are that hard.”

Common Spells: Which is to say, spells Cliff can cast, plus a few extras.
Tier 1:
Balance: Increase balance.
Empathy: Sense what's in the heart of another by placing your fingers on their chest.
Light: Generate a glowing ball over the palm of the hand.
Senses: Improve all five senses.
Soothe Hearts: Calm the emotions of someone you're touching.
Strength: Increase muscle strength. Higher tier versions (2-7) are more powerful.

Tier 2:
Concentrate Fire: Turn regular fire into thin, extra heated, beams.
Cure Disease: Cure pretty much any sickness.
Cure Poison: Cure any poison.
Energy Resistance: Focus energy into the skin that disrupts foreign magic. Higher tier versions (3-7) are more powerful.
Healing: Use target's DNA as a template to undo damage. Higher tier versions (3-7) are more powerful.
Illusion: Create an illusion, using something nearby as a template. Higher tier versions (3-7) can create things without a template, and fool other senses, like scent and hearing.
Increased Weight: Self explanatory.
Joint Protection: Self explanatory. Higher tier versions (3-7) are more powerful.
Reflexes: Increase reaction time. Higher tier versions (3-7) are more powerful.
Scale Armor: Harden the skin and strengthen the body against impacts. Higher tier versions (3-7) are more powerful.
Traction: Create a small force field around the feet that functions like a combination of snow shoes and cleats.

Tier 3:
Ghost Claws: Ethereal claws that can extend out to about five feet, pass through shields, and can cut through even magically enhanced dragon scales.
Heart's Mirror: Project the emotions of the user to those nearby.
Hold Breath: Allow for the user to survive without oxygen for longer.
Lightning: Create a bolt of lightning.
Linking: create a link between two or more wyrms.
Locate Gems: Find any gemstones in about a 50 ft radius.
Speed: Allow the brain to handle data input and output more quickly, otherwise, high speed running would be impossible. Higher tier versions (4-7) are more powerful.
Speed Burst: Generate a burst of momentum on the user, in the direction of their choice.
Spider Climb: Magically attach any body part to any surface, unless you want to let go of it.

Tier 4:
Dirt Cloud: A small explosion of upward momentum just under the ground, generating a cloud of dirt to distract a foe.
Explosion: Create a small (5-10 ft radius) explosion.
Life-force Transfer: Take a number of years of life from either the caster or the subject of the spell, and transfer them to the other.
Momentum Redirection: Take your internal momentum, and change it to go in any direction.
Momentum Transfer: Transfer the momentum from one object to another, without changing the direction of it.
Shield: Create a force field around the caster.
Telekinesis: Generate a short burst of controlled telekinetic force.

Tier 5:
Fire Claws: Coat the user in magical fire, which can be controlled and shaped at will. More willpower makes the fire stronger and more difficult to break or disrupt.
Invisibility: Go invisible for a few seconds.
Precognition: See the physical movements of a foe a few seconds before they happen.

Tier 6: I really need to come up with some.

Tier 7:
Anti-magic: Negate all unicorn magic, and most wyrm magic, in about a 10 ft radius of the user.

Rituals: Very few wyrms ever learn to cast spells higher than tier 7 without help. As such, tier 8 and higher spells are known as rituals, and often need two or more linked wyrms to supply the enormous amount of emotions and willpower required.

When a wyrm feels threatened or unsure, they instinctively want to link with others to share emotions and willpower. They also would prefer to find an enclosed space, preferably a cave.
Given that wyrms have several thousand years worth of breeding to make them more selfless, it's against both their instincts and culture to refuse any request, or make one that isn't necessary. They're driven to serve, and feel absolutely horrible if they aren't contributing meaningfully to their community.
Breathing fire is a defense mechanism when they're being attacked, although most trained warriors have developed secondary instincts to do something else instead (like cast a defensive spell).
Though they have impulses to hoard gems, wyrms have been trained to completely suppress that aspect of their nature. They also have a stronger desire for physical exertion than an average unicorn, at least (pegasi and earth ponies also seem driven to physical activity).
Wyrms mate for life. The desire for sex and the desire to raise a family are more closely linked for them than for humans or ponies. They also have an extremely strong desire to protect and aid members of their extended families, which is good, because wyrms often live long enough to see twenty or more generations of descendants.

The primary values of wyrm society are selflessness, family, and community. Individuals are encouraged to become the best they can, but primarily so that they can use their talents for the benefit of the group as a whole. Their focus on being aware of their emotions at all times also leads wyrms to be very open, and sometimes brutally honest. However, they aren't above lying or withholding the truth, it they think it will help.
Because of their strong aversion to owning things, most wyrms live in communities that share everything, called covens. However, wyrms aren't especially talented farmers, and with the threat of berserker attacks (either drake or wyrm), that could destroy the whole year's crop in minutes, they generally can't support a large population. Most covens have between 30 and 100 wyrms. Obviously, this would lead to massive inbreeding if left unchecked, however, every 5 years, all of the covens in an area come together for a Gathering, providing their own food, as no one coven could produce enough for everydragon. These last for 2-3 weeks, and are equal parts a chance to share records, establish trade relations between covens, hold friendly competitions, and an opportunity to look for a mate. It's rather common for young wyrms to follow members of the opposite sex to their home covens in hopes of developing a more long term relationship. In fact, the phrase “he/she has the gathering glow” means that an individual is infatuated with somedragon, and likely to follow them home. It's also fairly common to loosely plan to visit several different covens between gatherings, in case the first attempt at a relationship doesn't work out, and they don't have any luck with the other members of the new coven.
During the course of their unusually long lifespans, it is expected that each wyrm will pick up at least one memory that they cannot bear to face. These are called Burdens. It is considered the height of insensitivity to knowingly bring up another wyrm's Burden.

Guests in a coven are always treated well, though it's considered polite for neither the guest nor the hosts to make a big deal out of the guest's presence. In fact, even telling your future hosts that you're coming is a bit rude. The guest is also expected to work and contribute as much as any other member of the coven. As an interesting side note, ancient Greeks practiced an even more extreme version of hospitality, called Xenia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenia_(Greek)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenia_(Greek)
Each coven has some focus or emphasis, which is another reason for wyrms to move to it. Redstone, for example, is focused on archaeology. Burning Torch originally moved there because he wanted to join in studying the ruins nearby. Fire Claws met him at the next gathering, and decided to move there as well to pursue a relationship with him. Her home coven focused on the application of magic in combat.
Jobs at a coven sometimes have an individual that always covers them, such as how Steel Claw always handles the forge at Redstone, but more often, the jobs rotate based on who feels like doing what. Each coven has a different system for deciding how to fill all the jobs, but there's usually an organizer of some sort that keeps things running smoothly (Egghead, for Redstone). Because of the various jobs a wyrm might need to fill, they almost all tend to have a working knowledge of basic life skills, like cooking, cleaning, farming, teaching the hatchlings, etc.
Wyrms are expected to work from breakfast until lunch, and then from lunch until dinner. After that, they are free to do as they please until the next day. This is when they pursue their own interests, such as writing, combat training, painting, studying, etc.
Rather than using beds, wyrms sleep in nests. Each family usually has one, although sharing is common. Wyrms greatly enjoy the feeling of shared warmth as they drift off, and so they don't really sleep next to each other, so much as in a big pile.
Special chambers are set up in each coven for intimacy, with a lock on the inside. A couple can visit one of these chambers to be intimate at any time, although meal times are the most common, hence why the phrase, “sharing a private meal” has become synonymous with 'sex' to them.
Sex itself is an even more taboo subject among wyrms than humans or ponies. They certainly don't think it's bad, but it's just not something they like to talk about. Wyrms mate for life, as their romantic and physical desires are closely tied to their desire to raise children. Sex outside of wedlock is considered an insult to both yourself and your partner, as the wyrms involved haven't promised to stick around and help raise the many generations of offspring that could come from such activities. This is considered a failure to the community of the highest order.

Life Cycle:
Three months after a female wyrm is successfully impregnated, she lays an egg, which starts relatively small and fragile, and then actually grows and hardens over the course of a few weeks until it reaches the size of Spike's egg shown in The Cutie-mark Chronicles. At this point, the egg also has a hardness rating of about 8, making it extremely durable.
Seven to eight months after being laid, the egg is fully matured, but will not hatch unless exposed to either dragon-fire, or a sufficient dose of magic (unicorn or otherwise). Until then, it goes into hibernation, sometimes for centuries. It is possible for an egg to die, if left unhatched for too long, but that would take upwards of 400 years, making such an event extremely rare.
Once hatched, the newborn wyrm matures slightly more quickly than an average pony, reaching full physical and mental maturity around age 15. At this point, the wyrm is considered an adult. The wyrm's true name is usually earned between ages 8 and 13, but adults that still haven't earned their name aren't unheard of.
Between ages 15 and 30, the wyrm generally focuses on refining their personal talents and finding a mate. This is important, because wyrms become infertile around age 100. As mentioned under Society, most wyrms view gatherings as a chance to 'window shop' for a mate. Because of their extreme honesty about their emotions, most wyrms begin a courtship by simply telling their prospective mate that they have feelings for them, and would like to court them. Should the other wyrm accept, they will begin spending time together.
Wyrms don't go on traditional dates. Rather, they find time to spend together by signing up for the same jobs around the coven, and sharing their hobbies in the evenings. Wyrms can be very sentimental and romantic, but the ability to work well together and be productive is considered an important part of a good relationship.
Once the couple feels ready, one or the other member proposes. They have no rings or other symbols of betrothal. Most wyrms wait until the next gathering (usually about 4 years) so that their friends and family from both covens can be there for the wedding. Weddings are preceded by a day spent together in quiet reflection, and then performed at dawn the next morning. The equivalent of a wyrm honeymoon is that the new couple is allowed to take either the morning or afternoon off for the first few weeks of their marriage. This time is usually spent being intimate and/or bonding over recreational activities.
Raising children is considered a job for the whole coven. The parents have the first responsibility, of course, but in their absence or inability to help, every other member of the coven is expected to step forward. Given the extremely long lifespan of wyrms, many generations of ancestors are usually around to offer help and advice.
After passing age 100, wyrms become infertile. At this point, their focus in life generally changes from raising their own children to helping their offspring do the same, and improving the community as a whole by refining their talents. Fire Claws, for example, helped raise Cliff while his parents were gone looking for Spike. She also dedicated herself to combat training, in order to better protect the coven.
Like humans, wyrms tend to plateau as they seek to improve their skills and abilities. A human that has just started jogging, for example, might be happy to shave a minute off their time for running a mile. A professional athlete, on the other hand, would be even more happy to shave off a few seconds. In that same vein, Cliff will probably be significantly faster at age 100 than age 20, moderately faster at age 200 than age 100, and have smaller and smaller improvements in his running speed from there on out. Because of this, wyrms tend to branch out as they age. A 100 year-old expert in combat will probably be on fairly even footing against a 300 year-old expert in combat, but the 300 year-old might also be an expert in cooking, writing, persuasive speaking, and non-combat magic.
After passing age 700, a wyrm is considered an elder. Elders are greatly looked up to as sources of wisdom, insight, and guidance. While they have no official power, elders tend to lead covens simply by virtue of the respect paid to them by others. Silent Halls is a prime example.

Greed means many things to many people, but for wyrms, it means the desire to obtain something (even something intangible, like respect), regardless of the cost. When a dragon feels too much greed, it transforms into a gigantic, feral version of itself, called a berserker. About one tenth of wyrms go berserk at some point in their lives, and only 4.5% can ever be snapped out of it. Berserkers stand anywhere from 50 to 100 ft tall when on their back legs, although even larger ones aren't unheard of.
Hatchlings are at the most risk of going berserk, luckily, the power of the berserker is largely dependent on the base abilities of the wyrm, making hatchling berserkers fairly weak by comparison to adult ones.
Berserkers have a ranking system based on various factors that could make one more dangerous. A wyrm that goes berserk twice won't necessarily be the same rank both times, as the traits that affect ranking seem to appear randomly from one transformation to the next. Those traits are as follows: Unusually large, unusually muscled or otherwise physically dangerous, intelligent enough to speak (most drake berserkers can speak), angry and prone to violence, able to use magic (wyrms only), technical skill in combat.
The last factor can add any amount to the berserker's rank. It is usually equal to the warrior ranking of the wyrm before transforming. Being able to use magic adds two. Everything else adds one. If Cliff were to transform, for example, and retain the ability to speak, he would be a rank three berserker (2 for his ranking as a warrior, and 1 for intelligence).
Wyrms have worked out a way to estimate the power needed to face a berserker. Take the berserker's rank, add one, and then cube. This is the estimated power of the berserker. For the group, add up the ranking of each warrior in it, plus one per member, and then square. If the estimated power of the group is at least equal to the power of the berserker, the group has a fairly good chance of winning without any deaths. However, these are just estimates, and don't take into account luck, the fighting styles of the warriors and berserker involved, how well the group coordinates, etc.
As sad as it is, most wyrms have been, or will be, forced to kill a berserker of somedragon they care about at some point in their lives. This is the most common Burden (memory that they can't bring themselves to face) among wyrms.

Report Vedues · 831 views · Story: A New Dragon in Ponyville ·
Comments ( 10 )

:heart: :pinkiehappy: :yay: :moustache: is all i can say to this

This is a very efficient way to help out people who want to write a story based on your story's concepts or in its universe. One could call this an official guide to your story's expansions to the show's mythos.
I'll mark this in case I want to take a shot at using these concepts later, but I wouldn't expect that story to come out any time soon. As I've said before, I have the attention span of a goldfish when it comes to self-imposed projects. Have you seen the movie Up? If so, you can replace that dog wearing the translation collar with me and the catch phrase "Squirrel" with "Soda" and get a good representation of how bad my focus is sometimes. Oh well, at least I can pay attention long enough to ramble about whatever is going through my head on the internet.

YESS!!! 100 times YESS!!!!!

This should be a book in the sequel

I'm actually writing some stuff about Everfree Village at the moment that's meant to read like an entry in a history book. I'll probably post that in a few days. I'll get working in the sequel itself as soon as I choose which of the dozen or so ideas rolling around in my head I should focus on.

You know too much about wyrms.
Its good to know that you know that much since you wrote a story about them.

2327760 So, you're writing a sequel for definite? I really hope that you're doing it because you want to, and not because you feel like that's what the readers are demanding of you.

Right now it's still in the conceptual phase, but yeah. I always wanted tell some more stories in this world, but I wasn't sure if anyone wanted to read them. Lots of people have been asking about a sequel, so there's that question answered. However, I'm not going to actually post anything unless I feel like it's worth reading.

Wow, that's really insightful :pinkiehappy:

I added a lot to it as the story progressed. It was originally about two pages long.

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