• Member Since 4th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Tuesday


I like writing ponies. And violent explosions. For some reason, that's not a problem here.

More Blog Posts37

  • 238 weeks
    A Worthy Cause

    So recently it was brought to my attention that someone prominent within the community was in some dire straits financially.

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  • 357 weeks
    Top Tips for Noobs

    Hello again my lovelies!

    Wow, two blog posts within a single month's time frame? I know, I'm really revvin' it up on this end, shit. Fortunately, this one is gonna be less ranty than the last one, or at least I hope so. This blog is going to be about some top tips for someone new to posting on this site.

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    11 comments · 712 views
  • 360 weeks
    Crap I Hate In This Fandom (or at least, one specific part of it)



    Hey, HEY! *stands at the door, holding a shotgun* Nobody's leaving yet! Y'all sit your asses back down! You saw the title and still came here, now you're in it for the long haul and have nobody to blame but yourself!

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    7 comments · 1,051 views
  • 404 weeks
    It has been far, far too long!

    Whattup ya crazy idiots! How are we doin' out there!?

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    3 comments · 664 views
  • 427 weeks
    Long Time, No See!

    Hey peeps!

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    10 comments · 803 views

Update on "Setting Things Right." · 1:13am Oct 14th, 2014

It's coming, I swear! I haven't given up on it, nor will I.

The thing is, I had a path set out for where this story was going to go, one where the humans and Celestia gradually built up their trust, which would make for an interesting story in my humble opinion, but not the story I want to tell. See, it seems like it'd be wasting something here. I've obviously stumbled upon something you guys like, a concept that could open up a whole new world, and just seeing it all from that tiny little locker on that space-age aircraft carrier seems like a waste. What's more, the slower pace of that kind of story was kind of grating on some people's nerves, and for good reason. I'm sure compared to some of my other stories, and taking into account the very concept of this story, some people (and once again, by that I mean "half the freakin' Internet") might have been expecting something more action-y. Less political maneuverings and confrontations, more 'splosions. And that's okay! Honestly, I was hoping to get to that point myself. The slow pace was grating on me as well, truthfully.

And then, sometime last week, I had an idea. One so basic, so obvious, and yet I had never seen it before. I mean, c'mon! How hard is it to come up with the idea that Oh come on, did you really think I'd give it away here? What do you take me for? Needless to say, this idea will allow us to branch out a little bit and actually explore the Earth of "TCB: STR," with hopefully a little bit more action thrown in. Basically put, Twilight and Celestia are about to earn the freedom that I as a writer have been hoping for to really get into this brave new world. To branch out and see what's really out there besides the one ship. I have high hopes that what they find will fascinate and inspire, that the world they find is beautiful in both its tortured ruin and in the desire to rebuild. All because of this one idea, which made me giggle like a school girl when I first thought of it, which is also a great sign, believe me! My best ideas have me prancing around like Pinkie Pie on meth.

Now, the thing is, I haven't really worked things out in my head, so I'm going to need some time to "Get my shit together," as one of my fellow authors so eloquently put it. Plus, it doesn't help that it looks like work is ramping up towards some major projects, and that the one project I have going has stalled no matter what I throw at it, and that today was the sort of day that started with my alarm not going off and continued with that tone when my phone just died so now I'm waiting for a new replacement...are these excuses doing it for you? No? What if I said I was also trapped in a Chilean coal mine?

Next question: is it still too soon to use that joke?

Anyway, the point is I have to get some writing done, and finding the time to do it is becoming much, much harder, although I will do everything short of becoming Satan's bottom bitch to find it. Don't worry, kids, your Uncle Kildeez is taking you on a ride, and he's sworn to see it through. So let's do this. Next few updates, whenever they may be, it's gonna be time to start setting things right.

Now, with that said, does that mean you're not going to be seeing me for a while? HA! No, I actually have a ton of ideas screaming around in my head, incessantly, every night, just screaming...:pinkiecrazy:...and I'd like to give them a little bit of time. We got another "TCB" fic that has a very different twist on the TCB universe, we've got a couple other HiEs with incredibly different tones...aww, it's gon' be good, I know it! So just sit back and let your Uncle Kildeez take care of ya. But not in the way your other uncle takes care of ya, because Johnny Law says Uncle Kildeez will have to go away if he even thinks about that. So go on and play, kids! Uncle Kildeez will be right behind you...BUT NOT IN THAT WAY! Aheh-heh...aheh...ehhhh, I'm going to prison.


And now, something stupid I posted on my Deviantart blog for funniez. No reason, just cuz. For any of you just reading for updates on my fics, you can go ahead and stop reading now. Everyone else, enjoy!

Okay, now that those losers are gone, I just want to say you were always my favorite fans. Seriously. I know I'm not supposed to have favorites, but you guys are awesome! Don't tell your other fans I said this though, as far as they know, I love you both equally. Just know that if there was a house fire or some crap, I'd save you guys first. The other guys I'd pull out of there if there was time, but you guys would be first.

Okay, let's get this idiocy under way...

1.) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.

I actually have three books nearest to me, so I’ll just write out line 4, page 18 on all of them.

“When those states which have been acquired are accustomed to live at liberty under their own laws, there are three ways of holding them.”

-The Prince, by Machiavelli

“And for her sake he dealt well with Abram, and he had sheep, oxen, male donkeys, male and female slaves, female donkeys, and camels.”

-Genesis 12, The Holy Bible, New Revised Catholic Edition, by Various

“I would be lost without you.”

“Not to mention: Dracula’s bitch.”

“Please don’t say that name ever again. Now I’m starving. I’ll get us some of those mini tacos.”

-The Wedding of Deadpool, by Posehn Duggan and Hawthorne Koblish

I consider myself well-read.

2.) Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What can you reach?

My bed, my printer with some financial crap on it, and my gamer’s mic headset.

3.) What is the last thing you watched on TV?

Craaaaaapp…what was the last thing I…uhhhh…screw it, I dunno. Probably “The Strain.” Damn good series, btw.

4.) Without looking guess what time it is?


5.) Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?\


6.) With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?

Let’s see…Youtube, the house settling, the cries of the damned forever forged upon my soul as part of the bargain my parents made with demons to create the perfect child…not a whole lot.

7.) When did you last step outside? What were you doing?

Went to see “Annabelle” with a bud, only the one bud though, cuz the rest of them are total pussies when it comes to horror movies.

8.) Before you started this survey, what did you look at?

I’m not sure that’s exactly appropriate for the Internet. And that’s coming from the guy who wrote the f-word in all caps four questions back.

9.) What are you wearing?

PJ-pants and an undershirt, as well as the demonic mark of my true hellish forebears. Fear him. FEAR HIM!

10.) Did you dream last night?

Do the voices in my head that whisper incessantly count?

11.) When did you last laugh?

I don’t laugh. I mimic some of the strange, choking sounds you humans make during times of amusement. I MEAN…uh…during the trailer for “Horrible Bosses 2.” Sure.

12.) What are on the walls you are in?

My Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering, a marching band photo from ’05 in which I look FAR too young to be possible, a marching band award, and a Pooh quote: “Promise me you’ll always remember…you’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

You da man, Christopher Robin, you edumicate that talking stuffed animal.

13.) Seen anything weird lately?

Well, weird is all relative, isn’t it? We live on a ball spinning at hundreds upon millions of miles through a space so vast that our science has only JUST begun to comprehend how big it is, and in our brief time upon that ball we have conquered smallpox, built up a civilization that has begun its first steps into that vast space, have created weapons that can torch cities and yet refrained from using them when EVERYTHING in our nature screamed at us to do just that, have created a global telecommunications network so vast and widespread that it is now used to send pictures of funny cats on top of life-saving medical information and technical data that can be used to paralyze nations, and all this has been done by a group of monkeys whose soul defining features were big brains and an undying need to dominate everything.

And all of this, ALL OF THIS, only describes the tiny systems developed by these monkeys. Because there are natural systems, complex organic procedures operating on a level so infinitesimally small that to even witness them requires specialized equipment, and this is ignoring the very fundamentals of the matter these systems are made up of, the very smallest building blocks which, at their very base, could be nothing more than tiny strings of energy vibrating at just the proper frequency to form EVERYTHING, from the smallest ant to the largest Red Supergiant star, everything. And speaking about that star we’ve only begun to scratch the surface of the vast, interstellar systems that spin through the infinite blackness, we have only begun to comprehend the things that our planet is surrounded by, but to look at it all, to look at its vastness, to see how everything from those tiny, unicellular systems that maintain all life on that random spinning rock to the ongoing hydrogen fusion that keeps the massive star around which that ball spins burning to the amazing gravitational forces exercised when a black hole swallows a nearby star, and to know that it all interlocks and affects each other in ways that are quantifiable, that can be defined, in this one monkey’s humble opinion, seeing how that all interlocks is to understand true beauty.

And perhaps that’s why we continue that search. Perhaps the more of the picture we see, the more of that incredible, interlocking beauty we see, and now we’re addicted. And perhaps when we see it all and how it all fits together we will officially understand the meaning behind it all, and see something beyond words. A picture so incredible, so wonderful, that to comprehend it now, without first taking those steps and drinking it in one small sip at a time, would mean insanity. Something so vast and epic that to even gaze upon it from our tiny world viewpoint would mean madness. And to see all this, to know about these systems and about quasars and supernovae and ant colonies and cellular respiration. To be part of a species that comprehends the medicinal value of penicillin and the energy benefits gained by splitting an atom and the philosophical debate that comes with the double-edged sword of that energy, to have people debate the ethics of artificial intelligence and to gaze up at the stars and realize just how goddamned many of them there are, and to still have people whine and moan and ask “What’s the point?” To still have people who sit and do nothing but complain about how boring their lives are when the mere fact that life EXISTS is an incredible, ongoing, impossible chemical reaction that has no probable right to be? Those people are fuckin’ weird to me!

So yes, I guess I have seen some weird shit lately.

14.) What do you think of this quiz?

*collapses onto face*

15.) What was the last film you saw?

“Annabelle.” I liked “The Conjuring” better, that farmhouse just had a creepier atmosphere than that 1980s apartment could ever get.

16.) If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

House, car, tuition for my sisters, and then…I dunno, charities probably, and some sound business investments.

17.) Tell me something about you that I don't know?

Since I am currently working on this meme, you don’t know that I am working on this meme. So, I am working on this meme.

18.) If you could change one thing about the world.

More space exploration. We cut NASA’s funding, and that’s bullshit.

19.) What do you want to learn in the future?


20.) George Bush:

Wow, is he still a thing?

21.) Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?

Katrina, the Konqueror.

22.) Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?

Kildeez, Mk. II

23.) Would you ever consider living abroad?


24.) What do you want God to say when you reach the pearly gates?

“Bro, that was one of the sickest, most badass things I’ve ever seen! Gimme some skin, man!” *high-fives*

25.) Tag six people who must also do this in THEIR journal:

Don’t wanna.

Comments ( 5 )

This makes me wish i could favorite blogs

Well, I hope you're not planning on getting rid of the political maneuverings and confrontations, that's what made the story interesting! (To me anyway)

2531580 Aw, you can't here? DA actually has that function!

2531703 I'm not planning on doing away with them, but they might have to move aside just a bit, you know?

So basically, your going to be picking up the pace with this story? About time.

2537506 Just pray I don't botch it :pinkiesad2:

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