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    So i finally realized on of the most obvious oversights on Fimfiction.

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    People watch me?

    As I'm sure you can tell, I have a question for the people that follow me:

    I don't write stories because I'm to much of a chicken shat, and this I my first post anywhere but Facebook (I really have no idea what I'm doing right now). So why am I getting any attention at all? WHAT DID I DO TO GAIN YOUR EYES!?

    35 comments · 293 views

People watch me? · 6:51pm Nov 17th, 2014

As I'm sure you can tell, I have a question for the people that follow me:

I don't write stories because I'm to much of a chicken shat, and this I my first post anywhere but Facebook (I really have no idea what I'm doing right now). So why am I getting any attention at all? WHAT DID I DO TO GAIN YOUR EYES!?

Report sorenxoras · 293 views ·
Comments ( 35 )

It has something to do with memes getting recognized by/being appealing to our brain, your general personality showing in comments... and your profile picture also suggests that you are a writer. Or there is also the possibility that those people found you who want to follow everyone for no apparent reason, other than for the sake of following. (There is actually a group dedicated to following people, the "Stalkers Incorporate".)
How I found you and decided upon following you:
- Saw your comment under a story I'm also following.
- Saw your profile picture, so I also wanted to find the artist. If it had turned out to be you, then I would have followed you for that and possibly, on Deviantart too.
- I soon found out that you were neither an artist, nor an author.
- I read your bio and commented, whilst keeping in mind that you might going to post blog posts in the future.
- You replied and the rest of that is history.
- I fancied your replies, decided to like and clicked follow, in hopes to see blog posts from you. Probably featuring artists, sharing opinion on MLP stuff, doing reviews and such.
- Then I went to fap to the mental image of you from the back, minus the turning around part smoke a cigarette and... oh wait, that's the present...

Sooo, yeah... here's the answer.

You found the artist correct?
If not then here they are: PonySlayer

2600995 Yes, indeed, thanks for thinking ahead and putting links under your bio. It turned out that I was already following him... but due to my absence from Deviantart, I couldn't recognize the art style. Besides, I follow thousands of artists... at multiple sites...

He actually did my picture for free, and as part of his request I put a link to him where I put the picture.

2601044 That explains why it is absent from his gallery. Alright, then.

Should be on DA account.

2602681 I don't have yours and believe me, I've tried searching you up among his watch list. But it's not that important, so if you don't want to reveal it, then that's fine by me.

Oh! No, it's on his DA account. I have yet to do much of anything on my DA account.

2602775 Yeah, that's where I searched the gallery and looked through the page. I can't see the picture anywhere... maybe iT's my internet not loading properly?

2602903 And I've found you through the comments, very much obliged!

And your OC is cute, even though he's a male. I guess it has something to do with the female pony body decision?

Or the fact that he's a pony. I really should spend more time with digital art programs so I can actually show people what he looks like in my head. Wouldn't say his forelegs are very cute though, If you've ever played Soul Caliber 5 look at Phyrra Omega.... or this:
They look kinda like that.

2603174 Not cute? The hell you're babling, I would rock myself to sleep with those in my arms!

I know that feeling, trust me. I want to start learning to draw on a tablet... but I doN't have one, my program Paint TOOL Sai is broken now and I don't have the money nor the time to do anything about this. I too have characters who I would love to see on paper... in pixels, to be precise...

Do you learn some art or something at school?


Not cute? The hell you're babling, I would rock myself to sleep with those in my arms!

Awww, thanks! Scootaloo said something like that too. Maybe I should write my OC's story down for once.....

my program Paint TOOL Sai is broken now and I don't have the money nor the time to do anything about this.

I use Gimp portable, feels better to me.

Do you learn some art or something at school?

I took Intro to Art and Pottery in high school, and I took both art and painting both of my middle school years, though I'm not taking an art class right now I still draw a lot. Maybe I should find a scanner so I can post my stuff for once?

2604837 Exactly, to both of your wonderings! Post art, express yourself, share and your OC too!

I would love to do that! Unfortunately I have yet to grow (much of) a backbone and swallow my fear of disapproval. I'm trying to write a story right now but I'm having trouble starting it. I have ideas, just no way of writing them in a way that sounds good to me. I'm also one of those people that panics without a set format for me to follow. I'm trying, but I'm also a pessimist, so I don't get my hopes real high for anything. I'm also really bad at writing for premade personalities.

2605088 Don't worry about others' disapproval. After all, why do you write? For them or for yourself? And what if some people don't like it? Surely, your ideas can't be bad enough to have the audience's 70% dislike it. (Though it is possible... if only those people find your story who can only click a fucking button, instead of leaving you some feedback and help, or at least TELL you what they didn't like about it!)
If you think they are bad, then do the following: Imagine yourself into the skin of one of the readers. No, don't think like another person, just imagine yourself hearing your story... how would you enjoy it? What things do YOU like seeing in a story? How would YOU portray something? ANYTHING?

Example: I hate it when without showing the character's thoughts, the writer writes down what the character did and AFTER we all know (or not) what that action caused, someone else explains it. Now, this is good for cinematic effect, because it's not like a wall of text just provided us the info we need to know about the actions then have to read the part which was pretty much told already... it's just that, it's like the writer had no idea what to do, so they just rolled with it, THEN decided to give an explanation. (<--- I do this too - minus the afterwards explanation, because I make these things obvious enough to not waste words on explaining it - , but what I mean with this method is that people do it wrong, so it makes their characters look OP as fuck. As I've said, this is a good cinematic trick, because the readers will be surprised when they find out the outcome... but dear Celestia, it's painful when I see this happening so poorly. It's like the caharacter doesn't even show signs of life, they just do things on the get go for no reason. This is mainly a problem at third person stories, because there, it's unlikely that during an action, we get to experience the character's thoughts. I've experienced and have seen this problem occurring less when the story is told in first person.)

Here's an example, something I quickly thought up:

"Dark Knight planted his horn on her lifeless corpse and she suddenly blinked her eyes. The others gasped and they asked him what he did. "I sensed her life force still lingering in her, so I revived her."

Bringing back someone to life; imagine that NOWEHERE in the story was such a thing mentioned. AND the character showed no signs of knowledge about healing. Even these show that this scene is bullshit, not to mention that NOTHING was said about how reviving works! Therefore, this is one thing that is left unaxplained. I know, this example would never appear in a fic (hopefully), but this is the level I'm talking about. I HATE seeing this happening...

So ow do I propose to explain such things?

What I do is either drop a single sentence in the name of the character, so the readers can go like: "Oh, he's doing that? Let's see how he will do it." OR! ... I can do the explanation and the action at the same time, like this:

"Rock for distraction to the left." With a wide arc and lanching it upwards, the rock was ensured to be out of his line of sight untill its impact with the ground. "Use Claws for Dark Energy wave at point with aforementioned impact." So even for that eye-blink of a time, his focus was shifted away from me, giving me time and breathing room to tear up the ground with my right claw with a single swift swipe, to send the Dark Energy at him. "Dash out to the left, assault with Dark Energy orb." As the ground was being teared up by the Energy, the sudden rumbling noise caused him another second of his focus, as he was caught off guard. It was loud... loud enoug for me to advance and loud enough for a group of birds to flee.

In my head, my course of actions were echoing, so even if I would have wanted to listen to thumping of my running legs and keep them in check to gain myself more time until he noticed that I had left my cover, I couldn't... for he was a few meters away from me and the Ability I had began charging up in my left hand upon jumping out from behind that rock. From the corner of my left eye, I could see that I was at an even speed with my first magical attack. "Me second." I measured the distance, delayed a step and my arrival was timed to be a split second after the ground strike hits him.

Over the thunderous work of my magic, I could barrely hear him screaming as he was trapped between an Energy wave and an orb in my palm. "Expanding."Since the ground attack was for distraction, it was dispelled after a few seconds of it scraping off from his Primary Armor. The orb in my hand however, completely destroyed his shield, leaving his flesh and bone to absorb the rapidly circling lines of Energy in my orb, badly injuring him on his back.

"Transparent... break him."

"Take this, ugh!" I managed to grunt out while applying pressure upon him AND managing to not stay sure footed. The Energy was a counter force, it wanted to send him flying face forward and me backwards. As the orb was expanding and with no Primary Armor resistence, it instantly engulfed him, his legs giving out a second sooner than his inprisonment happening.


This is an easy example and not entirely fitting for what I was talking about first, but proceed. You'll understand...

Here, you can see that the character's thoughts are not entire sentences, because he's in trouble and has to think fast. Writing down a thought process is impossible; your mind thinks through a million and one possiilities, as it makes up one plan through a chain of possible and executable actions.
His thoughts are half informative, but show well enough to get the point through. Also, they fit there, so it's not a long ass explanation. It could have been one, if I wrote down what he did and THEN chronologically explaining how he did it and what.
If this moment were in my story, of course I would execute it far nicer, with many metaphors to fit the intense, hunter and prey mood. Also, I would look out for the pacing: writing down what is happening with less words make the scene in the readers mind go faster. There's a difference between:

"I swiftly sliced him then stabbed him in the chest."


"With a swift movement, my sword was out of its sheat and swinging in a wide arc, I delivered a lengthly wound across his chest. Not losing momentum, I pulled down the handle of my sword and thrusted a bit upwards, impaling him all the way to my grip and so high up in the air, that his legs were hanging above the ground too."

See, these are the kind of things you can do in a story. Shape it so that it will fit to your liking and play with the words. You can't make a film out of it for the cinema and Hollywood? Then do it in your mind!

I can help you get started, if you would like. For example, reading over what you already have/will have...

Once I have something story-like I could have you take a look. I'm just starting to think that my mind is more gauged for animations and manga than novels.

Edit: Thanks for the advice by the way.

2606945 That's another thing: YOU decide WHEN and WHAT to write. When you feel like you have either the inspiration or a good idea, both of these associated with energy to do it (it's brain work, after all... unless you're only writing something that is easy, which is rare in my case)... then you do it... IF you are in that mood to do it. And not all at once, of course!

It's the same thing with any pastime activities... for your own entertainment and you share that fun with others...

You're more than welcome and when you'll do do something, I'll be here... and will hopefully help you, because I'm busy as hell. But we'll work something out when the time comes.

I know what I want to write (kind of) just not how to write it. Plus I might need to get some people who are really good at writing for certain characters. I know I sure as reality that I can't write Zecora.

2608656 Yeah, me neither... but, there's always a first in everyone's life. (Think about the twofold meaning in this. :rainbowdetermined2: :duck:) That is why I did some research and found this: Rhyme finder
This should help with Zecora. Now the only thing that is left is putting together her lines. You can try one way, look up if there is anything that rhymes with that certain way and if not, you try another way. Makes the process of making Zecora's lines 10x faster. Not to mention that it provides various sources for Shakespeare's poetry for medieval Luna grammar.

As for how you want to write it, well let me inform you, that THAT is the largest obstacle a writer has to go through. My own writing style is still under developement, yet I've been here for a few years now. Also, style and proper way to write for certain events are crossing each other. (For example: One's writing is really simple and shit, but when writing about a character's mixed feelings, One would need to adjust to that mood, or else it won't touch the readers emotionally.)
And from that comes the conclusion: However you write down something, it will always be good, but only when you do it appropriately for that scene is when the audience is touched by it.


but when writing about a character's mixed feelings, One would need to adjust to that mood

And with that I am doomed. I really don't understand emotion very well, so every time I try to write with it everything sounds hollow and bad. Perfect for Soren, bad for everybody else.... except maybe Celestia.

2614009 Me neither, therefore I manipulate myself (long story, don't ask) into thinking that I have indeed experienced that emotion. The easiest way to explain is to tell you to "link" your emotions to the emotion you want to put that character into. Adjust it to the character's personality and you are done. ( I don't think I have to mention that the reason for those emotions must be valid, or else it looks ridiculous. Like dropping your ice-cream! You're not gonna become depressed over it... unless that ice-cream was given to you by your date and by dropping it, she left... that would be a good reason.)
Link, let's say, happiness to something. Not any kind of happiness, but the kind of happiness you receive when you do something really big. Let's take Rainbow for an example, she got into the Wonderbolts... now, I don't know if you have ever fulfilled a dream, but jus for a moment... imagine that you fulfilled one of your dream. Let that sense of accomplishment linger until you can feel your lungs tigthen, your neck tensing up, and your jaws pulling to seperate ways. You are so happy that you want to shout, but you're forcing it down (when writing, I imagine you don't want to disturb others, or let people hear you), therefore the already boiling adrenaline increases and you feel yourself shaking... but at the same time, from the wonderful news and your efforts to remain collected, you feel yourself producing a tear. You're not crying, but feel like you could if you were to feed the good news with your thoughts about what this accomplishment means.

After this experience, you not only going to know (or at least have an idea) about how RD must have felt when joining the Wonderbolts, but you too will have a better mood and will urge you to fulfill your dreams... unless said dream requires you to be patient...

That description makes fulfilling my dreams sound painful, and I don't really understand half of what you described. However I could probably switch places with Maud Pie and have nobody realize it save for the thing with rocks. Like I said before I don't really have a real good grasp of emotion.... Does fear count as an emotion?

But knowing how people react to certain emotions will probably help in my writing.


But knowing how people react to certain emotions will probably help in my writing.

Start from this, that's all you need to know! :rainbowlaugh:

I think this is the longest conversation(s) I've ever had with somebody over the computer.

2617757 Haha, I guess it's the same here. And considering that this is a war on three fronts, it's even crazier!
But I do believe we're both learning something from this back and forth...

And we're that much closer to being friends for it.:twilightsmile: Amazing how a site revolving around a show about friendship would be a gateway for making more friends.

Dear Princess Luna,

Today I learned that ponies make making
friends a lot easier than dealing with
people in our natural boring environment.

You faithful subject,
Soren B. Xoras

Dear Princesses
He said "closer to being friends", from which I trust he too is careful with the "friend" title.
That is all.


P.S.: By any chance, do any of you want bricks? Because I keep getting more the more I talk to him...

If you've ever watched the later episodes of Soul Eater, you will know what I mean when I say my willingness to trust others is about half way to me being the Kishin. Though I'm also comparable to Death the Kid. An example; I have two beds in my room despite having my own room. Same size, bed sheets, blankets, pillows, and rate of use, I sleep on my couch. I also have an entertainment stand with two TVs on it and two of the same poster but one being mirrored, It looks kinda like two twins looking at you suggestively if you think for too long. Yet the area I fail at most is the immense amount of beanie-babies I keep in my living spaces. Too many for symmetry to even try.

Do I seem crazy at all, or am I just making the best out of my problems?:pinkiecrazy:

2629340 Instead of clarifying with words, I shall resort to using a picture, which I believe perfectly fits my reply:

No, you're not crazy, you're indeed taking advantage of a "problem"/making the best of the situation. (Something we also share, would you look at that!) Although, you say symmetry, I say completeness... that does not necessarily mean symmetry all the time, right? Anyways, I get what you're saying... I have two of the same beds, because my brother used to sleep in the room I own alone now... by any chance, do you need some bricks?

I could ask you the same thing.:trixieshiftright: We seem to have much in common, I'm starting to wonder just how many things we share. Shall we ask about miscellaneous interests and favorites?(though perhaps move that to the messages if the other conversation has died.)

2631442 See you on the other side, then! Haha!

What is a Cruxis crystal and where is it from?

A Cruxis Crystal is an evolved form of Exsphere in Tales of Symphonia which promotes the dormant powers of the body even greater.

Originally, Exspheres were thought by the main characters to be simply objects that increased the user's fighting and survival potential far beyond his or her maximum limits. However, it is learned in Kvar's Human Ranch that Exspheres are made by Desians by cultivating humans and turning them into Exspheres.
those who use cruxis crystals are often called angels due to the wings they bestow apon the user, though they aren't actually angels. Humans just don't know it.

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