• Member Since 12th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen January 28th


It's raining. It's always raining D: Why did I move here again...

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  • 495 weeks
    Updates, and the lack thereof...

    So, yes.

    Yes, I know. I'm a terrible person and should probably be flogged, but let's hold off on the pitchforks for just a little while, shall we?

    You've probably noticed that there has been a... distinct lack of activity from my side of the fic-o-sphere, for... ehr, a very long time now. There's a reason for that, if you care for one.

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    13 comments · 1,644 views
  • 521 weeks
    Regarding the lack of updates

    Hello to you all.

    I've been a terrible author lately haven't I... I mean, there's so many words that should have been written, so much plot yet unpublished...

    But, you know, life comes in the way. And Wildstar, let's not forget Wildstar. It's awesome...

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    4 comments · 735 views
  • 561 weeks
    Regarding Banished

    Wow, I'm just pumping out blogs today...

    Anyhow. I have a question:

    Do you want to see Romance in Banished?

    I'll post two comments below, one with YES and one with NO. Thumb as you please, or give a comment of your own describing your reasons for either answer.

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    9 comments · 869 views
  • 561 weeks
    Still alive after a quarter century

    So yes. I find it strange that I have by now survived for 25 years upon this planet.

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    4 comments · 540 views
  • 579 weeks
    All the stuff

    Okay, so I suck at updating regularly. Majorly.

    Though, at least I'm going somewhere with Banished. I've got over half of the next chapter done, and I keep coming back to it.
    It's just slow going, and I keep getting distracted by shiny things.

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    7 comments · 553 views

14.4 million words read · 9:30pm Jun 27th, 2012

Am I insane? Addicted to ponyfics? Or perhaps just reading way too much?

Probably all.

Did you know that 14 million words is approximately the same as reading the entirety of the Harry Potter series 14 times? It is. Is that crazy or what?

Anyhow. Probably gonna put together a best of stuff soon, both here and on DeviantArt, so uh... Enjoy, since you're my only watcher...

Report Sixpence · 672 views ·
Comments ( 24 )

Hah! :rainbowlaugh:
Dude, you've been on here WAY longer than I have (even though I only registered an account to make a story. I've been reading people's stuff for months now), and you've definitely done a hell of a lot more reading than I have.
And to be fair, the stories on here are at least ENTERTAINING, so that's good :pinkiesmile:


Way too entertaining if you ask me... I mean seriously, do you have any idea of the amount of awesome on this site?

Of course you do, your story is part of it!

Loads of really bad stuff as well, but I guess that's unavoidable when you let fans go crazy.

I know, right? It's insane. And for the moment it's all I really have to keep me busy until Season 3 of the show starts up. (well, that and my actual JOB :P )

And really? I mean, I'm proud of my story and all, but I doubt it's going to make anyone's "best of" list. :twilightblush:

Same here, except the job part. That doesn't start until august, so... am I passing 20 mill before that? Probably :P

It is pretty good. It does have a few issues, but the story is interesting. The guy is taking things a bit too easily, waking up the first day with the.. pleasant surprise is all good and well, but when she nearly forced Fluttershy on him... that's when you bring in the courtroom and dolls. It was explained, but could still do with a bit more emotional backlash, anger or something like that.

Well, that's what the "telling off Twilight" scene directly afterwards was for.
Also, there's going to be a lot of emotional backlash in the very next chapter, actually. What a coincidence :rainbowlaugh:

Yeahp. Not gonna complain really, still love the story.

Oh yeah. The confrontation with Rarity, that's gonna be interesting.

Love is a strong word, and for that I thank you for even enjoying it, good sir :heart:

I see that I guessed spot-on :P Now get to it!

Of course. Disclaimer: I might have some facts and stuff wrong due to your fic being long enough that the start isn't all that clear in my mind any more. A side effect of reading so god-damned many fics is that they might blend together somewhat. Anyhow, I pride myself in being fair, but harsh if needed.

Right. Your story.

I Might edit this to make it more presentable, but I'll send it to you as a PM if I change anything major

It's good. It's not the best, but it has a very interesting premise and the story is coherent and easy to follow. The characters are a bit strange from time to time, but the ponies are generally believable. The main issue is the shipping itself, while it leads to hilarious situations, it starts off very weak. There is no real foundation, and the shipping, if one-sided. starts right off the bat without any clear reasoning. This could potentially lead to some putting the story down, which would be a shame, because the rest is great. The combat does suffer a bit from Mary-Sue syndrome, the protagonist suffer blows that would kill, yet shrugs them off and even forgets them at times. There hasn't really been an establishment of how he knows how to fight either, he just knows, which usually is a bit... wonky. Now the main point of the story is to be entertaining, and it really is! I love the story for what it is, and will follow it until you decide to finish it.

The magic system is interesting, and I really like the idea of absorbing magic and this affecting features.

The villains are generally good, and you pitch our hero up against a good challenge.

There is very few grammatical mistakes, a few your/you're and they/their/they're and the like, but nothing major.

Conclusion: The story as it is is very good. It has a compelling and interesting story that keeps the reader glued from the start. The protagonist is a bit overpowered, but otherwise lovable(unless you're one of the five that like him, poor girls...). The main gag, the obliviousness to the girls interest is getting a bit old, and the story should move past it and start dealing with what our dear protagonist does once he realises the vast potential of marefriends he has at his disposal. All in all an entertaining story that is worth a read.

I usually answer comments like this point by point, so bear with me.

Twilight: Yeah, it is a very important point, and she is by far the most important character in his life so far. The start could do with a bit of exposition, but what is done is done, and the rest makes up for it quite well.

The Gary Stu thing: The reason people have problems finding examples is because while the words is thrown around a lot, it isn't all that easy to define. My definition is pretty much 'Power and skills without explanation.' Take the fight with the manticore, the first real fight if I remember correctly. I'm going to go right ahead and say that I might be wrong here, I couldn't find the chapter with it, so I'm going from memory. The fight starts off without any real reason, there has been no indication that Manticores stray that far from the forest before, again there is no proof or hard evidence for this, just what I've caught within the story and general headcanon. Also, the manticore is stated to be a lot bigger than a normal one, and from the description seems pretty hardy. This should have lead to the fight being very one sided, and would have lead to the death of one, if not both of it's opponents. This is also based on Sharky being mostly around Fluttershy before the confrontation, which shouldn't have lead to any significant muscle growth or strength, certainly not enough to take on a more-than-fully grown manticore. Before this, again my memory might be shaky, the protagonist haven't shown any signs of being prolific in combat, nor has there been hinted at any previous combat-experience later on.

The main Gag: Wonderful. I want to see that story finished, not grinding an old bone for eternity. That might sound weird, but all stories must come to an end, there are enough of stories here that never have an end in sight, and those usually die. I love this story too much to see it peter off into oblivion for no reason.

Now, this is all personal opinion, and as I've stated, my memory is a bit rusty at times. Too many fanfics are swirling around up there in that noggin' of mine to be able to keep all of them separate. I love the story, and can't wait to see what happens next.


Fighting a manticore mano y mano would probably require years and years of hard training. I'm not going to push it further, but having been in a few fights is not combat experience unless he does it for a living. I could probably see a black belt in some martial art take down a manticore, but a normal person would be mince-meat within seconds, even when pumped up a bit.

Again, there might be something I've missed, and I really hate riling people up. I just offer my own opinion and I don't really pull my blows when it comes to reviewing.

As for the last part, I didn't think it would be anywhere near the end. And I love stories that have a real plan going, they usually end up being awesome :D
I'm not saying that I want it to end soon, just to see it end somewhere in the future.

For a story without a plan, it sure seems planned :P

Great! I love it when people 'fight back', and not just go throw a tantrum and start saying "You have no idea what you're talking about, buttface!". And as I said, I'm not gonna push it further. In my opinion that was a gary-stu moment, and I'll keep that. And this is where I say that those moments aren't always bad things. It pushed the story forward and introduced an important aspect of the story.

Still, the manticore is the king of the jungle. It would make mincemeat out of anypony, anyone or anything stuck in it's way, if it wasn't a story. But it is, so you have free reign over how things work. And to be honest, whatever I say is just conjecture and headcanon, nothing based in facts or anything like that.

He comes across as having way more training that is explained in the story. How you would handle a fight isn't necessary how a fight would go, but again this is your story, you can do as you please. I would have been more surprised if you didn't. You know how to write a fight, and I enjoyed the fight with the timberwolves (another kinda gary-stu point that would have killed anyone, though very enjoyable and well written).

Hah, man that'd be too cool. I can't wait to see how you'll do the shipping, if the previous chapters are anything to go by... hah, I'll probably be in stitches. I'm enjoying this talk as well, it's kinda reminding me of how I became friends with CoffeGrunt (believe that if you will :P), and now I'm helping him with a game and attending Pon-E3 to talk (stressed out? Not at all, why do you ask?)

You still seem to have a base-plan in place, which is great. Even if you do a lot of things spontaneously, you still keep them in mind. The part where he ran off after kissing Fluttershy didn't make much sense, his code of honour would have prevented that tbh, still. Without that he'd never met Gilda, or gotten his sword (another part that was sort of nonsensical). The randomness is actually a good thing, but that was a bit weird.

The story isn't hard to follow at all, even with all the crazy shit going on.

And no, none of us has fought a manticore, and I seriously hope that I'll never have to. If I ever somehow get to go to Equestria, meeting a manticore would probably make that visit rather short...

I have no idea how to fight, all I know comes from movies and a yellow belt in Judo... The closest thing I've ever gotten to a fight, except the tournaments with the Judo club, was when I smeared my lunch in a guys face for insulting me. I prefer to talk my way out of fights.

Aaand if you need any info on an OC I've made for myself, head here: http://wistan.deviantart.com/art/PonysonaID-Sixpence-264758415
Edit: I have no idea how to add clickable links...

I see. Now lets see if I can fill that out well...

Age: 25 (You use the 'normal' age right? Where the mane six are 19-20ish. I'm sure you mentioned it, but I can't remember for sure)
Name: Sixpence
Job: Innkeeper (description and the like in the link I sent you.)
Hero name: Black Adder (Hah, now how's that for an ironic hero-name. Do tell if you think it's way too silly :P)
Preferred weapon: Hoof-mounted blades that run up the outside of the front-legs without hampering movement, muffled stompers for knockouts(pretty much just heavy as hell horse-shoes, muffled for stealth)
Fighting style: Sneaking up and silently incapacitating an enemy. Doesn't kill unless it's unavoidable, but has no real qualms with it. Prefers to strike from the shadows and being sneaky.
Class: Assassin
Special abilities: Poison. Growing up he was taught and trained in the use of different poisons, just a prick from his blades can kill or put almost anything to sleep. Possible connection with Zecora as his supplier?
Preferred outfit: The orange coat makes him stick out as a sore thumb in the dark, so he dons a full-body suit that makes him nearly invisible in the dark. The color is actually a very very dark blue, because black is actually quite visible in the dark.

This is entirely optional, but he runs an inn near Whitetail woods, free drinks for newcomers :P


Yay :3

Now. I say this a lot, but if there's anything you need, from a story to read or just someone to bounce ideas off, feel free to ask. I have a lot of free time until august, and I have a huge collection of favourites here, so don't worry about asking for anything.

how'd you figure out how many words you've read as I want to see my word count?

also are you going to continue heaven sent?

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