• Member Since 30th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 23rd


I really like ponies. Also Discord, a whole bunch. ;P

  • EDeja Discord
    Discordโ€™s lack of empathy and a pony's sensibility has been tolerated by Celestia, but while both the princesses and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony struggle with even more dire problems, Discord is forced into a lesson of his own.
    Ckat_Myla · 99k words  ·  457  20 · 10k views

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  • 70 weeks
    *leaving this here*

    This will probably not reach a lot of people but I thought I'd post it since preorders are now available.

    Maybe you want to read this book


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  • 141 weeks
    Happy 10th anniversary aPS

    Enjoy this commemorative Tiktok I made and this amazing commission redraw of the cover by EvokStudios on Twitter.

    The Tiktok

    Perhaps next year for its 10th birthday on this site I juuuuust might post something new ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‹

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  • 143 weeks
    See ya'll on 9/25


    Not sure what you'll be getting but it's a special day

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  • 163 weeks
    My Other Writing Spaces

    My new writing spaces๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

    Wattpad (original and fanfic)

    AO3 (fanfic)

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  • 250 weeks
    So I dropped a new fic

    Don't know if I want to continue it, especially as it's been so long since I actually wrote it and I'm not even really active in the fandoms of either things the story pertains to anymore.

    Plus it does feel a little off-brand for me. I think I'll see how it's received and then either continue or delete it after maybe a week.

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A little present for you all · 10:02am Dec 24th, 2014

Firstly, Merry Christmas, or Happy whatever. I do hope everyone has had a great year (or at least a better one than me) and that we're all looking forward to 2015 when we will officially be in the future so get your hoverboards ready and start lining up for Jaws 19.

I realize I haven't been around here lately - at least not posting - so I figured I'd give you guys a little Christmas/end-of-the-year-I'm-so-glad-is-coming-to-a-close present. A teaser for Sympathy Series Story #3 (which still needs a title).

When working on my previous NaNos, I had a lot of fun trying to get into the mindset of the characters as well as seeing where their ramblings would take me. I decided to have some of the characters write letters (mostly to Twilight) about things happening in the story. This one is my favorite (and the least spoilery ;P)

Hope you enjoy, and hope/pray/wish for the story to both get a real title and start updating in the new year.

To: Twilight Sparkle
From: Pinkie Pie

Dear Twilight,

Did you get your letter yet from Rainbow Dash? I just got mine in the mail today. It sounds like she is having a lot of fun over at the Wonderbolt Academy. She told me all about how she might get to go to practices, and about how she might get to coach some new recruits, and how she plans on putting them through the ringer and showing them no mercy, and about what she heard about that Lightning Dust mare she was friends with... but if you already got your letter from her you probably know all that stuff already, huh? If not, sorry for the spoilers, try to act surprised.

I know I could just tell you all this stuff the next time I see you, but I left this with Spike just in case I get busy, or you get busy, or we both get busy and I forget to come by and you forget to answer your door. I remember one time you were doing research and Spike told me you were probably drowning in rune translations at the time and to come back later. Glad to know you made it out though.

I was thinking that when Rainbow Dash gets back from the academy we should throw her a party at the library. Well, first I was thinking Sugarcube Corner, but the twins are having a little bit of a sleeping problem at the moment โ€“ meaning they aren't โ€“ and so they are sort of up all night and then grouchy in the day time. I think it is because they're teething, but I can't be sure. I give them soft cool wet things to chew on to try and make them feel better though. But anyway I figured the party would be more fun without crying foals and/or having to be extra quiet when and if the crying foals actually fell asleep. Mrs. Cake would totally blow a fuse if we woke them from sleep a this point. I don't know about the decoration situation. If it is gonna be a welcome back party for every pony that left (Rainbow, Rarity, and now I think Fluttershy went somewhere too) then maybe the standard 'Pinkie Pie Party Plan' (patent pending) should do the trick. What do you think? (I might just ask the next time I see you)

If it is ok with you to have party at your place, then we can try and schedule it when both she and Rarity come home from their trips. Also before AJ goes off on hers. Boy, it seems like every pony is taking a trip this fall, but I guess as long as it is not a literal fall it's alright.

When I got my letter from Rainbow Dash, I also got a letter from my pen pal Marble out near Rivertail (before you get to Vanhoover). He's a relative of the Cakes', a nephew or a cousin or something, but he's really nice and has the neatest recipes for breakfast pastries. Anyways, he wrote in his letter that their town's well (that is supposed to be magical or something, like it grants wishes. Isn't that neat? I wish I could go to a wishing well, but what if that used up my wish and then I didn't get another?) kind of just exploded with salamanders the other day. Now I am pretty sure I know what a salamander is, and I know they shouldn't be living in a well, or at least not that well from how he worded it. Everything was fixed in a jiffy, but it did stir things up in his town because of all the little slippery lizard looking things squirming around.

Marble said they got into his mother's garden and were just swimming around the flowers... like swimming on top of them. Can salamanders fly? I don't think they can, but you're the one who knows about magical creatures. They live in water but some of them (the magical ones) come from fire, right? Maybe I should actually check out a book from the library when I visit you every now and then.

Has Discord ever been that far north before? I mean, I am not saying I think he had anything to do with that, because I know that isn't close by one of his designated spots to live, and he did make that promise to leave every pony alone and not mess with them... but doesn't that sound like something weird that he might know about? I sure hope it wasn't anything to do with him, because I wouldn't want every pony to be upset with him about something like that. He's really not that bad, especially now that he's tried to help us and he's so close with you and everything

If I knew where he was I'd ask him myself, but if you see him or know where he is, maybe tell him about what Marble saw. Have you heard from him lately, by the way? (Discord, not Marble). I haven't seen you heading into the Everfree Forest lately, and I know that is where you go to meet him. Have you been teleporting there? If you ever need some pony to go with, you can always come find me. Just be sure to be quiet if you come around Sugarcube Corner and you don't hear babies screaming.

Boy, it sure is taking me a long time to write this, Spike's still here next to me waiting for me to finish so he can take this letter from me. In hindsight I think I should have written this back at home and then come over and given it to him. But I didn't know if you'd be home yet, or if I should wait around to tell you all this face to face. Spike said you'd be back in a little while, but you know me, I don't really like to sit for too long, I get sorta distracted.

Anyway, talk to ya soon!

Your Friend,

Pinkie Pie

P.S. Oh wait, you know what? that is you coming inside right now! I guess I can just stop writing this and just tell you. So never mind, ignore this letter. But have a great day anyway, Twilight.



Report Ckat_Myla · 334 views · Story: Deja Discord ·
Comments ( 3 )

(and if someone could help me figure out how to do an undercut on this site that would be ever-so-helpful.)

Not sure what you mean with "undercut", but if you mean cutting off the blog post with a "read full" thing, you can do that with the [page_break] tag. Anything below that will only show when viewed on the actual blog post page.

2674945 Thank you so much, that looks way better. ^^

Always glad I can help :twilightsmile:

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