News Archive

  • 223 weeks
    SA: Round 167

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    In a facility as large and as continuously expanding as the Seattle’s Angels compound was, finding someone wasn’t as hard as it would at first seem. All you needed was a little patience and the right tools. Tools such as the universal locator that Cynewulf had built into her shades. One blink was all it took to bring up the HUD, while a second blink activated the locator.

    The display gave off a ping, quickly finding her intended target.

    One transporter pod jump later and she stood in front of the door for the Holodeck Ultra 2000 (HUT). As she expected, it was in use as indicated by the occupied sign hanging off the handle. Shaking her head, Cynewulf turned the door handle and pushed, entering the HUT. Her HUD pinged again, prompting her to look upwards.

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  • 339 weeks
    SA Reviews #117

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    Warmth. Beautiful, blessed warmth. It didn’t matter what it was, or where she was--all that mattered was the warmth. The endless hellcold of winter had been temporarily banished. Cynewulf might yet survive the 50 degree farenheit blizzard hoarfrost of December yet, if only she had a few more minutes of--

    There was, of course, an explosion. Because there is always an explosion.

    Memory came back swiftly, in the microsecond before disaster. The warm thing was the cat and also the beanbag floof pillow. She grabbed the cat and shielded her precious blobby body from the no-doubt incoming shards of wood and plaster.

    But nothing came. Seconds passed. Cynewulf opened her eyes.

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    8 comments · 9,624 views
  • 428 weeks
    Round Robin Reviews # 2

    The Round Robin Reviews are written by different groups and reviewers taking turns each week. If you are a story reviewer or part of a group that reviews stories and would be interested in joining the Round Robin Reviews, feel free to PM me (Wanderer D), Professor Plum, or ElDorado to tell us about it.

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    24 comments · 12,354 views
  • 429 weeks
    Everfree Northwest Fanfiction Spotlight #36

    Fanfiction Spotlight #36
    Published 3/5/16

    Hello my little authors and readers! Welcome to the return of the Everfree Northwest Fanfiction Spotlight! We’re back and working hard to give you some lovely pieces to read, review, digest, gank ideas from, and as always, we try to bring you a little bit of everything as reviewed by the writing track team! I’m Heartshine, and I’m taking over for Xepher as editor!

    But enough about us, to the stories! This week we have Sunset Shimmer solving a mystery, Celestia’s response to being constantly under the influence of the Worf Effect, and an emotional story that explores the deep connection between Princess Celestia and Twilight.

    ---- Review by Silver Flare ----


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    14 comments · 6,025 views
  • 443 weeks
    Fic Spotlight #21 - Truth is stranger than Fics

    The Royal Guard—Ring-Ting-Tingling Edition

    [Obs]Hi guys. It's time for more fic spotlight. Jinglemas is coming up soon, so all of you are probably going to need some horse words for your festive jingle related holidays. Here are some good ones so that you don't have to cry to Santa that he didn't bring you MLP fanfics on jinglemas morn. Read and be merry.[/Obs]

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    15 comments · 6,944 views
  • 446 weeks
    Fic Spotlight #20 - It's The Fic Signal, Batman!

    The Royal Guard—Missed Thanksgiving By One Week Edition

    Hey guys, it's Fic Spotlight. It's like a magical world where good MLP fics rain from the sky and all your troubles are washed away. Only it's real and not actually anything like what I described. Instead have a choice selection of good MLP fics, which should distract you long enough to avoid remembering that the world is actually a dark and scary place.


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    9 comments · 7,365 views
  • 447 weeks
    Fic Spotlight #19 - Can We Fics It?

    The Royal Guard—Running Out of Edition Names Edition

    [Obs] Hey guys! Time for more fic spotlight. You're probably all really starving for high quality horsewords, so here's some high quality horse words. It's really convenient that your wants lined up with what happened to be available. It'd be kind of weird if you were starving for like actual food or something and all we had was just high quality horsewords.

    It'd be really awkward probably.

    Anyways just click below the break and you'll get more words than you'll even know what to do with.[/Obs]

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    9 comments · 6,804 views
  • 450 weeks
    Fic Spotlight #18 - Back to the Ficture

    The Royal Guard—Fortified with Calcium Edition

    [Obs] Hey guys, fic spotlight is back to bring you cool fics. Technically Back to the Future Day was yesterday, but the magic of time travel is that you can pretend anything from some other time is happening RIGHT NOW.

    Like cool fics.

    So go read some of these while you're riding on a hoverboard, drinking a pepsi perfect. It'll be cool and stuff.[/Obs]

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    6 comments · 3,830 views
  • 452 weeks
    Fic Spotlight #17 - Fic Spooklight

    The Royal Guard—Hat Trick Achieved Edition

    [Obs] Hey guys! It's October, and also it's time for spic fotlight. Things are about to get pretty spooky, because this month all the fics spotlighted are going to be about pony skeletons. Except the twist is that the skeletons are trapped inside sacks of meat, like some kind of living body. Actually they might just be regular fics about living ponies. Which is still pretty spooky, I guess. Go read them or something. [/Obs]

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    4 comments · 4,424 views
  • 454 weeks
    Fic Spotlight #16 - Fics it Now!

    The Royal Guard—Keeping the Ball Rolling Edition

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    9 comments · 3,461 views

Fic Spotlight » Fic Spotlight #14 · 1:08am Jan 1st, 2015

Merry New Year's, folks! Some of you who live in weird non-American timezones may not appreciate the anticipation of a New Year that comes with living in the Present (as opposed to the Past or the Future), but that's okay, because we love you all the same. Pony stories for all! Whether you read them now or some nonspecific number of hours from now, remember that cartoon horses will always be adorable.

So, to celebrate the ringing-in of 2015, here's some story recommendations courtesy of The Royal Guard!

If you're interested in more regarding The Royal Guard and their recommendations, here're some links for you:

-The Royal Guard Group
-Submit Your Story!
-The Royal Guard's Reviewing Omnibus
-Join The Guard!



Night and day. Fire and ice. Creation and destruction. Everything has an opposite, and Chaos is no exception. Princess Celestia tells Twilight the true history of Discord's rise, the Alicorns' fall, and the creation of the Elements of Harmony.
She tells her student the story of Order and Chaos.

Will I like this? In addition to being one of the earlier and more well-known Discord origin stories, this is also one of the best. While some parts have been left behind by new canon, its core remains relevant, telling a touching (and occasionally hilarious) tale of family and sacrifice, and the portrayal of Discord is top-notch. —Prak

Necromancy gets a bad rep.
Oh, sure, some ponies like the whole cliche of the evil zombie master, pulling his puppet strings to make corpses dance and kill for their amusement. And yeah, you kinda do have to work with dead bodies a lot, and most ponies find that a bit creepy. Oh, and you learn a lot of spells to kill things and gain power from it.
But, come on, that doesn't mean all necromancers are bad... right?

Will I like this? So Lyra is a necromancer and Bonbon is a paladin. Yeah, wasn't expecting that. SaintAbsol takes an, honestly, completely absurd concept and turns it into something enjoyable. The characters are interesting, world building is solid, and the actions scenes are done well. But the question remains: are all necromancers bad? —NightWolf289

Crypsis is a changeling infiltrator on her first mission – to replace a pony in Ponyville. The hive is counting on her to finish the mission to the best of her abilities, but is she capable of it? And, more importantly, does she want to?

Will I like this? Do you think there isn't a changeling story left that can surprise you? Think again—or, if you prefer, don't. Feel free to go into Veni, Vidi, Verti thinking that you've seen it all before, because that'll just mean that the story throws you for a bigger loop. (Not to mention the good writing and tight characterization.) —R5h


A life lived, and a lifetime worth of memories. But time drags on, and this place... I don't know. I don't know what I'm still doing here.

Will I like this? What is it they say—growing old is mandatory, but growing up isn't? Aphorisms aside, wYvern has written a quiet, compelling tale about one mare's refusal to go gentle, and I think you'll be glad you read it. —R5h

Ponies gravitate toward Twilight. Through charisma or just getting thrown together by circumstance, she's gained a lot of friends, but when has she ever simply walked up to a pony and said, "I'd like to be your friend"? Time for the Princess of Friendship to fix that.

Will I like this? While the story itself is wonderfully organic and owns every inch of its territory, something about it called to me more than that. It takes on an integral part of a pony’s—or a person’s—life: one’s calling in life and how to handle conflicts of it. I wish more stories explored what cutie marks really mean, and if you share that sentiment, you’ll enjoy Until Forever. —q97randomguy

Luna is a happy filly, and wants her sister to be happy too. She doesn't know why Celestia cries at night, so she's going to raise the sun and let her big sister sleep in.

Celestia watches her waiting to raise the sun from inside her chambers, torn between a love that she wants to acknowledge and the machinations of politics that have kept her from doing so.

What would a good sister do?

What would a good mother do?

Will I like this? Let's start by saying that I don't think I've ever seen this sort of story before, and move on to point out that it's adorable as all get out. Let us conclude by saying that if this piques your interest, you may want to give Mother of the Moon a few moments of your time. —R5h


As many such things do, it all started with Discord trying to help. And now Fluttershy can't escape the apocalyptic proclamations. Next time, she'll try the trick of wishing for no wishes.

Will I like this? Gummy, as a character who doesn't say or really do anything, is like a blank canvas when it comes to interpretations. You can really do anything you want, for the most part. I can say with no hesitiation that Pascoite made a Da Vinci out of this one. —BronyWriter


Trixie had made mistakes. Trixie had lied. Still, nopony had expected it to send Celestia into a rage. But nopony but Celestia understood the true importance to Equestria of trust.

Will I like this? At first, Trust seems to be about Celestia flying off the handle, but just a few words cast her actions in a new light. Read it again once you've finished, and you'll find a different story waiting for you. —Lab

"Dear Princess Celestia, what do you think it would be like to kill somepony...?"

Will I like this? Don't let the premise fool you; this story takes an incredibly difficult to execute concept and does it marvelously. The hook and pacing are fantastic, and the series of events unfold in a believable manner. While this story does contain some atypical writerly choices, they serve the piece well. —GaryOak


Rainbow Dash knows one thing for sure, she is definitely not a barbarous, uncivilized dolt who doesn't know polite conversation from a hippopotamus's rear end. And also that she's definitely not the one who's wrong. Rarity is wrong. Rainbow Dash is absolutely, totally, a hundred percent sure of it.
But then why did Rainbow just buy a wagon load of apology bouquets?

Will I like this? This charming story uses a fun narrative style to turn a simple premise into something hilarious, heartwarming, and altogether memorable. Even if you're not a fan of romance, you should check this out just for the comedy. —Prak

Report Obselescence · 2,956 views ·
Comments ( 17 )

Two stories I helped with in one go? Bonus!

Also, Ragnarok is one of my favourite Pascoite stories. Silliness incarnate.

I think this got me two more faves, thanks.

This has been true for a couple months now.

Get out of my read later list, Obselescence.

This isn't a group thread. It's a site post. These go out to every user on the site who hasn't disabled them in their feed options.

Maybe I read it wrong, but aren't I supposed to get a message if my story doesn't get featured in this?

The story you submitted hasn't yet been processed. It's currently working its way up the queue. We'll let you know when we've had a look at it.

2692827 Oh, ok. Thanks for clearing that up :derpytongue2:

#10 · Jan 1st, 2015 · · ·

Me gusta

Me Gusta Kapusta!


in my language: english / en mi idioma : Inglés ;

why'd you say, "i like cabbage"???

in language of original commentator: spanish / en el lenguaje de comentarista el original: español ;

¿por qué usted dice, " me gusta la col " ???

2757642 I said it because it rhymes so lovely and sounds so happyly.

Po hiszpańsku to brzmi szaleńczo.

srry 'bout that , i'm not mad i'm just confused

lo siento 'combate que , yo no estoy loco estoy confundido

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