• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
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Cosmic Cowboy

I'm a linguist. I like ambiguity more than most people.

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Progress! · 12:30am Mar 30th, 2015

Spending hours on top of hours filling in little rooftops in different colors and all in different perspectives shouldn't be part of something you do for a hobby, but that's what I've been doing for the past two weeks (I think... it's all kind of blurry). Oh sure, there was a sense of satisfaction when I finished drawing the city, but that doesn't change the fact that
Preach, girls.

Anyway, I finally finished the background landscape for the cover art for Minoan Crisis, and here it is, your first glimpse of the city of Minos:

I'm never going to be satisfied with anything I make, but I've got to get a move on if I want to add in some characters in the foreground before Friday so I can enter the thing in a contest (because why not, right?). Just don't look too closely at it.

So yeah. Cover art should be done by Friday. As for writing, I've actually got a prologue, a chapter, and part of a second chapter written and mostly edited. Maybe my prediction of a Summer submission was a bit pessimistic. It might have helped that I've been really sick for most of a week and also having a lot of free time open up.

Let's talk about the future real quick. At the end of April I'll be going off to work somewhere for the summer and coming back to college in the Fall. No clue where I'm going yet, so I really have no idea how much time I'll have for writing and stuff. As always, my editing work comes first, so that may end up eating all my free time and leave nothing left over for my own projects. We'll just see how things go!

Man, I'm delirious right now. It's taking all my concentration just to spell things right, so sorry if this blog didn't make much sense.

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