News Archive

  • 190 weeks
    MSPiper’s “Autumnfall Change” [Royal Canterlot Library]

    You might want to keep a whiteboard handy for today’s story.

    Autumnfall Change
    [Sci-Fi][Slice of Life][Human] • 8,419 words

    Magic and technology may have pierced the void and blazed a path between the realms, but that was the simple part. Adjusting to the changes that follow can be far more daunting.

    Yet despite the complexities involved even in basic communication, Serendipity has found friends to talk to among humankind who can cheer her up when she’s down. And occasionally inspire her to bursts of ingenuity unhindered by such trifles as foresight.

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    6 comments · 9,233 views
  • 205 weeks
    TCC56's "Glow In The Dark, Shine In The Sun" [Royal Canterlot Library]

    A villain might just have a bright future in today's story.

    Glow In The Dark, Shine In The Sun
    [Equestria Girls] [Drama] [Slice of Life] • 27,035 words

    Despite all attempts, Cozy Glow still hasn't been shown a path to friendship. No pony has been able to get through to her, and she's only gotten worse with each attempt.

    Reluctant to return the filly to stone again, Princess Twilight has one last option. One pony she hasn't tried. Or in this case? One person.

    Sunset Shimmer.

    Can Sunset do what no pony has been able to?

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    10 comments · 9,430 views
  • 207 weeks
    The Red Parade's "never forever" [Royal Canterlot Library]

    Today's story never says never.

    never forever
    [Sad] [Slice of Life] • 1,478 words

    Lightning Dust will never be a Wonderbolt. When she left the Academy, she swore she'd never look back. When the Washouts disbanded, she swore she'd forget about them.

    Yet after all these years, against all odds, she finds herself here. At a Wonderbolts show. Just on the wrong side of the glass.

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    20 comments · 8,235 views
  • 212 weeks
    Freglz's "Nothing Left to Lose" [Royal Canterlot Library]

    Don't lose out on today's story.

    Nothing Left to Lose
    [Drama] [Sad] • 6,367 words

    Some things can't be changed.

    Starlight believes otherwise.

    FROM THE CURATORS: One might be forgiven for thinking that after nine years of MLP (and fanfic), there's nothing left to explore on such well-trodden ground as changeling redemption — but there are still stories on the topic which are worthy of turning heads.  "Though the show seems to have moved past it as a possibility, the question of whether and how Queen Chrysalis could be reformed alongside the other changelings still lingers in the fandom's consciousness," Present Perfect said in his nomination. "In comes Freglz, with a solidly reasoned story that combines the finales of seasons 5 and 6 and isn't afraid to let the question hang."

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    26 comments · 7,633 views
  • 214 weeks
    Somber's "Broken Record" [Royal Canterlot Library]

    Today's story puts all the pieces together.

    (Ed. note: Some content warnings apply to this interview, regarding current world circumstances and mentions of suicidal ideation.)

    Broken Record
    [Drama] [Slice of Life] • 7,970 words

    There has never been an athlete like Rainbow Dash. The sprints. The marathons. The land speed record. She held them all.

    Until she didn't.

    Until she had only one left... and met the pony that might take it from her...

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    11 comments · 5,426 views
  • 216 weeks
    jakkid166's "Detective jakkid166 in everything" [Royal Canterlot Library]

    Missing out on today's story would be a crime.

    Detective jakkid166 in everything
    [Comedy] [Human] • 15,616 words

    "Every pony thing evre made would be better if it had me in it."
    - me

    I, Detective jakkid166, will be prepared to make every pony fanficion, video, and game better by me being in it. All you favorite pony content, except it has ME! And even I could be in some episodes of the show except cause the charaters are idiot I'm good at my job.

    The ultimate Detective jakkid166 adventures collection, as he goes into EVERYTHING to make it good.

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    171 comments · 9,707 views
  • 218 weeks
    Mannulus' "Sassy Saddles Meets Sasquatch" [Royal Canterlot Library]

    Today's story is a rare find.

    Sassy Saddles Meets Sasquatch
    [Comedy] [Random] • 5,886 words

    The legend is known throughout Equestria, but there are few who believe. Those who claim to have seen the beast are dismissed as crackpots and madponies. Those who bring evidence before the world are dismissed as histrionic deceivers. There are those who have seen, however -- those who know -- and they will forever cry out their warning from the back seats of filthy, old train cars, even to those who dismiss them, who revile them, who ignore their warnings unto their own mortal peril.

    "The sasquatch is real!" they will cry forevermore, even as nopony believes.

    But from this day forward, Sassy Saddles will believe.

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    16 comments · 6,269 views
  • 220 weeks
    SheetGhost’s “Moonlight Vigil” [Royal Canterlot Library]

    Take a closer look into tonight’s story.

    Moonlight Vigil
    [Tragedy] • 3,755 words

    Bitter from her defeat and exile, the Mare in the Moon watches Equestria move on without her.

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    1 comments · 4,904 views
  • 222 weeks
    Unwhole Hole's "The Murder of Elrod Jameson" [Royal Canterlot Library]

    Today's story is some killer noir.

    [Adult story embed hidden]

    The Murder of Elrod Jameson
    [Dark] [Mystery] [Sci-Fi] [Human] • 234,343 words

    [Note: This story contains scenes of blood and gore, sexuality, and a depiction of rape.]

    Elrod Jameson: a resident of SteelPoint Level Six, Bridgeport, Connecticut. A minor, pointless, and irrelevant man... who witnessed something he was not supposed to.

    Narrowly avoiding his own murder, he desperately searches for help. When no living being will help him, he turns to the next best thing: a pony.

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    14 comments · 5,396 views
  • 224 weeks
    Grimm's "Don't Open the Door" [Royal Canterlot Library]

    Today's story lingers like the curling mist in a dark forest.

    Don't Open the Door
    [Dark][Horror] • 13,654 words

    After an expedition into the Everfree Forest ends in disaster, Applejack and Rainbow Dash take refuge in an abandoned cabin until morning.

    This is probably a poor decision, but it's only one night, after all. How bad could it be?

    FROM THE CURATORS: "I don't care much for horror stories," AugieDog mused. "But this one does so much right, I found myself really impressed." Present Perfect thought it was "simply one of the best horror stories I've ever read," and Soge agreed "one-hundred percent" that "this is pitch-perfect horror from beginning to end."

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    8 comments · 4,713 views

Author Interview » Ruirik's "The Regular" · 1:34pm Sep 18th, 2015

Today's story will keep you coming back for more.

The Regular
[Slice of Life] • 3,436 words

In all his years of running his own shop, Doughnut Joe has seen thousands of ponies. Some he knew, most he didn't, and many he would never see again. But he never minded that, for he always had his regulars.

FROM THE CURATORS: Right from the first paragraph, The Regular caught our attention with its lush yet approachable prose.  "I've gotta give it props straight off the bat: this is the first time in recent memory that I've read a weather opening that I don't hate," Horizon said. "The descriptions here are right in the sweet spot, vivid without being purple.  The story's got a great touch for details."  That quality continued throughout, as Present Perfect noted: "The style caught my attention straight away, and didn't disappoint."

But there's more to this tale of sugary commerce than its sweet turns of phrase — and the characterization of its store owner and its OC patron were especially savory.  "The story builds up a wonderful picture of the two main characters out of a few quiet conversations," Horizon said, and Chris agreed: "It works nicely as a glimpse into Joe's life, and we get to see the characters grow over the course of the story."  Present Perfect praised not only that character work but its economy of detail when he introduced the story to us. "What drove this nomination is how much we're able to glean from the regular's reticence," Present said. "He says little about himself, but suggests so very much more."

Simply put, The Regular was a beautiful read.  "I love the picture of Canterlot and Joe's life this story paints," JohnPerry said.  It kept some surprises in store for us, as Present Perfect noted — "the final scene sets up a tantalizing juxtaposition that says a lot about a particular show character" — but it was the story's core strengths which carried it through to a feature.  Present Perfect summed it up: "This is the best Donut Joe fic since A Cup of Joe."

Read on for our author interview, in which Ruirik discusses hat horrors, viking chieftains, and spoilers in artwork.

Give us the standard biography.

A long time ago, in the distant year of 2011, a brave group of explorers took upon a quest. Their mission was to travel to the once place where angels and demons feared to tread. A place so cold, so bleak, so utterly terrible, that even the darkest horrors cowered in fear at it’s very name.


There, among the frozen wastes they found a strange hat-like creature sealed in a block of ice. Excited, they began to dig.  It seemed to them like a simple fedora, and they took it with them to their camp to archive and send back home. That night someone knocked over a bottle of scotch whiskey. It spilt over the hat, and awoke the eldritch horror within.

The expedition was never heard from again.

Either that, or I’m just another underemployed graphic designer with too much time on my hands, an overactive imagination, and access to copious amounts of alcohol.

How did you come up with your handle/penname?

To be perfectly honest, it started with a late night scotch-fueled voyage down the Wikipedia clickhole. I started looking up some obscure detail on the 1964 movie Zulu, and an hour later I’ve got thirty tabs open and now I’m reading about the Varangian chieftain Rurik. Well, the name stuck in my mind, eventually becoming Ruirik when I didn’t notice a typo I made when creating my fimfic account.

Who's your favorite pony?

Out of the main characters, I’d take Rainbow Dash every time. Her brash nature is a good counterpoint to the other characters, but we get occasional glimpses under that to what is a very insecure nature. For a character that initially comes off as a showy braggart, we see that she’s actually very insecure about herself and her skills. A fear that only gets worse when she perceives Rarity with her faux wings as more impressive than her.

Adding on to that is her element of Loyalty. What does it mean to be loyal? It is a cruel element, one that binds the bearer to others in a way that is difficult, if not impossible to break. From a writing perspective, there is so much that can be done with that, how could I not call her my favorite?

Doctor Whooves is easily my favorite background pony, particularly after Slice of Life.

What's your favorite episode?

This is a tricky one as my favorite episodes are ones I like for different reasons. If we’re just going on the episode I’ve gone back and watched the most, then it’s Slice of Life by a mile. I love the alternate take of observing background characters living their lives while the heroes of the show do their work. The visual humor and sharp writing which steadily grew ever more insane over the ensuing 22 minutes also worked quite well for me.

For a more serious selection, though, I’d point to Sonic Rainboom. I liked what it showed of Rainbow’s character when her mask is pulled back. Her anxiety, her fear, and her resolve when the cards were on the table. Perfect.

What do you get from the show?

The show, at least for me, is simple entertainment. It’s a form of escapism that I can only get in this particular area. The characters are charming and the humor is sharp with recollections to the classic slapstick comedy shorts I grew up watching on Cartoon Network. Over time it has also created a vibrant world rich with potential for stories that I keep finding myself drawn to.

What do you want from life?

A horse, my kingdom for a horse!

Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. There is no answer to that question. What I want from life today in my late 20s is different from what I wanted in my early teens. On that same path, what I want will be different 10 years down the road. Right now, though, I could really go for a steady job, or the ability to travel.

Why do you write?

I write because it helps me relax. I literally cannot sleep at night unless I’ve written something. There are too many ideas running back and forth in my mind, otherwise. More than that, though, I write stories that I want to read. I like to read stories of characters simply existing in their respective situations. What does, for example, Soarin’ do when he’s not working? What’s he like out of uniform? Why does he always look so haggard when we see him in the show? So many questions that I just have to explore for answers!

What advice do you have for the authors out there?

Aside from the stock answers (read a lot, practice makes perfect, yadda yadda) I would just offer this: Don’t go it alone. Reach out to your friends, spitball story ideas, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. I am a better writer because of the invaluable help from people such as LoyalLiar and The 24th Pegasus. They can pull me out of my tunnel vision, point out new paths I haven’t seen, or help me turn a phrase when my prose has gotten repetitive and bland. The friendship that I’ve forged with these amazing authors through writing is one of the things I’ll treasure most about this fandom, even long after it has faded to a distant memory.

Tying into that first point, get yourself a good editor. I’m lucky in the sense that I’ve worked with several amazing editors in my time writing for fimfic. Sorren, Just Another Timelord, and now Dusk Watch have been invaluable to me. They’ll point out where you’ve been going wrong, show you how to fix it, and make you justify why you are doing something a certain way.

Another big thing I’d suggest would be to seek out and listen to criticism. Nobody likes to hear that you wrote a bad story. But we don’t improve as writers if we just live in our safe little boxes and buy into our own hype. We learn by making mistakes, and it’s rarely fun to have people shine a floodlight on them, but it’s well worth it in the end.

Joe knew “all at once” what happened to Regular, yet he set out a donut and coffee for a month afterward. Was this merely habit, or something more?

I think it’s Joe’s way of remembering the stallion that he befriended. Like lighting a candle for a loved one after they’ve passed. Joe, as I wrote him in The Regular, is a creature of habits. He goes about his morning with the same routine day in and day out. Every morning he goes about opening his shop in the same way, and for a good long while he was used to Regular’s appearance at their specific times. With that gone, Joe took comfort in his routine. Perhaps he held out some vague sense of hope that what he knew in his heart wasn’t true. That Regular would just walk in one morning after having that vacation he claimed he needed.

He never will, of course, but grief is a difficult feeling. Everybody has to work through it in their own way and pace.

Regular, contrary to his belief, will live on in Joe and Twilight’s memories. What makes a person memorable?

Well, it really comes down to the little things, doesn’t it? The personal tics we make when speaking or listening, the smell, the intonation in how a person says a particular word or phrase. How does that person act, how do they treat the people around them? More than that, I believe that it’s the moments you share with other people that makes them memorable.

Joe remembers those little moments in his shop, talking to Regular over coffee. He remembers the order Regular always made, and the cautious manner in which he slowly opened up to Joe over the years. The song that bookends the story, Ashokan Farewell, is integral to those memories. It was there when he met Regular, and it was the song he heard when he realized  that his friend was never coming back.

Is there a coffee shop where you’re a regular? What’s the culture like there?

While I do love a good cup of joe, I’m actually not a regular at coffee shops around here. Too many chains with overpriced coffees and top-40 songs playing on loop. There are a couple of places I’m more fond of, locally-owned shops where the manager knows your name, they know your order and your usual spot. I’d wouldn’t exactly say that there is a specific culture to those places though.

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

I hid a spoiler in the cover art for The Regular. While I had toyed with a few concepts for the cover, I eventually set upon an art nouveau aesthetic that was minimalist in design. At first glance you’re meant to see a table with a doughnut and coffee resting upon it flanked by two benches. Yet with the design of the frame and the placing of the title, I wanted to create the impression of a gravestone.

The Regular was written in a single sitting and it was my first attempt at crafting first-person narrative, an exercise I’ve since repeated with Hey Jealousy. I never expected it to get a lot of notice, much less the acclaim it received. I’m humbled and honored so many people read this story and I can’t thank the community of Fimfic enough for how supportive they’ve been of all my projects over the past three years.

If people liked The Regular and would be interested in checking out my other works they can always find me on my fimfic account. Or if you’re interested in my art they can find me on DeviantArt. I even host art streams now and then! Feel free to poke me in the comments or via PM, I’m usually pretty prompt about answering any questions.

Thank you to all the people who have read my stories or followed my art, the fine people at the Royal Canterlot Library, and the fantastic prereaders and editors who put up with my nonsense and prod me to write faster. See you all soon!

You can read The Regular at Read more interviews right here at the Royal Canterlot Library, or suggest stories for us to feature at our Fimfiction group.

Comments ( 4 )

Heh, a worthy addition indeed.

~Skeeter The Lurker

3400890 all of ruiriks stories are^^ lol

You know I've wondered. Do you pick stories like these cause in the ponies world it's just an average day?

Author Interviewer

It's a combination of strong prose, storycraft, and being able to portray a normal situation in an evocative manner. This story does a little of all three, and does it well.

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