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I'm Done Writing Fanfiction Stories · 4:58am Oct 17th, 2015

Hello, everyone,

Today, I am here to say that I’ve written enough MLP fanfiction. Almost four years ago, I began writing fanfic with the intent of polishing my writing skills, of learning and improving and refining my craft.

I am happy to say that I was successful in that goal. I have learned so much in my time here, and I like to think that I helped pass on some of what I learned to others.

All journeys have their endings. These endings are not final, they simply lead to the beginnings of new journeys. I think that after all I have written here, I am ready to return to original fiction. Perhaps to submit short stories to magazines, or to prepare a treatment for a novel.

Because of the way I write, relying as much on subconscious inspiration as conscious effort, my original fiction output has been essentially non-existent during my time as a fanfiction author. My mental effort and time was all spent on fanfiction; their tropes and universes and mechanics. Now that I can admit I am done, my brain has already started to reorient itself, to start generating ideas for original fiction again.

This is not goodbye; I'm not leaving the fandom. Far from it. I’ll still be around, still doing critiques, still posting meandering blogs about various topics. As always, PMs/Steam adds are welcome (though make sure you comment on my Steam userpage before adding me there, so I know who you are). But after ~40 stories posted across two accounts, I think there is not much else for me to learn from writing fanfiction stories. My original plan was to finish two different stories before stopping, but both of those stories ended up being unworthy of posting. I think that is as sure a sign as any.

I want to thank everyone who ever followed me, commented on one of my stories, who upvoted or downvoted something I wrote. I especially want to thank anyone who ever edited or preread one of my projects, or who left a comment on one of my stories that addressed its themes or execution. While fanfic has many differences from original fiction, there are lessons that are universal. It has been a wonderful experience to have so many people read my writing, and to grow and improve from that experience and interaction.

Perhaps I will post a blog if I ever get something published elsewhere. Perhaps I will never sell a story, and my writing will continue to be a hobby. Either way, I'm glad that I was able to share a portion of my personal adventure with so many amazing people.

Here's to all the journeys to come.


Comments ( 14 )

Good luck with your future endeavors!

As the Enola Gay once said...

It was a blast.

This! This is the way you say goodbye! By not actually leaving! :rainbowdetermined2: I'm so sick of authors just going "whelp, I'm sick of the fandom, bye!" At least this not only makes sense, but it shows that you still love this fandom dearly. Also, what was the other account? :rainbowhuh:

I hope you do stick around, maybe post about any non pony fiction that you've written. :moustache:

Well, y'know what they say about "all good things."

Either way, it was great reading your stuff, and I hope to continue to, ponies or not. Good luck with your future forays into creative fiction!

3476033 I see what you did there; historical black comedy, that is also a compliment. Why we love you :heart:

3476041 My relationship with the fandom actually outlasted my relationship with the show by a significant margin :rainbowkiss:

My other account is a porn account. I generally don't publicize it, since all the stories there are grimderp garbage. If you really feel like losing some respect for me, I usually don't mind PMing it to people. Provided they ask nicely and agree not to spread it around :derpytongue2:

3476120 But it's not goodbye, remember? :raritywink:

3476125 They also say "One good thing leads to another", right? :pinkiehappy:

Thanks: I'm glad the stuff I posted here was enjoyable, in its own ways.

I would say it's been fun, but "fun" doesn't really describe the mood of the fics I will most remember you for. Rather it's been... somber and thought-provoking.

Good luck with the professional writing, in any case.

Best of luck with the original stuff, and thank you for the pony work. :twilightsmile:

Luck in future, and I'm definitely interested to see what original pieces you craft.

Hey, if your original works are anything like your fic here, I for one will be eagerly awaiting it!

3476162 Sorry, was REALLY tired I wrote that

That's awesome! Good luck with your original fiction!

3476248 It's a bit ironic. Most of my initial popularity came from goofy comedy fics, but as I developed my skills I mostly wrote dramatic and sad stuff. Perhaps its because good comedy is more difficult, or perhaps I'm secretly a sadist. Who can say :derpytongue2:

3476329 3476536 3476838 3477130 Thanks :heart::twilightsheepish:

Thx for "If You Came to Conquer " and "Inexcusable ". Thats my favorit fics.
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Good luck!

3479127 Thanks. That duology is probably some of my better writing, so that's good to hear :twilightsmile:

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