• Member Since 6th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 23rd, 2017


Hello! I'm an aspiring artist and writer from Honduras!

More Blog Posts225

  • 351 weeks
    I'm Back Again

    Back after eight months I couldn't give this place up just yet. It's been a wild ride, I'll be honest.

    Not even sure if anyone remembers me still.

    Oh well, what has happened in this site? Design does seem to look more different than when I left.

    16 comments · 547 views
  • 382 weeks
    Considering Leaving the Site

    Yeah. It's this again.

    I'll be completely honest in this one. But please bear with me this time.

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    8 comments · 673 views
  • 382 weeks
    Top 10 Anime Deaths

    5 comments · 515 views
  • 384 weeks
    Any Horror Game You'd Want to Recommend?

    so yeah, as of recently I've been looking for some good horror/suspense games to play. (available on steam)

    If you've played one that you really liked, feel free to show it to me :3

    11 comments · 430 views
  • 387 weeks
    The Chronicles of Self-Bullying: Pt II

    So a couple of days ago a user by the name of Ender Knight was banned due to using an alt of his to constantly 'bully' himself in order to get attention from his followers.

    This was covered last blog

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    7 comments · 490 views

The REAL Recap of 2015 (+ Special Mentions ) · 9:23pm Jan 1st, 2016

So yeah, I'm pretty sure most of you didn't see the worst recap blog I've ever done in my entire life last night. That's for the best. Don't worry, I was perfectly safe and not in a state of alcoholism, so it's better off deleted anyway c:

So before anything, just like last year I'd like to list cons/pros of the entire year. I'll keep it short because I have to mention some people later in the blog.


Let's start with the worst first.

There was a clear rising in people who like to watch anime. These people are nearly everywhere, man, you can't hide from them. Personally, I was never interested in anime myself. Pretty much anything TV show related has always been a bummer to me, so anime wasn't really a difference. Please take note: I don't hate people who watch anime. I have a heavy dislike on people who take it FAR too seriously.

Site didn't change. Wow no one cares about that.

I lost a couple of friends during this year. One of them never came back, didn't respond to phone messages, Steam, Skype, nothing. Another got angry at me for being in an "apparent relationship" with someone else, while all along they wanted to be with me, got blocked and removed instantly. There were some that actively ignored me while I talked to them (if you know me, I usually spam a ton of messages trying to convey what I want to say). I got into lots of fights with most close friends of mine, online and real life wise. For this, I'm sorry. I know none of you are going to read this, I actually checked and these people unfollowed me a while ago, but yeah, if you are ever there you know who you are.. and I'm sorry.

Following what I just said, I lost contact with several people. Months could pass and there were no messages between any of us. These were people who I've really devoted myself to love/care these last years, but in the end a lot of miscommunication showed up due to my fault. You know who you are. I got entangled in so much stress throughout the year, things like graduating, entering college, inter familiar problems, and the crude reality of my real life situation got me in random bouts of depression several times. Me me me and myself, yeah.

Besides that, I think that's all. Let's get away from depressive shit anyway


site-wise, not much honestly. The site didn't change (and if it did I didn't notice), most people I talk to are still around, some circlejerks are still active, posted a story (in the whole year :V), ect.

too bad a sense of unity is losing their presence. I talked about this on my last year's recap blog. People are starting to care only about themselves. "Oh I feel this, I feel that, me me me me and only myself. Help me." This was not an issue in years like 2012 or 2013. It started to become a real thing when people started to swarm into the site (2014) and they craved the attention and compliments of other people. Oh well, I'm pretty sure this is still going to be an issue this upcoming year.

Passing to non site stuff, I graduated from school, entered college, might get a job later this year, went to burgerland, went to a Modest Mouse concert, ... and i think that's pretty much it.

I didn't meet so many people this year. I mostly started talking to people I once knew way before, got along with them pretty well, and *magic* new friendships came up.

So yeah, that closes the recap! Now let's move on to more serious things, so to say.

I wanted to mention some peeps who have been at my side all of this time regardless of how douchey, stupid, funny, loving, whatever I've ever been like. People who always get a laugh or giggle out of me, people who've worried about my condition no matter what! Others who I didn't talk to as much as I expected to, but still had a special place in muh heart (wow what a faggit, blitz). And others who I've shown lots of hate but deep inside they know I love them c: .

I shouldn't really explain this but I think I should. Don't expect me to list aaaaaaaaaaaaall of the site, I'll just list the special snowflakes :heart:
No order intended:

"The Plushy Trio™":

~ > DustyPwny - The KKKing of Black Man Memes. Certainly one of the most laidback americans I've ever met in my life (yes most of you guys are serious af, okay). This fucker got a ton of laughs out of me, looked out for me like a big brother, and at the same time played Warframe as if there was no tomorrow! You're lucky that I haven't gone to Cali to find 'yo ass >:3.

~ > KillerSteel - The Maple Leaf (I'm so sorry). First and best Canadian I've ever had the pleasure to talk to, haha. Dude I'm still sorry about that one hour call I had with you while I was drunk :rainbowkiss:

~ > Suger Rush - The Dude. That's all you have to know.

"The Duo™:" ~ > Officer Hawt-Pants & Darcy - The Bearded Man and the Lady. Saw you two around the site several times in the past but never got around talking to you until a while ago. Both of you are awesome company, have shown a ton of support when it comes to certain topics, and generally are super chill peeps. c:

~ > twow443 - The Kind. Known you for a while now. You've been amazing all of these years. Thanks for that.

~ > RaspingLeech - The Faggot. 90% of our conversations in 2015 were links to memes. Wow, what a fucking legend. your memes suck

~ > Des - The "gurl gamer xDDD". I don't like the games you play or the anime you watch, but I like you. Smooth af.

~ > Corgifuck - The Texan Corgi. Stop gifting me shit, I'm serious. I'm willing to sell all my fucking house to afford a trip to Texas and find your miserable existence c:

To all of you: Thanks for the good times~ Funny or not, stupid or not, amazing or not, just thanks a ton.

hugs n stuff

Wanted to make some quick mentions as well;

- PatrickTheHouseGhost - The Guy Who Got Me Into a Really Odd Band - Your OC is sexy.
- Regi - That Guy With Extremely Good Music Tastes. I wish I had a better music taste to match your expertise in musical knowledge. :duck:
- sierra_seven - The Gentlemanly Brit. Fucking love ya man. You don't pop up often :P.
- Elec - The Oneshotober Legend. Fukken love your spoopy youtube channel.

I'm fucking retarded and forgot these peeps on the list: (sorry guise)

- fmdragon47 - The Newyorker - No, I'm not buying PS4 just yet. Also keep drawing you magnificent bastard >:3
- listnere - The Guy Who Works in Summers - Sorry for the 10 minute call the other day xD. It was actually the same night I had an hour long call with Steel, oh man. Keep being awesome ya sexy beast <3
- niggerzz - The Aussiefag - Hey you can't complain I got a game that was worth $20! (>tfw you don't even play it anymore)
- folks at /tulpa/ chat - RIP
- folks at /mlf/ chat - The Weird People.
- folks at /write/ chat - 90% of the times Leech posting memes.
- folks at TOG - also RIP

- And thanks to all of the people who thought following me was a wise decision. Seriously, what the hell's going on in your head?

You know what comes next, or else this blog would be incomplete

Golden quotes, of course! I'll try to keep them fimfic related. If you are offended by seeing pictures/quotes with no context whatsoever, pls leave.


Raspingleech in his natural environment.

don't ever do this

^ I can't believe I didn't talk about this during the year. It was a good kekfest.

it just feels what it wants to feel

Don't we all?

Not fimfic-related:


7:52 PM - 2D: well time to kill myself
7:52 PM - 2D: *gets the moose*

9:18 PM - Texan Corgi: I need some porn in my life brb

2:58 PM - Blitzy: you know what you need
2:58 PM - Blitzy: memes
2:58 PM - Texan Corgi: no go fuck yourself

[11/30/2015 9:51:30 AM] † DΣUS VULT †: i hope blitzy killed himself
[11/30/2015 4:08:50 PM] † DΣUS VULT †: this brony faggot went nuts

[12/3/2015 4:49:52 PM] My Name is Hell: I was on drugs last night

[12/18/2015 6:08:06 PM] A Totally Non-Festive Luna: black man memes.
[12/18/2015 6:08:41 PM] DustyPwny: Yes.
[12/18/2015 6:08:49 PM] DustyPwny: Because I'm the whitest black guy.

[11/23/2015 4:32:38 PM] Blitzy: https://www.facebook.com/itainteasybeingmeme/videos/456787194501080/
[11/23/2015 5:44:01 PM] DustyPwny: Our country is a fucking joke. Just like that ad.

[11/14/2015 7:58:37 PM] *** Call to Steel ***
[11/14/2015 8:56:21 PM] *** Call ended, duration 57:28 ***

Okay I'm done now. You can now die in peace, guys.

To close this blog, I'll just leave the link to the most played songs of the entire year (in my phone that is.):
#1 (909 plays), #2 (750 plays), #3 (650 plays) yes I know you don't care k

2014 has been a veeeeeeeeeeeeery weird year for me, yes... but it certainly had its good moments. Let's hope 2015 will be even better.

This is what I said one year ago. Nope, past me, 2015 was shitty enough. Let's see how 2016 turns out to be.

Happy New Yeeeeeeear~!

inb4 blitz u didnt mention me fucking die ok

Report Luz · 703 views · #2015 #cancer
Comments ( 9 )

I always look forward to the end of year blog posts from you. They're always interesting, one way or another xD

happy new year, blitzy

Blitz u didn't mention me fucking die ok

blitz what about the fic 2012?
eanwhile at the Gdocs...
[16/12/2012 6:21 p.m] howardrooks19 (Fire):
do the ponys have jet packs

[13/01/2013 03:10:44 p.m.] Fire: how do u speel mabey

[29/12/12 04:25:02 p.m.] rainbowdashderp: my father is a mother fucker
he fucked my mother


Wheres my shout out man !!
Happy new year! :pinkiehappy:



there was a clear lack of memes in this one. probably next years, yeah


do I have a good taste in music yet


i want to go kill myself


1. that disappeared
2. those quotes are from 2012, you cuck
3. i edited because i have suicidal tendencies

thanks man happy new year

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