• Member Since 11th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Wednesday

Harmony Charmer

♪ Kingdom of ships around me and it looks like I'm the queen ♫

More Blog Posts609

  • 269 weeks
    So I'm watching the premiere

    No, I haven't watched season 8. Yes, I am watching because Chrysalis, Tirek, and Sombra are back. Also, why was an eight year old in Tartarus, who made that decision?

    13 comments · 739 views
  • 316 weeks
    Making It Official

    I haven't been active on the site for over a year. I have occasionally checked in to see how everyone was doing, but I've barely gotten any writing done here. I know I left on a hiatus last year and said I might come back to the site one day, but that's looking less likely with every passing day.

    So, I'm making it official; I'm leaving.

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  • 364 weeks
    Day Of Remembrance

    A candle lit in remembrance of those who lost their lives to the Pulse shooting in Orlando.

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  • 368 weeks
    I cannot...

    I really didn't want to make this post...

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  • 372 weeks
    Watched the premiere today!

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    4 comments · 750 views

Fort Otpia has fallen · 2:51am Mar 2nd, 2016

No, this is not a cry of me leaving the site, so don't panic. I am merely stating a fact: Fort Otpia has been destroyed. Well... Not yet, but mostly thrown away.

A little over a year ago, I was bored. I mean, I get bored all the time, but this boredom led to something great, which typically doesn't happen for me. My family has a habit of collecting cardboard boxes, and out of sheer curiosity to see where this could go, I used soda boxes and made a castle.

I found out that if you break the boxes open along a seam where the ends are glued together, you have a fair amount cardboard to work with. I lined them along each other, and stapled them together, then glued down the flaps so that they wouldn't stick out. Each turret was made with approximately eight 12 pack soda boxes and the wall was also made with eight, although they weren't rolled up and glued like the turrets. The roof was made with a box torn in half, so all in all, 25 boxes went into the making of this castle. I'm 5'4'' and I'm-- I was just barely taller than the back wall.

The fort started out as a silly project to occupy me during downtime, and while I did not make many changes in its lifespan, I still loved it. The poor thing received damage during room renovations and the integrity of the fort was not nearly as solid as when it began. Still, it stood proudly and I kept it through trial and error. In times when I fell apart, this castle stood proud. I'm ashamed that I never took enough pictures of it.

My first time sitting in the castle after working on it for 2 and 1/2 hours.

Sometimes, I'd give a small shoutout from the castle's depths, usually when I had something to celebrate.

Like when gay marriage was legalized last June. Still a ways to go, but something to celebrate nonetheless.

Then, tragedy struck.

This past weekend, and prior ones, I had been working on the house in a spring cleaning project led by my mother. It's finally slowed down and my room is no longer a chaotic mess (I have trouble adjusting to change, can't you tell). But, in order to carpet clean my room, I had to move furniture and such out, including my castle. We left them out so that the floor could dry, but... Well, when your house doubles as a cat rescue, you need to learn to put things up properly.

I woke up to see my castle's walls were weak from being wet, and I don't think anyone has to guess what wetness+cats=, so let's just move onto the tragedy. My castle was weak and unable to stand upright, and the thing reeked. I didn't feel like dealing with it when I woke up this morning, so when I got back from school, I ended up tossing the thing out back.

I don't know if I feel like going through the process of re-building a new fort, to be honest. My mom made some suggestions about what I could do to make it better, but I know it wouldn't be the same... Is it stupid of me to get upset over a cardboard castle I made a year ago? Yeah, maybe, but I loved that thing and now I had to throw it away.

I don't know, maybe I'll rebuild it when I feel more up to it... Or come up with some new ideas. This whole renovation thing got me stressed out and tired, so this just kinda piled on top of it. That, and I haven't gotten much writing done, and the stuff I have doesn't seem good... I'm just feeling really crappy overall.

Maybe a little Pinkie Pie will make me feel better, I dunno.

Comments ( 7 )

Aw... I'm sorry.

Well I'm not a little Pinkie, but I should suffice. :pinkiehappy:
I think it's really friggen cool and kinda want to do something similar. Only knowing me I'd go exactly as HAM as the playhouse we built for my kid brother from a washing machine box... All seams and corners were reinforced with 1x2" boards, it had a door and a window that were constructed so they opened (reinforced and with cabinet handles attached along with simple latches) and the outside was covered in spare wallpaper that was like goldish flaked pattern.
Maybe I'll build Fort Kickass and we can hang out in it sometime. :rainbowkiss:

Oh, Charmony. It's not about the castle. It's about what the castle stands for.

For all the love stories told and waiting to be told.

For all the ships, great and small, that only need someone to sail them to glory.

And of course, all of the SombraPie.

That is what Fort Otpia stands for! You have been chosen as its master and defender, and it is your sacred duty to never let the sun set on a ship that has yet to sail! For you are harmony Charmer, and that's where I got stuck.

Try again later?

I say if it meant that much to you, you should keep it. You could restore it to its original glory.:rainbowdetermined2:

Rebuild it. With Bricks. :twilightsmile:

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