• Member Since 19th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 26th, 2020


Featured Sci-Fi Story: "Equus Metamorphosis" ( http://bit.ly/1YnanMR )

  • TThe Thing at the Edge of Sleep
    Fluttershy awakes to see something staring at her in the darkness of her room. It's next to her bed and its eyes are unnatural, its body otherworldly. Is it real, and if so, can she find a way to escape before its true intentions become clear?
    boardgamebrony · 1.3k words  ·  160  1 · 4.6k views

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A Fan made an audio reading of my short horror story "The Thing at the Edge of Sleep" YAY! · 11:44pm Jul 6th, 2016

Over 8 minutes of tension and fear STRAIGHT TO YOUR EAR DRUMS :D

Check it out! :D

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Sparrow9642 is the brony who made the audio recording:

Their user page is here: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Sparrow9642

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Here's the link to the story the brony read so you can read along while he narrates!
(Ohhh that's a cool concept for the future...read-along narration!)

The Thing at the Edge of Sleep


Fluttershy awakes to see something staring at her in the darkness of her room. It's next to her bed and its eyes are unnatural, its body otherworldly. Is it real, and if so, can she find a way to escape before its true intentions become clear?

Comments ( 9 )

Aww congrats!

Congratulations! You might want to add their reading link to your story's description, though. I'm sure the narrator would appreciate it.


OH good idea! Wow, there's so much to keep track of on this site suddenly...all right doing that right now! :D


Thank you! :D *hugs*

I'm sure the people looking for audio readings to listen to will also appreciate it. I'll also add your story to a specific group for that since you have.


Oh neat! Thank you so much! *hugs* I just added it to the story page :)

:twilightsmile: You're welcome. It's least I can do.


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