• Member Since 19th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 26th, 2020


Featured Sci-Fi Story: "Equus Metamorphosis" ( http://bit.ly/1YnanMR )

  • EIt Moves Below
    The Rock Farm is isolated from everyone. Marble Pie knows that. That's why no one else has seen the mouth in the snow, following her wherever she goes. Every day it's closer, and today she's alone. And the snowfall has become very deep...
    boardgamebrony · 2.4k words  ·  227  4 · 5.6k views

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New Audio Reading of Horror Story "It Moves Below" by Sparrow9642! · 3:24am Aug 6th, 2016

We have another wonderful audio reading for you guys! This is the second time fimfiction user Sparrow9642 has created a recording from one of my stories entitled "It Moves Below" starring Marble Pie. He even added all these SWEET sound effects and emotional music! I love it! <3 Thank you so much, Sparrow!

You can read along with the audio version here:

Click this sentence to see Sparrow9642's fimfiction page!

Here's the other horror story Sparrow read of my work entitled "The Thing at the Edge of Sheep," starring Fluttershy and your worst nightmares :P

Give Sparrow some love with some follows, comments and subscribes!

Update: Here's Sparrow's twitter so you can get updates of their new recordings:

Comments ( 10 )

I like this guy's recordings

4134493 \

He does a FANTASTIC job! :D I was so thrilled to hear all the little extras he put in the recording, like the sound and music /)(^3^)(\

You made my day, I'm almost crying :') I never knew that I would meet such great people! I'll be sure to keep an eye out for any updates, and if it's in my power, I'll do a reading. Again, thank you so much for your support! I appreciate it dearly!


No problem! *hugs lots* You did an awesome job and all your hard work deserves to be mentioned! :D Thank you again! Keep up your reading and your writing. :)

so.......y u no update stories?

being patient doe

(no updates and no pepsi make jon something something?)

I really liked that one. Congrats.


I'm working on this REALLY big story that I'm 15,000 words/approx 39 pages in. It's going to be a horror tragedy. After that, Equus Metamorphosis is neck. :)


Thank you! Sparrow did a wonderful job on the recording. Really inspiring stuff that gives me the drive to push harder with more of my work. Expectations go up and my desire to strive more does as well :)

4134493 I appreciate it! I work very hard to make sure they sound good :)

4138641 You're quite welcome, Sugarcube :ajsmug:

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