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Harmony Charmer

♪ Kingdom of ships around me and it looks like I'm the queen ♫

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Season 6, Episode 14 Thoughts and Review · 4:56pm Aug 8th, 2016

Wow, I liked this episode! It was a good slice of life with some good lessons to teach and I rather enjoyed it! Well, let's get on with the review!

At the Ponyville Schoolhouse, Miss Cheerilee announces to her class of foals that she is going to teach them about physics in order to prepare them for the upcoming Applewood Derby, in which the school foals will each build and race their own carts on a racetrack with an older pony assisting and riding with them.

As someone who graduated from Physics last semester, I am thankful I don't have to deal with this anymore...

Cheerilee explains that cart racers will be awarded ribbons based on three categories: fastest cart, most traditional cart, and cart with the most creative design.

Later, when school is dismissed, Sweetie Belle researches old Applewood Derbies and wants to win first place for most traditional cart. Apple Bloom says that, although the Derby is closely linked to Apple family history and they usually win most traditional, she wants to win fastest cart. Lastly, Scootaloo states she wants to win most creative cart as a change of pace from her high-speed scootering. The three fillies decide to seek help from their older sisters.

They're so cute.

At Rainbow Dash's cloudominium, Rainbow agrees to help Scootaloo build her cart, having fond memories of winning her own derby as a filly in Cloudsdale. However, she over-eagerly puts some of her own ideas to work and ignores Scootaloo's ideas. Similarly, Applejack favors a traditional cart over Apple Bloom's desire for a modern and fast cart, and Rarity takes charge of making Sweetie Belle's cart to make up for previously losing a first place "Most Creative" ribbon to Derpy.

Very early the next morning, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash take their little sisters to Sweet Apple Acres to start building their derby carts. Unfortunately, the older ponies continue to project their own desires onto the Derby and disregard those of the Crusaders.

Not gonna lie, this episode was kinda hard to watch at some points...

Though the fillies feel left out, they are certain that their older sisters know best. Their frustration only worsens, however, when Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow disapprove of and remove the additions they try to make to their respective carts.


As the Applewood Derby is about to start, the Crusaders feel even more neglected when Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash take over as drivers of their carts, despite Derby tradition stating that foals drive the completed carts in the Derby.

The Applewood Derby participants and their older assistants assemble their carts at the starting line. In spite of the Crusaders' continued frustration at being left out of derby activities, they ride in the carts with their older sisters.

Same, Cheerilee.

Cheerilee, dressed in a derby cheerleader outfit, signals the start of the race, and Applejack and Apple Bloom are left far behind due to the outdated design of their traditional cart.

This song was kinda fun.

As ponies race down the track, spectators sing a rousing song to cheer the racers on. Though their sisters excitedly sing along, the Crusaders have no fun in their roles as cart passengers. Near the finish line, the intersecting layout of the racetrack causes all of the carts to crash into each other. Which, was bound to happen, with the design of the race track looking like this:

I understand that there are tracks like this in real life, but this is just ASKING for a disaster.

The Crusaders finally vent their frustrations to their older sisters, saying they were supposed to design and drive their own carts in the Derby and that the older ponies ruined things for everyone due to their selfishness. When asked why they did not say anything earlier (EVEN THOUGH THEY DID), the Crusaders say it's hard to speak up to ponies older than them and they figured ponies who participated in the Derby before knew what was best.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity apologize to the Crusaders for getting carried away and ignoring their feelings, admitting that they could have done a better job of listening to them. They also convince Cheerilee to agree to a second Applewood Derby to make up for the first—with the condition that the older ponies stay on the sidelines.


Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity help the Crusaders make brand new carts that follow the Crusaders' desired designs, and Cheerilee signals the start of the second race. As the Crusaders and school foals have fun in the Derby, Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity cheer them on as spectators.

Alright, now, while this episode isn't the best of the season, that doesn't mean that it isn't good. It has very good lessons in it and it can be very relatable to kids. I understand why it's not a fan favorite because it follows a common trope, but it's still a good episode regardless. It was a nice slice of life with some great morals.

While the older siblings in this episode were the cause of the conflict in this episode, I'm really happy that they showed the different ways that older ponies can influence the younger generation:

Applejack represented the stubborn group that likes to do things the old-fashioned way, even if it's not the most efficient way. In other words, she's the parent who wants to stick with tradition in favor of doing something new.

Rarity showed the individual who lost out on something in their youth that wants to make sure the same thing doesn't happen to someone else, even if it's something that isn't of the younger generation's concern. In other words, she's a lot like those pageant moms who'll force their daughters into the competitions because they didn't win any as a kid.

Rainbow shows the individual who achieved something and wants to make sure that the younger generation achieves it as well, even if that younger generation doesn't want that achievement. In other words, she's that athletic parent with the dozens of trophies and awesome stories of raising hell that they are sincerely disappointed when their kids don't share the same dreams.

This is sort of thing is extremely important, and I'm so glad that this episode showed the different dynamics between kids and authority figures/parents/guardians. Both kids AND parents can learn from this episode.

To the parents who saw this episode: the lesson in this is that your child's activities are not necessarily your own. You can be excited for them and cheer them on, but in the end, it is their activity and something that they're doing, not you. If your kid wants to perform at the local talent show, it's their act; not yours.

Also, if your child asks for your help with something, that doesn't mean you get to do it for them. This can also apply to other kinds of relationships. If someone asks for help, then help; don't do it for them. And if they don't want your help, then don't get offended. Sometimes it's nice to be able to do something on your own.

Another good lesson from this episode? While it's important to respect your elders, you also need to know that they aren't always going to be right. And, to the elders out there, please stop assuming that because you are older that you know best or have better ideas. Please, don't allow your experiences to push away young, aspiring individuals with light and hope in their eyes. Do not offer harsh criticism; offer love and guidance and aid to those in need.

Probably the most important lesson in this episode? Listen. For goodness' sake, just LISTEN. Listen to what people tell you. Listen to when someone is having a problem or isn't ok with what's going on. Seriously, think of all the problems in life that could be fixed or easily avoided if everyone just LISTENED to each other. And if you don't quite agree with it, please find form a constructive reason for WHY you don't agree with it. If you don't have one, then maybe you aren't as right as you think you are.

Which, leads me to another lesson; never be afraid to admit you were wrong. We live in a culture where when we mess up or are proven wrong, that it's the worst thing ever. We, as a culture, need to learn how to say things like, "I never thought of it that way," or, "If I had known that, then I wouldn't have thought like I did." If you're wrong about something, don't let it keep you down. Bow your head gracefully and admit it; own up to your mistakes so that you can learn from them and move on with your life.

Ahem... Sorry to get all deep like that, but I felt like that needed to be said. To finish off this review, I'm gonna talk about some of the little stuff in this episode that caught my attention.

SNIPS AND A FAMILY MEMBER (maybe his dad?)




I knew I recognized that outfit somewhere before...

Oh, and to those of you who liked this episode or maybe just its moral, I have a show and episode recommendation to you: Steven Universe, "Sadie's Song" has a moral similar to this one, but it tackles the parent-child dynamic more directly. It's one of my favorite episodes of the series, and, while I recommend the series wholeheartedly, I can understand why it wouldn't appeal to everyone. But, this episode is a fun one and is mostly filler to the series, so you won't end up being confused by events exclusive to the series main story.

Now, what do we got for next week's episode?

Season 6, Episode 15: 28 Pranks Later
When Rainbow Dash's pranking gets out of hand, the ponies decide to give her a taste of her own medicine – zom-pony style!

OH SNAP! Looks like it's about to be a--

THRILLER episode!

...What? Gotta gives props to the King (sorry Elvis).

Feel like I miss anything in this episode? Go ahead and comment down below!

Comments ( 17 )

I honestly couldn't stand the episode. Sorry.


needz moar changelings.

That's OK! I found it hard to watch myself at times, but I enjoyed the lesson and the morals that came with it. I can understand why people didn't like it.

Wait two more episodes. :pinkiehappy:

Wait, Dinky has a brother?

I would've liked this episode better if it wasn't so predictable. I kept hoping they'd do something to change it, some sort of unexpected turn, but it never happened.


they missed an opportunity for mario kart references

Alright, now, while this episode isn't the best of the season, that doesn't mean that it isn't good.

That's exactly how I feel.

Back when they first announced the ribbons, I was expecting for Scoots to go with fastest, AB to go with traditional, and Sweetie to go with creative, but they threw us for a loop with that one. However, that's pretty minor, and I admit they could have done something more different to turn this trope on its head.

I notice the grey and red colt having an older sister who look like a mare version of Redcord before he change his name.

4138753 huh! Yeah, I guess that's canon now.

Is this the part where I start my ButtonBelle Chant again?

I think you made a mistake about the episode number.
Other than that, good job as always. You make the recaps a lot more interesting and informative.

Rarity losing to Derpy, Scoota chicken, and Cheerilee as a cheerleader were honestly the best parts in the ep for me, as well as the morals. Also, I've seen a few parents putting their kids into stuff that they probably didn't want to do; showing a 960-1,400 pound cow at a youth fair is one of them.

I liked that they went with this lesson. Honestly, after the part when the CMC were talking about which ribbon they wanted (which as you said each went for something different then expected) I thought the plot would go towards another direction.

This direction being that the older siblings/honorary sibling, even if they really didn't agree with what each CMC were aiming for, would still help them win their desired ribbons. But then, the ponies do a horrible job, since each kart design was out of their expertise, and the race becomes a disaster, like in the episode. The lesson there would be that even though they love their sisters, they really should have thought of who the best pony for the job should help them, which then, though understandings, switch partners, do the race again, and each CMC wins their ribbons. Ta-da. The End.

That changed after hearing the backstories, old ways, and the "pushing towards the expected outcome" thing. Again, I like the lesson they went with better. If you're helping someone, listen to what they need or what they want to say. If you need help or have something to say, say it and make sure they listen.

Also, 4138780
I had mario kart on the brain during the race. Then, it made me remember this:


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