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Story Updates and GHiE List Podcast Tonight · 8:44pm Sep 16th, 2016

Listening for Your Pleasure

Wow. We're really back in the swing of things, aren't we? Roughly 1.5k words a day. My computer's trashed again. But at this point I'm numb to it. I'm just my laptop for everything now. Screw it.

But that's not what we're here to talk about. We've got two stories that are back in action now. Rainbow Dash Tries To Win your heart is back, as well as Fluttershy Wants in Your Pants. I doubt anyone cares, but I thought it might be nice to talk a little about how I'm writing these stories and what my process is.

The first I want to talk about is Dash Tries to Win Your Heart, because, well. It's tagged to this. But also because the story as fucking -exploded-. When I last left the story, it was around... uh. 800 upvotes or something. Now it's pushing towards 1k likes, and I'm just sitting here like "OH MY GOD FIMFIC. YOU SCARY." Clearly you guys love Rainbow Dash.

Which, makes writing this story really weird for me. As a character, I'm not really a fan of Rainbow Dash. She comes off as an ignorant, arrogant prick a lot, to me. Which, you'll find in my writing of her that I try not to put that into her character. She listens. She shows off a different side of herself to Anon than she would if she's around other ponies. Like as her and Anon go on their date hang out day.

So, other than writing with a character I'm not really invested in, I turn on music like I have at the beginning of the blog. Something really gentle, acoustic, and romantic. At this point, I have the "General story points" planned out in my head, but I'm paying close attention to the comments for ideas and direction. So, please comment. I'm really eating it up.

As for Fluttershy Wants in Your Pants. Man. I feel like I'm writing the "Garfield" of Fimfic. If Garfield was gross and overly sexual. and maybe a -little- funnier. But not by much. I have a literal list of requests I've taken from Fimfic comments. There's over 100 requests on the list. And I'm still occasionally on the lookout for other fetish guesses, but the list pretty much goes on for forever. Whenever I start with this prompt, I try to just make everything form around it. The reason we begin to see these "Story Arcs" that appear in the story, is usually when I get a set of fetishes that I can't really think of a funny/overblown situation for. So I get Fluttershy to ask the question in a way that puts more weight on the current situation, and polish it off with one really big punch line or resolution.

I'm honestly pretty excited to get Parent's Night Out and Rainbow finally out of the way. (Parents is still waiting editor approval.) Then I can focus on getting other promises, fulfillments and stories on the way.


Tonight I'll be on the GHiE List Podcast interviewing Duelist96. Come chill with us over at http://twitch.tv/mikesnipe

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>Editor approval

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