• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 11th, 2019


I'm a shielder (nickname my friend Shelley gave me bc I'm a huge fan of the WWE's shield), a directioner, and an Ambrose fangirl. I'm 17 and I love JROTC!

More Blog Posts120

  • 370 weeks
    End of Semester

    Well, I finished my first year of college this week. Next year, I'll be taking over as the public information officer of the school's LGBT club. Though, I am annoyed because I will be stuck for two extra semesters due to my inability to afford summer classes. :facehoof:

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  • 387 weeks
    Goodbye 2016

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    Some Newer Thoughts on the Star Trek Reboots. (Spoilers) (duh!)

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  • 390 weeks
    I know I can't be the only one.

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  • 394 weeks
    Ok, it's time I said something.

    I didn't vote for either Clinton or Trump. I voted Gary Johnson because 1. legal weed, 2. repeal Common Core, and 3. neither Trump nor Clinton. So when I say my piece, don't be calling me all sorts of names or tell me I'm just mad Clinton lost.

    I'm genuinely afraid, guys.

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    17 comments · 224 views

Ok, it's time I said something. · 1:16pm Nov 11th, 2016

I didn't vote for either Clinton or Trump. I voted Gary Johnson because 1. legal weed, 2. repeal Common Core, and 3. neither Trump nor Clinton. So when I say my piece, don't be calling me all sorts of names or tell me I'm just mad Clinton lost.

I'm genuinely afraid, guys.

Not just for me. For my boyfriend, for my friends, for every minority Trump or his supporters attacked at any point. I'm scared.

I'm a bisexual 18-year-old with aspergers syndrome and Mike Pence, with his views on the LGBT community, scares the hell out of me. And I'm not just scared for myself. I saw some of the Muslim students who are very religious not wearing their hijab. I have a trans friend who's scared to go to work or even leave his house.

I honestly don't believe all Trump supporters believe what Trump says. I feel it more as they heard what he said and may have told themselves it wasn't going to be as bad as others felt it would be.

I only have one hope for the next four years. If either Trump or Pence or anyone in Congress tries to push down the rights of a minority, whether you voted for Trump, Clinton, or any of those on the ballot in your state, stand up and say "No, we're America and this shit doesn't fly with us." Don't let Muslims, LGBT, POC, women, or disabled be trampled on in exchange for "Making America Great Again." Because I don't care how many jobs are here or how great our military is, an America where we overlook mistreatment of people or allow laws to pass that strips other's rights is NOT what America is meant to be, at least not to me.

I don't care who you voted for. I don't care why. All I care is that you don't let me, my friends, and people like us get stepped on for a "Great America".

Report AlyssaAmbrose · 224 views ·
Comments ( 17 )

I don't think there is any reason to be scared. Pence isn't the president; Trump is. So his opinions are irrelevant anyway.

Trump actually stands for minority, LGBT, and women's rights. His campaign manager was a woman. If he was sexist, he would have never chosen someone with that much responsibility and influence to be the person who literally determines the outcome of his campaign.

Trump's wife is a foreigner; he's not racist. Trump is also a certain percentage of Mexican. He isn't going to do anything that jeopardises the welfare of his wife's Slovenian family, or his Hispanic relatives safety.

Trump employs the highest number of minorities, LGBT members, and women than any other company. I think he will have the same policies when he is president. It would be weird if he changed them.

In short, while I did not vote for Trump or Hillary, I think that Trump will do just fine. People are really freaking out for no reason. And the storm will pass soon enough. So I wouldn't worry to much about things.

4297075 The main reason I worry is Trump will say one thing, then deny he said it or say he meant it another way. Plus, he said himself he wants to be unpredictable.

Maybe if we're lucky, at least for LGBT people, Pence will be sat in a corner and told to shut up. I just don't want Pence in Trump's ear with any proposals about literally anything.

Maybe Trump not listening to anyone or anything else will work in our favor.

4297077 Trump does what Trump wants. He has stayed firm in all of this policies since he has been elected. So I highly doubt the opinions of the people around him are going to inluence him much. That is of course unless they offer advice that is truly good for the country. But otherwise, Trump's main concerns are setting term limits for politicians, creating jobs, and reforming healthcare so it's truly free for everyone. He just mentioned this to the press yesterday.

There's only so much he can get done in a year. And remember that literally no one in the Whitehouse supports him. So it will probably take him the majority of his presidency to even get those three items passed. That's just how the government works.

In short, Trump really doesn't have as much power as people think he does. The house and Senate are going to fight him every step of the way in every decision that he makes. So people really have nothing to worry about.

4297080 If he focuses on those three, I'm good. I did agree with both Clinton on some things and Trump on some things. However, I distrust both and I find them both extremely icky. That's the technical term for it. Icky.

4297084 I voted for Dr. Jill Stein. But I support Trump as president because it's my duty as an American citizen to accept the peaceful transfer of power from one leader to the next. So I wish Trump the best and truly hope does well for the sake of the entire country. Now is the time to come together and support each other; not be divided. We have to believe in out president and the Democratic process or we will be encouraging a dictatorship to move in and take away our freedom. So this is why I support the peaceful transfer of power. And we will always have the chance to vote in someone else into office in four years who we feel is more qualified. There's really no reason to be freaked out about things. The world isn't going to end. The sun will rise tomorrow. Life will go on as usual.

4297098 I accept it, I'm not out rioting in the streets over it. I just realized long ago it was a damned if we do damned if we don't kinda situation. I do hope he surprises us all, because if I didn't it'd be like hoping he would crash a plane all of America was on.

4297111 I really think Trump is going to do fine. Again, the president doesn't have as much power as people think they do. This is why Obama wasn't able to do most of the things he promised during his election to both terms. The government fought him on every level. And it was only with an executive order that he was able to get the healthcare plan put into place.

If Obama can't make any changes to things despite having the support of everyone around him, Trump is going to do worse. Because he literally has support from anyone. So I wouldn't worry about Trump at all to be honest. Checks and balances exist for a reason.

4297159 It also isn't necessarily Trump that worries many, it's the extreme people who supported him and the hidden evil and racism that's been underground for awhile, that Trump released with much of his inflammatory speeches. I know many are not hateful or bigoted but when many Muslims and POC have been harassed by his supporters during much of his campaign and no one wants to stand up and call it out. If more Trump supporters showed they do not approve of the harassment going on across this country, it'd give them a better image.

4297178 Wikileaks actually showed that there is a lot of false media coverage coming out about Trump. They showed that the CNN and all of the other major media outlets were being given money by corrupt politicians to fake stories about Trump. So I take everything I see in the media with a grain of salt.

The protestors are actually being funded by a man named Soros who also funded the BLM and other protestors to show up at the Trump raillies. Soros is also being funded by corrupt politicians.

This kind of outrage has happened when other candidates have been elected. It's pretty normal to be honest. And it will all die down in time.

The only reason why it 'seems' like a bigger problem is because of all the funding by Soros, the corrupt media coverage, and other things that are blowing it out of proportion and making it worse than it needs to be.

4297398 Oh, trust me, this is why I stopped watching news, but I've seen on social media where people were being threatened and harassed by Trump supporters due to their status as a minority. Is Trump as bad as the media says? I don't know. But some of his supporters are terrible just like the Clinton supporters rioting because Trump won are terrible. My trans friend even said it wasn't necessarily Trump that gave him anxiety as it was his followers who took everything to an extreme, such as the racist and homophobic ones. Trump himself may not be any of the terrible the media depicted him as, but at the same time he isn't telling his supporters to chill the fuck out.

4297439 I think there are radical members of both sides who are showing disgusting behavior to be honest. But I am optimistic that the extreme behavior of both the Republicans and Democrats will die down over time.

Like I mentioned, there is always an initial adjustment period when a new president comes into office. Obama faced similar protests, threats to leave the country, and so on from the Republicans when he was elected eight years ago.

All of this will eventually dissipate and we can all focus on unifying the country rather than dividing it with pointless arguments on both sides.

4297682 I do hope we all unite in the face of this. Trump was not my first choice and neither was Johnson. I truly wanted Bernie. However, I hope that all this formerly undercover hate from both sides does manage to dissipate before January so we can all start off on somewhat better terms.

My mom made a great point that if he focuses more economic more than social issues, he may be decent and honestly, I'm in favor of some of his economic policies. I just don't like what often comes out of his mouth.

I'm trying to remain hopeful, but so much anger and animosity on both sides is truly scary.

4297698 Just stay strong in the face of all of this and focus on the people who truly care about you. You are going to make it out of this okay. We all will. Many hugs and snuggles to you. :heart:

4298037 I'm going to just do what I do best.

I'm going to be the good I wanna see in the face of this.

And thank you for your good wishes.

4298081 You are very welcome. I am always here if you need someone to talk to my friend. Feek free to send me a message any time. :heart:

You know you could always move to Canada

4299061 With what money?

Besides, I've acknowledged I may not like it but I accept it. I've just seen so much hate on both sides of this. Democrats pulling Trump supporters out of cars, Trump supporters verbally harassing Muslims and LGBT and bragging how Trump and Pence are gonna send Muslims back and put gays back in the closet, and people on both sides trying to claim they aren't for what their fellow supporters are doing, but also aren't trying to do anything about it. To me, it's all equally disgusting.

No one, not republican nor democrat, not black nor white, not gay, straight, trans, nor bisexual, not disabled nor able-bodied, not woman nor man, not Christian, Jewish, Atheist, nor Muslim and every one from all religions and all walks of life in-between, deserves to fear for their safety in their own country. However, I see so many Trump supporters who won't try to understand the fear and anxiety that Trump caused with his words and his supporters cause with his actions. That's why I chose to address my feelings. Do I hope it's better than everyone is fearing? Absolutely. But in order for that to happen, we all have to try to listen and understand the qualms and struggles of everyone in this country. Trump supporters have just valid and equal problems as Clinton supporters and if we all actually reached out instead of rioting and calling for Trump's assassination, we could all find solutions to what we feel needs to be addressed in our lives.

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