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Thank yous · 3:31am Jan 1st, 2017

Hey all, just as I watch the new year tick around from home, I feel now is a good time to really thank those who truly do deserve the thanks throughout MN7′s conception and creation. I’m going to attempt to try and not make this sound like some pretentious self important overrunning Oscar speech, but we’ll see how far we get!

The first thing I’d like to say though is to anyone who picked it up and read it either for one sentence or the whole story, there’s a lot of you thanking me for writing it. I’m most gracious for that and it’s been amazing to see the huge response that the finale got. In the past I used to think authors saying “No, it’s me thanking all you for reading it” was just pandering to look modest. However I have discovered that no, this is absolutely a real thing. I’d never ever have been able to finish it without the support of those to be mentioned below and all of you who read it and put your thoughts and well wishes down. (Or those of you who offered the harsh but necessary critique!) The motivation that gave me to see that happen every time, thats where the willingness to keep writing a project that should have been shorter came from.

Along that way, however, it wasn’t just me. Editors/Prereaders from the very beginning to the very end were not just crucial. They were essential. Inlucidreverie, Blackdutchie, Sanc, Narrator, Mira and Purestorm all worked at different points either early or later in spotting typos and suchlike for me, even if not all at once. However the two that I must especially thank are Napalm Goat for so much feedback on the ‘feel’, pace and tone of things being met; along with often very smart “little” ideas that helped many of the scenes you guys seemed to love be what they are. The other being Snipehamster. Your feedback was beyond essential and stopped me from making a catastrophic mistake at the start of Act 3. You never were afraid to directly call when an idea plain sucked, and that benefited the story enormously, along with the intrinsic level of nitpicking detail you went into for me. I am enormously thankful to all of you for that help throughout. The story is quantifiably superior for your thoughts, in very clear to point at areas.

I have to pass a level of thanks to my best friend in the world, Calisto. Not only for the period of prereading she did, but for endless amounts of support and belief that I could do this. You’ve known me for over a decade now and you’ve seen the struggles I had to finish projects, all the way back from ‘Runners’ through to this.

In terms of feedback, I just want to pass a quick thanks to the /foe/ thread over on that most unusual and bizarre of websites. You lot are insane, but you had feedback to sure, so I would wander into the madness to see what you thought. You lot were never afraid to say exactly what you thought. Gave me a couple of good smacks around the head to tune up my game on a couple occasions. Across the FOE Reddit, FimFic Comments, Cloudsville, EQD…the feedback from all of them was amazing to read.

Lastly, I just wanna toss out a thanks to all the artists, musicians, voice actors and animators who did any sort of creative work based on MN7. I look at the folder that I’ve saved everything in and I am in awe. I cannot believe there’s so much of it, that so many people took time out of their lives to do it. But among them I really want to highlight MisterMech. Not just for running ths AsktheSlaves blog with me (I wish I’d had more time for that! I’m so sorry, Mech! I underestimated how busy my life would get back then! I do miss doing it, would love to again but I always felt oddly guilty to go back and ask you again given the amount of work you put into it for free.) but also for being one of the first ‘well known’ FOE artists to do artwork for it and draw a lot of attention to my story. You directly contributed to getting the word out in a big way. Heck, so many did. Pantzar, Jetwave, Zubias and Piecee01 were all among the firsts, but Kalemon, Brisineo, Pencilguy (forever censor!), Lucid…there’s too many to name. There really is.

So now, what next? Well, look to my coming blog where I talk about my upcoming projects, what to expect in the short or long terms and even a short FOE story I wrote for fun near the end of MN7 that’s just a few days of editing from release! So the content’s right around the corner! Look for that post within the next week once I get things sorted on my end and see the end of last year out.

Again, thank you all. There’s dozens of people, and friends both old and new that I wish I could say name by name. But don’t take this as anything but a step past the first gate. Even ahead of my project update post, if you ask what’s next?

The next story.

ALWAYS the next story.

BUT in the meantime, why not check out many of the other wasteland stories that I’ve been hearing are pretty good? Outlaw, Wasteland Economics, Gardener, Treasure Hunting, Duck and Cover and its sequel Make Love Not War are all ones I’ve heard good things about! I’ll be having a look at them over time. Check em out! They deserve the attention too!

Happy New Year everyone!

Comments ( 3 )

I recently signed up for the preorder of the third printing of Fallout Equestria and I can honestly say that I'm really excited!:)

Im leading group for bulk order to my country for this print
It is incredible how far this subfandom went.
I will admit that I did not read your story yet, but after I finish with Starlight I woll go straight to it (did finished original, project horizons and pink eyes before)

This certainly has been a long, entertaining ride.

Congratulations and thanks for all the story!

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