• Member Since 15th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 28th, 2018


Just a guy that does whatever comes to mind. Giving the D, trolling, cockblocking, and laughing maniacally may apply.

More Blog Posts120

  • 340 weeks
    Reporting in with bad news.

    *Peeks into the fandom awkwardly* Hi~, how's it going? 😅

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    16 comments · 3,169 views
  • 360 weeks
    Checking in while still alive.

    Hey guys, just checking out the site since I was last on, and wow, looks like there have been a lot of changes. :derpyderp2:

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    9 comments · 1,016 views
  • 368 weeks
    What's happening recently.

    So for those of you who've read the epilogue to TOWAT, thank you for reading it to the end. If you haven't gotten into it yet, go and take a look, but there's mother/son incest involved, otherwise, avoid it like the plague if that isn't your cup of tea.

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    5 comments · 661 views
  • 379 weeks

    Let's get some worries out of the way:

    1) I'm not dead. I still come on here to read the fics while I'm at work during break and lunch.
    2) I'm not quitting TMS. I vowed I'd get the series done before the end of this year (which is especially special since this is my chinese new year, the rooster, though I'm not sure if that's a good motivator).

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    17 comments · 831 views
  • 388 weeks
    Sucky Holiday Updates, a.k.a. Vent Blog.

    So yeah ... Christmas kind of blew for me this year, specifically with work. Seriously, fuck retail during the holidays, and I thought working at a grocery store during this time was bad.

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    8 comments · 501 views

Checking in while still alive. · 7:53am Jul 11th, 2017

Hey guys, just checking out the site since I was last on, and wow, looks like there have been a lot of changes. :derpyderp2:

It's also kind of awkward coming on here since, well ... I haven't really done much since my last blog post. I'm still job searching, but kind of taking a break right now for reasons I'll put in later. It's also awkward as I hardly even looked at TMS and my other stories lately, either. I'm still writing, just something completely different that's related to my current interests, i.e. manga and light novels. You probably wouldn't believe how many chapters I've already written in the past 1.5-2 months, it's like how I started TMS all over again. :twilightsheepish: I also couldn't believe how quickly season 7 (?) of MLP has already come and gone. I'll have to find time to catch up on my episodes. Not sure if I'll want to see the movie, though.

Anyway, as for why I'm putting on the job search on hold, I'll be taking a paid vacation for the next 10-12 days. I'll be on a road trip around Oregon to visit some family members, get some driving experience, but most importantly, attending my very first convention in anything ever. ANIME PDX I think is the name of the convention that's taking place in Portland between the 21st to the 23rd. I'll be attending all days, and a little of the last day before I have to drive back home and get ready for work again the next day. I'll be coming into the city on the 16th, though, so I'll be around for a while. If any of you are near the area or are going to the convention, it'd be cool if I could meet some of you guys. If you're interested, leave a PM, and we'll go from there.

That said, I'll be taking a break from writing for a while along with my work. I may jot in some story ideas here and there, maybe pick up on drawing a little, but I'm giving my poor hands a break from all the typing, as well as let my creative writing gears get some reprieve. I feel I also need this to loosen my mind and think about what I really want to do for the future. I'll definitely get back into writing fully charged after vacation's over, though.

Other than that, I've just been occupied with work and life in general. I may think about taking some online classes relating to some of the fields of work I'm interested in, as well as to improve some weak points I need to use on a daily basis (customer service, and just dealing with people in general). As for the stories, let's see, last I checked, I was going to change DMC back into a one-shot if I don't hear anything from you guys, and I haven't, so I'll do that before I leave. As I've said, I haven't made much progress on TMS and my other stories, haven't really thought much on MLP in general. I don't want to leave the few stories I have here in odd places to stop, though. I'm not confident getting TMS done by the end of this year, but I will get it done as long as I'm still standing and this site still exists. All I can say is that I apologize for being a strange guy who can't seem to stick with one thing of interest like Leonardo Da Vinci went from painting his greatest works to drawing blueprints for military/mechanical machinery (no seriously, he actually did that). Though, I guess finding different interests is also part of what life's about, right? The most we can do is look back and learn what we've enjoyed from our past experiences and see if we can apply them to new things.

That's all for now. I'll see if I can take some sweet pictures of the places I visit and post them here for you all to view. I may go otaku for a little bit and buy some merch at the convention and show what I got (don't count on seeing my face, though). Hope you're all enjoying your summer vacations so far, taking advantage of what you can outside of work, and still fappin' to whatever you may find on the web. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Until next time,

This is Dudeler, signing off.

Comments ( 9 )

As long as you don't rush through TMS just to get it over with I personally can wait as long as it takes for you to write it.

Hope you have some fun at your first con. Ok. Here is a list of what you should do and bring. This is just suggestions

1: Bring plenty of water. You will need to keep yourself hydrated.
2: If you can. Bring your own food. Con food is pricey depending on where you go to eat. Save as much money as you can.
3: Watch out for shifty people. People may seem nice and friendly. Most of them are. But some are real bad. So watch out.
4: This one seems obvious but some people don't follow it and I don't need to tell you this, but I have to mention it... Be sure to keep yourself clean. Don't be the smelly person at the con. I pretty sure you won't.
5: This last rule is the most important one of all. Are you ready for this. Be sure......................... To have a wonderful time. It's important to have fun and get plenty of merch.

Anyways. Those are all the things you should follow. Sorry bout number 4 but I have encountered so many smelly people. It's nothing on you personally I promise. Anyways. Happy that you are going to your first con. Have fun and get what you want at the con.

I've reread TMS twice since the last update.

I'm missing it so much I might go for a third.

It's good to hear from you again man. Best wishes. :) (And stay awesome)

good luck and have a safe trip.

it all most sounds to me as if you are moving on from the MLP fandom?

Will still be ready and waiting to edit when the time comes. Have fun out there

I figured as much since it's the middle of summer. Believe me, I'm a pretty hygienic person, so much so that it wouldn't be surprising if you see me back away from any bad smelling hobos. Water's good, but bringing my own food doesn't sound like a bad idea, either. But yes, I'll try to have as much fun as possible.

That might be what it is. I don't know, MLP just doesn't seem as good to me as it has been since I first got into it. That, or I've just been to occupied with other things to even think about it. I may check back from time to time, but I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up like Spongebob and gets milked for every drop of money the brand can get in exchange for the quality of the show. Just seeing Merriwether Williams moving on to other projects after the last episode she wrote (the one with RaRa) is a sure sign of that.

That's good man. Well when you go. Have a good time.

hopefully at some point in time your muse will pull back to your grate story's.
I understand how a persons life changes over time I my self have followed MLP from G1 1985 but who knows at some point I may lose interest my self.

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