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A Pop Star, a Princess, and a Prisoner Character Designs and Inspirations to them. · 3:57am Aug 17th, 2017

Hey, guys.
Raptormon132 here, and I wanted to release a blog about the characters of the story, "A Pop Star, a Princess, and a Prisoner". Some of you I assume are curious of the characters of the story, and even what they would look like. Well I have decided to take the time to talk about the designs and inspirations of the characters of the story, major or minor or in between, and for the first time show you images of the character designs of them.

Note that some if the character designs are based on someone else's characters in other MLP fan fictions, while others are either created by use of the Pony Creator v3 and Pony Creator Full Version, or have no pony image, but instead have images of characters or people in TV Shows, Movies, and Real Life. Also note that I might not have much to even nothing to say about some of the characters.

1. Abacus Sum

Link to Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1C2acTc4sRqTV9INWMzaFZsZWc/view?usp=sharing

Abacus Sum was mostly inspired by myself, especially due to him having Autism/Asperger syndrome. However his career of being an accountant and tax agent was based on my older sister's accounting career. Some who have reviewed the story class him as a Mary Sue/Gary Stu (a character who is perfect, and good at everything) and Marty Stu (a perfect character who suffered something tragic, and became someone to take great pity on), but the fact of the matter is that Abacus is none of those things. He's not someone who is perfect. He had to work hard to overcome much of his disability, and he was a kind and nice guy who did his best at his career of being an accountant and tax agent. The things said about him by the characters who were on his side were describing him from a personal prospective to make him seem like he was perfect. There is a Mary Sue in the story, but the reviewers and the ones who believe the reviewer are looking at the wrong character. The Mary Sue is in fact Abacus's first wife, Tiger Lily.

2. Tiger Lily

Link to Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1C2acTc4sRqZGJZOWtFQTc4Y3M/view

Not very much to say about her since she was thought of from the start, and that I was thinking of the type of flower, as well as being inspired by the character Lily Potter from the Harry Potter series. She's the Mary Sue the reviewers, and people who believe the reviews had failed to acknowledged. She was the perfect character, but did not put too much into her since she was to die tragically by making the ultimate sacrifice for her husband, similar to how Lily Potter gave her life for Harry when Lord Voldemort tried to kill him. As for her story, I made it that she was abandoned, and put into foster care, where she made friends with her foster sister, Lawful Eye years later.

3. Arithma

Link to Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1C2acTc4sRqOUVaa256VU15MUE/view

The name, "Arithma" was inspired by the word "Arithmetic", which means a branch of mathematics that consists of the study of numbers. I thought it was a good kind of name for a earth pony mare who's a accountant. The concepts of her being a single mother due to her having a sperm donor, to her being an orphan was easy to construct for the story. Things I had not mentioned about Arithma is the reason why she didn't have more children. The reason is because she had an hysterectomy sometime after Abacus was born due to a benign tumor growing in her uterus. That's why Abacus was an only child. As the story went on, in addition to adding and changing things to the story, Arithma began to have a bit more present in flashbacks.

4. Lawful Eye

The design for Lawful Eye was simple. I am a huge fan of the Turnabout Storm series, especially the character, Sonata. Hence I use the image of Sonata to pose as Lawful Eye, since she was inspired and based on the Turnabout Storm character. I even assumed that it's okay to use Sonata's design since the creator said he/she did not mind from how others use her design in other stories and projects. Plus, I claim to others who question it that the character, Lawful Eye is mine, but the design isn't, and I use Sonata's image as a reference to what she looks like.

The some reviewers have earlier classed her as a "Fixer Sue". Since then I did changes to fix this. And her backstory was developed a bit more recently. Her father was an earth pony named Watchful Eye, and was a sergeant of the Fillydelphia police, and her mother was a unicorn named Legal Matter, and was a high court prosecutor. When Lawful Eye was four, she and her parents went on a holiday, until their was a terrible cart accident. Lawful Eye escaped with a broken leg, but her parents were not so lucky. He father was killed, while her mother survived, but suffered very severe brain damage making her a vegetable, until she dead from complications to her injures a years later. Lawful Eye was them put into foster care where she met and befriended Tiger Lily, who became her foster sister.

5. Rehab

Link to Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1C2acTc4sRqUzRpeDN6X1BIZTg/view

The design of Rehab is based on a character in the Motherly Scootaloo series, simply known as "Warden", which I enjoyed the audio drama made by InsaneBardock. And even like the character, he is later shipped with Derpy. Although Rehab has "Warden" in his name, the name is used as a rank name like Captain or Lieutenant while on duty, while Rehab is his real name, and is used while off duty. His cutie mark is based on the rehab symbol used by Hallmark Rehabilitation logo, which was replaced with hooves, instead of hands.

6. Lock Down

Lock Down's design is of the unicorn royal guards, though he would have a scar on his right shoulder from a prisoner attacking him with a homemade knife in a prison riot at Alcatrotz Island in San Franciscolt. I also made it as if the royal guards have different classes, hence how I came up with prison class royal guard that Lock Down is part of. I should mention that some of his character comes from a friend of my family's that is a high class prison guard in a prison that houses paedophiles and sexual offenders in real life.

7. Sugar Dough

Link to Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1C2acTc4sRqRmdOVnZoRXVsU1U/view

Not very much to say about her, apart from her being partially based on a the wife of the prison guard friend of my family. Although her career of being a baker was something thought of based on Carrot Cake and Cup Cake.

8. Storm Dasher

Link to Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1C2acTc4sRqaWZEdk4zOXdKTGM/view

The name was based on the pony name I got from a pony name generator using my real name. It is unknown whether Scootaloo is an orphan, or has parents. So I came up with Scootaloo having a unstable father who was suffering from grief from the tragic death of his wife and Scootaloo's mother, Firefly, who suddenly died of an aneurysm on Scootaloo's birthday. My intention was to make an angry, unreasonable character who one would hate at first, but later feel for him when hearing about the tragic loss of his wife.

9. Coco-Nut

Link to Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1C2acTc4sRqaElPdzlDN01HRVk/view

Coco-Nut was another character who was thought of while thinking about the conflict in Chapter 9, along with Honey Blossom, and their daughter, Buttercup.

10. Honey Blossom

Link to Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1C2acTc4sRqVlA3bTN2QS1fdnc/view

11. Dr Checker Stallion

Link to Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1C2acTc4sRqaDZrSFlCYXFibGc/view

Dr Stallion was inspired by Dr. Simon Bowen from the Australian television serial comedy/drama series, A Country Practice, who was played by Grant Dodwell. The fact that Dr Stallion is Australian is inspired by my desire for an Australian character to appear in an episode of MLP. His colours were inspired by the black and white colours of a checker board, hence why his first name is "Checker". I also claim that he is from the Equestrian city of Sydneigh, before moving to Ponyville. Also note that he wears a white doctors coat and a stethoscope around his neck like Doctor Horse.

12. Dr Cosmet Wonder

Link to Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1C2acTc4sRqeUpPZ3BpaUFyYkk/view

Originally, the scene with Dr Cosmet Wonder in chapter 24 was not going to be added, but I thought of adding her brief scene at the end to give reader a image of what she is going to be like in a prequel story I plan on writing. The fact that she's French comes from how some people see the French as people who admire beauty and fanciness. Originally, Dr Cosmet Wonder was to be African British, but I changed to French due to how I pictured her, and would suit her better. Her cutie mark is unknown because she would be wearing a white doctor's coat that would cover it.

13. Ocean Blue

Link to Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1C2acTc4sRqOHRhUWFpV3ZaTlU/view

The concept for Ocean Blue was speculated by how it is unknown if Sapphire Shores has a manager. Her name and colour was inspired by the theme of the ocean and seaside like Sapphire Shores.

14. Rad Ballad

Link to Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1C2acTc4sRqZ2FqbmotR2g5c3c/view

Rad Ballad's design was inspired by DJ Pon-3, aka Vinyl Scratch's design. And he was also inspired by musicians of the 80s. He would also wear a tiger stripe headband on his forehead, and a blue bandana like the 80s musicians.

15. Rotten Eggs

Link to Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1C2acTc4sRqekYtQ1dRVnNGbFE/view

Rotten Eggs was inspired by a bully that tormented me while I was in high school. I tried to make Rotten Eggs look thuggish and sadistically sinister as I could. I personally like the design I came up with for him.

16. Armstrong

The minotaur warden of Hoofstrong Prison Center. He was inspired by a sadistic character from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's with the same name. And I picture him to look like Armstrong from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5d's, only as a minotaur.

17. Southern

Southern was inspired and based on the secret agent of the same name from the episode, "30 Minutes After Noon" from the series, Thunderbirds. I would picture his design would be based on Southern from Thunderbirds, and Prince Blueblood (only a pegasus).

18. Turncoat

Turncoat was inspired by Professor Severus Snape from the Harry Potter series. His design would be similar to Professor Flintheart and this unnamed stallion from an unknown episode a friend of mine showed me, only his colours would have a dark red coat, and black mane and tail.

Link to Image of second unknown pony: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1C2acTc4sRqaVZpMDNjZ1hCcUk/view
Link to Image of Turncoat's cutie mark: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1C2acTc4sRqRUg2NFZRa0RDaWs/view

19. Detective Chief Superintendent Open Case

Open Case was based and inspired by a real person. The person he was based on is Mike Hagan, an Australian detective inspector who worked on many cases such as the Granny Killer case. And his design would be based on Mike Hagan.

20. Detective Inspector Under Cover

Under Cover was inspired and based on Senior Detective Amy Fox a fictional character from the Australian police drama series, Blue Heelers. And her design would be based on Amy Fox.

21. Investigator Tough Job

Tough Job was inspired and based on another Blue Heelers character named "Nick Schultz". And his design would be based on Nick Schultz.

22. Judge Marshall Gavel

Marshall Gavel is the unnamed court judge at Abacus's retrail in Equestria supreme court in Canterlot, that appears in chapter 4 part 2. He was inspired by, and his design would be based on Judge Marshall Stevens from 1997 American comedy film, Liar Liar, who is played by the late Jason Bernard.

23. Gale

He is a griffon who works at Oatenburg Psychiatric Institution as a therapist assistant. He is a new character that was added and made as a character to appear and have a role in one of the prequel stories I plan to write. He was inspired by the character, Brendan Jones (played by Shane Withington) from A Country Practice.

24. Aengus

He is a minotaur who works at Oatenburg Psychiatric Institution as an orderly. He is a new character that was added and made as a character to appear and have a role in one of the prequel stories I plan to write. He was based on the actor, and the past career of Peter Mayhew.

25 & 26. Officers Strike Law and Rogue Order

The designs of the 2 rogue police ponies from Cloudsdale police, Strike Law (a stallion) and Rogue Order (a mare) were based on 2 images of a stallion and mare police pony that appear in the series, only they're Pegasi. Of which episodes? I don't know. And they were to represent the rogue nature of some police officers in real life.

Well, guys, that's all the characters of the story that I wanted to share with you. There were 2 other characters I missed, Blue Ward and Cover-Up of the Canterlot investigation force. I'll have to give those two a little more thought. But these are the characters I wanted to show and describe to you all. Do tell me what you think about them, and if you have any questions about them, do let me know.

Comments ( 7 )

Good Inspirations!

Thanks. :twilightsmile:
I hope you could view many of the images. Most images from Google Drive don't show for some unknown reason.

Only a few, i try to give those who don't Work later a try

I just tried to fix this with replacing the images that are on Google Drive with links to them instead.

I also added 2 more characters that I forgot to mention. Those characters are the 2 rogue cops from Cloudsdale, Strike Law and Rogue Order, just so you know. :raritywink:

You think these designs and inspirations are pretty?
Thanks. :twilightsmile:

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