• Published 19th Oct 2015
  • 3,876 Views, 409 Comments

A Pop Star, a Princess, and a Prisoner - Raptormon132

A once well respected resident of Ponyville has been released from prison for a false crime. But being as almost all of the townsfolk still believe he did it, it maybe a bit more difficult to get this pony back on his feet. Will the Mane Six succeed?

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Chapter 4 (Part 2): "The Memories of Lawful Eye."

Three months ago...

Outside Abacus's cell, Lawful Eye turned her head towards the royal guard that shocked Abacus. She glared at him, her eyes smoked with anger at what the guard had just done.

"You...!" Lawful Eye shouted through gritted teeth. "How could you?! You're a monster!"

The royal guard looked conflicted at what Lawful Eye had said to him, but barely managed to maintain his composure.

"Detective Lawful Eye, I presume?" A deep, but calming male voice said.

Lawful Eye turned her head in the direction where the voice came from. At the T-ended section of the corridor stood a middle-aged unicorn stallion. His coat was a very dark grey, almost a black color, his mane and tail was purple and black patterned, and had deep emerald green eyes. He was also close to average size, unlike the other stallion prison staff.

"Who are you?" Lawful Eye asked, her voice still angered.

"I am Warden Rehab, the new warden assigned to this prison facility." Warden Rehab motioned to the left corridor indicating Lawful Eye to follow him. "Come to my office. We'll talk." He then turned to the royal guard. "Clock off early today and wait in the recreation room. We'll have a talk when I meet you there."

The royal guard nodded, and walked down the corridor. Lawful Eye then followed Warden Rehab down the left corridor towards his office at his request.

Warden Rehab opened the door to his office with his magic, where he and Lawful Eye entered. Warden Rehab directed Lawful Eye to the chair in front of his desk.

"Do sit down." Warden Rehab said.

Lawful Eye took a seat in front of Warden Rehab's work desk, with Warden Rehab taking his seat at his work desk.

Warden Rehab cleared his throat. "I assume you know why I wanted to speak to you? I saw the whole thing, Detective."

"This is outrageous," Lawful Eye said. "How can you treat them like this? Leaving steelectric collars on them, and shocking them."

Warden Rehab sighed. "I understand your anger, and I and all the guards here share it, but you have to understand that it's not our fault. The prison system of this facility is under the high maximum security class act. And because of that, the major protocols, including the major rules, and the steelectric collars being equipped can't be changed without legal processing. Some rules and regulations like allowing visitors, and having the prisoners wearing jumpsuits can be changed, but other rules have to be changed by legal government policy which can take as long as eight months to recalibrate."

Lawful Eye frowned. "No. Oh, Abi. All he wanted was a hug from me, but he can't without getting shocked. It's not fair. He didn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve any of this."

"I agree," Warden Rehab said. "No prisoner here deserves this, but until this is legally resolved, Abacus will just have to follow the rules like every other prisoner. It's just the way it has to be. I and all the guards here don't want him or any of them to ever get shocked. For I've seen the psychological effects of what those collars can have on some ponies."

Lawful Eye dropped her head sadly. She thought Abacus would not have to suffer anymore, but it seemed that he was not out of the woods yet. She was at least relieved that the new prison warden seemed very caring and trusting.

Several minutes later, Lawful Eye came back to Abacus's cell with Warden Rehab. They saw that Abacus had not left the very spot he was left. Warden Rehab used his magic to insert the key to Abacus's cell, where he then turned the key, and unlocked his cell door. Abacus looked up with his teared-up eyes at the sound of the door of his cell unlocking. At the sight of Warden Rehab, Abacus quickly huddled himself up into the corner of his cell in horrible fear, shielding himself with his hooves.

Warden Rehab turned to Lawful Eye. "You stay out here."

Lawful Eye watched has Warden Rehab open the door of Abacus, and entered, closing the cell door behind him, as she watched through the bars of the cell door. She so wanted to comfit Abacus, but she knew that she could not touch him. She felt so helpless.

"Abacus Sum." Warden Rehab said.

He slowly approached Abacus, with Abacus huddled up in the corner of his cell, trembling and whimpering. When Warden Rehab's shadow was over Abacus, Abacus shielded his face with his hooves, and closed his eyes tightly, bracing himself for whatever torture that was going to come to him. Warden Rehab then kneeled down on his knees to be on Abacus's level. "It's all right. I'm not going to hurt you."

"Abi, it's okay," Lawful Eye said, watching through the bars. "This is Rehab. He's the new warden here, and he really cares about you very much."

Abacus remained huddled up in the corner of his cell, trembling, sobbing, and whimpering. Warden Rehab stayed kneeled down to his level to show he meant no harm to him, and that he wanted to speak to him on equal grounds. "Listen to me, Abacus. I'm sorry you got shocked by the guard, and your fearful distrust to prison staff, especially stallion staff is quite understandable, but please understand that it's not our fault."

Warden Rehab sighed. "If we could take those collars off at will, we would, but it's not as simple as that. The arrest of Armstrong and his guards has left this prison facility with so many legal complications that will take some time to legally sort out. You're allowed to have visitors, but you're not allowed to touch them. It's the rules. And as much as we hate it, we have to enforce them. I and all the guards here don't want you or anypony to ever get shocked."

Lawful Eye leaned towards the bars. "Abi. I can't touch you, but I'll come and visit you when I can, I promise. I have the courts to give you a retrial in three months time, so I'm going to get you out. You can be sure that Warden Rehab isn't anything like that monster, Armstrong. He really does care about you. So please, for both his and your own sakes, just follow the rules. Be brave, and wait patiently. You can trust him."

"You should listen to your friend," Warden Rehab said. "I give you my word, Abacus, that I and any of the guards here are never going to harm or abuse you."

Abacus began to stop shielding his face with his hooves, though he was still very fearful. Seeing this, Lawful Eye decided to say something he might be relieved to hear. "Oh, Abi. I have some other good news to tell you. The hospital sent Warden Rehab the results of your blood tests. The results says you're clear of any STD. That's really great news."

"Indeed." Warden Rehab stood up. "You are one very lucky pony."

"Like I said, Abi," Lawful Eye said. "I'll come and visit you once a week, since I'll be working on getting you released. And I'll even bring some of your favorite cookies, triple chocolate chip. You like those with a hot cup of cocoa." She turned to Warden Rehab. "That is if the warden will allow it."

Warden Rehab nodded. "As long as I have some too, that would be fine. I'm sure we can provide something like that." He looked at Abacus. "And we could also provide some books for you to read too if you'd like."

Lawful Eye smiled. "That's a really good idea. He really likes the Daring Do series."

"Ah, Daring Do. And I think the newest story has been released." Warden Rehab turned to Abacus. "Do you want us to bring you the latest Daring Do story for you to read, Abacus?"

Abacus sobbed quietly. "...Mother... I want my mother."

Warden Rehab turned to Lawful Eye, looking at each other with a look of conflict and concern for they both knew that Abacus's mother had sadly passed away seven months ago.

"I’m sorry Abi," Lawful Eye said. "But she can't come and visit you right now. She's... not feeling very well. She sends her love to you though.”

Lawful Eye and Warden Rehab watched on as Abacus continued to sob quietly in the corner, feeling a lump in each of their throats.


Back in the present...

Lawful Eye sighed sadly as she felt the same lump in her throat from recalling her first visit to see Abacus. "I couldn't bare to tell him the sad truth about his mother yet from all the pain he was already in."

"So you just basically lied about his mother's well-being to his face?" Spike asked.

Twilight elbowed Spike. "Spike! That wasn't nice."

Lawful Eye held up a hoof. "Twilight. It's fine. Abacus's time in prison caused psychological damage as much as it did physical. He showed very specific behaviors, the psychologist who examined him in his brief visit to hospital identified them. You probably seen them. Flinching and shying away from touch, depression, post-traumatic stress, social withdrawal, fear of dogs, fear of stallions, griffons, and minotaurs." She sighed. "And with his mild autism, it makes it all the more worse."

"That's so awful." Twilight said.

Spike spoke to Lawful Eye. "But after what he went through, who can blame him?"

"When any guard in the prison went into his cell to give him his meals, or even walk by to simply check on him, he would cower into the corners of his cell in absolute fear." Lawful Eye adjusted her glasses. "Despite all that, Warden Rehab was very gentle and patient with him. He would go into Abacus's cell on some days for coffee and cocoa just to simply chat. Though Abacus hardly ever talked, and was so scared and depressed, Rehab thought it could help him to know there was at least one pony inside he knew he could trust. It was what he did with some ponies at the psychiatric hospital that he was previously warden at."

Twilight's eyes were filled with amazement at what she had heard Lawful Eye had said. "Wow. He was a warden at a psychiatric hospital?"

Lawful Eye nodded. "Yes. It helped that he had experience in that type of field. Three months later, Abacus was due to stand for a retrial. The evidence was enough to have an almost instantaneous, acquittal "not guilty" verdict."


One week ago...

Abacus sat in a solitary stand in the court room of Equestria supreme court in Canterlot, guarded by two royal guards. His hooves were bound in chains, his steelectric collar had rope connected to it held by the mouth of one of the guards, and his head was down with hopeless sadness. Lawful Eye sat at a desk in the court room before the judge. He was a dark tangelo unicorn stallion with a thick short black mane with tight, small curls, and had a short black beard.

“Miss Lawful Eye," The judge said in a deep, raspy, African-American voice. "Do you have anything you wish to say before I deliver my final verdict?”

“Yes, your honor." Lawful Eye stood up from the desk. "Fillies and gentlecolts of the court. Mr Abacus Sum’s sentence and conviction was nothing more, nothing less than sickeningly unjust. Instead of help and support for his tragic loss, he was given punishment, and suffered all forms of abuse in prison by the guards and the inmates. This case just shows how the life of an innocent pony can be ruined by the stupidity and collective incompetent investigation skills of such investigative teams like from Canterlot. That is all, your honor.”

Lawful Eye sat back down at her desk in the court room. The judge sat there with his hooves together thinking, with the court all silent waiting for the judge to speak.

The judge sighed and looked up. “Miss Lawful Eye. Your little speech was words of truth. And I for one personally agree. Of all my years on the bench, I had never encountered a case of serious incompetent investigating, along with such sickening suffering one must have endured through such an ordeal. And with the evidence before me, I hereby find the prisoner, Abacus Sum, not guilty of all charges against him." He smacked the gavel with his magic.

The ponies in the court applauded at the judge's verdict. Lawful Eye smiled and shed a tear of joy that the case was over and that her dear friend, Abacus was going to be a free pony again. Abacus however showed no signs of joy, and he just sat there with his head down in the same very hopelessly depressed state.

"Order." The judge smacked the gavel a few times. "Order!"

The ponies in the court stopped, and remained quiet at the judge's order demand. The judge then turned to Abacus. "Mr Sum. Do you have anything you wish to say before the courts?”

Abacus said nothing. He just closed his eyes, and slowly shook his head as a sad tear escaped out of his eye, and ran down his horribly scarred cheek.

“I see." The judge sighed. "Mr Sum. Nopony can imagine the amount of hurt you suffered. Wrongfully convicted ponies commonly feel emotions ranging from anger and loss, to paranoia and betrayal. The long-term effects of many wrongfully convicted ponies can experience ongoing psychiatric dysfunction and have long-term difficulties reintegrating into society. And on the behalf of everypony, you have our humblest apologies. You will be given 120,000 bits in compensation. That's 60,000 for each year of your sentence. It won't fix everything for you, but it should be a start to help get you back on your feet. I would also suggest some psychological evaluation, testing, and perhaps treatment for you, Mr Sum. In the meantime, you will be sent back to Hoofstrong Prison Center, where you will be officially released, and walk out as a free pony tomorrow morning at 10 am. I wish you, Mr Sum all the best of luck for the future.” The judge then turned to face Lawful Eye, and the other ponies in the court room. “In addition, there will be a further compensation hearing on the nineteenth in three months time at 11 am. Court is adjourned."

The judge hit the gavel to end the court, and many ponies at the court who were sitting on the benches began to leave. The royal guard gently tugged on the rope attached to Abacus's steelectric collar.

"Alright, Abacus," The pegasus royal guard said through the rope in his mouth. "Come on, let's go."

Lawful Eye watched from her desk as Abacus got up from the stand at the guard's instructions, and began to follow the guards out the back door. His head remained down in that same very hopelessly depressed state.

The guards had nearly reached the door with Abacus when Lawful Eye got up from the desk and halted the guards. "Wait." She walked over towards them. "I just need one moment."

The unicorn guard standing behind looked at Abacus, then at the pegasus guard in front who nodded at him. He then looked back at Lawful Eye, and nodded permittedly. "Be quick, ma'am."

Lawful Eye turned to Abacus. "Abi. I'm so happy that this is all over now. I wish I could give you a hug, but I can't touch you." She noticed Abacus's eyes began welling up. "But don't worry, Abi. When I pick you up tomorrow, the first thing I'm going to do is give you the biggest, warmest hug you could ever ask for. That's a promise. I’ll hold on to your money for you. I’ll see you tomorrow, Abi.”

Lawful Eye nodded at the guards indicating she was done. The guards nodded back and continued leading Abacus to the door by the rope attached to his steelectric collar. The guard in front holding the rope attached to Abacus opened the door, then the two guards along with Abacus entered and closed the door behind them, leaving Lawful Eye alone in the court room.


Back in the present...

Lawful Eye looked up as she recalled the last time she had seen Abacus.

“The next morning, I went to the prison to go pick him up at 10:15 am. But when I got there, he was gone. Warden Rehab told me that he went running off because one of the royal guards of the prison mentioned about how is mother would be so happy to see him." Lawful Eye dropped her eyes. "But he shouted at him about how he knew all along about his mother's passing, because Armstrong sadistically tormented him about it."

Twilight's eyes widened. "So...you're say...?"

"Yes," Lawful Eye said. "I think that was the other reason why he ran away. Because he felt deceived, because he felt he had nothing left, because I didn't tell him the truth." She sighed deeply and closed her eyes sadly. "Oh Celestia, this is all my fault."

Twilight reached out and placed a consoling hoof on Lawful Eye's shoulder. "You were only doing what you thought was right. Don't blame yourself. You just wanted to let him down about his mother gently."

"Yeah," Spike said. "If there's anypony to blame, it's that monster, Armstrong. Besides, what you told him about his mother not being well enough to see him was actually sort of true, from a certain point of view."

Lawful Eye looked back up. "I guess you're right. After that, I went looking for him by putting a missing pony report. Over a week of searching, I was nowhere near to finding him. That was...until two nights ago.”

“Two nights ago?” Twilight asked. “What happened?”

Lawful Eye hesitated before speaking. “Well... It was because of a dream I had.”

Twilight tilted her head. “A dream?”

“I know it sounds crazy,” Lawful Eye said. “But a voice in this dream told me to come here to look for him. It’s the reason why I really came here.”

“Lawful Eye. Lawful Eye!”

“Who...who’s there?”

“Lawful Eye. Go to Ponyville. Abacus is in Ponyville.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“Go to Ponyville!”

As Lawful Eye recalled the very dream that made her come to Ponyville, she could see that Twilight and Spike were each giving her a funny, confused look.

Spike scratched his head. “So... you’re in Ponyville because some voice in a dream told you to come here?”

Twilight rubbed her chin. “What I want to know is who that voice was? And why you didn’t come here in the first place?”

“I don’t know whose voice it was,” Lawful Eye said. “I didn’t recognize it. As for why I didn’t search here in the first place: It was because I didn’t think he would want to return here, especially since the townsfolk would be distressed about it. The next day, I took the next train to Ponyville.”

Twilight rubbed her chin. “And that’s how you ended up here in Ponyville.”

Lawful Eye nodded. “That’s right.”

Spike began holding up two bowls of ice cream with a slice of apple pie. “Well...who’s up for dessert?”

“Oh, thanks, Spike,” Twilight said. "We should eat it before the ice cream gets too soft."

Spike began to hand out the bowls of apple pie and vanilla ice cream. When he handed Lawful Eye’s serving, he looked at her funny. Lawful Eye could see that there was something the little dragon wanted to say that was troubling him.

“Hey, uhh…Lawful Eye,” Spike said. “I wanted to apologize.”

Lawful Eye tilted her head. “For what, Spike?”

Spike twiddled his claws. "Well, for… you know. About some of the things I said. Like about you lying to Abacus's face, and all. I didn't mean to sound like a jerk."

"It's fine, Spike." Lawful Eye said.

Spike shifted his feet. “Also... What I said about Rarity being more beautiful than Tiger Lily earlier. I'm sorry I sounded very offensive or strange. It’s just… well... I sort of have a cru-”

Lawful Eye stopped Spike from explaining by putting a hoof over his mouth. Spike looked at Lawful Eye, who gave him an understanding smile. “It’s quite alright, Spike. You don’t need to explain. You have special feelings for Rarity. Right?”

Spike gently nodded before Lawful Eye moved her hoof away from his mouth.

“It’s okay to have feelings for somepony you love.” Lawful Eye sighed. “At least you’re brave enough to admit and show it. Unlike myself.”

Twilight and Spike were surprised to hear that. Spike more so than Twilight. “Huh? What do you mean? Do you have a crush on somepony?”

Twilight turned to Spike. “Spike! That’s none of your business.”

“No, Twilight,” Lawful Eye said. “It’s fine. Spike is right. I do have feelings for somepony. It’s… well… It's Abacus.”

Spike's eyes widened. “What? You have a crush on Abacus?”

Lawful Eye nodded. “Yes. I’ve always had feelings for him, ever since we were kids.”

“Well, that’s great,” Spike said. “Why don’t you tell him?”

“Because he’s still suffering from the loss of Tiger Lily." Lawful Eye sighed. "Besides, I’m afraid that if I tell him how I really feel about him, he won’t feel the same.”

Spike tilted his head. “How do you know he won’t?”

“I don’t know,” Lawful Eye said. “I’m just afraid he won’t. Perhaps I will tell him, but not until I feel that the time is right for me to. He needs a little time for his heart to heal. But for now, he needs help getting back into society.”

Twilight nodded. “You’re right. Helping Abacus must come first. I promise that my friends and I will do everything we can to help.”

Lawful Eye smiled. “Thank you, Twilight. And tomorrow, I should contact Warden Rehab to tell him that Abacus has been found. He'd want to know about this. Maybe he could help too."

"Sure," Twilight said. "And I'm going to contact the investigation force headquarters in Canterlot about the case with Abacus. I want to research as much as I can about this case."

Spike sat down at the table and began eating his bowl of apple pie and vanilla ice cream again. "Well, let’s get into our desserts.”

Twilight and Lawful Eye turned their attention to their desserts. They then began to levitate their spoons with their magic, scoop the first spoonful of ice cream and apple pie, and eat it. They ate their dessert, with both realizing that the task of helping Abacus started tomorrow.

Author's Note:

This is the second part of the forth chapter. The fifth chapter will be up sooner or later...I hope. I plan to make this story into parts for anyone wanting to do a dramatic reading of this. Sorry if I took so long in writing this part. Enjoy!

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