• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen May 17th

Pearple Prose

"A cheeky idiot tweedling around the moors." ~ Aragon || Avatar by Aragon and Mousse

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Showing Some Summer Sunset Shimmer Shipping Stories · 12:32am Sep 1st, 2017

So Oroboro has been doing a Sunset Shipping Contest, which I assume everyone is aware of given that this fucker's got like 40 submissions.

I haven't written anything for it, so sorry about that, but I have edited some really cool stories for a few folks, and I felt like giving them a bit of a signal boost.

TThe Girl Who Couldn't Change
Chrysalis knows the world is a simple place. There's people who have power, and people who don't. Sunset Shimmer is about to make things complicated.
R5h · 12k words  ·  259  9 · 4.7k views

So first off, a cool guy called R5h wrote a really neat story involving Chrysalis and superpowers and a whole bunch of delicious drama. The character interplay here is really quality stuff, super engaging, and the prose is delightful.

TOnce More Into The Night
On a cold winter's night, two ponies find themselves trapped in a kingdom of eternal summer.
Undome Tinwe · 7.9k words  ·  163  6 · 2.7k views

Undome Tinwe is a fucking delightful fellow, first off, and so is his story – Sunset/Luna shipping with some very rich prose and dialogue, and some really interesting character notes you rarely see tackled in stories like this. This story makes me really excited to see what else Undome will write in the future.

TLove Is In Doom
As the world ends, a group of teenagers covered in blood enter Sugarcube Corner. What follows is technically a love story.
Aragon · 11k words  ·  646  23 · 9.3k views

I'm sure everyone's already heard about/seen/read this, given that it's Aragon who wrote it, and I'm sure people have noticed how much I love this man. This story has a really interesting twist to the narrative and a really damn funny apocalyptic premise. I mean, it's an Aragon story; you know what to expect. The character insight is comedic and cutting and the writing is great. Give it a look-see.

Comments ( 7 )

Yooo! Thanks for the boost! And I can vouch for Undome's story being dang good as well. Haven't read Aragon's yet.

Thanks for the signal boost! And I can definitely confirm that R5h and Aragon both knocked it out of the park with the contest. Best of luck to them both.

I love this man.

Mr.Numbers beat you to him.


We have a bit of a triangular relationship going on if you sniff my drift

What about a pentagram?

I'm that aggressive, unattractive, and insane fangirl you see break into into the area screaming Aragon's name before getting carried away by security.

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