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December is supposed to be a fun month, right? · 9:51pm Dec 13th, 2017

Let's make this post an AMA. Because why not. Come at me.

anyway this is definitely supposed to be a fun season, and that means I'll need to start getting some fun stuff done now that my life has settled a little. Last month, on this day, I told you guys a bunch of the stuff I've been planning. Well, now I have a better idea of how all those plans are doing. Let's take a look at that dumb little list I made last month of my things to do, and see what the progress is....

-A new Berry Punch story (it's long overdue, but about half done)
Wishing You Were Somehow Here was a pretty damn big hit, thanks to you all.
-LOTS more Shitfaced Shitfics (I even have a few recorded, I just don't have time or mental power to edit and upload them)
I have some recorded, and even one edited. I expect to have it up next wednesday. I'll also hopefully be taping some more this weekend or Monday.
I've done one or two. I'm planning on another christmas one in the coming weeks.
-A super secret colab which will have to wait a LONG time at this rate
Yeah this is pretty much on hold for a while...
-A Tracy Cage ASMR
Believe it or not, I've actually started this! It's only like 500 words, but still. Hoping to make the reading about a half hour long because why not try to stop me.
-More How Not To Cook Like A Fucktard
Probably next weekend? I have photos and a recipe in mind, just gotta write it up.
-Some art I owe some folks
HAH nope...
-"Nomu ai no Barcast" (some of you know what I mean by this)
Someday.... There's a little work on it already, it has a skeleton outline
-Another Screaming Closet where I play a horror visual novel for everyone
Priest and I have discussed this and have some games in mind. If you have one you'd like to see, though, tell me! I am open to suggestions.
-Posting more stories in the AiE thread (and maybe FR if they're nice to me)
Been doing this mostly. Still really should do something for flutterrape...
-Another contest, for horror stories (I already have the prizes)
This is planned, but not for a few months.
-Whatever silly oneshot tickles my pickle at the time
Yeah, I did one of those too.

In the meantime, I'm working on big projects outside of pony too. Great job experiences, various successes, even a little fiction here and there (GOOD GOD I need to do more of that, I'm gonna get rusty). And... life should be pretty good.
I've still felt pretty down as of late. Which sucks. Like a lot. I've been tempted to vent it into my writing, but given work obligations and promises, I haven't had time. The next berry punch story is planned, but no ETA for that. Cons are in the future for me too, and I need to plan cosplays. I'm... trying to stay upbeat. I really am. I don't have too much of a reason to feel down, I'm doing pretty okay. My friends are doing better too, which helps. Everything is... better. So I'm sure I'll feel better soon too.

So... fa-la-la-la-la or something like that. It's fun happy giving party season time. Right? So, ask me anything. I don't really care what. Tell me what you're looking forward to, what you're not. Tell me how your season is. Vent about how you want to fistfight that jolly old bastard santa if he fucks up your chimney again.
And expect some new horse words in the coming week or so.


Comments ( 26 )

You're not the only one feeling worn down.

Erm... Seeing as it's an AMA... How about "year end" questions? Early-ish, but...

1. Have you anything over the last year that you've been proud of?
2. Same, but with regrets instead?

~Skeeter The Lurker

No ragrets.
Eh, honestly, the only regret I have is that I have not had eggnog yet this year. Not once. It's... frustrating, considering my affinity for it. Generally I try to steer clear of regret though. I can feel sorrow, but it's not the same thing. 😉

Things I'm proud of? Well, irl I've done some things that are pretty awesome, but in pony land? Probably I Am Sick. It's one of the more... gritty things I've written for this place, and it says what I wanted it to say.

I found a shirt that says "I watch it for Spike", what's size do you want?

Get it in size xxxxxxxxs
for your dick.

Mmm, this month's been kinda eh so far for me... the whole year has actually, but I'm keeping my chin up, hope everyone else is as well. Shitty as things get, no sense in flopping over, just gotta keep on trudging through the mud :pinkiecrazy:

1. Aside from cons, any epic plans for 2018 come to mind?
2. Any writing advice you can pass on to a weary soul?
3. Ya know, this place is a couple of cubes... a pair a dice :pinkiecrazy:

Well, 2018 should hopefully be a fun year for me. Paying down medical debt, working on editing fiction, cooking up a storm, creating things pretty much every day. I'm at a point where, between pony, personal stuff, and work, I write about 4-10k words per day. It's not a bad way to be.
Writing advice... hmmm... well, there's something fun I like to do. Look up the daily word counts of other well known published authors. Some are going to be very high, some are low. When you're feeling bad about only writing two thousand words, or even just five hundred, look at those. Chances are, you've written more in that day than many famous writers. Keeps my spirits up anyway, when I'm feeling tired.
Also, dear god that's bad. You should be ashamed.

Can I have a hug?

Ooo, really? That's pretty good to hear :yay: I'm also hopeful for a good year. Getting stuff done, hopefully moving out and getting a new comp... hopefully, hehe. And I got big con plans myself actually, hopefully heading to Trotcon and BC, maybe I'll see you and the gang there :heart:
That's also really good advice. Lawd knows I need something to keep my spirits up, I feel tired 24/7, I think it's cause I don't have enough good shit in my diet.
:pinkiecrazy: I really should, but I don't~

What do you think if someone inspired by Papers, Please made a similar game Penis, Please?

Maybe. Depends on if I saved first.

I say do it. I did a little take on papers, please in lwtsiw. I would honestly like to see more done with it, and that title is clickbait as fuck. :) aaaalll the reads.

Have you ever thought about accepting editing commissions on fimfic? I always try to keep my eyes open for potential proofreaders that I feel are qualified enough to hire.

Honestly? I don't have the time or brain space. Writing for fimfic for me is for fun, and writing/editing is also what I do for a living. Editing here is something I do only when I have enough mind energy to not burn myself out. Never as an obligation. Doing it for pay would be... lucrative, I suppose, but in the end it would take away from the catharsis I get from this place.

be happy, be good = good

What’s your favorite color?

What’s your favorite fruit?

When did you have a moment, when you were about to experience extreme physical pain, but you had enough mental time to adknowledge it’s going to look really funny to someone watching?

I got a couple for ya fam

1) what are your thoughts on today's society and its obsession with social media outlets?

2) What are your thoughts on steak tar tar?

3) What kind of music do you like?

4) how are the sharks doing in their games lately?

5) I wanna make a small dinner. something special for two. simple to make and maybe show off some cooking skills. What would you recommend?

Favorite color is teal.
Favorite fruit is either asian pear or mango.
That happens OFTEN. I play hockey and I hit that slow motion "Awwww shit I'm airborne, I'm definitely going to get hurt, huh, wonder how far I'm flying and how much I look like a ragdoll?" First time I can remember though? Probably when I was in kindergarten. I tripped and on the way down I realized that I was going to skin my knee. But I remember feel so dumb for doing it, I was more embarrassed as to how others might see me in the way I fell.

Nice~ Any human being capable of doing that in the moment is a sign of a good person in my book.

1. You know, I'd love to complain and say that social media is satan buuuuuut.... it actually keeps me in a job... so.... Also, I'd say it offers a freer flow of information, which can be both incredibly good and incredibly bad. We just have to make sure the content we produce and share is both factual and valuable. ;)
2. I love it, I make it. Carne Apache is one of my fav things when I'm low on iron.
3. For music, I'm pretty eclectic. Electronica, Rock, Oldies, Swing, Classical, Opera... pretty much anything but most country and most hip hop. Oh, and no dubstep. Never. Any. Dubstep.
4. Sharks are hit and miss. One of their usual stars is really floundering this season, but he's on the rebound now I think. Tomorrow'd game will show if they're on the rise or if it's just a fluke that we've had wins recently. Fun must be always!
5. Genuinely, if you're skittish in the kitchen, it's hard to skip on pasta. Make the sauce yourself for an extra touch, and do a side of steamed veggies with garlic and parmesan. Classic, looks nice, tastes nice. If you're more adventurous, however, might I recommend finding out their FAVORITE food to eat at a restaurant and make it yourself. And, imho, you can never go wrong with doing a really good steak and hand-mashed parmesan potatoes. A good marinade and dry rub after, done rare (or medium rare if you're a wuss BUT NEVER WELL DONE), is hard to beat.

How about something light hearted!

What is the worst culinary crime you've known me to to commit? Provide details. It may or may not be narrated.

The pizza on your birthday. Is this enough sauce? Is THIS enough sauce?! GOOD GOD MAN FOR FUCK'S SAKE SPREAD THE SAUCE ALL OVER IT! W-what are you doing with that pepperoni?! NO THAT'S NOT HOW YOU DO IT, IT WILL GET SOGGY!!!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! STOP! STOPPPPPPPP!!!!!
I... yelled at you on your birthday. About pizza. I'm only, maybe 30% sorry.
I can give more detail another, more sober time.

Come at me.

Yeah, because that's just as fun... :ajbemused:

What do you want for Jinglemas?

Peace on earth or something...
Naaaah realistically, food or less medical debt.

4748555 Like, what kind of food? Do you want me to FedEx you some Twinkies?

Bruh I do not need that winter weight.
But god I love those horrible artificial fat cakes...

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