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Announcing: Fallout Equestria: Murky Number Seven…the Printed Edition · 10:34am Sep 29th, 2018

Many have asked for it, many have tried to weasel information out of me as to why I spent 5 months reediting the story but never actually released said edits…well now I can finally talk about why.

In cooperation with the cool dudes over at Absolutely Everything, MN7 is going to be printed in physical form, within a single book, for anybody who wishes to own this story on their bookshelf.

It will features the complete, unabridged and re-edited story, printed as a high quality leather bound tome with lightweight paper, silvered edges, and a silk bookmark. There may also be future announcements about its internal content to come.

What do I mean by re-edited?

Over 5 months, myself and the editing team at AE went through and fixed hundreds of typos, badly written paragraphs, weak descriptions, and grammar that really needed improving. We removed thousands of ellipses from my early obsession with them. There were also reworks to some scenes and tones here and there. Nothing significant, but some early scenes that previously were very poor or not fitting the rest of the story’s core themes are now much more impactful and tell us something about the characters. I will go into further detail about this in a future post. But don’t take it out of context, this is editing changes, not a re-write.

Upon the book’s release, these corrections and changes will be carried forward into the standard online edition, so don’t worry, I’m not splitting the content or holding it behind a paywall. However there may be a delay, owing to FimFic’s upload being troublesome with format. I’ll keep you all posted.

I am beyond excited about this. To be able to hold it in my hands will be an astounding feeling, and I hope that those who decide to go for it feel the same.

Here’s the writeup from the guys over at AE:

Each book will be about $69.99 USD, with free shipping to the US. Shipping to Canada will be +$30 USD, International will be +$35-45 USD. The final cost will likely change by a few dollars depending on how many people actually sign up. As long as you save up a little more than our estimates, you will be more than fine. For more information, check out the website:


So without further ado, the signup form: https://goo.gl/oNNSFA

If you have any questions about the project, you should check out the website which goes into a bit more detail, or feel free to send us an email at FoEPrintProject@gmail.com.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go back to freaking out.

Comments ( 21 )

within a single book

Bit of a typo there, I believe you meant “a deadly weapon masquerading as a book” or perhaps “a block of lead masquerading as a book”.

Based on other tomes of this length I’d say it’s about 1,600–1,700 pages, but do you have a more concrete idea on what the final page count is going to be?

In book format, no. But further details will be emerging as to the internal format in the near future. I was as surprised as you when it being one book became a thing in their planning.

Sadly I can't afford this at the moment, how long do I have to buy this?

I'd contact AE for that, in the links above.

It's worth noting this is a non-profit venture. I don't see a penny from this. Neither do AE. This is just trying to cover baseline manufacturing.

This little beauty, which to my shame perpetually lives in the "I should get back to that" corner of my mind, became my preferred companion about two years ago when I needed to escape from people around me. It taught me to appreciate the little gems of opportunity in life whenever and wherever I find them. It taught me to see beauty where others would see brokenness, or worse, blandness. And though this might seem like the worst kind of Schadenfreude, it taught me that my situation could be so much worse, and I am grateful for that lesson. When I am able, I'll support the project.

Only one question: what do you intend to do if there are surplus funds after subtracting manufacturing costs?

The prices can be adjusted down to account for surplus. If more people want it than is required, then the prices will be lowered on the books for those ordering, I believe. AE has the process down pretty well by now. :)

And thank you for the kind words, that the absolute core of MN7.

Do you guys have a cover design yet? Knowing that it's printed on the same material as the third FoE printing, you could certainly go for a beautiful design like that one had.

So, $130 Canadian...

Shit. I can't really justify that purchase.

Oh well. Anyway, congratulations!! :pinkiehappy: :heart: Happy to finally see this happen!

And now it is time to start waiting at the mailbox. :rainbowdetermined2:

Ooh, congratulations on the print, Fuzzy! $130 CDN is a bit too much for me, unfortunately, but I hope it goes well!

i would love to but at the moment i cant even afford my phone bill

There is a cover design being worked on. I've seen its previews, and am direly hoping it's the one that goes in it. Not certain if I can say who yet, but I think you'll be very happy with the choice, given your post.

Thank you all dearly! I am aware how it comes to, it's the reality of "fanprinting"; especially for a story that is more of a whole series in scale. But at the very least it means a lot to know it got here at all.

nice but i can't afford it, and shipping to chile is a nightmare here i'm hoping it goes well and best luck

The book will have 2600+ pages. Which is about 1000 more than the 3rd edition printing of Fallout: Equestria

Signups are open for about two weeks. Once we know how many people are signed up, we'll crunch numbers and email out invoices where you can pay online. So you have a bit of time before needing to pay.

I'm spending couple grand on a trip so I need to get a lot more money back before I spend $30+ on a wanted item, so let's hope I can crank that money in 2 weeks.

$105–115 USD ≈

  • £80–88 GBP
  • €90–99 EUR
  • $145–160 AUD
  • $160–175 NZD


2,600⁉ Either the pages are smaller or the text is larger than what I was using to estimate.

How you going to fit that many pages in a book? Lol

Anyway did the signup and forgot to put my nickname in GG

Yay!!! My favorite is finally in print!!!

I don't need this I don't need this

*Fills out form and hits submit*

Years after reading this book I can still see probably thousands of its scenes in my mind due to the intense emotion I felt while reading Murky Number Seven.

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