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A fellow Brony, Bluthy (Don Bluth Fan), Dinosaur lover, G-Fan, and an animation student. I worked on fan fiction in Deviantart, and would like to submit them, revised, to you.

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Godzilla: King of the Monsters Trailer 2 · 7:24pm Dec 10th, 2018

It's a short trailer, but it does reveals a lot more monster action, including Rodan's aerial fight, plus we get a couple new monsters that we didn't much info on (NDA and all that). But the fact that at the end, The G Man and The King of Terror don't lumber; they run at each other. And from what I see, Godzilla and Ghidorah might fight each other more than once. This is definitely a more energetic film from what we got.

While people were showing these earlier on, I decided to wait until the second trailer came out. And now it's time to share my opinion on these designs. Godzilla's design change was always foreshadowed in the press, with the answer being "Well Godzilla is evolution in the flesh." And it's kinda shown in the cave paintings and now we better see it in person. Change I definitely notice is the dorsal fins and the feet; the former are longer and better resemble the classical maple leaf shape. His toes are longer with jagged claws. Overall, he's been slimmed down quite a bit, but doesn't stray too far from the first film.

Would it be all right if I referred to him as Fire Rodan? Because of his red colors and his association with fire is giving me this vibe. The second trailer indicates he'd walk on all fours (at least when walking out of the volcano). I'm kinda in a mixed bag regarding his role; Is he an enemy, or would he be the third monster needed to fight Ghidorah? Personally, I hope he's the latter; though an aerial dogfight with him and Mothra would be pretty awesome.

Mothra's imago design, I'm not quite keen on. She resembles a Hokmuto with butterfly wings, but at the same time the resemblance to a butterfly is probably a result of convergent evolution. Though portrayed here in here true colors, in the film, it looks like she'll be blue much of the time (bioluminescence perhaps).

Now for the King of Terror himself. It's just absolutely stunning to see him worked in the Monsterverse. My only gripe is that the legs are downright puny, and he still stands on two legs. Proportionally, Godzilla still reaches up to his withers and I'd love to see how it plays when they fight up close. I also find a unique nod to how even Toho Officials depict Ghidorah's tails; the quills at the ends are retractable.

Predictions? This is perhaps the Godzilla Film for an American Audience. Would it top the Avengers Movie beforehand? It'd be close, but with Infinity Wars setting such a high bar and the new movie being more of an epilogue, I'd imagine the two would be just neck and neck.

Regarding Plot, here's my thought.

1) We'd probably open up with a burning San Francisco, the sounds of Godzilla fighting the MUTO's echo the streets before we reach the conference about the beasts ("You expect us to adopt Godzilla as a pet?")

2) After some tranquil times, the monsters become loose and create havoc throughout the world.

3) Godzilla would arrive and fight Ghidorah once, get his ass handed to him, and rendered unconscious in the temple smothered with lava (one shot of him in broad daylight, I notice some kind of wound on his head).

4) While most of the forces deal with the other MUTO's, a percentage of said force alongside Godzilla, Mothra, and hopefully Rodan go to where Ghidorah comes to call (I'm betting it's somewhere along the Gulf of Mexico; The buildings appear smaller than Godzilla, and Rodan was seen in Washington D.C. before being lead along the East Coast to perhaps... Florida?).

5) Human help might just be the key as well; An animal can numerous stresses, but we are perhaps one too many (why else was is said we wiped out a majority of our large land mammals)?

Edit: With Six Chapters left, one each month, I'm gonna let my Swan Song play out as planned. One thing's clear, the film is clearly different from the story.

Comments ( 1 )

:pinkiehappy: Can't wait to see this movie!

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