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AJ Aficionado

The Guy who wrote "Dibs on My Sister". Prereader for Firesight, writer of erotic fanfiction and lover of Eeveelutions.

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A very short blog on G5 MLP (very minor spoilers) · 3:41am Apr 5th, 2019

I went ahead and looked at the leaked artwork and read the Equestria Daily article about what we know so far. People who want to be spoiled can go ahead and google it for themselves —not hard to find the info.

In short, I think what they've got has promise under the bonnet, which is what they call the hood of a car in the United Kingdom. Using the logic of MMORPG/Fantasy class balancing they want to make the pony races more defined by their magic, particularly earth ponies who most see as being defined by a lack of horn and wings. The art incorporates concepts developed by diligent bronies who have given the girlie kiddie show a more gritty and earthy feel and by accounts the writing will be much the same. Hasbro has assembled a huge fanbase made up of adults and wants a seat at the table for them. As a guy who's done some fanfiction and world development, this gets a thumbs up from me.

Standing back and just looking at the paint job and body design however leaves me with huge misgivings about this entire venture, even if all this is subject to change. It looks like the writers want to have it both ways and re-use the mane six all the while rebooting the world around them and yet the cast won't have the same voice actresses or even all be the same race. Why not just reboot them too if you're going to change the universe around them? Hasbro has put themselves in a tough place of having to overcome the uncanny valley in both the visual and character sense. Kinda feels like they're handicapping themselves right from the get-go, doesn't it?

And what is this about Applejack being a black person? I'm sorry, I mean city pony with an ebonic accent because we can't just say "black person" even though that is what that means to everyone who hasn't graduated from double-think university. This really goes back to that whole point on just rebooting all six characters. Why does this "ebonics" speaking earth pony have to be a character that already exists in Gen 4? If you want a pony that speaks ebonics, make a brand-new earth pony character that speaks with ebonics!

Also, is it just me or is the fact they're taking the whitest character on the show and making her the hip-hop pony kind of a spit in the face to white people? You don't have to look very far to see diversity mandated characters being shoved into every single new piece of media being produced these days. Yes, we are going extinct. Yes, we are being demographically replaced. Do I really need my cartoon horse show to laugh in my face about that fact? And if you are sincere about making a show with actual diversity representing all the different races of the fictional universe you're creating, how about... I dunno... make one of the mane six a bat pony or something? A griffin? Why the hell do we need this anti-white racist garbage instead?

To sum it up, I have very little hope for Generation 5 unless they stop using it to push globalism and the white genocide glorification narrative which has made almost all of television completely unwatchable. No thanks, Hasbro.

(sigh) World of Warcraft Classic can't come soon enough. I am so sick and tired of seeing everything I know and love get massacred before my eyes.

I'm on vacation next week. I'll try to get another chapter of Movie Night out. I want to finish that story before I do anything else.

Comments ( 4 )

Why not just reboot them too if you're going to change the universe around them?

Merchandising. They know the Mane Six sell. Plus, a dash of Star Wars' "we must burn the old franchise to the ground so nobody can compare this crap to it anymore."

And what is this about Applejack being a black person?

Two reasons: a) "woke" signalling, the old cast was too white; b) they explicitly didn't want any representation of American country-style people for reasons which boiled down to "because she'd have voted for Trump, and we can't be encouraging young girls to do that!"

Also, is it just me or is the fact they're taking the whitest character on the show and making her the hip-hop pony kind of a spit in the face to white people?

Oh, wait, you already answered the previous bit yourself. (I've been responding as I read through.) Yes, this was intentional.

Do I really need my cartoon horse show to laugh in my face about that fact?

Have you seen the Twitter accounts from the people running the show? As far as they're concerned, yes. Yes you do need the cartoon horse show to laugh in your face. The entire world needs to laugh in your face, all day, every day.

Why the hell do we need this anti-white racist garbage instead?

Otherwise, more white people will do a New Zealand. Mocking and censoring them will prevent that. Anyone who Did The Banned Thing knows that's backwards, but the people running G5 are good boys and girls, so they didn't Do The Banned Thing.

I have very little hope for Generation 5 unless they stop using it to push globalism and the white genocide glorification narrative which has made almost all of television completely unwatchable.

The entire Western world's governments and media (to the extent that we pretend these are separate) are doubling down on this. It'll get much worse before it gets better, and those of us who were raised to believe that "everyone is the same" and are now being told "everyone else is better" are starting to ask some very uncomfortable questions. (And to the people "trying to start a conversation:" no, we aren't arriving at the answers you wanted.)

At least we still have a good world to play around in. Praise all the good fanfiction :pinkiecrazy:

Oh well, I had hopes for the G5 take on MLP but it sounds like it's all going the PC way. I should have seen this heading my way; concept art looked interesting. I have no idea of what 'Did the Banned Thing' is; should I? Part of me is curious to see and at the same time a part of me never wants to know. That's in part because I haven't seen all the back catalog of episodes and having the show lurch into a new version would throw me off.

I understand the corporate side of rebooting the Mane Six instead of starting from scratch. There is only so much time any piece of media has to make back the money which is invested in its production.

I haven't looked at the Twitter accounts of the people who make the show because I'm certain they are living cancer who hate their own fans for being over 90% white. Once upon a time though MLP was cagey enough not fall into the trap of overtly streaming hot piss over their own audience. Alas, it is the Current Year™ and only the most egregious and overt acts of virtue signaling will get you upcummies and good karma from the soy latte, zero children, cuckshed dwelling, urbanite abominations. Feels bad man.

As an aside, if I were going to make any of the Mane Six black it would be Pinkie Pie. Missed opportunity to signal and be kinda creative about it, to be honest.

5047376 I'm not sure what did the banned thing is. I got as far as the EQD article and just stopped. If they ruin Applejack then I'm just not going to watch. I am not pathetic enough to let my cartoon horse show spit in my face for being born a certain way. Screw these people.

Oh and thanks for the follow. I may have some rather big news being posted on my blog in a day or so...

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