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Give Me Six Characters To Make Fanfiction Of! · 4:04am May 3rd, 2020

Give Me Six Characters To Make Fanart Fanfiction Of!

It seems like drawing six characters is a thing right now, but my creativity is better spent on writing than drawing. There's a small chance I could draw characters to the point they'd be recognizable, but I wouldn't even guarantee that.

So instead, I'm taking this up as a writing challenge.

Since this is a MLP fanfiction site, I'm limiting options to MLP characters. However, if you want to see G1 or G3 characters (or even Potion Nova from Pony Life), that's certainly doable. Likewise, toy (Snowctacher, Flitterheart, etc.) and official comic characters (Swiftfoot, Radiant Hope, etc.) are also allowed. Dragons, griffins, yaks? Let me check with Mills Lane.** Any character, any generation, any continuity. No OCs, not even mine.

Post a reply with the pony* you'd most like to see in a fic, and (assuming I receive more than six responses), a week from now I'll make another blog post with all the suggested candidates and open it up to voting.

As for the content of the story, that's up to me. But it'll be determined by the characters you choose (all six chosen characters will be in one story). One of the things I love about this franchise is the sheer volume of characters there are to work with. Yeah, there's a pony for that.

*One suggestion per person.

**"I'll allow it."

Comments ( 21 )

Starlight Glimmer

One of the Mane 6 would be an easy choice, but since it's probable that other commenters have them covered, I'll suggest a minor character who I happen to have been writing a chapter for: Lola the sloth!

Scootaloo (Cheerilee's sister in the previous canon)
Cherry Blossom (IDW comic, Cheerilee's twin sister)
Berry Punch (Cheerilee's fanon sister)
Big Mac (do I need to say what I think of the canon's arbitrary paring with Sugar Belle?)
Ruby Pinch (Cheerilee's fanon niece)


I've seen a few retired-force-of-apocalyptic-destruction stories here and there, and I've found that I really enjoy reading about a cussed old grumpy goat who could technically level the continent if he wasn't quite certain that it's too much bother.

Dan #6 · May 3rd, 2020 · · ·

Button Mash
Sunshine Smiles and Frolicsome Meadowlark (Luna's batponies in Luna Eclipsed)
Maybe Tiberius the possum.

edit, if you insist on one per person, I'd have to say Moondancer. Even more than Pre-Princess Twilight, she reminds me of myself. The girl really needs some nerdy, introverted, borderline-hikikomori love.

Silver Glow
Twilight Sparkle

As Roxy said, blame Admiral Biscuit. :P

And if indeed one pony, I too vote Silver Glow.

Cozy Glow
Steven Magnet
Generation 3.5 Scootaloo

That should be evil enough.


No link needed, G3's my favorite generation. :pinkiehappy: My screen name comes from Rainbow Dash always dresses in style...

I'm seeing some great suggestions! But please remember, only one pick per person - I'll be selecting one from your list unless you specified a top pick (so if your first choice isn't the one listed below, please advise!).

Right now that's:

Starlight Glimmer (LegallyFluffy)
Lola the sloth (Powderjaggy)
Cheerilee (Alex Warlorn; since I'm noticing a theme with your choices)
Grogar (Venerable Ro)
Silver Glow (Roxylalolcat)
Moondancer (Dan)
Aquamarine (Snowliasion; since first pick Silver Glow's already on the list)
Cozy Glow (rip4thwall)
Flare de Mare (Fome)
Steela Oresdottir (Admiral Biscuit)

Keep the suggestions coming - we'll vote next week. :heart:


To clarify:



Just want to make sure you mean this pony and not the Wonderbolts costume designer Rarity mentioned.

That's the one. I'm sure the costume designer's life would be interesting, but there's not much material there to build on. (Unless you wanted to run with "Pulse Wave"'s comment and make them the same; but that seems a stretch.)

Technically Echo and Nocturn according to canon.



Did Lauren or Big Jim say that in a tweet somewhere?

Man, Steela Oresdottir is the first that comes to mind, but I don’t know if she’d play well with others.

>ponies clapping instead of stomping


Well, I did call this a writing challenge, and you've brought the challenge. Besides, the fun is in the characters not playing well with each other. :raritywink: Of course, there's still a round of voting to go through, but with only ten nominations to date and six open positions, I think it's safe to say she's likely in.


>ponies clapping instead of stomping

I presume that’s why she’s waving her spear around and calling them ‘pretty prancing pegasi.’


Well, I did call this a writing challenge, and you've brought the challenge. Besides, the fun is in the characters not playing well with each other.


5255288 5255325 5255323
Reconsidering my nomination. I didn't realize that the six characters were all going into one fic; and I'm not fond of "defictionalizing" characters.

If I can still change it: Mooncurve the Cunning (and/or Mulleted). The book didn't make much sense (Daring agrees to keep the Counsel secret, then writes a book all about them?); but it was published, so we might as well do something with it.


First of all, apologies for not clarifying that. I've reread it, and it's not clear at all. But yes, the idea is all six characters would be used in one story.

You may definitely change your answer, though I hadn't actually intended on defictionalizing her if she won. I really don't have plans, yet, but that hasn't stopped my brain from imagining scenarios with the various characters suggested. My plan had been one of the characters would be a fan, quoting her comics, etc. My other thought had been going Power Ponies style and jumping into the comic with the various characters playing the roles of the comic characters.

And I haven't read any of the Daring Do books (could never find them!). Now that Borders and Waldenbooks are gone, where does one* go book shopping these days? As such, my only point of reference for Mooncurve is this: https://derpibooru.org/images/501611 You can definitely change to him, but you're (unfortunately) going to have to spoon feed me some info on him. I just need the basics and I can go from there.

*Specifically, one who doesn't purchase things online. Amazon and the like are out.

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